Do you want to find the best Angel Town 5 - Casual RPG alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Games apps that are similar to Angel Town 5 - Casual RPG. Pick one from this list to be your new Angel Town 5 - Casual RPG app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Angel Town 5 - Casual RPG on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Angel Town 5 - Casual RPG alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar games like Angel Town 5 - Casual RPG 2025.
** Selected as the Best Games of 2015 and Editor's Choice on iPhone and iPad in South Korea! ** Requires iPhone 5, New iPad, iPad Mini 2 or newer for stable gameplay. ----------- Hack and slash through the demonic Legion and save...
Angel Kids Coloring book with unique designs and Angel in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Get a fascinating stress reliever right on your Phone! Release the stress and feel better: allow yourself some precious moments of childish joy and...
Angel Kids Coloring book with unique designs and Angel in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Get a fascinating stress reliever right on your Phone! Release the stress and feel better: allow yourself some precious moments of childish joy and...
Recently, everyone in town are discussing about the new open up dessert cake shop "Angel & Devil Dessert" which open up by little angel Belle. Everyone who tried Belle's dessert said that it was like a present from...
This game is a translated version of a Japanese casual game ◆◇What's "Snuggle with angel and devil?"◇◆ You just have come back to your parent's place for the first time in a long time. But all of sudden, you heard an oracle...
Angel Avatar is a game where you get to dress up an angel. You can change her looks in many different ways by clicking on the icon that indicates which part of her you want to change. It may...
From Kuma the Bear, maker of easy to pick up games that anyone can play, comes "Angel Dash Hero!", in which the player uses both hands to save the planet. Angels have descended to save a dying, barren Earth. By running...
Angel in Danger is a 3D platform game with colorful environments unique characters and lots of action. It simply brings back the classic platform formula that was missing from today's mobile games. Run and jump through 4 Worlds all packed...
▶ VIP Privilege! ◀ 1. Gold acquisition + 50% 2. Maximum number of Hearts + 5 Fishing meets role playing game! Fantastic mix of casual fishing mini-games, immersive fantasy stories, and RPG elements for you! Frustrated with other games? Here comes the cure! ▶ Story...
『由島は、なぜこのゲームを遺して、世を去ったのか?』 ゲーム作家の遺作そのものをプレーするアドベンチャーゲーム。 1999年にPCで発表され物議を醸した問題作。 有料販売されてきたソフトを完全無料かつ広告なしで公開 遺されたゲームの内容は1998年にあるゲーム会社を襲った、 不可解な殺人事件を記していた。 当事者の日記など当時のサイト群は現在でも残っており、 それらからも情報を得て進める特殊なゲーム構成となっている。 本作は、遺書として残されたゲームである。 多くの人のプレー体験により、彼の遺志が明らかになるかもしれない。このゲームを通して、彼の遺したかったことを解明してほしい。 ―――――――――――――――― 【重要】Ver1.2→1.3 の注意 ・前バージョンで後編のセーブとロードに不具合があったのを修正しました ・それに伴い、冒頭の選択肢より、後編の各シーンに簡易的に飛ぶ選択肢を つけています。途中の方のみご利用いただけると幸いです。 ・本バージョンを更新インストールしても、前編のセーブデータは保持されます。 ―――――――――――――――― 第一作の『人形の傷跡』(アドベンチャーゲーム)が20万DLを超え、 多くの応援をいただいたことで、非営利・無料の公開を継続します。 たくさんの人々に良質で面白い物語を届けるため、プロを中心とした メンバーがライフワークとして制作公開を行っています。 制作に共感された方はレビューやSNSなど何らかの形で ゲームを広めることで応援をお願いします。 その志に応える形で、制作側もできる限り、活動を続けます。 ・新作 推理ノベル『緋染めの雪』がリリース! ・新作 将棋ミステリー『千里の棋譜』がリリース! ―――――――――――――――― ◆お勧めユーザー ・文章量の多いテキスト中心のアドベンチャーゲームですので ミステリーや推理小説、サウンドノベルが好きな方にお勧めします。 ・特殊な設定なので、小学生の方は親御さんと一緒にお楽しみください。 ◆公式サイト 攻略情報や設定などもご覧ください。 写真素材等のクレジットも記載されています。 第一作の『人形の傷跡』(アドベンチャーゲーム)も人気です。 第三作の『緋染めの雪』(推理ノベル)が新規公開 ※ゲーム情報掲示板 質問やゲームの話題などにご利用ください。 ◆システム概要 ・必要スペックはiOS6.1以降です。 ・シンプル操作でスマホなら片手で操作できます。 ・オートセーブにより、着信などの割り込みでも安心です。 ・タイトル画面の「LINK」より攻略方法を見ることができます。 ・ゲームを進める情報を得るために、ネット上の日記などを 自分で参照して謎を解くケースがあります。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――ゲーム内容 ◆プロローグ 今井田咲子は、元恋人のゲーム作家、由島からメールを受け取る。 その直後、由島の自宅を訪れた咲子は彼の死を発見する。 メールには彼の遺作となったゲームが添付されていた。 その名は『ANGEL WHISPER』。 このゲームこそ、由島の作った最期のゲームである。 ◆編纂者より このゲームは、私の友人である、 今井田咲子氏からの依頼を受け、 ある作品を手直ししたものである。 それが『遺作』であったといういささか特殊な事情により、 若干の補足と改定を行った後、世に出すこととした。 ◆実在のサイトとの連携 「ANGEL WHISPER」では通常のAVGのシステムに加え、 ゲーム中に現実のサイトや日記等を参照して ゲーム進行上の情報を得るというシステムを導入しています。 なお、「ANGEL WHISPER」では、1998年時点で実在していた サイトを巡ることになりますが、1999年1月の時点で、 点在していた幾つかのサイトを制作者(Child-Dream)のサーバへ移動を 行いました。 ※遺作を残したゲーム作家由島のサイト ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――制作者より ◆ご意見募集とサポート ・ゲームクリア後にはレビューの記載をお願いできますと幸いです。 ・質問やバグ報告はメールでお願いします。(返信はPCからです) ◆制作者より ・Child-DreamではRPGやノベル型アドベンチャーなど 物語中心のゲームを作っています。 ・シナリオはPS3向けアクションAVG『FolksSoul』や PC向けRPG『Lost Memory』などに携わったMystaが担当 ・ユーザーの方々から評価がいただけている間は今後も全編無料でのリリースを続けていく予定です。応援の程、宜しくお願いいたします。 ・第一作の「人形の傷跡」はリリース以来たくさんのレビューをいただき、 ありがとうございました。未プレーの方はぜひ挑戦してください。 ・新作 推理ノベル『緋染めの雪』がリリース! サイト ツイッター 制作ブログ ◆公開中のゲーム アドベンチャーゲーム『人形の傷跡』 iOS/Android/PC アドベンチャーゲーム『ANGEL WHISPER』 iOS/Android/PC 推理ノベル『緋染めの雪』 iOS/Android 将棋ミステリー(現在制作中) RPG『Lost Memory』RPG『Creatures』など(パソコン) また、プレステ3向けアクションアドベンチャー『フォークスソウル』では代表のMystaが全シナリオ執筆、イベント実装総指揮で参画しています。
There is a tasty new addition in My Town and it’s time to put your favorite characters to work! In this game, you will get to open your very own My Town : Bakery! There will be customers coming...
* Pay once & Play forever + receive FREE updates! No ads and no IAP * Feed the animals, Gather the eggs, Grow the bees and harvest the fields. My Town : Farm is all about you having fun in...
Ever wanted to play as a doctor, nurse or patient? Bandage hands, use statoscope, check for fever and even help dad to rush mom in to the baby delivery room! From the makers of My Town comes the largest...
*** Pay once & Play forever + receive FREE updates! No ads and no IAP *** What is more fun than spending the day with your best friend? In My Town : Best Friends' House you get to play with...
*** Pay once & Play forever + receive FREE updates! No ads and no IAP *** If you have a pet or are looking to adopt one soon, My Town : Pets is perfect practice! Start by adopting your favorite...
Calling all aspiring stylists and fashionistas! If you and your child love fashion, design and hair My Town : Beauty Contest is the perfect app for you. There are six different locations to explore as you get your favorite...
It’s time to sit back and treat yourself to a day of pampering at the My Town : Spa! Perhaps it’s time for a fresh cut and color, or maybe the seasons are changing and you would like to...
Buckle up and enter the world of My Town : Cars! If your child is showing signs of being a car enthusiast, there is no limit to the adventures they can have. Do they like working with you on...
With My Town 's Police station it is your time to become a policeman or woman, a detective and even a crook. Adventure and fun can be found all around the police station. Check out the Police car, take...
It’s My Town Movie Night! Enter the theater and buy a ticket for the movie you’d like to see. You get to choose from 30 different short films! Take photos with your favorite actor or super hero and grab...
Welcome to High 5 Casino, the Home of Slots! Enjoy FREE WELCOME COINS and exclusive new member perks when you join the ultimate casino experience today! Sit back, relax, and savor in the classic and thrilling Vegas casino slot games...
Game Features summon, strengthen & collecting powerful SRPG’s Heroes easily in Wonder 5 Masters R! - summon & strengthen your Heroes using materials acquired from Adventure. - Make summoned Heroes more powerful through Equipment Enhancement and Skill Upgrade. - Use...
A storm is coming. Alpha Squad 5 is now recruiting commanders. Heed the call and take command of the Alpha Squad Super Soldiers in the action-packed fight against the evil Storm! Collect heroes and build the perfect squad of...
Build a city, your city “City Island 5 - Tycoon Building Offline Sim Game”, a new city builder game from Sparkling Society, will make you the mayor of small town starting on just one island. Send your airship to explore...
________ A message from Dogmelon: ________ "We're connected to each other more than ever before, but that can leave us feeling busy all the time. Are you taking some time for yourself? And what do you do with those little moments of time you...
