Do you want to find the best REALTORS Unite alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Business apps that are similar to REALTORS Unite. Pick one from this list to be your new REALTORS Unite app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to REALTORS Unite on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid REALTORS Unite alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like REALTORS Unite 2025.
If you’re an epic NC REALTOR®, you count on your phone – and your membership – to be successful in business and in life. The new NC REALTORS® app brings the value of your membership’s benefits and services to...
Washington REALTORS® holds two major Business Conferences (Spring & Fall) and a Legislative Hill Day event in January each year. This app is designed to keep you connected to those events and provides an access to all our...
Washington REALTORS is one of the largest trade associations in Washington State, advocating on behalf of our members, working to promote excellence in real estate and providing member benefits to help REALTORS® prosper. Enjoy the convenience of reading RE...
The REALTORS® Land Institute National Land Conference (NLC) is a can’t miss conference for land professionals who are serious about growing their business, more confidently assisting clients, and closing more deals. NLC is the premier industry event for land...
Michigan Realtors® strives to provide quality education and events to real estate professionals throughout the state. This app is the primary resource used by attendees for each event offered. View the program agenda, complete session surveys, connect with other...
Ohio REALTORS hosts an annual Convention & Expo each year in September. Inside is the full schedule of events, exhibitors, sponsors, maps and the ever-popular social media page. A must-download if you're a convention participant.
Download today! This is the official app for the Annual Texas Realtors Conference. With this app you will be able to personalize your schedule, network with fellow attendees, and access conference materials.
Realtors, want to convert more deals? Get property options from property owners, fellow realtors and developers directly within minutes! Ensure you always have enough proposals to offer to your buyers - so you can convert that deal. And another. List...
The Rhode Island Association of REALTORS®, one of the largest trade organizations in Rhode Island with more than 5,000 members, has served real estate professionals from Rhode Island and surrounding areas since 1948. The Association provides a facility for...
Konftel Unite – One Touch Conferencing The Konftel Unite app together with the premium conference phones Konftel 300IPx, 300Wx, 300Mx brings a whole new easiness to conference calls. It’s instant, easily understood and builds on our natural mobile behavior. Features: • Connect to...
The Unite event app is designed to help you make the most out of your trip to Unite Copenhagen 2019. A wealth of features are at your disposal to enhance your experience including: a session viewer and scheduler, networking...
Unite Venue is a digital capacity clicker for the managers and bouncers of nightlife venues, allowing them to monitor the flow of patrons into their establishments. The clicker collects valuable data regarding their capacity that they can use to...
Download the Unite Mobile App for use with Intermedia Unite. Get the Power of Intermedia Unite in the palm of your hand The Unite mobile application transforms your mobile phone into an essential collaboration tool, making teamwork on-the-go easier than ever....
UNITE POSiは無料でダウンロードできるPOSレジアプリです。 1万店舗以上に導入(※)、多くのお客様に提供したサービスノウハウが詰まっています。 ※従来製品含む かんたんなデモ用のデータ(商品等)が入っているので、面倒な初期設定は不要。 売上や分析などをすぐにお試しいただけます。 ◆UNITE POSiで店舗が変わる 多様化する店舗ニーズに対応するPOSアプリです。 「UNITE」がこれまで多くのお客様に提供したサービスノウハウが詰まっています。 ◆店舗運営をシンプルに 大切なお客様の笑顔が見たい。 店舗業務を販売から在庫管理までかんたんに実現。 全てはお客様に喜んでもらうために。 ◆いつもここにたどりつく 「UNITE」は「人」と「人」との関わり合いを大切にという考えを基にしています。 私たちと一緒に、店舗を成長させていきましょう。 【導入ステップ】 1)申し込み メールアドレスを入力しアカウント登録を行います。(登録確認のメールが届きます) 2)アプリをダウンロード アプリをダウンロードします。 アカウントとパスワードを入力しアプリを起動します。 3)利用開始 2カ月間、無料でご利用いただけます。 ※無料期間経過後、継続でご利用いただく場合には別途ご契約が必要です。 ご希望の方はメールにてお問合せください。 [email protected] 【主な機能】※2018/6/25現在 POS基本機能 開店業務 :営業日設定、釣銭準備金設定 販売業務 :売上登録、支払登録、領収証発行、免税販売、複数税率販売(軽減税率対応) 返品業務 :レシート呼出、レシートなし返品 レジマイナス業務 :レシート呼出、直前取引呼出 入出金業務 :入出金、両替 在高点検業務 :支払/金種別在高入力、在高点検レポート出力 売上点検業務 :期間指定、POS計/店舗計 精算業務 :端末精算レポート出力、店舗精算レポート出力 その他 :電子ジャーナル検索、レシート情報、周辺機器設定、データ送受信、お知らせ通知 POS便利機能 お気に入り登録 :いつも使用する商品をお気に入り登録しておくと、ワンタッチで商品追加ができます オペレーション習熟度:取引金額や操作speedなどから計算されたオペレーションの習熟度をみることができます 多言語表示 :ログインした従業員によって操作画面の言語が自動で切り替わります(日本語、英語、中国語、ベトナム語) セルフレジモード :セルフレジと通常レジの切り替えがいつでも行えます POS管理機能 マスタ業務 データインポート :グループ、大分類、中分類、小分類、細分類、カラーサイズ、メーカー、ブランド、店舗、売価変更 商品管理 :商品設定、分類設定、カラーサイズ設定、メーカー設定、ブランド設定、サイズパターン設定 店舗管理 :店舗設定、事業部設定、店舗グループ設定、店舗カレンダー設定 従業員管理 :従業員設定 取引先マスタ管理 :仕入先設定、銀行設定 POS管理 :客層設定、時間帯設定、クレジット設定、金券設定、電子マネー設定、レシート情報設定、権限設定 在庫業務 売価変更管理 :売価変更入力、売価一覧表 予算業務 予算管理 :日別予算設定 分析業務 売上分析 :売上日報、売上月報、分類別売上月報、ブランド売上分析表 商品分析 :商品ランキング、取引明細問合せ POS分析 :取引別、責任者別、クレジット会社別、金券別、電子マネー別、 中分類別、販売員別、客層別、時間帯別、値引理由別、入出金理由別 【周辺機器】 レシートプリンター、キャッシュドロア—、バーコードリーダーを接続可能です。 対応機種についてはメールにてお問合せください。 [email protected]
ALE Unite – One Touch Conferencing The ALE Unite app together with Alcatel-Lucent IP Conference Phone IP 8135s brings a whole new easiness to conference calls. It’s instant, easily understood and builds on our natural mobile behavior. Features: • Connect to any...
The official app for Unite, the 2015 Jeunesse EXPO in Singapore. This September 10–13, our Jeunesse Family unites in the Lion City to host the largest and most thrilling event in our company’s history. Get this app for the best...
Unite Seoul 2019 에서 5월 21일, 22일 양일 간 유니티 엔진을 가장 제대로 쓸 수 있는 방법을 소개합니다. 유니티 국내외 에반젤리스트, 기술팀과 업계 전문가들이 소개하는 게임 개발에 대한 새로운 발표와 놀라운 소식을 전합니다. Unite Seoul 2019에 등록하신 분들은 이 앱을 다운받으시면...
Carousel Unite is the cloud PBX alternative to an on-premises PBX, powered on the back end by market leader, Cisco. Make calls for business on your phone or desktop. Escalate your calls to a multi-party conference with one click....
The UNITE app is developed by Grindwell Norton Ltd. to offer to their Stockists / Retailers a one stop solution that empowers them to access information about products and product applications, stay connected to their affiliated/authorized Distributors, conveniently place...
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