Top 48 Games Apps Like I Doctor foot surgery simulate - Best Alternatives

I Doctor foot surgery simulate Alternatives

Do you want to find the best I Doctor foot surgery simulate alternatives for iOS? We have listed 48 Games apps that are similar to I Doctor foot surgery simulate. Pick one from this list to be your new I Doctor foot surgery simulate app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to I Doctor foot surgery simulate on your iOS devices.

Top 48 Games Like I Doctor foot surgery simulate - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid I Doctor foot surgery simulate alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 48 similar games like I Doctor foot surgery simulate 2025.

I Am President!

I Am President!

== I Am President == Decide the fate of your people by swiping with your Almighty (and Totally Not Small) Fingers to make Super Important Decisions! "You are the commander-in-chief of the world's greatest country, and your people need you to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: FredBear Games LTD
iトレ2 - バーチャル株取引ゲーム

iトレ2 - バーチャル株取引ゲーム

前作40万ダウンロードを記録したiトレが大幅にバージョンアップ!! 本格的なバーチャルトレードが体験出来るゲームアプリです。 100万円を元手に様々な種類の株を売買し、大富豪を目指して下さい。 チャット、クラン機能搭載で全国のユーザーと駆け引きや協力しながら楽しむ事が出来ます。 【iトレシリーズ最新作】 現実のFXレートを使用したバーチャルトレードアプリ「iトレFX」をリリースしました。 【チュートリアル】 ・現実の1週間=ゲーム内の1年間となります。 ・株は24時間365日リアルタイムで動き続けます。 ・取引手数料は、購入・売却時に2.16%かかります。 ・取得平均は手数料込の金額が表示されます。 ・アプリ内に動画によるチュートリアルも用意しております。 【メディア掲載】 2016/3/3(木)の 日本経済新聞に「株式投資を学ぶうえで役立つアプリ」として紹介されました。 幻冬舎 GINGER 2016年1月号「AmebaGG×GINGERコラボ連載 月間30際流行白書」に掲載されました。 【お客様からの評価】 まやまや様 難しそうな株取引を楽しみながら体験できるこのアプリはなかなかいいです。 Dixzvkor様 投資の練習に最適かと思います。 ゲームとは思えないほどの精度なので、一見してみるのも良いかと。 流エアリアル様 シビアで勉強になるし株の厳しさもわかる。 【機能】 ・リアルタイムなチャート機能 ・IPO(新規上場株)機能 ・チャット機能で全国のユーザーと情報交換が出来ます 【取引メニュー】 ・現物株 ・信用株 ・投資信託(購入はもちろんファンドマネージャーになって運用することもできます。) ・バイナリーオプション 【 前作との違い】 ・10秒に1回以上株価が変動し、よりリアルになりました。 ・チャット機能搭載!他のユーザーと情報交換しながら勝利をつかもう! ・チャートを見ながら注文が可能になりました。 ・バイナリーオプションが実装されました。 ・受給バランスに応じて株価が変動します。 【ご注意】 ・このゲームは常にサーバーとの通信を行います。電波状況のよい場所でお楽しみ下さい。 ・約定通知のためPush通知を行います。 ・このアプリはあくまでゲームです。現実の株とはかけ離れた値動きをしますので、現実の投資への判断材料等に利用しないようお願いします。 ・バーチャルトレードですので現実のお金は増減しません。 ・利用料金は無料ですが、一部有料のアイテムがございます。

Price: Free Developer: LinkagePlus Inc
Never Have I Ever: Dirty

Never Have I Ever: Dirty

Never Have I Ever is a fun drinking game for adults that can be used in all alcohol fueled gathering. The party starting formula goes like this: More people = More fun Rules are simple: 1. Sit in a circle (or stand, or...

Price: Free Developer: Boris Mikic


The rules are simple. Swipe the bars as instructed to make gaps and complete the letters. ■ Time Attack We compete for the time to answer 10 questions correctly. The score will be posted on the ranking when you register. When...

Price: Free Developer: Hiroyasu Hirai
What am I? Riddles and Answers

What am I? Riddles and Answers

WHAT AM I? RIDDLES WITH ANSWERS YOUR BRAIN EMPLOY AND BRING ALONG LOTS OF JOY. Get guess the word game, solve clever riddles for kids and adults and enjoy! ◊ RIDDLE GAMES = MENTAL WORKOUT ◊ Riddle me this: "I can...

