Top 30 Education Apps Like NT Medical Skills - Best Alternatives

NT Medical Skills Alternatives

Do you want to find the best NT Medical Skills alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to NT Medical Skills. Pick one from this list to be your new NT Medical Skills app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to NT Medical Skills on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like NT Medical Skills - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid NT Medical Skills alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like NT Medical Skills 2025.

NT Kids

NT Kids

Muitos pais e professores cristãos se preocupam com o que seus filhos pequenos assistem na Internet. Por isso, selecionamos vídeos seguros e educativos para que as crianças possam aprender coisas boas enquanto navegam na Internet e se divertem....

Price: Free Developer: Novo Tempo
NT World - Customs

NT World - Customs

This app (and its companion, NT World - Places) helps to bring context to understanding the world during New Testament times. It is particularly relevant to anyone wanting to read and explore the books of the New Testament, and...

Price: Free Developer: ACM Inc.
NT World - Places

NT World - Places

This app (and its companion, NT World - Customs) helps to bring context to understanding the world during New Testament times. It is particularly relevant to anyone wanting to read and explore the books of the New Testament, and...

Price: Free Developer: ACM Inc.
SEDA Group NT / WA

SEDA Group NT / WA

Access the key features of SEDA from the palm of your hand with the SEDA Senior secondary education app, developed in partnership with Digistorm and Schoolbox. Receive instant and important information from your school community, receive real-time alerts and...

Price: Free Developer: SEDA College VIC
Holy Spirit NT

Holy Spirit NT

Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School app allows for communication at the touch of a button. Stay connected to Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School Darwin from wherever you are. Keep up to date with the latest news and events. You can...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Briggs
Math The Universal Language NT

Math The Universal Language NT

Make math fun! Bring numbers to life in English and Spanish using this augmented reality app to practice multiplication and learn numbers in two languages! Kids will love seeing virtual numbers pop up in their real world in...

Price: Free Developer: 7 Generation Games
NT App

NT App

This app was created to help students communicate with the college. Current students can submit suggestions and get notifications of events that are happening at the college. All other users can see upcoming events, contact admissions, ...

