Do you want to find the best Foredge AI alternatives for iOS? We have listed 11 Finance apps that are similar to Foredge AI. Pick one from this list to be your new Foredge AI app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Foredge AI on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Foredge AI alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 11 similar apps like Foredge AI 2025.
DUKE.AI is the must have automated bookkeeping companion for owner operators in the trucking industry. DUKE's bookkeeping and accounting features are based on the needs of Professional Truck Drivers: 1) Automated Conversion of Settlement, Income, Expense Documents into a...
Unified financial management platform: personal funds, investments and crypto-assets. Raison aims to democratise the investment process by offering lower barriers to entry for clients with different capital levels. You can find the next-generation of financial products in the form...
Currently supporting ONLY Fetch.AI’s test-network. The test-network may periodically be reset, please see community site for more information. Fetch.AI are developing the next generation of economic interactions between humans and AIs. This wallet allows access to the test-network on which prototypes...
Kristal.AI is an AI-driven Digital Wealth Management Platform that gives investors access to a range of sound investment strategies created and sponsored by leading independent advisors and portfolio managers across the globe. Portfolio managers showcase their trading acumen through portfolios,...
Cutting-edge reporting, analytics & cash flow forecasting for your business data. Reduce the time you spend exploring, analyzing, and compiling your financial data using Chata. Discover trends and uncover problems by asking our AI-driven system for the information you need, whenever...
■「AI Crypto」アプリはAIを使った最新の予報ツールです ・様々な研究により、投資に最適なAIロジックを構築 ・仮想通過(ビットコイン)の過去の動きからAIが将来を予想 ・進化を止めないAI投資アプリです。 ■朝食をとりながら天気予報を見るのと同じように、是非このアプリもご活用ください。 ■自動売買の先駆者「はむすたー」の力により AI×自動売買を開発(将来実装) ■シリーズ累計20万人の利用者突破!
◆AIを利用した新しい投資のツールはいかがでしょう? ◆AI(ディープラーニング)の技術により次の動きを予想します。 ・USD/JPY, EUR/USDの 月足、週足、日足の3種類のAI予測値を算出。 ・過去の予想値と実際の値動きの違いの確認が可能。 ・AI分析の考察・配信情報は随時アップデート ◆その他以下追加機能も追加。オールインワンの総合FXアプリです。 ・為替のニュース ・リアルタイムチャート ・世界の経済指標の確認 ◆朝食をとりながら天気予報を見るのと同じように、是非このアプリもご活用ください。 ※投資は自己判断にてお願いいたします。 ◆ご質問・加えたい通貨ペア・指数などのご連絡は以下よりご連絡ください。 Twitter: Email:[email protected]
羽时AI投顾技术服务平台介绍 羽时AI投顾技术服务平台以人工智能投资决策系统+SaaS服务平台为核心,搭建起集定制化客户端软件AI投顾APP,智能投顾PC版服务中台,金融机构投资顾问管理后台三位一体的前、中、后台智能投顾服务平台。 五大特征 羽时AI投顾技术服务平台具备社群化、定制化、智能化、标准化、透明化五大特征,帮助投资顾问及机构管理者优化用户服务流程、显著提升工作效率、强化投顾人员管理。 社群化:社群化的移动互联网工具提高了投资顾问的服务效率和服务半径。 定制化:精准的用户画像有效触发定制化的智能服务推送及与用户需求相匹配的投顾服务。 智能化:羽时AI投顾智能投顾技术解决方案可以生产批量化的投资策略,突破了有效策略不足的技术瓶颈。 标准化:羽时投研工具平台为投资顾问量身定制标准化的投资研究工具,海量数据与成果突破了研究团队能力的瓶颈。 透明化:风险管理系统可以实施监控并预警投资顾问的服务,有效管理风险。 三大核心功能模块 羽时AI投顾的三大核心功能模块从投资、用户、管理层三个维度展开。投资模块提供了智能投资工具,同时搭载羽时金融独家研发的投资策略/投资计划,并提供直播间、课程培训、有问必答等功能模块。用户模块,以时下最人性化的体验,送达并有效满足投资者的需求,提供找投顾、跟计划、用工具、看直播、学课程、免费问六大组件。为管理层特别定制的管理模块,涵盖了投顾管理,业绩考核,风险管理,合规监控,有效解决了管理层的需求痛点。 独有智能投资策略 羽时金融团队将海外的量化投资方法和理念,结合国内实践,构建起系列适合国内A股市场的智能投顾择时模型并成功应用于实践。羽时AI投顾技术服务平台搭载了利用羽时金融多维度、立体化、全方位、模块化策略开发体系,提供多种类型多种风格的选股策略和策略选股工具。
Hi, I'm Olivia - your personal financial assistant, powered by AI and behavioral economics. I’m here to help you spend smarter, manage your money better, and do more of what you love. Join the thousands of people who are saving...
An App that every Forex Trader MUST Have Magus Artificial Intelligence Engine is an Advisory service that enables traders of the direction of the market and its trends. Whether the trend of the market is Bullish or Bearish. The...
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