Price: Free Developer: Peaksel
I Am Circle - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Circle - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Circle and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
I Am Hexagon - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Hexagon - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Hexagon and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
I Am Pentagon - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Pentagon - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Pentagon and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
I Am Rectangle - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Rectangle - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Rectangle and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
I Am Square - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Square - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Square and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
Doctor Dash™

Doctor Dash™

Doctor Dash™ was inspired by the classic 1964 Milton Bradley game “Operation”, in which a player must perform a task without touching the sidewalls, or the attempt ends. The game was whimsical and engaging for a single player,...

Price: Free Developer: iCheckup, LLC
Dreamjob Kid's Doctor – My little hospital

Dreamjob Kid's Doctor – My little hospital

Jump into the role of a kid's doctor and treat the little aches and pains of your patients. While doing this you'll learn a lot worth knowing about bodies, children's illnesses, health and nutrition. YOUR OWN DOCTOR'S PRACTICE FOR KIDS Starting...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tivola Publishing GmbH
Baby Nose Doctor-Private clinic cute teacher

Baby Nose Doctor-Private clinic cute teacher

Welcome to baby nose doctor, the best nose doctor games for kids for FREE. A full version of fun nose doctor app you can play offline without wifi or without internet. Help doctor clean nose, help nose doctor braces, get...

Price: Free Developer: Bai Ye
Nail doctor : Kids games toe surgery doctor games

Nail doctor : Kids games toe surgery doctor games

Kids nail doctor educates children about nail surgery in a fun way. It motivates boys and girls to be the best nail doctor. It also makes them comfortable to visit any doctor, hospital or any doctor’s clinic. It’s fun...

Price: Free Developer: sohil kadevar
Doctor for Kids  Pretend Play Doctor

Doctor for Kids Pretend Play Doctor

Discover the world of Doctor for Kids ! A wonderful game for kids and toddlers that want to be doctors ! Does your kid love doctors games and pretend to be the best doctor ? Does he love pretend play games...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Stefano Frassi
Doctor for Kids  Pretend Play Doctor - FREE

Doctor for Kids Pretend Play Doctor - FREE

Discover the world of Doctor for Kids ! A wonderful game for kids and toddlers that want to be doctors ! Does your kid love doctors games and pretend to be the best doctor ? Does he love pretend play games...

Price: Free Developer: Stefano Frassi
Little Lovely Dentist - Kids Doctor Games, Crazy Dentist, Dentist Office

Little Lovely Dentist - Kids Doctor Games, Crazy Dentist, Dentist Office

Every kids want to be a nice doctor, and it's your dream, yes? Now you get a chance to treat those poor patients in this dentist game! Little Lovely Dentist Office is opening! Patients are lining up outside the little...

Price: Free Developer: Edaysoft
Preschool Doctor Vet Games - Free Educational Games for Toddlers & Kindergarten Children to teach Counting Numbers, Sorting, Math and Colors. The frozen kids need your help Doctor!

Preschool Doctor Vet Games - Free Educational Games for Toddlers & Kindergarten Children to teach Counting Numbers, Sorting, Math and Colors. The frozen kids need your help Doctor!

Our Educational games have been specially designed to make the learning experience as much fun as possible! We cover key concepts such as Math, Sorting, Counting, Colors, Numbers & much more! Preschool Doctor Games has finally been released! The...

Price: Free Developer: Kasim Qureshi
Hospital Surgery: Doctor Game

Hospital Surgery: Doctor Game

Have you ever dreamt of becoming a master surgeon? Manage your own hospital surgery unit in one of the most realistic doctor games! Perform operations and take care of every patient in this surgery game! Have fun during brain...

Price: Free Developer: Fat Lion Games Sp. z o. o.
I am Eye Doctor - Eye Care and Makeup

I am Eye Doctor - Eye Care and Makeup

Welcome to I am Eye Doctor. Do you want to treat a Sorceress or an kid Alien? Now you can achieve your dream to be a super little eye doctor! Be my best kids Eye Doctor at the little fancy kids...

Price: Free Developer: AE Mobile Inc.
Little Crazy Foot Doctor Games

Little Crazy Foot Doctor Games

After getting your great feedback from little crazy hand doctor game. Now we are presenting our new game Little crazy foot doctor to give treatment to injured foot. little boys and girls playing on a dirty ground and they...

