Top 10 Business Apps Like QRating Serbia - Best Alternatives

QRating Serbia Alternatives

Do you want to find the best QRating Serbia alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Business apps that are similar to QRating Serbia. Pick one from this list to be your new QRating Serbia app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to QRating Serbia on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like QRating Serbia - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid QRating Serbia alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like QRating Serbia 2025.

Kreston MDM Biznis Info

Kreston MDM Biznis Info

Provide yourself and your team with timely news and obtain important information from various areas of audit, accounting and tax in order to be informed about legal changes and practices in Serbia. Application covers: - Tax and accounting news - read...

Price: Free Developer: Kreston MDM
DSWB 2019

DSWB 2019

On April 4-5, 2019, Serbia will be hosting the second Western Balkans Digital Summit (#DSWB) in Belgrade, at the Palace of Serbia. The Summit will bring together representatives of governments, businesses, regional organizations, CSOs, academic community and the youth,...

Price: Free Developer: digital worx GmbH
Societe Generale Srbija

Societe Generale Srbija

Pronađite najbližu ekspozituru i bankomat: Societe Generale Srbija aplikacija za iPhone vam omogućava da vidite lokaciju naših ekspozitura i bankomata u vašoj blizini. Pogledajte ih na mapi ili pronađite najbrži put do njih uz samo par klikova. Beležnica troškova:...

Price: Free Developer: Tehnicom Computers


Summit100 Business Leaders of SEE is an unique business initiative that gathers 100 most eminent business leaders (by invitation) from the region of South East Europe, including Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania, with...

Price: Free Developer: digital worx GmbH
KeKu International Calling App

KeKu International Calling App

International calls and SMS app. Affordable international calls. Per-minute (pay-as-you-go) and monthly plans (you get a discount for a certain destination). Call abroad and domestically using the KeKu calling app. Save money on calls and SMS. Use KeKu as a call recorder....

Price: Free Developer: Keku, LLC


Uz mBankar ProCredit banke vršite uplate i prenos sredstava, upravljajte svojim karticama i štednjom, konvertujte valute. Vaša banka na Vašem iOS uređaju. ProCredit banka je među prvim bankama u Srbiji koje su svoju ponudu obogatile novom aplikacijom mBankar, sada...

Price: Free Developer: Asseco South Eastern Europe


Production and information technologies are more and more integrated, which requires interdisciplinary collaboration between IT experts and engineers of various professions. The resulting dynamic of this cooperation should create the potential for innovation of products, as well as of...

Price: Free Developer: digital worx GmbH
Advokat Plus

Advokat Plus

The content of the application is designed to greatly facilitate the work, record keeping, provide easier communication link between Members. In short, "AdvokatPlus" the "office in your pocket". AdvokatPlus contains the following options: DATES Easy entry and review items (hearing / trial event)...

Price: Free Developer: Đorđe Tanaskovic
Cigre 2017

Cigre 2017

Serbian national committee CIGRE will held a conference in period of June 5th to June 8th in Zlatibor, Republic of Serbia. CIGRE 2017 application will help you to get around, organize your schedule and provide you with useful info...

Price: Free Developer: Nikola Svitlica

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