Top 20 Education Apps Like USP Events - Best Alternatives

USP Events Alternatives

Do you want to find the best USP Events alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to USP Events. Pick one from this list to be your new USP Events app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to USP Events on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like USP Events - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid USP Events alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like USP Events 2025.

USP Mobile

USP Mobile

The University of the South Pacific (USP) is one of the premium provider of education in the Pacific and is known to be connected to thousands of people across the Pacific and even internationally. With so many people connected...

Price: Free Developer: The University of the South Pacific
Bibliotecas USP

Bibliotecas USP

Você pode ​buscar no ​acervo do ​Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas (SIBi) da Universidade de São Paulo​ (USP)​ diretamente do seu iPhone, iPod Touch ou iPad. Encontre a localização de uma publicação na USP e verifique sua disponibilidade. Logue-se aos...

Price: Free Developer: Universidade de São Paulo
Jornal da USP

Jornal da USP

O Jornal da USP traz as principais notícias da Universidade de São Paulo, incluindo pesquisas científicas, acontecimentos culturais e acadêmicos, e o calendário de eventos nos vários campi da USP. Além disso, você também pode escutar a Rádio USP...

Price: Free Developer: Universidade de São Paulo
Guia USP

Guia USP

Agora ficou mais fácil se localizar na USP. Este guia o ajudará a encontrar as várias escolas, faculdades e institutos da Universidade de São Paulo, além de bibliotecas, restaurantes, bancos e muito mais. Também é possível localizar as rotas...

Price: Free Developer: Universidade de São Paulo
Campus USP

Campus USP

Acesse a central da Guarda Universitária do seu campus diretamente no caso de uma emergência. Veja um mapa com as ocorrências recentes de segurança. Participe e colabore com a prefeitura do seu campus relatando problemas que você observa. Ajude...

Price: Free Developer: Universidade de São Paulo
Disque Trote USP

Disque Trote USP

O trote é proibido na USP. Qualquer calouro que se sentir constrangido ou ameaçado durante alguma atividade aplicada pelos colegas deve registrar o fato. As denúncias recebidas são encaminhadas de imediato ao professor responsável pela Semana de Recepção aos...

Price: Free Developer: Universidade de São Paulo
e-Card USP

e-Card USP

A carteirinha da USP agora é digital. Ela substitui a carteirinha física, que ainda continua valendo em todas as situações, e pode ser usada como sua identificação na USP. Com ela você terá acesso aos restaurantes e bibliotecas....

Price: Free Developer: Universidade de São Paulo
USP Education - HTI

USP Education - HTI

USP Education Mobile Platform provides learners access to high quality educational content in the Pharmaceutical Domain, from leading experts in Academia and the Industry. You can access learning content anytime, anywhere on your finger tips.

Price: Free Developer: The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.
Cardápio USP

Cardápio USP

Os cardápios dos restaurantes da Universidade de São Paulo podem ser acessados diretamente do seu iPhone, iPod Touch e iPad. As informações são organizadas por dia para almoço e jantar para uma semana. A SAS e as prefeituras mantém as...

Price: Free Developer: Universidade de São Paulo
Teach Queensland Events

Teach Queensland Events

This is the official event app for current and aspiring teachers attending our Teach Queensland career events. Designed to provide a personalised event experience, you’ll find all the information you need in this app before you arrive at our...

Price: Free Developer: Department of Education (Queensland)
Muslim Events

Muslim Events

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ Par le biais de cette application, Muslim Events souhaite donner une plus grande visibilité aux mosquées et associations, ceci dans le but de voir une communauté musulmane plus informée. Muslim Events a pour objectif de rassembler les...

Price: Free Developer: Muslim Events
EdTechTeam Events

EdTechTeam Events

EdTechTeam is a global network of educational technologists committed to improving the world's education systems using the best learning principles and technology. EdTechTeam inspires and empowers educators to be change agents. Use the Events App as your one-stop...

Price: Free Developer: EdTechTeam
NAHN Events

NAHN Events

***FOR ATTENDEES ONLY*** The NAHN Events mobile application allows you to view the schedule, presentations, exhibitors and speaker details from the conference. Users can take notes adjacent available presentation slides and draw directly on slides inside the app. Note-taking is...

Price: Free Developer: NAHN Events


Are you in search of Islamic events in your area? Have you encountered a situation where you knew an event was taking place, but didn't know when or where? Well, we've all been in this situation one time or...

Price: Free Developer: Noble Education Foundation, Inc.
Moodle Community Events

Moodle Community Events

Welcome to the official MoodleMoot events mobile app. Use this app to: • Get the latest schedule (dates, venues) of MoodleMoot events worldwide • All the information on presentations and keynote speakers • Access Moodlemoot event programs • Be part of conversations around Moot events globally...

Price: Free Developer: Moodle Pty Ltd
SEIA & SEPA Solar Power Events

SEIA & SEPA Solar Power Events

Solar Power Events, presented by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), host a variety of solar & storage events across North America. The flagship events are Solar Power International (SPI) and Energy Storage...

Price: Free Developer: Solar Power International
Mitchell College Campus Events

Mitchell College Campus Events

Use the Mitchell College Events app to find out what events are happening and find out how you can get involved on campus! • Sort by campus organizations hosting events • Find events tagged with your favorite activities • Add...

Price: Free Developer: Check I'm Here, LLC
CW Events

CW Events

CW Events mobile app allows ITE students to find new events to join and they can register for these events via the app. The app comes with 3 screens: Home, My Events and Settings. - Under Home, they can search...

Price: Free Developer: Rajesh R Mohan
DMS New Events

DMS New Events

Dallas Makerspace often holds several hundred events per month and it can be difficult to know when and what new events are added to the calendar. This app helps you keep track of those new events. Pressing "Retrieve New...

Price: Free Developer: john lindsay

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