Price: Free Developer: Hfz Atta Ur Rehman
Alpi Baby Games - Foot Doctor

Alpi Baby Games - Foot Doctor

Are you ready to help Alpi out in this Foot Doctor Surgery Game? Little Alpi walked from the forest and fell on a rock, and now all his feet were hurt! All he taught was just find some nice places...

Price: Free Developer: Alpi
Scary Foot Injury - Boy's Clinic

Scary Foot Injury - Boy's Clinic

Yikes! That foot must hurt! And with all those scary sores, who knows what else is there! Can you help get that sore foot fixed? Are you up for the challenge? There are even splinters that need removed! These...

Price: Free Developer: UberZany Games, LLC
Foot Doctor Pro

Foot Doctor Pro

Becoming a doctor is not for the faint of heart, and with this doctor game you can have a chance to see what it's like to look after a patient with a sore foot! With this free doctor game...

Price: Free Developer: Samir Panchal
Princess Foot spa for girls - Pedicure

Princess Foot spa for girls - Pedicure

Foot spa salon game lets you play all types of foot care treatments, pedicure, massages and much more so you could be prepared before winter hits nd holiday season start. Christmas is just few days ahead. Are you prepared...

Price: Free Developer: Sandeep Bhandari
Little Doctor™ - Foot Games

Little Doctor™ - Foot Games

Ouch! Carelessly hurt your foot? It must be so painful! What should we do? Now its time to be a foot doctor to help people cure their feet instantly! Features: -Select your patient. -Medicine for blood spots. -Bandage for foot cuts. -Needless Picker from...

Price: Free Developer: Monster Labs
Pet Foot Doctor Animal Surgery Doctor - Free Games For Kids

Pet Foot Doctor Animal Surgery Doctor - Free Games For Kids

Animals are so great! They run around, they jump, they make us happy, but they also need people to look after them, especially when they injure themselves! In this game, 5 characters have hurt their feet, and need you to...

Price: Free Developer: Fragranze Games Ltd
Little Kids Foot Doctor - Kids Surgery Games

Little Kids Foot Doctor - Kids Surgery Games

Kids are coming to the hospital to cure their little foot injuries. Play the role of a doctor and use your medical skills to help your patients relieve their pain. In your clinic, you can use different medical tools and...

Price: Free Developer: Siraj Admani
Foot Doctor Clinic - Kids Foot Health Care in Little Dr Hospital

Foot Doctor Clinic - Kids Foot Health Care in Little Dr Hospital

Now you can enjoy the role play of a foot doctor and treat your virtual cute patients that suffered from different accidents. Help them by fixing their feet. There are all tools available that are required. Examine the patient's...

Price: Free Developer: Abdul Mateen
Smelly Foot Doctor Toe Nail Hospital

Smelly Foot Doctor Toe Nail Hospital

5 Patients have come to the Foot Doctor all with the same problem, they all have stinky feet! In this fantastic game for all ages you play the Foot Doctor, who has the job to clean these feet and get...

Price: Free Developer: Fragranze Games Ltd
Celebrity Dentist Pet Surgery

Celebrity Dentist Pet Surgery

Every kid love to have pet at his home. Pets need much health care as like human. Celebrity dentist pet surgery game is about surgery simulator of teeth treatment. In this pet surgery game, you will perform role of...

Price: Free Developer: Aamir Sadique
Santa Rescue Nose Surgery - Doctor Game For Kids

Santa Rescue Nose Surgery - Doctor Game For Kids

Hey kids do you take care of your Nose ? Help the your kids clear and surgery of nose in this free doctor game.Kids feeling to much fun to do nose surgery. Patients need emergency treatment for their Santa...

Price: Free Developer: Pradeep Khatri
Brain Surgery Doctor Clinic

Brain Surgery Doctor Clinic

Brain Surgery Doctor Clinic is awesome surgery simulator game for all little neurosurgery doctors who want to become surgery doctor or a surgeon and want to open their own surgery clinic in future. Kids always love to know what...

Price: Free Developer: Sajjad Haider
I am Surgeon - General Surgery & Crazy Doctor

I am Surgeon - General Surgery & Crazy Doctor

Welcome to General Surgery & Crazy Doctor, be the best surgeon at our surgical hospital! It's a free kids doctor game! Fun for your casual family time! Here you can be a little surgeon, face with kinds of surgical problems,...

