Do you want to find the best World Trends - Now alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 News apps that are similar to World Trends - Now. Pick one from this list to be your new World Trends - Now app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to World Trends - Now on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid World Trends - Now alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like World Trends - Now 2025.
This app is made in japan. Of course you can read japanese news. Collect your own news from the world of news by simply setting the keyword. You can save the time of selecting from the full day-to-day news. So you can...
Elevator World, Inc. (EW) is the premier publisher for the international building transportation industry. Receive the most trusted news and information related to the elevator and escalator industry by downloading the free Elevator World app today. It includes...
World Map News for immediate news headlines and articles biased only by region. Tap your finger on the dots and regions...latest news at your touch from 19 regions of the world. Think of this as world news for...
Enjoy live streaming videos (live TV*) and Video on Demand: international and European top stories, headlines and various programmes on Economy, Finance, Sports, Politics, Culture and Sci-Tech! Euronews offers a unique perspective on world events. It empowers people to make...
News beyond the headlines, News Republic gives you all the stories you’ve ever wanted in just one place. We provide you with the very best news from all the world’s top sources. Personalized and easy to use, News Republic...
News World India iOS App brings you the breaking news and latest updates from the world of politics, entertainment, Bollywood, television, technology, lifestyle, sports, automobiles and business. News World India is the flagship channel of the F7 Broadcast network of...
Download France 24’s free app for 24-hour coverage of world news – in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. Access our full range of reports, live feeds and exclusive features on the latest version of our app, which takes in...
Get unbiased, international news and information on the world’s most pressing issues. The free DW app for tablets, mobiles and the new Apple Watch keeps you up-to-date with the latest headlines and in-depth coverage of everything from business, science...
NewsBuzz provides news about politics, sports, technology, business, entertainment & more for India & World. Your comprehensive and personalized view of headline stories and local news & weather. Stay updated with live breaking news, daily news headlines & today’s top stories....
Get the most trending news videos in a headline news channel personalized for you and watch it on your iPhone, your iPad or on your TV thru Airplay or Chromecast. New: Live News for Breaking Events! Haystack TV is also...
Cyber Security is a fast-moving topic and staying up to date can be challenging. KPMG Cyber News and Trends provides you with a real-time overview of news, threats and trends in information security. This app gives you access to...
The Digital Trends app is the best way to get our award-winning content in video format. Watch the number one tech show on the planet, Digital Trends Live. Also get FREE access to video coverage of popular events, unboxing...
Online users have started revolutions and toppled governments. Its the place where trends take birth that have the potential to deeply affect your life. Are you in tune with whats happening out there? * Stay tuned to top trending...
Trends is a publication designed by Protecmedia. None of the contents are based on true stories, since they have been created for shaping this publication with the only aim of showing the different functionalities that Protecmedia’s technology allows for...
An interesting new way to read the news! This app showcases what people around the world are searching for online. The most popular Google search terms are displayed in a word cloud and can be selected for further inquiry.
Start your morning by being up to date on all the latest news, top stories, trends and pop-culture moments with the beautifully designed Refinery 29's This AM news app. Staying smart and in the know takes just 8 short, fun-to-read...
Business News Channel that covers commodity with respect to ground realities. For the first time news or print media-covering pan India that gives you the national and international commodities scenario, current financial market happenings, events and their projections. First and foremost media...
Die Nachrichten-App von liefert Entscheidern aus dem E-Commerce aktuelle News, Trends und Analysen aus dem Online- und Multichannel-Handel. Bleiben Sie top-informiert und Ihren Wettbewerbern einen Schritt voraus, indem sie aktuelle Meldungen direkt auf Ihr iPhone erhalten. Wer macht was...
Get the latest news, developments and trends in the retail, FMCG and grocery industry with the ESM: European Supermarket Magazine app. ESM: European Supermarket Magazine is Europe’s leading pan-European magazine for the supermarket, hypermarket, c-store and cash & carry...
Now新聞App ◎ 即時新聞 – 一App睇盡時事、財經、娛樂、生活科技、體育、天氣及交通等最新資訊 ◎ 直播新聞 – 免費任睇24小時Now 新聞台/ Now 直播台 ◎ 自訂新聞 – 切合個人喜好,追蹤各種新聞主題及事件 ◎ 天氣交通 – 盡覧全港或分區最新天氣及交通消息 ◎ 搜尋新聞 – 輸入關鍵字,即可快速尋找相關新聞資訊 ◎ 事件追蹤 - 貼心功能助你將新聞由頭跟到尾 ◎ fb新聞 – 「fb新聞」功能,讓你掌握社交媒體最熱議題 ◎ 熱門瀏覽 - 緊貼城中熱話為你蒐集Top100熱門新聞 ◎ 新聞提示 - 第一手重要新聞資訊推送到你的手機 如對now 新聞 App 有任何意見,歡迎電郵至:[email protected] 常見問題: Q:為何香港以外地區看不到新聞影片及直播? A:對不起,除了港聞之外,新聞影片及直播暫時只支援香港地區。 Q:觀看直播時,曾發生有聲無畫的現象 A:為了令用戶觀看直播時盡量不被打斷接收新聞內容,本程式預備了後備的音訊直播。當系統偵測到閣下的連線接收穩定性降至一定水平,就會由聲畫直播自動轉為音訊直播,直至連線正常為止。 Q:此程式最終會否收費? A:now 新聞 App並非以收費模式運作,而且亦沒有要求閣下登記個人資料。所有用戶可完全免費使用。 Q:為什麼沒有iPad專用的版本? A:now 新聞 App的開發正不斷進行中,iPad版亦在考慮之列。其實現時閣下已可利用iPad於以下連結以優質畫面,免費觀看 now...
The WNY News Now application provides news for Chautauqua County, Western New York, and surrounding communities. The WNY News Now App provides quick and easy access to news stories as well as push notifications for developing and breaking news....
GameSpot Now delivers the most important and recent gaming and entertainment news, reviews and opinions, all in one easy daily dose. The app has GameSpot’s 10 biggest stories of the day at the tip of your fingers. Staying up...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Daily brings top 25 of the most fun, interesting and trending...
NOW REPORTER offers fast, simple and clean reading experience to all the different news readers. Get the daily dose of all kind of news from this app. From latest news, top headlines, facts, current affairs, trending, breaking news, politics,...
"JC Now" is the official, award-winning smartphone app for the City of Johns Creek, Georgia in metro Atlanta. This app serves up the most requested information and tools that are also available through the City's website. - Events calendar...
The WSB Now - Channel 2 app delivers Channel 2 Action News to your Apple TV. The app includes WSB Now, a 24/7 content stream that offers live newscasts, original local programming and weather.
BSU Now is the official app for student media and immersive learning projects at Ball State University.
Science Now directs the latest scientific research and discoveries to your mobile device, including information on space exploration, discovery, technology, and innovation from NASA, technical and scientific breakthroughs from NIST, and the most recent developments from the National Science...
AUDIO NOW is a free app for streaming and downloading podcasts and audio series. Discover a great selection of contents by RTL, Stern, n-tv and many others.
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