Price: Free Developer: Northwest Kansas Technical College


*****以最經濟實惠的方式滿足多元學習內容的渴望!**** ◎ 現在下載「Mebooks 英語學習館」App,“精選學習包"五本好書免費送給您:《關鍵英單:基礎字彙2200(職業與人物)》《熟練•聽說英語 01與人相識》《看笑話學英語》《旅遊英語:購物&緊急事故》《常春藤多益測驗-考古練習題》。 ◎ 訂閱:Mebooks 英語學習館App以最經濟實惠的方式,滿足您對英語多元學習內容的渴望!訂閱期間,好書吃到飽(含ICRT Daily News 英語新聞),英語力Up! Up! MeBooks讓學英文變得「有感」了! 一直為英語程度停滯不前而苦惱嗎?到底自己已掌握了多少英文單字量?因為閱聽英文不夠多,而使得聽讀能力提升有限?歡迎加入MeBooks英語學習館,在「有感」的英語學習環境中,天天感受增加的學習能量與字彙量……。 Mebooks與ICRT英語新聞、國內專業的英語學習出版社共同合作推出英語學習館,融合「遺忘曲線」與「間隔式複習」的學習理論所設計出的Mebook智慧型學習法,讓您無論是英語的基礎功—背單字,或是著重在在英語的聽力、閱讀與口說訓練上,都能大大提升學習效率。內建的英文字典,也能在你閱聽英文過程中,快速查找生詞! MeBooks英語學習館採取「月租」概念,為您提供一個經濟實惠而又具學習效能的英語學習服務,在月租有效期間內,可以選用全館所有用書,無論是準備英檢、多益、留學考試,或上班族想提升英語力,都能享用豐富而又多元的英語學習環境!非「月租」期間,書櫃中的完整版書籍將自動上鎖,但您仍能使用“精選學習包"五書以及任一本試閱書,我們會持續提供MeBooks學習服務,累計您的學習能量。 【MeBooks書城】 1. 提供多元而豐富的學習內容,包括生活、職場、專業、旅遊英語,英語讀本、字彙、聽力與閱讀,國中小、高中、英檢(GEPT)、多益(TOEIC)、托福(TOEFL)、雅思(IELTS)等類別用書。 2. 每本書提供內容介紹與單字難易度分佈百分比,讓選書更智慧。 3. 定期上架ICRT Daily News和新書,隨時享用最新學習素材。 【Mebook學習服務】 1. 標示「閱聽型學習書」的字頻、多益、英檢、大考中心的單字級別。 2. 登入會員後, --收集專屬於自己的單字表,跟隨學習軌跡記錄您旳單字量。 --在「閱聽」文章會話的同時,可以對比出尚未熟記的單字,繼續強化記誦。 --可以檢視—學習進度、我的單字量、達標成就、我的好友。 3. 雲端書櫃下載,可隨裝置記憶空間增刪,想看再下載。 4. 英單檢測,測測自己的英語單字實力,挑戰全級等單字,強化英單的掌握度。 【Mebook學習功能-閱聽型】 ● 【閱讀訓練】中英文對照或隱藏模式,全英/中英對照學習。 ● 【聽力訓練】 自動或循環朗讀、複讀範圍與次數均可自訂,訓練聽力超有感。 ● 【語速調整】可調整七段不同速度,讓你聽力訓練減少挫折感。 ● 【口說練習】:可以聽老師發音後,按下麥克風一句一句練習口說,精進您的口語能力。 ● 【未熟記單字標示】登入會員後,比對「我的單字庫」並標示出「未熟記單字」,繼續強化記誦。 ● 【單字分析】提供本書內容總單字量與單字級等分佈比例,在學習前即可了解本書單字難易度。 ● 【單詞級等標示】標示學習內容的單詞級等,包含字頻(8級等)、大考中心(6級等)、全民英檢(3級等)、多益常考用字。 ● 【查字義、聽發音】:內建有聲單詞資料庫,快速查詢字義,理解文章內容。 ● 【書籤】將重要學習內容標記書籤,方便日後反覆復習。 ● 【搜尋】輸入關鍵字查找標題或全文學習內容。 【Mebook學習功能-單字型】 ● 【兩大學習理論,完美實現】:採用艾賓豪斯「遺忘曲線」與萊特納「間隔式複習」兩大理論所設計,在記憶曲線的最佳時段背誦單字,達到深度記憶。 ● 【背最關鍵單字,事半功倍】:每天的複習,只呈現最關鍵(不複習即將忘掉)的單字,用科學、最省力的方式,熟記大量字彙。 ● 【背誦/學習雙模式】:「背誦模式」是依學習記憶曲線所設計的複習機制,讓所學單字逐步成為長期記憶;您也能使用「學習模式」,進行系統外的複習。 ● 【背單字也練發音】:在「背誦模式」中,先複誦單字,測試自己的發音後再持續背單字。 ● 【學習計畫】:設定每天背誦字數或預定完成天數,由系統協助您完成學習目標。 【Mebook學習功能-測驗型】 ● 使用介面設計流暢,做題應答輕鬆上手。 ● 全英文應考介面,做答後,可看中文翻譯、解說。 ● 查看題目解析,無論重聽、看答案或查看解析,均能一觸即得。 ●...

