Top 27 Education Apps Like ALF Boss Trainings - Best Alternatives

ALF Boss Trainings Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ALF Boss Trainings alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Education apps that are similar to ALF Boss Trainings. Pick one from this list to be your new ALF Boss Trainings app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ALF Boss Trainings on your iOS devices.

Top 27 Apps Like ALF Boss Trainings - Best Picks for 2024

The best free and paid ALF Boss Trainings alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like ALF Boss Trainings 2024.

Alf Hewar by Alf Khair

Alf Hewar by Alf Khair

Alf Hewar is an awareness and informational forum between two change makers: one being local and one international, the conversation is curated to share ideas, inspire professionals, facilitate networking and create a positive impact on society. Each speaker will...

Price: Free Developer: UXBERT Usability Lab
My ALF Training

My ALF Training

My ALF Training Mobile app offers training and records management for Long-Term Care Facilities and staff. Features include: On and offline LMS learning, quizzes, tracking, grading, messaging, forums, task management, upload files.

Price: Free Developer: Vidya Mantra Corporation


Tap’N’Talk with Talkie and EUROGNOSI! Alf, Hip, Hop and their friends are here to help your child learn English. Tap, listen, repeat. The most fun way for kids to acquire a native English accent.  Doing homework has never been this much...

Price: Free Developer: Guangzhou Childhood Technology Co.,Ltd


I denne applikasjonen finner du ca. 2200 norske fraseologismer, dvs. faste uttrykk og vendinger, og tilsvarende samiske fraseologismer som vi har foreslått. Applikasjonen er ment å være til hjelp for translatører og simultantolker. De sistnevnte har ikke tid til...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Davvi Girji
Sir Linkalot Spelling

Sir Linkalot Spelling

"Made me a Spelling Master." – apinichboi "Would highly recommend for teachers and children to use at home." – katietowndrow ◆ SPEED UP LEARNING, ACE YOUR TESTS! Perfect for boosting school lessons, assisting home schooling, and hitting UK national curriculum SPAG (Spelling,...

Price: Free Developer: Thinkalink Digital


場所を選ばない学習環境 ※このアプリを使用するには、先生のアカウント登録と生徒のアカウント登録が必要です。 アルフラーニング公式サイトより、お問い合わせ、申請することができます ALF Learning(アルフラーニング)とは、株式会社アルフレッドコアの動画配信技術とスマートフォン向けウェブアプリ開発のノウハウを活かした、複数参加型オンライン授業システムを提供するパッケージソリューションです。 【生授業】 生徒はiPadを使って好きな場所から授業に参加し、ライブで配信される動画を視聴しながら、双方向のコミュニケーション可能な授業を受けることができます。 従来のPC上で録画されたビデオを見るだけの一方通行の授業とは違った、リアルタイムでインタラクティブ、そして場所を選ばないワンランク上の学習環境を提供します。 【ビデオ授業】 録画された授業動画を、先生がAlfstreamへのアップロードを行う事により、生徒はいつでもどこでも授業内容を視聴することができます 【図書室】 先生が作成した資料、または授業で仕様した資料等の教材、または図書の内容をデジタルデータにてアップロードすることにより、生徒はいつでもどこでも図書室より確認することができます

Price: Free Developer: D2C
Alternative Lebensräume

Alternative Lebensräume

Unter dem Dach der gemeinnützigen Gesellschaft Alternative Lebensräume findet sich ein weitreichendes Angebot. Wir möchten Menschen, insbesondere Frauen und Mädchen, wie aber auch Jugendliche und Familien dabei unterstützen, Ihre beruflichen Ziele zu erreichen. Wir begleiten und fördern das Herausbilden...

Price: Free Developer: Alternative Lebensräume GmbH
Tap and Talk

Tap and Talk

Tap ‘n’ Talk is here to help your child learn English. Through the adventures of Alf, Hip, Hop and their friends, kids acquire a native English accent. Learning English has never been so much fun! Simply tap, listen and...

Price: Free Developer: Guangzhou Childhood Technology Co.,Ltd


「BOSS商学」— 所有BOSS的商学院 

- 工作太忙没有时间去学习
- 社交产品很多,但是都没有针对纯BOSS的
- 各种学习平台,不知道哪个靠谱,学了也不知道怎么实际应用

- 用户可以利用碎片化时间免费学习专业系统的EMBA视频课程 - BossApp为用户搭建高端纯净的BOSS人脉社交平台
- 用户可以随时随地发现周边感兴趣的精英聚会和精选活动,全方位、多角度、多元化地丰富用户的生活和价值。 「BOSS商学」核心特点:
- 利用碎片化时间学习专业的EMBA课程,系统跟踪学习进度,自测反馈学习成果。
- 随时随地发现周边你感兴趣的精英聚会和精选活动,一键报名参加,丰富你的生活。
- 构建纯净的BOSS人脉社交网络,帮你实现高效的资源对接和更有价值的智慧分享。 
- 李稻葵-看十三五
- 金错刀-爆品战略
- 马成功-重新定义组织 - 路骋-移动互联生态下的社群商业 - 刘国镔-如何解决拿干股不干活 - 金岩石-投资行为学 - 刘绥滨-青城太极养生 

Price: Free Developer: Beijing Boss Business Education Technology Co. Ltd.
BossApp -BOSS的学习+社交平台

