Top 31 Education Apps Like Pedro de Osma Museum - Best Alternatives

Pedro de Osma Museum Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Pedro de Osma Museum alternatives for iOS? We have listed 31 Education apps that are similar to Pedro de Osma Museum. Pick one from this list to be your new Pedro de Osma Museum app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Pedro de Osma Museum on your iOS devices.

Top 31 Apps Like Pedro de Osma Museum - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Pedro de Osma Museum alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like Pedro de Osma Museum 2025.

Cementerio Museo San Pedro

Cementerio Museo San Pedro

Audio guía cementerio museo san pedro

Price: Free Developer: Hugo Serna Pineda
Museo Pedro de Osma

Museo Pedro de Osma

Audiosguías Museo Pedro de Osma

Price: Free Developer: Mariano Crowe
Escola de Música Virtual

Escola de Música Virtual

Quer aprender a tocar violão, guitarra, teclado ou outro instrumento de um jeito fácil e simples? A Escola de Música Virtual é sem dúvidas a melhor maneira pra você aprender a tocar seu instrumento predileto sem sair de casa e...

Price: Free Developer: Pedro Aragao


Aprenda sobre os países do mundo! O Georeka vai te ajudar a aprender tudo sobre os países do mundo, onde ficam, suas capitais, bandeiras e muitas curiosidades! "Achei muito fácil!" - Sergio, após terminar um quiz que ninguém conseguiu fazer "Teremos...

Price: Free Developer: Pedro Contine
Pedro de Gante

Pedro de Gante

¡Tener mucha información y saber qué hacer con ella! Vivimos en la época de la gestión de la información, por eso te presentamos la mejor aplicación para la administración, gestión, control y comunicación de una escuela: Control Escolar.



Aplicación móvil para estudiantes - Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña.

Price: Free Developer: Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena
Aventuras de la Biblia para Niños - ¡Gratis!

Aventuras de la Biblia para Niños - ¡Gratis!

Ayudando a los niños a aprender, interactuar, y a comprometerse con la Palabra de Dios. Aventuras de la Biblia para Niños es una aplicación interactiva que incluye 10 de las historias más amadas de la Biblia y ¡20 juegos!...

Price: Free Developer: American Bible Society
Chile Mio AR

Chile Mio AR

ChileMIO AR, es una app de Realidad Aumentada de la Universidad de Concepción, que cuenta con el financiamiento del Programa Explora de Conicyt y la colaboración de la Universidad Católica del Norte y el Instituto Antártico Chileno. Su objetivo...

Price: Free Developer: AUTEL
O jogo de perguntas bíblia

O jogo de perguntas bíblia

Teste o seu conhecimento da Bíblia com a melhor e mais completa ferramenta atualmente disponíveis no mercado: - Mais de 400 teste. - 5.000 perguntas. - Duas maneiras de executar a (ou o modo de resposta instantânea modo de teste) mesmo teste. -...

Price: Free Developer: Raul Lopez Marchena 2020 2020

"Effektives Lernen" bereitet Sie optimal für Ihre Theorieprüfung vor. Mit über 200 Variationen zu den Mutterfragen. Die Prüfungsfragen sind den Themen des Theorieunterrichts in der Fahrschule zugeordnet. Alle Prüfungsfragen werden von einem virtuellen Fahrlehrer erklärt. Sie können Fragen zu den Erklärungen stellen...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Internetdienste GmbH Lite Lite Lite ist die optimale Vorbereitung für die Führerschein Theorieprüfung! Ein virtueller Fahrlehrer erklärt jede Frage und Sie können Fragen stellen oder Kommentare abgeben. 300 Fragen und 15 Prüfungssimulationen kostenlos testen und dann mit in-App-Kauf zur Vollversion erweitern. TESTBERICHT: FOCUS (28.01.2017): "Beste Lern-App"...

Price: Free Developer: Internetdienste GmbH
St. Francis de Sales Academy

St. Francis de Sales Academy

Welcome to the St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy mobile app! “A Faith-Filled Future” St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy is committed to providing high-quality education to our student body. We achieve our goals through a challenging curriculum, quality teachers, and...

St. Francis de Sales School

St. Francis de Sales School

At St. Francis de Sales High School discover the difference that an all-male Catholic education can make. Get on the path to Knighthood—and get the best education in the Toledo area! Attention all Knights: Download the app to make sure...

Price: Free Developer: Oblates of St Francis de Sales High School, Inc
Universidad de Murcia App

Universidad de Murcia App

La Universidad de Murcia te ofrece esta aplicación para facilitar el acceso a información de interés para la comunidad universitaria. Por fin puedes consultar e interactuar con un gran número de servicios de la universidad de Murcia desde tu smartphone....

Price: Free Developer: Universidad de Murcia
Basisschool de Klokkenberg

Basisschool de Klokkenberg

Download onze app van basisschool de Klokkenberg! Via deze app willen we u graag op de hoogte houden van de verschillende activiteiten van uw kind(eren). U kun via 'groepen' de klas(sen) van uw kind(eren) opzoeken en zien welke activiteiten er per...

