Top 20 Entertainment Apps Like Cheese Master - Best Alternatives

Cheese Master Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Cheese Master alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Entertainment apps that are similar to Cheese Master. Pick one from this list to be your new Cheese Master app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Cheese Master on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Cheese Master - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Cheese Master alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Cheese Master 2025.

Chuck E. Cheese Skate Universe

Chuck E. Cheese Skate Universe

Grab a skateboard and help Chuck E. Cheese shred some sidewalk in Chuck E.’s Skate Universe. See how far you can skate as Chuck E. attempts to go for the ultimate distance record. The only limit is what you...

Price: Free Developer: Chuck E. Cheese’s
Mouse Loves Cheese

Mouse Loves Cheese

Mouse Loves Cheese, a maze adventure app; Rules: 1. Each game has three chances to make the mice eat cheese by moving the position and direction of the mice. 2. When mice eat large cheese, their physical strength increases, which eliminates the...

Price: Free Developer: min liu
Chuck E. Cheese's

Chuck E. Cheese's

From Chuck E. Cheese’s, More Cheese Rewards gives you and your family more of the Chuck E. Cheese’s you love. The more you visit, the more rewards you can earn to use on food, drinks, games and prizes!

Price: Free Developer: Chuck E. Cheese’s
Isthmus Beer and Cheese Fest

Isthmus Beer and Cheese Fest

The official app of the Isthmus Beer and Cheese Fest! Isthmus Beer & Cheese Fest will return to the Alliant Energy Center for the 10th year on Saturday, Jan. 18, 2020. Meet and mingle with brewers and cheesemakers from around...

Price: Free Developer: Fest Buddy
Protect Cheese

Protect Cheese

"Protect Cheese" This game contains two modes. In simple mode you need to eliminate as many flies as possible within 60 seconds and not allow flies to stay on the cheese. In the difficult mode, what you need to...

Price: Free Developer: Charlie Smith
Cheesemojis by Murray’s

Cheesemojis by Murray’s

Feeling Cheesy? Murray’s Cheesemojis will show your friends just how cheesy you are with a free sticker pack and premium packs available via in-app purchase. This ‘grate’ collection of cheese-themed stickers gives you everything you need to have a gouda...

Price: Free Developer: Murray's Cheese LLC
More Pizza!

More Pizza!

Bake, eat and share virtual pizzas on your iPod Touch or iPhone! From Maverick Software, creators of the most popular food games on the App Store, including Cupcakes! and More Toast. One of the "Best iPhone apps for...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Maverick Software LLC
Little Kitten -My Favorite Cat

Little Kitten -My Favorite Cat

Little Kitten is every child's dream pet - a cheeky, funny and adorable little friend. Take a ride on the airplane, shoot some hoops, play hide & seek and bed trampoline or get creative with paw painting - you...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Squeakosaurus ug & co. kg
Boneless Soundboard & Meme Maker

Boneless Soundboard & Meme Maker

I swear to YEEEZY, this soundboard is 100% BONELESS in App Store with no meat no cheese no vegetables! Y'all can find the trending sounds of Sethical in this soundboard and play it as a meme with your friends....

Price: Free Developer: caihan caihan
View-Master® Discovery Underwater

View-Master® Discovery Underwater

View-Master® Discovery Underwater ***A View-Master® Virtual Reality Viewer or other Google Cardboard compatible viewer is required. *** View-Master®: Discovery Underwater is not optimized for the iPhone 5 or iPhone 5c. Plunge into a whole new world beneath the waves with the...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.
View-Master® Destinations

View-Master® Destinations

Travel the World’s Destinations in Virtual Reality with View-Master®: Destinations! ***A View-Master® Virtual Reality Viewer or other Google Cardboard compatible viewer is required. *** View-Master®: Destinations is not optimized for the iPhone 5 or iPhone 5c. View-Master®: Destinations allows you...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.
View-Master® National Geographic Dinosaurs

View-Master® National Geographic Dinosaurs

***A View-Master® Virtual Reality Viewer or other Google Cardboard compatible viewer is required. *** View-Master®: National Geographic Dinosaurs is not optimized for the iPhone 5 or iPhone 5c. Encounter massive dinosaurs with the Virtual Reality View-Master®! View-Master®: National Geographic Dinosaurs takes...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.