Price: Free Developer: AE Mobile Inc.
Kids Dentist Specialist - free kids Doctor surgery Games

Kids Dentist Specialist - free kids Doctor surgery Games

Kids Dentist Specialist is a new virtual surgery games for all the fans of oral surgery games. You can forget about knee surgery or eye doctor games, because now it’s time for oral care! Teeth caring is very important...

Price: Free Developer: Nikhil solanki
Brain Surgery Simulator

Brain Surgery Simulator

Brain Surgery Simulator Hello Friends,New Lady has very pain in his head she feels a dizziness,she has been gone at hospital and doctor said,they have to make a brain surgery of her,she need your help for her brain surgery would...

Price: Free Developer: christ Velly
Princess Face Surgery Simulator - Free Doctor Game

Princess Face Surgery Simulator - Free Doctor Game

Princess Just met in an accident and injured her face.She needs an medical assistance.The face got injured badly .You as a doctor needs to treat her and make her regain the face she has before. How to Play: =>Select view to...

Price: Free Developer: Farah Ishani
Airhostess Maternity Doctor & Emergency Surgery

Airhostess Maternity Doctor & Emergency Surgery

Suddenly the airplane crash, rescue team came and tried to save the survivors immediately. Lot of people were affected by the plane crash specially that dedicated airhostess as she was continuously trying to manage the whole situation when the...

Price: Free Developer: spunky espy
Simulate Traffic Police Rules

Simulate Traffic Police Rules

Do you know, how to use POS machine step by step? As traffic I police officer, get step by step knowledge about traffic rules and E challan system through online payment system in traffic police challan game. Make an...

Price: Free Developer: Waqas Nadeem
Cooking game-Children simulate business games

Cooking game-Children simulate business games

Delicious food is so attractive, and to produce delicious and nice food is a particularly happy thing to try it! Features: A variety of delicious food any design; 2. You can mix with delicious materials; 3. a variety of scenes, any choice;

Price: Free Developer: huanhuan shi
M37 Shotgun Simulate Builder and Shooting Game for Free by ROFLPlay

M37 Shotgun Simulate Builder and Shooting Game for Free by ROFLPlay

If you are interested in weapons and want to make YOUR OWN GUN, then DON'T pass by! Here is a game about the most famous Shotgun in the world: M37 .In this game you will have a chance to...

Price: Free Developer: Zhenyu Zhang
Shopping Street Mall Simulate

Shopping Street Mall Simulate

A simple business simulation and strategy game. Your objective is to build a mini mall and make it the best mini mall in town. You have to decide what shop to open and how much stock to provide for your...

Price: Free Developer: Bin Song
Blockz! Block Physics Simulate

Blockz! Block Physics Simulate

Blockz! is a funny physics game to build your tower with simple blocks. Just tap and hold to create new block and then release to make them fall. Build your tower as high as you can. I'm sure you can...

Price: Free Developer: Hoang Vinh Nguyen
Prize Machine Spinner Simulate

Prize Machine Spinner Simulate

Get the spinner of your dreams! The prize-winning device is filled to the brim with different spinners in your phone! Carefully run the Capture, and get your favorite Anti-stress! At your disposal are the control keys Crane! Smoothly pressing them, get the coveted...

Price: Free Developer: Alexandr Ushatkin
Super Sequin Simulate DIY Flip

Super Sequin Simulate DIY Flip

Super Sequin Simulator - DIY Flip Swipe your finger across the screen like real sequins! Do you like sequins? Try our live sequins on your phone screen! A unique game where you can try interactive sequins. Features of the application: - Realistic effect...

Price: Free Developer: Alexandr Ushatkin
Police vs Thief Car Chase

Police vs Thief Car Chase

Police Car Simulator 3D is another landmark in games with real entertainment as being a real NYPD and San Andreas cop and driving and simulating in a blocky police car simulator and chasing criminals in colorful brick city. Simulate...

Price: Free Developer: Bao Tran Duc
Flying Car - Modern Race

Flying Car - Modern Race

Flying Car : Modern Race-Game Drive Endless Rush Simulate Takes you on a adrenaline-filled robot car experience. Car Shooting Rivals Rage is the new racing game with action packed shooting Sim. Do you like transforming robot games? Maybe flying...

Price: Free Developer: Bao Tran Duc

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