Top 19 Education Apps Like Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld - Best Alternatives

Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld. Pick one from this list to be your new Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld 2025.

Daily Classes — Rabbi Gordon

Daily Classes — Rabbi Gordon

Study the daily Chumash with Rashi, Tanya and Rambam with master teacher Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon. Offered as daily video classes, Rabbi Gordon's precise explanations, as well as personal anecdotes and wisecracks make the classes easy on the ear. Rabbi...

Price: Free Developer: Jewish Apps
Rabbi Tatz

Rabbi Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He studied medicine at the University of Witwatersrand and graduated with distinction in surgery. He spent a year in St. Louis, Missouri, as an American Field Service Scholar and...

Price: Free Developer: SHIUR CLOUD (PTY) LTD
Tanya Class Rabbi Krasnianski

Tanya Class Rabbi Krasnianski

Learn the universally popular and most widely published Chassidic Mystical Classic "Tanya" taught by Rabbi Krasnianski. Over 600 hours of professionally produced Video and Audio classes. Clear, well-explained and extensive. Rabbi Krasnianski classes cover: • Tanya curriculum - From the ‘Lessons in Tanya’...

Price: Free Developer: HEN HARPAZ
Rabbi Zweig App

Rabbi Zweig App

Over the past four decades, HaRav Yochanan Zweig has inspired thousands with his brilliant and thought-provoking lectures and shiurim. His keen analytical approach challenges talmidim and adult learners, giving them a greater understanding and love for Torah. While attending Ner...

Price: Free Developer: SHIUR CLOUD (PTY) LTD
Rabbi David Pinto

Rabbi David Pinto

It’s Finally Here: The iPhone App from Rabbi David Pinto Shlita Discover what’s now available through your iPhone: • Hundreds of classes on video • Articles on the parsha • Halacha of the day • Tehillim of the day • New pictures from the Rav •...

Price: Free Developer: Eric AVIDAN


Rabbi Doniel Baron’s chinuch and kiruv efforts span two decades which include thought-provoking educational tours, seminars, programs and lectures. His flagship multimedia presentation revealing the depth of the Lashon Hakodesh has received rave reviews from audiences across Israel and...

Price: Free Developer: SHIUR CLOUD (PTY) LTD


Если Вы всегда хотели изучить иврит, но не хватало времени или возможностей, то теперь вы легко справитесь с этой задачей благодаря нашему приложению. Освойте алфавит, более сотни еврейских слов и выражений, используемых в повседневной жизни благодаря нашим урокам. Игра очень...

Price: Free Developer: GLEISHER, TOV


The Rabbinical Assembly is excited to present Sanctifull. Including Hebrew, English, Transliteration, and audio examples of the traditional blessings (from blessings before and after food, seeing a rainbow, and many other experiences) and new readings (kavvanot) for each. We...

Price: Free Developer: Rabbinical Assembly
Torah Daily

Torah Daily

Yeshiva Ateres Shimon Of Far Rockaway presents an app with a wide array of short daily Torah classes by a wide array of renowned scholars, teachers, and speakers. Geared to today's on-the-go world. We invite you to a watch/listen/read dozens...

Price: Free Developer: Breta


AVI heeft te maken met technisch lezen. Bij technisch lezen gaat het om de techniek van het lezen: kan een kind snel en zonder fouten een tekst lezen? Kinderen die snel en (bijna) foutloos kunnen lezen, hebben een hoog...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Billiau
Avi Connect

Avi Connect

Diseases, nutrition and economics are still beyond your control in poultry business. So take the first step in knowing how to protect, nourish and have a profitable enterprise. By registering to our AVI Connect Mobile app..... This is an...

Price: Free Developer: Bayer Group
KravMaga - IKMF 2

KravMaga - IKMF 2

This Application was developed by the International Krav Maga Federation and is unique to its professional grading requirements, as a first class teaching tool that shows you how to perform a technique, using a demonstration video on demand, providing...

Price: Free Developer: avi moyal


AVI heeft te maken met technisch lezen. Bij technisch lezen gaat het om de techniek van het lezen: kan een kind snel en zonder fouten een tekst lezen? Kinderen die snel en (bijna) foutloos kunnen lezen, hebben een hoog...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Billiau
Berceste Akademi Türkçe

Berceste Akademi Türkçe

Online Test Online test sistemi ile ders sonrasında yada dönem boyunca, deneme ve taramalarla anında sonuçu görme, kendinizi sınama imkanı bulacaksınız. Kelime Avı Kelime avı ile kelime dağarcığınızı geliştirecek boş zamanlarınızda sınava dair egzersizler yapma imkanı bulacaksınız. Kelime Eşleştirme Kelime eşleştirme uygulaması, size kelime...

Price: Free Developer: burak dogan


In dit flipflapboekje staan 3 verhaaltjes. Niveau AVI S3 / AVI M3 (oud AVI 1). Voor 90% zijn het mkm-woorden, af en toe een mkmm-woord. Klik op ‘verhaal’ om het boek te lezen. Klik op de rechter pijl om...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Billiau


Dit tekstverhaal telt 15 werelden. In elke wereld moet het hoofdpersonage een goudstuk meenemen. Om dit te realiseren moet men verschillende opdrachten uitvoeren. Meestal verschijnt er een zin met aanwijzingen. Eens het goudstuk meegenomen kan men naar de volgende...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Billiau


Deze oefening is gemaakt voor leerlingen van het 1ste leerjaar, groep 3 of anderstaligen. Er zijn 40 reeksen van elk 5 zinnen, dus 200 zinnen. Elke zin heeft 4 zinsdelen die bij elkaar moeten passen en overeenstemmen bij een...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Billiau


In dit flipflapboekje staan 3 verhaaltjes. Niveau AVI E3 (oud AVI 3). Klik op ‘verhaal’ om het boek te lezen. Klik op de rechter pijl om verder te bladeren. Lees rustig de tekst en kijk naar de prent. Klik...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Billiau

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