Top 15 Food & Drink Apps Like Aubergine Menü - Best Alternatives

Aubergine Menü Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Aubergine Menü alternatives for iOS? We have listed 15 Food & Drink apps that are similar to Aubergine Menü. Pick one from this list to be your new Aubergine Menü app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Aubergine Menü on your iOS devices.

Top 15 Apps Like Aubergine Menü - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Aubergine Menü alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 15 similar apps like Aubergine Menü 2025.

Aubergine - The Cookbook

Aubergine - The Cookbook

Aubergine is a cooking app from SayOne Technologies Pvt Ltd. It showcases a wide range of recipes ranging from seasonal dishes to classical ones and spans virtually every meal type. The app stores data in it, thus allowing users...

Price: Free Developer: SayOne Technologies Private Limited
resQ Queue Manager

resQ Queue Manager

You can use wait list data to grow your restaurant business. Key Features of ResQ - All Queue Data on the cloud. - Access from any smart phone/tablet. - Add wait list parties to the queue. - Track wait time. - Get reports by...

Price: Free Developer: Aubergine Solutions Private Ltd.
I Form Med Tina

I Form Med Tina

Dette er den officielle App fra I form med Tina. Med denne App får du en masse lækre, nærende, varierende og grønne opskrifter som kan tilpasses alle! Du får alt fra sprøde salater til lækre kødfrie retter, en masse...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Makeable
111 leckere basische Rezepte

111 leckere basische Rezepte

In dieser App findest du 111 leckere basische und basenüberschüssige Rezepte für jeden Tag - Hauptgerichte, Suppen, Salate und auch süße Leckereien. Diese Rezepte erwarten dich in der App: HAUPTGERICHTE ------------------------- Austernpilz-Pfanne Nudel-Pilz-Pfanne rotes Curry Brokkoli auf Süßkartoffelbrei Gemüse chinesische Art Jackfruit-Frikassee Spinatsauce mit Nudeln Brokkoli mit Erdnusssauce Sommer-Bowl Spargel-Champignon-Ragout Süßkartoffelspiralen mit Walnussbolognese Polenta-Gemüse-Pizza Austernpilz-Paprika-Gulasch Wurzelgemüse...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: eat app live UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Fit Men Cook - Healthy Recipes

Fit Men Cook - Healthy Recipes

Struggle free, healthy and practical recipes that are easy on the wallet. It’s as simple as that, and it’s a message that’s seen over 1 million people follow FitMenCook on social media. Be honest, have you ever heard these complaints...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Nibble Apps Ltd
Wise Men Grills

Wise Men Grills

Congratulations - you found our takeaway App! Once downloaded it will enable you to order food from our extensive menu. You will receive emails throughout the order process - 1) when your order has been successfully submitted, Useful features include: – Extensive...

Price: Free Developer: Ibrar Hussain
Mo'men KSA

Mo'men KSA

The Sandwich Company The official online application for Mo'men restaurants-KSA. Use our application for online ordering and staying up-to-date on our latest offers.

Price: Free Developer: Venta Apps, LLC
Jac Mao

Jac Mao

With the Jac Mao mobile app, ordering food for takeout has never been easier. Scroll through our easy-to-navigate menu, select the dishes that strike your fancy, specify any special instructions, submit your payment information securely - and then sit...

Price: Free Developer: 6 men crew inc
Menú Express

Menú Express

Ordena comida a domicilio de los mejores restaurantes de la ciudad. Identifica la zona en la que te encuentras y te mostraremos docenas de restaurantes disponibles para ti. No esperes por teléfono, ahora tus platos favoritos están a solo...

Price: Free Developer: Luma Digital
Weihnachts-Rezepte & Menü

Weihnachts-Rezepte & Menü

• Verwöhn-Rezepte für Weihnachten • Vorspeisen • Hauptgänge • Desserts • Aperitifs & Getränke Mit dieser festlichen Genießer-App wird Weihnachten ein Fest der Sinne! !!! 50 VERFÜHRERISCHE REZEPTE !!! KÖSTLICHE VORSPEISEN • Finnischer Weihnachts-Salat • Topinambur-Suppe mit Steinpilzen •...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mario Guenther-Bruns
Zero Belly Smoothies

Zero Belly Smoothies

Watch the pounds disappear—with the press of a button! That’s all it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie, a unique mix of super nutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Galvanized Brands LLC
Healthy Recipes: Comfort Food Makeovers

Healthy Recipes: Comfort Food Makeovers

Tired of diet food that’s bland and that’s just plain baked chicken. Well, now make your mom proud and eat all the comfort foods you grew up on without all the fat. The same great flavor but healthier for...

Price: Free Developer: The Body Studio Corp
1000+ Fruit&Vegetable Recipes

1000+ Fruit&Vegetable Recipes

Fruits and Vegetables recipe Here are the list of recipe in this app, 1. Vegetables 2. - Beans and Peas 3. - Fruits 4. - Mushrooms Longing for a sweet after-dinner treat but don’t have hours to spend on a complicated layer cake? These light...

Price: Free Developer: siriwit nambutdee


Gastronomi betyr læren om finere kokekunst. Ordene er satt sammen av gastros (mage) og nomos (lære), og betyr derfor i utgangspunktet læren om magen eller læren om å regulere magen. Kunsten ligger ikke bare i å lage maten, men...

Price: Free Developer: Akershusgruppen AS

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