Price: Free Developer: Stichting Christelijke Basisschool De Klokkenberg
Académie de police de Savatan

Académie de police de Savatan

L'application "Académie de police" a été conçue pour l'aspirant de police, afin de faciliter son travail d'apprentissage. Elle donne accès à des vidéos des techniques et tactiques enseignées dans le cadre de l'école de police. Cette application est également utile...

Price: Free Developer: Dartfish
De Krullevaar

De Krullevaar

De app van De Krullevaar is ontwikkeld om communicatie met ouders en verzorgers te stroomlijnen en te vergemakkelijken. Via de app ontvangen zij nieuwsberichten, nieuwsbrieven, hulpvragen, enquêtes, documenten, foto´s en afspraakverzoeken. Ouders kunnen de app verder gebruiken om hun...

Price: Free Developer: Openbare Basisschool De Krullevaar
De Meander

De Meander

De app van daltonschool De Meander is ontwikkeld om communicatie met ouders en verzorgers te stroomlijnen en te vergemakkelijken. Via de app ontvangen zij nieuwsberichten, nieuwsbrieven, hulpvragen, enquêtes, documenten, foto´s en afspraakverzoeken. Ouders kunnen de app verder gebruiken om...

Price: Free Developer: Openbare Daltonschool De Meander
De Torenuil

De Torenuil

De app van De Torenuil is ontwikkeld om communicatie met ouders en verzorgers te stroomlijnen en te vergemakkelijken. Via de app ontvangen zij nieuwsberichten, nieuwsbrieven, hulpvragen, enquêtes, documenten, foto´s en afspraakverzoeken. Ouders kunnen de app verder gebruiken om hun...

Price: Free Developer: De Torenuil
Slovenská gramatika

Slovenská gramatika

Táto aplikácia je tu pre všetkých, ktorí si potrebujú zopakovať alebo precvičiť slovenský pravopis. Obsahuje nielen teóriu, ale aj testy s viac než 5000 otázkami. Odpovede a vysvetlenie sa objavujú okamžite bez čakania. Vhodné pre žiakov základných i stredných škôl...

Price: Free Developer: Jiri Holubik
Jewish Museum and TC

Jewish Museum and TC

During your museum visit, the application provides exciting information about what is around. You will find a lot of additional content and guide to help you get around.

Price: Free Developer: Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
Guide:National Museum of Korea

Guide:National Museum of Korea

National Museum of Korea Gyeongju National Museum Gwangju National Museum Jeonju National Museum Buyeo National Museum Cheongju National Museum Gimhae National Museum Jeju National Museum Chuncheon National Museum Gongju National Museum Naju National Museum The National Center of Korea is a National Gyeongju Museum, National Gwangju Museum, National Jeonju Museum,...

James A Michener Art Museum

James A Michener Art Museum

The James A. Michener Art Museum’s app will enhance your experience as you walk through the Museum providing you with information on the Museum’s permanent collection and its history as the former site of the Bucks County Prison. It...

Price: Free Developer: James A. Michener Art Museum
Maritiem Museum Rotterdam

Maritiem Museum Rotterdam

A BETTER EXPERIENCE AND MORE INFORMATION WITH THE APP The Maritime Museum App offers even more for museum visitors aged 8 and up! The app guides you during your visit to the museum and gives extra information and a better...

Price: Free Developer: Maritiem Museum Rotterdam
Shell Museum: Identify Shells

Shell Museum: Identify Shells

Instant shell identification using your phone’s camera. Full color shell guide. Learn from museum experts about shells. The Shell Museum App can identify most common shells found on Southwest Florida beaches using your cell phone. Now you can...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Shell Museum and Educational Foundation, Inc.
9/11 Museum Audio Guide

9/11 Museum Audio Guide

The National September 11 Memorial Museum at the World Trade Center bears solemn witness to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993. The Museum honors the 2,983 victims of these attacks and all those who...

Price: Free Developer: National September 11 Memorial & Museum
Asian Art Museum SF

Asian Art Museum SF

The Asian Art Museum’s app is your personal guide to more than 6,000 years of Asian art and culture. An invaluable resource on your tour of the galleries, this app is just as informative in the comfort of your...

Price: Free Developer: Asian Art Museum Foundation of San Francisco
Indiana State Museum Guide

Indiana State Museum Guide

Specific audio instructions, tactile maps and floor guides create guideposts which make it easier to navigate the museum independently. The audio tour guides you to different artifacts or interactives, while providing descriptive information about each stop on the tour....

Price: Free Developer: Indiana State Museum
Deutsches Museum

Deutsches Museum

Discover science The Deutsches Museum app is your digital companion for discovering the wide range of exhibitions taking place on Munich's Museumsinsel. The app provides you with all the information you need for your visit: from opening hours, to travel,...

Price: Free Developer: Fluxguide Ausstellungssysteme GmbH
Snite Museum

Snite Museum

This is the official app of The Snite Museum of Art. The Snite Museum of Art is a fine art museum on the University of Notre Dame campus, near South Bend, Indiana. With this app, you can explore some of...

Price: Free Developer: Snite Museum of Art

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