***需要 View-Master® 恐龙世界,或其他与 Google Cardboard 兼容的眼镜。 ***View-Master®:《国家地理恐龙》(National Geographic Dinosaurs) 并未针对 iPhone 5 或 iPhone 5c 进行优化。 戴上虚拟现实 View-Master®,与众多大型恐龙面对面! View-Master®:《国家地理恐龙》(National Geographic Dinosaurs) 会带您回到由恐龙统治陆地的史前时代。通过全景视图和逼真的音效,在众多大型恐龙的自然栖息地与它们面对面,使您获得身临其境之感。您可以用照片捕捉它们的动作,然后保存在您的智能手机中。您可以畅玩一款惊心动魄的互动生存游戏,在其中猎取食物,并避免被捕食! 您可以观看恐龙展览,并从每个角度研究这些恐龙,《国家地理》庞大的档案馆中丰富的照片和笔记是您了解它们的得力工具。探索所有这些内容的同时,您还能够定制恐龙的皮肤。 将您自己置身于令人惊叹的 360 度图景中,给您带来被完全包围的体验。向上看、向下看、环顾四周 -- 无论您向哪个方向转动,都能看到相应的画面,因为您是以“虚拟方式”站在环境之中! 此体验包经过专门设计,不但可与 View-Master® 虚拟现实眼镜(单独销售)搭配以发挥最佳效果,而且还与任何 Google Cardboard 眼镜兼容。只需下载应用,将您的智能手机插入眼镜,View-Master® 就能变成一个门户,通向令您身临其境的虚拟现实冒险,将您传送到世界各地,甚至超越时空。 快来看看吧。您一定会对自己能够看到的画面感到难以置信! • 戴上 View-Master® 虚拟现实眼镜(单独销售)进入虚拟现实世界。有了《国家地理恐龙》(National Geographic Dinosaurs) 体验包,您可以尽情探索恐龙王国! • View-Master®:《国家地理恐龙》(National Geographic...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.
Master A Million

Master A Million

Compatible with the original Master A Million™ ball and the new Master A Million™ 2.0 Bluetooth ball. Master a Million™ is the million bounce ball that challenges you to see how fast you can reach a million. The app tracks...

Price: Free Developer: Gramercy Consultants
Supreme Master Television

Supreme Master Television

This is the official app for Supreme Master Television. Supreme Master Television is an international, non-profit channel airing constructive news and programs that foster peace and promote healthy, green living. Our free-to-air channel offers high-quality and relevant shows around the...

Price: Free Developer: Supreme Master Television
Stack Master

Stack Master

Stack Master is a stack training application. To learn a stack, best option from my perspective, are the flash cards. There are some awesome flash cards applications but I wanted something "stack oriented", easy and fun, that runs on my...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Devious-Monkey
View-Master® Batman Animated VR

View-Master® Batman Animated VR

***A View-Master® Virtual Reality Viewer or other Google Cardboard compatible viewer is required. *** View-Master®: Batman Animated VR is not optimized for the iPhone 5 or iPhone 5c. Explore the Batcave in immersive VR and see the Batmobile, the Trophy...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.
Master Kits

Master Kits

Control por Bluetooth de Brazo Robótico y o WiFi

Price: Free Developer: Innovacion Master
View-Master® National Geographic Wildlife

View-Master® National Geographic Wildlife

Go on Safari with the Virtual Reality View-Master®! ***A View-Master® Virtual Reality Viewer or other Google Cardboard compatible viewer is required. *** View-Master®: National Geographic Wildlife is not optimized for the iPhone 5, iPhone 5c or iPhone 4S and will...

Price: Free Developer: Mattel, Inc.

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