Top 27 Weather Apps Like Earth Weather - AR - Best Alternatives

Earth Weather - AR Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Earth Weather - AR alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Weather apps that are similar to Earth Weather - AR. Pick one from this list to be your new Earth Weather - AR app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Earth Weather - AR on your iOS devices.

Top 27 Apps Like Earth Weather - AR - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Earth Weather - AR alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like Earth Weather - AR 2025.

Climate Earth 3D

Climate Earth 3D

The brand new Climate Earth 3D is a Hi-Def visualization of global weather conditions with forecasts generated by supercomputers and data updated every three hours, presented in a way never seen before! Climate Earth 3D is not just a weather...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Bastian Roessler
OurTheEarth:Genuine Earth as viewed from space

OurTheEarth:Genuine Earth as viewed from space

【Corresponding to AppleWatch!】 "The iPhone function" * The latest satellite image: It's possible to see global full color satellite photograph and picture every 30 minutes. * Universal application: Corresponding to iPhone iPad and iPod touch! * It's possible to see a picture every...

Price: Free Developer: Ligha


This is the real Earth. Check our website for our vision and achievements: This is the most complete and real video you can get on a screen today. It is generated using real images from deep space, by a satellite of...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Boccara
Sferic Mobile

Sferic Mobile

Sferic Mobile provides on-the-go access to Earth Networks’ proprietary network of more than 12,000 professional-grade hyper-local weather stations and long-range world-wide lightning detection capabilities. Customize notifications by location and see alerts visually for context. Use of the application...

Price: Free Developer: Earth Networks
Space Weather App

Space Weather App

Push notifications! Space weather is the concept of changing environmental conditions in near-Earth space or the space from the Sun's atmosphere to the Earth's atmosphere. Space weather affects our planet, our technology, and all living things in many different...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Stellar North LLC
Aurora Forecast 3D

Aurora Forecast 3D

The Aurora Forecast 3D is a tool to track down where the aurora is located in the sky from any location on planet. It renders Earth in 3D with rotation and scaling at your fingertips. You can select locations...

Price: Free Developer: University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)
Motion Weather 4K - Ultra HD

Motion Weather 4K - Ultra HD

**Please note this app will scale to the maximum resolution of your device, but is 4K ready and future-proof!** Introducing Motion Weather 4K: The most insanely beautiful and innovative weather application ever conceived. Motion Weather 4K features...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Mach Software Design
AccuWeather WeatherCyclopedia™

AccuWeather WeatherCyclopedia™

AccuWeather WeatherCyclopedia™ - The Most Comprehensive Weather Encyclopedia Under The Sun NEW VERSION 2.5! Recent Reviews “(…) is a Nearly Perfect Storm of Information. If you’re a weather dweeb like I am, WeatherCyclopedia will send you sky high. Telemet, the developer...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Telemet, Inc.
Ventusky: Weather Maps

Ventusky: Weather Maps

The app combines highly accurate weather forecast for your location with a map showing development of weather in a broader area in a very interesting way. This allows you to see where precipitation is going to come from or...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: InMeteo, s.r.o.
Precision Weather Solutions

Precision Weather Solutions

Prepare and plan your day with the most accurate and relevant weather with the best tools for business from Precision Weather Solutions. With over 30,000 weather stations reporting, PWS offers best-in-class weather solutions for enterprise. FEATURES Accurate, site-specific forecasts generated for...

Price: Free Developer: Precision Weather Solutions
Basic Weather: Gifs & Weather

Basic Weather: Gifs & Weather

Basic Weather is the daily weather app for gif lovers. Powered by Gifcast™ technology, Basic Weather matches hyper-local weather forecasts with the internet's finest gifs. What's inside? • Daily weather notification with Gifcast™ technology. We'll send you a push notification every...

Price: Free Developer: Basic Weather LLC
Lil BUB Cat Weather Report

Lil BUB Cat Weather Report

Congratulations, you've found the Official Lil BUB Weather App! Smile every time you check the weather as BUB brings you the forecast in her own, magical way. Features - Weather forecasts from around the world - 7 day weather forecast...

