Top 29 Education Apps Like AHA Parent Portal - Best Alternatives

AHA Parent Portal Alternatives

Do you want to find the best AHA Parent Portal alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to AHA Parent Portal. Pick one from this list to be your new AHA Parent Portal app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to AHA Parent Portal on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like AHA Parent Portal - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid AHA Parent Portal alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like AHA Parent Portal 2025.

AHA Pluggsupport

AHA Pluggsupport

AHA PLUGGSUPPORT ÄR… • perfekt när du vill ha hjälp med läxorna, eller… • när du vill hjälpa andra elever (bästa sättet att repetera kunskaper). BRA ATT VETA: • Pluggsupporten är ett gratis chattforum för alla elever inom din kommun. • Appen...

Price: Free Developer: Hem & Skola
AHA Eiendom

AHA Eiendom

AHA Eiendom er et tilbud til framtidige og nåværende beboere av alle boliger i vår portefølje. Med appen kan du finne informasjon om og se alle våre boliger, samt søke på disse. I appen vil du og få tilbud...

Price: Free Developer: Uni Pluss As
AhA Image in English

AhA Image in English

Are you interested in using this app? Maybe you have some problem with your English. How long did you study English? You tried so hard, but you was so upset because you are not speaking English well. Why do not you speak foreign...

Price: Free Developer: eVOLCANO Int.
Aha Chinese

Aha Chinese

Aha Chinese is a multi-terminal spoken Chinese teaching and management system that integrates the latest spoken Chinese teaching methodology and speech evaluation technology. This system is developed by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) and Beijing FIF...

Price: Free Developer: xing lan
Aha Chinese-教师端

Aha Chinese-教师端

Aha Chinese是一款融合最新口语教学理念和尖端语音评估技术的、适配多终端的汉语口语教学与管理系统。这一系统由外研社联合外研讯飞倾力打造,基于科大讯飞国际领先的智能语音评测技术,配套外研社科学、专业的口语训练内容,旨在让汉语学习者随时随地练习汉语口语。 产品特色: 智能即时评测反馈,语音语义全面诊断 轻松自建口语机评题目,一键共享到本校题库 体系化的学习课程,丰富多样的口语题型 内容多样的互动社区,打通线上线下学习方式 详尽科学的评估报告,为学习者提供及时反馈 支持多种口语教学模式,适应世界各地的多样化学习需求

Price: Free Developer: xing lan
He aha tēnei?

He aha tēnei?

Introducing simple, useful, every day Te Reo Māori words. "He aha tēnei?" (What is this?) is an interactive Te Reo Māori drag and drop game for kids and their caregivers. Match each part of the word to hear it pronounced. Complete...

Price: Free Developer: Pāpapa
Aha Kids Learn --- A Flashcards build and show tool

Aha Kids Learn --- A Flashcards build and show tool

Using your photos and voice help your kids to learn the world. That are why I wrote this app. All of kids love to play iPhone or iPad. We always spend a lot of time to select the kids app, and...

Price: Free Developer: Ming-hua Wu


VIP陪练: 爱奇艺、炫动卡通《天才小琴童》节目官方指定在线教育品牌。 专注解决5—16岁年龄段琴童的练琴问题,提供钢琴、小提琴、大提琴、古筝、长笛、二胡、琵琶、手风琴八大乐器专业一对一陪练。 目前,VIP陪练拥有超过33个国家40万名琴童用户; 数万名陪练老师团队,覆盖全国80%的音乐类专业院校; 中、德、意、俄30所高校联合音乐教研研究。 2018年1月,获腾讯、兰馨亚洲双领投,完成数亿元B轮融资,成为素质教育领域领头羊。 2018年11月,完成老虎环球基金领投的C轮融资,创素质教育历史最高,共同致力于搭建中国音乐教育生态。 技术优势: 【全新鹰眼镜头】专利设计再升级,钢琴88键尽收其中,练琴手势更清晰。 【智能教室】通过动作记录与智能分析,孩子每一次练琴时的状态,错误纠正等课堂情况将数据化呈现。 【乐谱库】数十万乐谱等着你!智能识谱功能,拍照找谱so easy! 【Aha伴随宝贝成长】谁说练琴就该很枯燥?业内首款搭配动态卡通界面的APP全新上线,萌萌哒Aha小河马,陪伴萌萌哒宝贝,练琴也可以很有趣,向无聊乏味说BYE BYE! 服务保障: 【定制化服务】因材施教,专业班主任老师1对1,全程为孩子与家长服务,有效提升练琴效果。家长可根据实际情况灵活约课,把时间掌握在自己手中! 【随时退款】对课程不满意?对陪练老师不满意?对效果不满意?随时可以提出退款要求,让您的每一笔投入都有价值。

Price: Free Developer: Miaoke Information Science and Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
ABC Magnetic Land - Alphabet, Numbers, Animals, Fruits HD FREE

ABC Magnetic Land - Alphabet, Numbers, Animals, Fruits HD FREE

***** A title from our extremely successful series: the last three titles (ANIMAL PRESCHOOL SHAPE PUZZLES - FIRST WORD HD, ANIMAL TRAIN - FIRST WORD HD, and ANIMAL PRESCHOOL WORD PUZZLES HD) were RANKED #1 APP FOR KIDS on...