BossApp -BOSS的学习+社交平台


- 工作太忙没有时间去学习 
- 社交产品很多,但是都没有针对纯Boss的 
- 各种学习平台,不知道哪个靠谱,学了也不知道怎么实际应用

- 用户可以利用碎片化时间免费学习专业系统的EMBA视频课程
 - BossApp为用户搭建高端纯净的BOSS人脉社交平台 
- 用户可以随时随地发现周边感兴趣的精英聚会和精选活动,全方位、多角度、多元化地丰富用户的生活和价值。 

- 利用碎片化时间学习专业的EMBA课程,系统跟踪学习进度,自测反馈学习成果。 

- 随时随地发现周边你感兴趣的精英聚会和精选活动,一键报名参加,丰富你的生活。 

- 构建纯净的BOSS人脉社交网络,帮你实现高效的资源对接和更有价值的智慧分享。 

- 李稻葵-看十三五
- 金错刀-爆品战略
- 马成功-重新定义组织 - 路骋-移动互联生态下的社群商业 - 刘国镔-如何解决拿干股不干活 - 金岩石-投资行为学 - 刘绥滨-青城太极养生 


微博 @BossApp 

Price: Free Developer: Beijing Boss Business Education Technology Co. Ltd.
Ham Boss - EXTRA

Ham Boss - EXTRA

Ham Boss helps you study, prepare, and test your knowledge in preparation for taking your FCC Amateur Radio "extra" exam... like a boss! With Ham Boss you can study and test yourself by: A) Studying all possible questions within the question...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer:, Inc.
BOSS Church App

BOSS Church App

BOSS Church helps believers strengthen their faith, this app provides access to life-changing audio and video sermons, mobile giving, online bibles, devotionals, events, podcasts and relevant information about BOSS Church. Additionally, you can also share content with your friends...

Price: Free Developer: Bayside of South Sacramento
GCSE Boss French

GCSE Boss French

Updated for the new GCSE examination only courses, and designed for iOS 11, GCSE Boss is back! Take control of your French revision with GCSE Boss! Features: - Detailed and easy to read vocabulary lists and flashcards for each topic. Switch...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Iain Coleman
GCSE Boss German

GCSE Boss German

Updated for the new GCSE examination only courses, and designed for iOS11, GCSE Boss is back! Take control of your German revision with GCSE Boss! Features: - Detailed and easy to read vocabulary lists and flashcards for each topic. Switch between...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Iain Coleman



Price: Free Developer: Beijing Boss Business Education Technology Co. Ltd.
GCSE Boss French 2018

GCSE Boss French 2018

For GCSE exams in 2018 onwards - this is for anyone currently studying GCSE French. Take control of your French revision with GCSE Boss! All of the vocabulary for the new AQA French GCSE course (8658) is here, so you...

Price: Free Developer: Iain Coleman
GCSE Boss German 2018

GCSE Boss German 2018

*For GCSE exams in 2018 onwards* - for all students currently studying for GCSE German. Take control of your German revision with GCSE Boss! All of the vocabulary for the new AQA German GCSE course (8668) is here, so you...

Price: Free Developer: Iain Coleman
NAATP Events and Trainings

NAATP Events and Trainings

***For Attendees Only The NAATP Events and Trainings mobile application allows you to view the schedule, presentations, posters, exhibitor, and speaker details from the NAATP events. Users can take notes on presentations and exhibitors. Additionally, users can share information with...

Price: Free Developer: National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers
PBV Trainings App

PBV Trainings App

Mit dieser App erhalten Sie, nach Anmeldung, Zugang zu den Schulungsinhalten der PB Versicherungen AG.

Price: Free Developer: VIWIS GmbH
Daily Brain Training

Daily Brain Training

"Daily Brain Training" is a free brain training app contains many kind of trainings. Trainings mainly improve your memory and calculation speed. 1. Separated Save Datas You can create 4 datas in one device. It is useful to use this app with...

Price: Free Developer: Masaki Kanno
Training Manager - IncluIT

Training Manager - IncluIT

Create and update your profile with your professional skills. Set your goals and get notifications about more than interesting trainings relevant to your profile. Essential for instructors and students! In this release you will be able to: - Create and update...

Price: Free Developer: Marcelo Busico


***ACTT | Die exklusive AKZENT Consulting Trainings- & Transferlösung*** Was passiert eigentlich, nachdem Sie in einem Training waren und zurück im Alltag sind? In der Praxis, nachdem Sie den Trainingsraum oder das Hotel verlassen haben? AKZENT Consulting bietet Ihnen eine app-...

Price: Free Developer: Dominic Hand
Rheinwerk Video

Rheinwerk Video

Lernen Sie mit Ihren Video-Trainings jetzt auch komfortabel auf dem iPad oder dem iPhone, wo und wann immer Sie möchten. Ob im Handel oder im Rheinwerk-Webshop, ob auf DVD oder als Download – sobald Sie Ihr Video-Training gekauft und...

Price: Free Developer: Rheinwerk Verlag GmbH
CPR Certification

CPR Certification

American Health care Academy provides quality healthcare CPR & First Aid certification. The is to promote, preserve and improve the health and Good Samaritan well-being of individuals and communities by offering professional, updated and high-quality online health trainings. Our...

Price: Free Developer: AHCA
En GardE Negotiation App

En GardE Negotiation App

The En GardE Negotiation App is a part of the En GardE blended learning approach, which integrates different learning techniques into a comprehensive learning process. For graduates of En GardE trainings, it represents an additional way of anchoring and...

Price: Free Developer: M-Pulso GmbH
Opigno LMS

Opigno LMS

This mobile application will operate when connected to an Opigno LMS instance. This mobile app will make possible to remain connected to your Opigno community from your mobile phone or tablet, and keep track of your trainings: - browse your training...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Connect-i Sàrl

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