Price: Free Developer: Weather Creative Inc.
Beautiful Weather & Alerts

Beautiful Weather & Alerts

With accurate, reliable forecasts, intuitive displays and controls, and loads of extras such as stereoscopic panorama view, current severe weather warnings, and an interactive globe. Let the most beautiful weather app in the App Store delight you! With this standard...

Price: Free Developer: The Beautiful Weather Corporation
Uncharted Weather

Uncharted Weather

Weather App that's as much fun to use as it is to look at. Miles away from the typical clinical look, Uncharted Weather is a tribute to Uncharted game series, and uses visuals from the games to present weather conditions. Despite...

Price: Free Developer: Marko Radakovic
Weatherland - Beautiful 3D Weather Forecast

Weatherland - Beautiful 3D Weather Forecast

Weatherland is the most immersive and beautiful weather experience you will find on the App Store. It's a unique mix of accurate weather information, gorgeous visuals, music and the soothing sounds of nature. A peaceful setting in the woods will...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: challengr
Boat Weather

Boat Weather

Boat Weather is a simple app used to determine if the weather forecast is good enough to go boating based on your preferences. Set your preferred weather conditions for temperature, rain, wind and a boat icon is displayed...

Price: Free Developer: Kickstand Technology LLC
Weather Window

Weather Window

Use your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad as real Weather station. Big Temperature display, windchill temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, barometer, moonphases and more values can hardly be desired. The program finds the next weather station with your...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Pocketkai
Chilly Weather

Chilly Weather

Chilly is the weather app for kids and grown-ups that want a little fun and inspiration to start the day. Chilly provides highly accurate weather forecasts using meteorological data from Dark Sky and the National Weather Service. Check-in each...

Price: Free Developer: One Off Entertainment LLC
Sky Blue - Local Weather Warnings and Notifications

Sky Blue - Local Weather Warnings and Notifications

Simple local weather warning app. > Elegant and simple design > Current location by GPS > Celsius or Fahrenheit by clicking the degree button > Refresh the weather data by a down swipe > Weather data by + Receive a notification if you are...

Price: Free Developer: Dae-Hyeon Kim


Use WeatherSelfie to create your own weather forecast based on current weather conditions at your location in three simple steps. Take a picture of the sky and match it with predefined weather situations. Then an expert system - trained...

Price: Free Developer: Lakehorn AG
Be Ready by Canadian Red Cross

Be Ready by Canadian Red Cross

House fires, floods, power outages, and even catastrophic earthquakes – whatever the disaster, the official Canadian Red Cross BeReady app gives users instant access to the information needed in order to prepare for different emergency situations and to take...

Price: Free Developer: Canadian Red Cross Society
SMHI Byggväder

SMHI Byggväder

SMHI Byggväder är den bästa väderapplikationen för alla som arbetar inom bygg- och anläggningsbranschen. Appen riktar sig främst till företag. I appen ingår: - Detaljerad tiodygnsprognos - SMHIs officiella varningar - Sök ort - Se närmaste ort utifrån din position...

Price: Free Developer: Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
SMHI VinterVäg

SMHI VinterVäg

SMHI VinterVäg är den bästa väderapplikationen för dig som arbetar med snöröjning och halkbekämpning och den är ett komplement till SMHI:s web-baserade vintervägtjänst. I appen ingår: - Textprognoser - ...

Price: Free Developer: Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute


BRANDRISK Ute är en app som Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) tillhandahåller för privatpersoner. Under främst vår- och sommarhalvåret hjälper BRANDRISK Ute dig att hålla koll på brandrisken i skog och mark och förser dig med tips och råd...

Price: Free Developer: Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB)
Hazards - IFRC

Hazards - IFRC

Be prepared for any hazard. The official IFRC Hazards App gives you instant access to the information you need to know to prepare for and respond to the impact of these hazards. Through an alert system feature you can...

Price: Free Developer: The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Hazards – Red Cross

Hazards – Red Cross

Download the Hazard App by New Zealand Red Cross to help you and your family prepare and respond to hazards in New Zealand. The app is a vital tool to help you get through emergencies and to receive disaster...

Price: Free Developer: New Zealand Red Cross

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