Price: Free Developer: CFC s.r.o.
Parent: Child Care App

Parent: Child Care App

Parent is a leading childcare solution that allows you to manage your child care center, streamline your administrative tasks while keeping parents connected to their children throughout the day. Parent is an all in one application for everything you need:...

Price: Free Developer: Parent ApS
Drivers Ed - Texas Parent-Taught (PTDE)

Drivers Ed - Texas Parent-Taught (PTDE)

Get your permit and earn your license with Texas parent-taught drivers ed! Everything you need in one fully state-approved official course app. Switch between the app and your computer anytime: we save your progress across devices. DPS/TDLR-APPROVED PARENT-TAUGHT DRIVERS...

Price: Free Developer:
Parent Booker

Parent Booker

Does your school have an app, branded to the school, that keeps parents informed about volunteer opportunities? Parent Booker is an iPhone, iPad and web app that informs parents about volunteer opportunities, lets them sign up and tracks their...

Price: Free Developer: Parent Booker
Present Ma'am parent App

Present Ma'am parent App

If you are not able to open app or you have any query then please email us at with Subject "Present Ma'am Parent App" and Enrollment Number. Your Feedback will help us to improve the application. Has your child...

Price: Free Developer: SFT Technologies
Carrot Rewards Parent Portal

Carrot Rewards Parent Portal

A positive link between teachers, pupils and parents can be invaluable in a child's education. We wanted to make this link even more accessible for teachers and visible for parents. Our new Parent Portal allows parents to be updated...

Price: Free Developer: School Stickers Ltd
Alpha Parent Learning Center

Alpha Parent Learning Center

The Alpha Parent Center App allows parents and students to check upcoming events, enroll in free English classes, check on students grades, etc. Our whole purpose of this app is to allow our Alpha community to excel by giving...

Price: Free Developer: Alpha Public Schools Inc.
Report Bee Parent

Report Bee Parent

Report Bee Parent is the companion app for parents whose wards are studying in schools which has Report Bee implemented. Main features of the app are NOTIFICATIONS Receive smart notifications and alerts on your child's homework, test and school information. Go...

Price: Free Developer: Report Bee Edusys Private Limited
Parent Box

Parent Box

Is your child above 8 yrs? Do you love giving gifts to your child? Do you want to build patience in your child? Do you want to teach them a message from real life? Do you want to play...

Price: Free Developer: Anish N R K
Parenting Advice - How to Be a Good Parent

Parenting Advice - How to Be a Good Parent

Learn tips and effective parenting skills from this app. Learn the great parenting tips to keep your kids happy! Step-by-step instructions on How to Be a Good Parent: How to Be a Good Parent How to Be a Good Mother: 9 Steps How to...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Nick Lim
Ataa Parent

Ataa Parent

Ataa Parent Brief Description Allows parents to see their children classroom activities anywhere, any time. Ataa Parent Features It’s simple to install, and easy to use. Once the app is downloaded to the parent’s device, it will prompt you to add up...

Price: Free Developer: ITWORX Education
Algebra Portal AR

Algebra Portal AR

Create virtual rooms filled with information about key terms and concepts from the middle school and high school algebra curriculum. Explore algebra in a new way with the Algebra Portal AR. Use the camera view on your iPad to detect...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Geometry Portal AR

Geometry Portal AR

Learn geometry in a new way with the Geometry Portal AR. Use the camera view on your iPad to detect a flat surface and then tap the screen. Instantly a portal opens to a world filled with...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Trigonometry Portal AR

Trigonometry Portal AR

Create virtual rooms filled with information about key terms and concepts from the high school trigonometry curriculum. Explore trigonometry in a new way with the Trigonometry Portal AR. Use the camera view on your iPad to detect a flat surface...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
GT Portal

GT Portal

This is the only GT app you’ll ever need. Here's your Georgia Tech toolbox, giving you easy access to everything Tech. GT Portal is a popular third party app used by thousands of Georgia Tech students. All information stored...

Price: Free Developer: Moballo, LLC
University to Work UTW Portal

University to Work UTW Portal

University to Work Portal Application is the easiest way to check your training courses status and updates. ****** Features ****** - Follow-up on your enrollment and registration status - Check your program schedule - Check your assignments and grades - Evaluate sessions and instructors -...

Price: Free Developer: Prismatecs
Durham Academy Portal

Durham Academy Portal

Durham Academy ClassLink Portal is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, Durham Academy ClassLink Portal is ideal for BYOD initiatives. Durham Academy ClassLink Portal's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual...

Price: Free Developer: ClassLink, Inc
GASD Single Sign-On Portal

GASD Single Sign-On Portal

GASD Single Sign-On Portal is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, GASD Single Sign-On Portal is ideal for BYOD initiatives. GASD Single Sign-On Portal's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual...

Price: Free Developer: ClassLink, Inc
GISD ClassLink Portal

GISD ClassLink Portal

GISD ClassLink Portal is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, GISD ClassLink Portal is ideal for BYOD initiatives. GISD ClassLink Portal's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual desktop and an...

Price: Free Developer: ClassLink, Inc
Independence SD Portal

Independence SD Portal

Independence School District Portal is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, Independence School District Portal is ideal for BYOD initiatives. Independence School District Portal's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual...

Price: Free Developer: ClassLink, Inc

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