Price: Free Developer: Soyong Corporation
ICRT Daily News-聽ICRT學英語

ICRT Daily News-聽ICRT學英語

***聽讀ICRT新聞:學習「活」英語,掌握流行新辭彙!*** 內容授權:ICRT(台北國際社區廣播電台) 適用對象:英語學習愛好者,英語檢定應試者,學測、指考應試者 出刊頻率:週一至週五每天18:00前 (國定例假日與連假後上班第一天不發送新內容。) 客服聯絡:[email protected] 《ICRT Daily News》收錄了跟我們日常生活息息相關的新聞,比起BBC或CNN的英文廣播,讓您更容易理解內容。不僅訓練熟悉外國人的說話節奏,學習最新的流行辭彙,更能吸收新知識,它絕對是您最有效學習英文,尤其是訓練聽力的好教材! 從台灣接軌全世界,關鍵英語新聞不遺漏。ICRT新聞英語內容,每天6-8分鐘,精選台灣或國外的主要新聞,由ICRT專業播出,搭配高效率的學習功能,不僅可調整主播的播報速度-由慢而快,更可在複讀功能中,逐步聽懂英語新聞!遇到難字生詞還可搭配內建單詞庫或連結遠流字典通查找,相當方便。 《ICRT Daily News》App提供同時訂閱MeBooks英語學習館的服務,讓您除了聽英語新聞外,還有更多元豐富的英語教材可以閱聽學習。融合「遺忘曲線」與「間隔式複習」學習理論所設計出的Mebook智慧型學習法,可提升您背單字的效率;經典文學作品、職場旅遊會話等學習內容,同步提升您的閱讀、聽力與口說能力;各種模擬測驗,幫助您通過英文檢定考試,讓提升英語實力更有感! ●《ICRT Daily News》學習特色 1. 【每日精選新聞】讓您學習「活」英語,掌握流行英語辭彙。 2.【閱讀訓練】中英文對照或隱藏模式,全英/中英對照學習。 3.【聽力訓練】自動或循環朗讀、複讀範圍與次數均可自訂,訓練聽力超有感。 4.【語速調整】可調整七段不同速度,讓你聽力訓練減少挫折感。 5.【口說訓練】提供跟讀錄音功能,可跟著老師練習正確發音。 6.【本日新聞單字分析】提供本日新聞內容總單字量與單字級等分佈比例,在學習前即可了解本書單字難易度。 7.【單詞級等標示】標示學習內容的單詞級等,包含字頻(8級等)、大考中心(6級等)、全民英檢(3級等)、多益常考用字。 8. 【未熟記單字標示】登入會員後,可比對「我的單字庫」並標示出「未熟記單字」,繼續強化記誦。 9.【我的單字】可量化您的單字,搭配MeBooks會員功能,將單字學習進度同步於雲端,確實掌握單字量。 10.【單字背誦練習】可隨時測驗復習「我的單字庫」的單字,以加強記憶。 11.【查字義】內建單詞資料庫,快速查詢字義,理解文章內容。 12.【搜尋】可用關鍵字搜尋新聞內容,快速找到您想看的新聞。 13.【書籤】將重要學習內容標記書籤,方便日後反覆復習。 ● 訂閱功能說明: 1. 本App免費下載,並提供試閱。試閱後,可依需求付費訂閱。 A. 訂閱《ICRT Daily News》:每月NT$30。訂閱期間,您可以閱聽2018年1月起的所有內容與MeBooks的試閱內容。 B. 訂閱《ICRT +MeBooks》:3個月NT$360,一年NT$990。訂閱期間,你可以閱聽2018年1月起的新聞內容與MeBooks所有書本。 C. 非訂閱期間:享有每日一則新聞與MeBooks的試閱內容。 2. 本訂閱方式是透過您的iTunes帳號確認後才產生正式購買,在您確認購買後,將會從您的 iTunes 帳戶扣款。。 3. 本訂閱方案採用「自動續訂」計費,您必須在訂閱期限到期至少24小時之前取消「自動續訂」,否則系統會自動再續訂,而您的 iTunes 帳戶將會在當次訂閱期滿的最後24小時內,因系統自動續訂而被扣款。 4. 在有效訂閱期限內,您無法取消該訂閱服務,但可選擇不再續訂。 5. 如想取消自動續訂,請至您的Apple ID個人帳戶內中管理訂閱方式,將「自動續訂」關閉。 ● 取消自動續訂:請依App Store的管理訂閱機制取消訂閱,其步驟如下:(在不同iOS版本下,步驟可能有些微差異) ...

Price: Free Developer: Soyong Corporation
Medical Vocabulary Audio EN-RO

Medical Vocabulary Audio EN-RO

ABOUT Medical Vocabulary. Audio. English - Romanian It is a NEW audio language learning tool designed to familiarise you with medical vocabulary used in English/ Romanian clinical communication and hospital environments. The app features English and Romanian audio tracks...

Price: Free Developer: Marina Militaru
Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam Prep

Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam Prep

Dynamic Path's Medical-Surgical Nursing exam prep app is designed to prepare you for the Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse (CMSRN) examination offered by the Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board (MSNCB). Perfect for the on-the-go nursing professional! You can browse questions by category...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Double Bottom Line Partners
Medical Biotechnology Quiz

Medical Biotechnology Quiz

This app helps you review and revise Medical competencies with regard to Medical Biotechnology. This is an inclusive quiz that covers major topics in Biotechnology. The questions included major aspects of Principles of Biotechnology. The main topics include:...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Information Technology And Resource Development LLC
Get Me Into Medical School

Get Me Into Medical School

The official companion app for - the essential guide for anyone looking to study Medicine in the UK. Use this app to guide you through the entire application process: - information to help you decide whether Medicine is...

Price: Free Developer: Meddicle LTD
RCP Medical Masterclass

RCP Medical Masterclass

Medical Masterclass is a comprehensive resource for trainee physicians. It is also a useful MRCP(UK) revision package from the Royal College of Physicians, designed to help doctors study and prepare for all parts of the membership examination.

