Top 15 Education Apps Like EINSTEIN - Learnbox - Best Alternatives

EINSTEIN - Learnbox Alternatives

Do you want to find the best EINSTEIN - Learnbox alternatives for iOS? We have listed 15 Education apps that are similar to EINSTEIN - Learnbox. Pick one from this list to be your new EINSTEIN - Learnbox app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to EINSTEIN - Learnbox on your iOS devices.

Top 15 Apps Like EINSTEIN - Learnbox - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid EINSTEIN - Learnbox alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 15 similar apps like EINSTEIN - Learnbox 2025.

Human Heroes Einstein On Time

Human Heroes Einstein On Time

No ads No in-app purchases No subscription or sign up required No internet or wifi connectivity required: works completely offline Play with history’s greatest minds! This app brings back to life the most iconic figure in the history of science: Albert Einstein! Through a collection...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Human Heroes Ltd
einstein World

einstein World

Activities in biology, chemistry, physics, earth science and more can be found in the einstein™ Activity Store: To log into einstein™World you must have a user name and password. Sign up directly from the app. ALBERT EINSTEIN and EINSTEIN...

Price: Free Developer: Fourier Education
Einstein Brain Atlas

Einstein Brain Atlas

The NMHMC Harvey Collection of Einstein's brain : Neuroscientists, researchers, educators and the general public now have access to Albert Einstein’s brain via this new iPad app that will allow its users to examine the Nobel Prize-winning physicist’s...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: National Museum of Health + Medicine Chicago
Colégio Einstein

Colégio Einstein

Colégio Einstein é um aplicativo desenvolvido para facilitar a comunicação entre as escolas e os pais de alunos. Toda escola tem dificuldade de se comunicar com os pais. Através do aplicativo essa comunicação fica mais efetiva e...

Price: Free Developer: Konnectt


NEF2016 est une application mobile qui vous permet d'avoir toutes les informations relatives au Next Einstein Forum prévu du 08 au 10 Mars 2016 au Centre International de Conférence de Diamniadio (Dakar/Sénégal). L'application décline tout le programme du forum international...

Price: Free Developer: People Input
einstein Junior

einstein Junior

Fun games from science education experts that use sensors to REALLY understand the world. Find your inner scientist and explore your world using einsteinJunior and your einstein™LabMate. Investigate your surroundings freely or go on exiting quests to learn about...

Price: Free Developer: Fourier Education
Colégio Objetivo Einstein

Colégio Objetivo Einstein

"O Objetivo Einstein agora tem seu próprio aplicativo. Com ele nossos alunos e responsáveis terão acesso a informações acadêmicas via smartphone. Responsáveis e alunos acompanharão notas, faltas, conteúdo de provas, notícias, receberão push de notificações para ocorrências, lançamentos de notas e...

Price: Free Developer: Sapiencia Consultoria Educacional e Empresarial LTDA-ME
App Colégio Einstein

App Colégio Einstein

Aplicativo Oficial do Colégio Einstein! Acesse todas as informações do colégio através deste aplicativo. Através deste aplicativo é possível que pais e responsáveis possam: - Receber os comunicados dos alunos, assim como as notícias do dia-a-dia. - Entrar em contato com o colégio. -...

Price: Free Developer: Teuassuri Cardoso
Colegio Albert Einstein

Colegio Albert Einstein

Aplicación escolar del Colegio Albert Einstein, para recibir información como mensajes de pagos, tareas, circulares , seguimientos académicos , calificaciones graficadas y más.

Price: Free Developer: Airefon Movil S. DE R.L. DE C.V.
Colégio Albert Einstein App

Colégio Albert Einstein App

Aplicativo Oficial do Colégio Albert Einstein! Acesse todas as informações da colégio através deste aplicativo. Através deste aplicativo é possível que pais e responsáveis possam: - Receber os comunicados dos alunos, assim como as notícias do dia-a-dia. - Entrar em contato com o...

Price: Free Developer: Teuassuri Cardoso
Learnbox - cards & vocabulary

Learnbox - cards & vocabulary

Learnbox is THE perfect learning App: creative, individual and based on a scientifically proven system. That‘s why it's a MUST HAVE for every student or anyone who wants to improve their memory. • Flash cards representing facts, figures or any...

Price: Free Developer: Max Hartwig


Aplicación de acceso a información del Sistema de Gestión Académica Learnbox.

Price: Free Developer: Rutatec Cia. Ltda.


Aplicación de acceso a información del sistema de gestión académica Learnbox.

Price: Free Developer: Rutatec Cia. Ltda.


Aplicación de acceso a información del Sistema de gestión Académica Learnbox.

Price: Free Developer: Rutatec Cia. Ltda.

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