Do you want to find the best ER - English Note & Reminder alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Education apps that are similar to ER - English Note & Reminder. Pick one from this list to be your new ER - English Note & Reminder app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ER - English Note & Reminder on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid ER - English Note & Reminder alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like ER - English Note & Reminder 2025.
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Leikurinn svona er lífið er hermileikur þar sem notandi fer í hlutverk ungrar persónu sem er að flytja að heiman í fyrsta sinn. Markmið leiksins er að ná að þrauka í 90 daga á eigin vegum. Ef það tekst...
The official ER School District app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved! Anyone can: -View District and school news -Use the district...
Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing on...
En Reading is also an important part when you take an English test. Reading comprehension test can help you to improve vocabulary, grammar, and logical thought ability. Let's improve reading skills with this app. App includes: - English Reading Comprehension (~ 300...
Banka Sınavlarında en çok çıkmış 500 soru içerir. - Bir kez indirdikten sonra İNTERNETSİZ kullanabilirsiniz. Banka Sınavları Çıkmış Sorular, Banko Görevlisi, Uzman Yardımcılığı, İç Kontrolör Yardımcılığı, Müfettiş Yardımcılığı Developer. Yılmaz ER
KPPS Lisans Çıkmış Sorular KPPS Eğitim Videoları Sınavda Başarılar Dilerim Developer. Yılmaz ER
Wir sind die Mütter und Familien aus Erlangen. Wir laden DICH ein, an unserem Projekt und unserer Gemeinschaft teilzuhaben. Informiere Dich über die App, über uns, und bleib auch zukünftig immer auf dem Laufenden! Wir freuen uns auf DICH!
- 400 adetin üzerinde örnek reçete - reçetelerde kullanılan tüm ilaçlara ait prospektüsler ve muadilleri - 500 yakın hastalık - Çoğu resim içerikli - Arama Motor özelliği - İlaçlara Ait * Endikasyonlar * Dozlar * Muadilleri * Fiyatları * Barkod Numaraları NOT: örnek ilaçlar sadece örnek amaçlı yazılmıştır...
Learn business English with your favorite business English lessons from Business English Pod! • Learn with 300+ business English lessons • New English lessons added every week • All the business English you need for success The Business English App is a...
Join more than 25 million students at ABA English! We teach English based on the principles of the natural method - just like learning English in real life! Improve your understanding by watching our ABA films or practice through...
Quiz your English is a fun new way to practise, improve, and test your English by competing against learners from all around the world. Practise with friends, building vital language skills in the process, and test yourself in a...
Develop your listening skills and improve your vocabulary with free Puzzle English app! It is an excellent tool to learn English without tutors for those who have basic knowledge of the language. Tasks: VideoPuzzles and AudioPuzzles — exercises for developing...
Do you want to learn English with real American people? Are you looking for a new and fun way to learn? Are you tired of learning alone with your textbook? Come hang out with Lindsay, Michelle, and Jessica from...
ICU English began in 2010 as research in the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) as part of a Postgraduate Programme. After gaining the rights from Pearson Education, the company was formally established in 2011. We currently...
Get ready to learn and improve your English through our cool animated songs! Enjoy, learn and practice 15 different themes & topics to help you improve your English in a unique, rocking, song-based way. We’ve created hours of unique...
Get ready to learn and improve your English through our cool animated songs! Enjoy, learn and practice 15 different themes & topics to help you improve your English in a unique, rocking, song-based way. We’ve created hours of unique...
Business English Pod brings you English for Meetings – an eCourse app packed with quality business English lessons to help you get your English language skills in shape for your next meeting. Learn English for Meetings: > Listen and learn business...
Business English Pod brings you English for Presentations – an eCourse app packed with great business English lessons to help you get your English language skills in shape for your next presentation. In this Business English Pod eCourse App, you'll...
Visual Note helps you achieve a dream: learning to play your favorite instrument from day one. We strive to revolutionize instrument learning techniques, helping musicians and aspiring musicians alike to play and have fun right from the start. Play Thanks to Visual...
Essential application for your day care center! Kids Note! (Smart daily reports for your kids) Dear institute directors! Enhance your institute's competency with Kids Note! How do the current users feel about the Kids Note service? Parents Kids Notes changes my life! Communication...
Samson the yellow bird is learning note names, but he needs a bit of assistance. Luckily, he's enlisted you to help him name each note as he places it onto the staff. Note Bird comes with many different options...
Can you quickly identify every A on the grand staff? Do you get the treble staff and bass staff letter names mixed up? How are you doing with the alto and tenor clefs? Note Snap provides note reading reinforcement...
The resident Tonic Tutor piggybank is hungry for coins... and notes and rests! Coins with notes and rests keep coming, it's up to you to identify them to make sure it goes into the bank. Turn on a countdown...
"Not only fun, but motivational...Highly recommend for children and adults...Excellent value!" - 5 Stars, Educational App Store Note Quest drills not just single notes, but also intervals...including this app in my Teacher's Kit! - Leila Viss, 88Piano Keys "Note Quest......
PDF Note Pro is the most innovative, flexible, compatible, and powerful Note-Taking application! PDF Note Pro features Freehand Notes in a Native PDF format, and Audio recording in a Native M4A format. Using the PDF format, Freehand...
Learn to read music notes in minutes by memorizing one set of notes at a time via random repetition. Begin at level one and build musical note recognition while advancing through all levels until all notes have been mastered. Get...
A selection of challenges specifically designed to improve your sight reading. Play the right notes and try to beat your best score. Note Hitter contains flash cards to teach note recognition and games to test your ability to sight read...
A selection of challenges specifically designed to improve your sight reading. Play the right notes and try to beat your best score. Note Hitter contains flash cards to teach note recognition and games to test your ability to sight read...
FULL FREE!! REMINDER WORD TEACHER APP © – Inspire The Learning – Blackwise Corp. NEURO PLUS WORD INSTRUCTIVE MOBILE APPLICATION - 3000 Special Categorized Illustrated Photo Words With 21 Language Support - Prepared practical speaking phrases and basic words more than +15.000...
Reminder Training - Brain Game is basically is memory building game, it is an easy, funny and addicting way to learn remember things and build strong memorizing skills. An addicting and free memory teaser for kids and adults. Cool...
TOEFL Word Reminder -You can notify 500+ TOEFL words easily. -Set your first alert time -Choose your alert type(Word or Word+Description) -Get alert randomly or one by one -Select your specific word to get notification. -See all word descriptions, examples, antonyms and synonyms Good Luck with...
iAdhan will help Muslims to know the prayer timing and Qibla Direction for prayer. No mater were they are.
To ace SAT you need diligent planning and impeccable execution. This App strives to empower you with all the tools and resources you need to give you the best chance to ace the SAT. + Design your study plan with...
Pod Conscious lets you record, arrange and playback short audio reminders that repeat every few minutes. Science shows neurons that fire together, wire together. Repetition works! Like walking through fresh snow, the first time you think a thought is hard....
As a Working Actor in Los Angeles and an iPhone developer, I always wanted an app that helped me connect with the Craft, to nourish my love of Acting, to deepen my understanding and appreciation for my chosen art...
- Featured on App Store (Education) - What's New #1! - From the developers of BTT SG - Top #3 app in the App Store (Education) - Get 130 free questions and in-app purchase for a total of 649 questions...
Knowledge is gained by accumulation. The main purpose of this Memory Aide is to help you turn your short-term memory into long-term memory through the system managed daily study. It is very suitable for those who...
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