Price: Free Developer: Royal College of Physicians
Medical Dictionary Lite

Medical Dictionary Lite

50 Thousands Medical Terms Offline Medical Dictionary is one of the most famous tool for doctors , medical students during their medical practice. Find the meanings of technical terms or definition of medical terms quickly. Now you can browse and search...

Price: Free Developer: pradeep sharma
AIPMT 2017 Medical Exam Prep AIPMT.1.0.0

AIPMT 2017 Medical Exam Prep AIPMT.1.0.0

AIPMT 2017 Medical Exam Prep is powered by Youth4work (a leading portal for competitive examination preparation). This Prep App is dedicated to all All India Pre Medical Test / Pre Dental Entrance Exam 2017 candidates who aspire to crack...

Price: Free Developer: Youth4work
Certified Medical Assistant-4200 Terms & Quizzes

Certified Medical Assistant-4200 Terms & Quizzes

Certified Medical Assistant-4200 Terms & Quizzes Don't Study Harder, Study SMARTER! Introducing The mobile learning apps Anyone Can Use To Get Better Grades In Less Time And With Less Effort - Guaranteed! With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere....

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Tourkia CHIHI
CME Medical Examiner Test Prep

CME Medical Examiner Test Prep

Upward Mobility’s Federal Medical Examiner Test Prep app is designed to prepare you for the Medical Examiner Certification Test offered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). OVERVIEW: This app is the perfect study aide for health care professionals looking...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Double Bottom Line Partners
Certified Medical Assistant

Certified Medical Assistant

The Certified Medical Assistant CMA, application is designed to help better prepare you for the CMA, RNA and NCMA exams, The Certified Medical Assistant study exam provides 600 Multiple choice questions split between 5 exams. Medical assisting is one of...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Tracy Gates
Reading Skills 6A

Reading Skills 6A

How have the symbols that people use for numbers changed over the centuries? What role have women played in the development of mathematics? What are fractals? Reading Skills 6A is a collection of nonfiction passages with interactive learning activities,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Basic Concepts Skills Screener

Basic Concepts Skills Screener

Basic Concepts Skill Screener (BCSS) is a quick, motivational screening tool created to help assess the basic concept skills in children. Designed by certified speech-language pathologists, BCSS uses technology to engage clients while assessing their school readiness skills. Perfect...

Price: USD 34.99 Developer: Smarty Ears
Skills® Living LogBook

Skills® Living LogBook

Skills® LogBook Living is a companion to Skills® For Autism web application. Skills® LogBook Living is a comprehensive state-of-the-art mobile application for efficient and accurate real-time data collection from applied behavior analysis (ABA) treatment and teaching outcomes, and...

Price: Free Developer: SKILLS Global LLC
Skills® LogBook

Skills® LogBook

Skills® LogBook is a companion to Skills® For Autism web application. Skills® LogBook is a comprehensive state-of-the-art mobile application for efficient and accurate real-time data collection from applied behavior analysis (ABA) treatment and teaching outcomes, and instant progress...

Price: Free Developer: SKILLS Global LLC
Reading Skills 3A

Reading Skills 3A

Did you know that chocolate comes from the fruit of a tree? Have you heard of a moth that sucks blood? Or a plant that eats animals? Do you need a robot to play with your dog? Reading Skills...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Reading Skills 4A

Reading Skills 4A

Do you know how a rainbow is made? Have you ever wondered how a snake sheds it skin? How do turkey vultures help people? What makes a kite fly? Reading Skills 4A is a collection of nonfiction passages with...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Reading Skills 4B

Reading Skills 4B

Do you know how a rocks are formed? Have you ever wondered why the food pictured on a menu looks so delicious? How do tell a moth from a butterfly? How do fossils form? Reading Skills 4B is a...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Reading Skills 5A

Reading Skills 5A

Do you know how magnets work? Do you know why the ocean is salty? Or what's the difference between fruits and vegetables? Do you what Rayleigh Scattering is? Reading Skills 5A is a collection of nonfiction passages with...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Social Skills With Billy

Social Skills With Billy

The Social Skills with Billy app was designed by a speech pathologist to allow children with autism to practice their social skills and pragmatic language in real-life situations and to practice identifying various feelings. To practice social skills and...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Virtual Speech Center Inc.
On Target Math Skills

On Target Math Skills

Help Kids Practice Arithmetic Skills and Problem Solving Abilities with On Target Math Skills. The On Target Math Skills app generates an almost infinite number of puzzles where the challeng is to make a specific number given four other numbers....

Price: Free Developer: Ventura Educational Systems

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