5-digit Natural Numbers – Maths game for learning numbering. With this app your children will enjoy lots of activities designed to help them understand the decimal numbering system and learn numbers up to five digits. They will be learning...
Are you good at easy games? Come to 5 seconds games to prove how good you are!!!! There are 20 simple games covers 5 fields: Reaction, calculation, memory, judgement and problem solving. Win each game to get additional 5 seconds for...
Hurry up, the red ball game you love is back with the latest version Red Ball 5: Jump Ball Adventure. Guide the red ball 5 in this ball by ball adventure. The best ball game ever! Red Ball 5 is...
Tic Tac Toe – 5 In Row is a fun board game. It is an extension of the classic tic tac toe game we all played as kids – only this version is for adults. Instead of playing...
Halo, nama gua Udin, panggil aja gua si Udin, biasanya gua ada di komik strip atau di webtoon. Sekarang gua mau ngajakin lu main permainan 90an namanya abc 5 dasar atau pancasila 5 dasar pasti lu tau kan ? Nah...
Briscola is a very popular card game within the fans of card games, as it’s a very quick and social card game. Briscola can be played with 2, 3 or 4 players at the same time, either individually or...
Spilled Milk is a fun and simple game based off of the famous carnival game! Simply touch and drag to throw a ball and spill some milk. Play over 100 fun and unique levels that each bring their own...
Welcome to another tap tap Stretchy ladder hyper-casual free game Enjoy the most addictive gameplay by playing this amazing multi-challenge obstacle hyper-casual game. Cool 3D graphics and an amazing gameplay. The game is specially made for people who love...
Box Drop - Casual Color Game is a free game app for kids where colorful boxes drop down and the user has to tap the correct color button before they hit the ground. This app is played in 3...
Chess is a board game where two players go against each other using a 8x8 squares boards, generally black and white, with the goal of capturing the opponent’s king piece during a move called check. Each player has available about...
The parcheesi game is a board game where 2, 3 or 4 players have 4 pieces available and the goal is the take them from the home square to the goal square. Parcheesi has a few variants such as parchís,...
The game of Checkers is one of the most popular board game nowadays, it's played on a 8x8 squares board, always 2 players. It's a classic turn-based strategy game, where the use of the intellect will be essential. It doesn’t...
● Fly, Collect Gems and Avoid Obsctacles with your Paper Plane ● Collect gems and open new paper planes in this new free fun arcade game ● More than 1000 levels ● New Planes and Stages ● Fun Arcade game with cool 3D...
Fruits Slice Casual Mania,in this game the main objective is to slice all the fruits in all the modes in ninja style Features: - Fun And Free Games. - Make Fun with fruit cut with fruit slice and sward. - Fruit Slice is...
Move obstacles to pass through and go beyond the space. Compete with your friends and whole world try to beat high score. High quality graphics and smooth easy to play game style. One touch play. Addictive gameplay mechanics. Amazing sounds and visual efects. Hyper casual...
Baby RPG is a simple but insightful dungeon crawler in a maze, a kind of Role Playing Game. With dynamically generated levels and simple but joyful touch user interface. It is playable by the youngest of RPG fans and...
Try this new shooting RPG game - easy to play with simple controls. By choosing either Warrior Jet or Magician Jet, you can start your journey. - Upgrade to become stronger. - Unlock skills as...
Join epic real-time PvE & PvP battles! Dive into the Fantasy game World full of magic and monsters! Fight for the future of Tartesia in free-to-play fantasy tactical RPG! Fight monsters in epic online PvE missions, compete with the other...
Welcome to RPG PvP online game for strategists fascinated with fantasy world. Soul summoners,war m welcome in this real RPG PvP world. Magic Heroes is an online game for strategic players addicted to the world of heroes and dragons....
Top 1 Paid App, Overall Games, RPG and Simulation in France, Taiwan and Hong Kong App Store! Touch Arcade forums' Game of the Week! Over 66,000 copies sold across all platform, with over 200,000 players! ----------------------------------------- "with that many features, and its replayability...
Addictive AFK RPG! Welcome to one of the most unique AFK games, where your heroes will fight even when you are offline! Create and manage a powerful team without all the grinding found in other RPG games! Relax and...
Heroes of Elements is a challenging match 3 game with classic puzzle RPG game mechanics. Unleash the power of elemental magic in this heroic match 3 RPG adventure. Crush the Feng Shui Corporation in challenging match 3 battles. Join...
The free version of pocket RPG! Nominated for GameSpot's "Best mobile game of 2011"! Was one of the top five! Works for both iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad. Follow cm_games on Twitter for more updates on Pocket RPG and all of...
Hi! I was kidnapped by the Devil a month ago. I'm so bored of waiting for a Knight… Is there anyone who can help me? -Love, Coin Princess --- > RETRO RPG GAMEPLAY & SOUNDTRACK This pixel retro RPG is created with nostalgia atmosphere...
Kingturn RPG is an addictive turn-based fantasy strategy RPG which takes both wits and patience to be mastered. 'A Brilliant iOS Tactical Battle Game' The game combines outpost conquering with tactical combat and a complex unit skill system. Embedded...
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