Top 39 Education Apps Like FTC 2019-2020 Scorer - Best Alternatives

FTC 2019-2020 Scorer Alternatives

Do you want to find the best FTC 2019-2020 Scorer alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Education apps that are similar to FTC 2019-2020 Scorer. Pick one from this list to be your new FTC 2019-2020 Scorer app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FTC 2019-2020 Scorer on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like FTC 2019-2020 Scorer - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid FTC 2019-2020 Scorer alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like FTC 2019-2020 Scorer 2025.

FTC Dual Scorer 2017-2018

FTC Dual Scorer 2017-2018

A simple and easy to use scoring application for FIRST® Tech Challenge Competitions (2017-2018 Relic Recovery) and practice. This application was created by FTC Team Syndicate 9441 from San Diego, California for teams across the globe to easily keep track...

Price: Free Developer: Kieran Gregg
FTC Scorer 2018-2019

FTC Scorer 2018-2019

A simple and easy to use scoring application for FIRST® Tech Challenge Competitions (2018-2019 Rover Ruckus) and practice. Features: - 2018-2019 Rover Ruckus Challenge - Autonomous Challenges - Tele Op Challenges - End Game Challenges - Score Summary - Built in 2:30 Timer - Play - Pause - Reset -...

Price: Free Developer: Kieran Gregg
FTC Scouting and Scoring

FTC Scouting and Scoring

This is an app specially created for FTC Teams in need of an organized scouting and scoring method. All of your scouting and scoring data is held in a database, which will never be lost. This app is designed...

Price: Free Developer: Kashyap Mehta
FTC OPR Calc by Avikam C.

FTC OPR Calc by Avikam C.

If you have participated in a FIRST Tech Challenge, you know that it is difficult to rank the teams for alliance selection. This app will allow you to make the right decisions, providing you with the data you need...

Price: Free Developer: Portia Sharma
Crazy Shifu Calculus

Crazy Shifu Calculus

Practice Calculus with Crazy Shifu! A quiz game with carefully designed questions that help you understand the basics and improve your scores in standardized tests, as well as high school exams. The app offers two courses: Calculus-I: Covers introductory topics including...

Price: Free Developer: Delta Cards Education LLP
Eğitlence Anne Baba Çocuk

Eğitlence Anne Baba Çocuk

Çocuk için oyun setleri alan, eğitici oyunlar, günlük aktiviteler arayan, öğretici oyunların yararlarının bilincinde ama internetteki tehlikelerin de farkında olan bir ebeveyn iseniz aradığınız kaliteli ve en faydalı uygulamalar tek çatı altında toplandı, sütelik ücretsiz ve güvenli, kişisel bilgi...

Eğitlence Premium

Eğitlence Premium

Çocuk için oyun setleri alan, eğitici oyunlar, günlük aktiviteler arayan, öğretici oyunların yararlarının bilincinde ama internetteki tehlikelerin de farkında olan bir ebeveyn iseniz aradığınız kaliteli ve en faydalı uygulamalar tek çatı altında toplandı, sütelik ücretsiz ve güvenli, kişisel bilgi...

Eğitlence-Zeki Çocuklara özel

Eğitlence-Zeki Çocuklara özel

Çocuk için oyun setleri alan, eğitici oyunlar, günlük aktiviteler arayan, öğretici oyunların yararlarının bilincinde ama internetteki tehlikelerin de farkında olan bir ebeveyn iseniz aradığınız kaliteli ve en faydalı uygulamalar tek çatı altında toplandı, sütelik ücretsiz ve güvenli, kişisel bilgi...

FLL Scorer 2018-2019

FLL Scorer 2018-2019

A simple and easy to use scoring application for FIRST® FLL Competition (2018-2019 INTO ORBIT) and practice. Features: - All 15 Missions from the 2018-2019 INTO ORBIT Challenge - Score Summary - Add Penalties - Built in 2:30 Timer - Play - Pause - Reset - Compatible with...

Price: Free Developer: Kieran Gregg
BCNP 2019

BCNP 2019

BCNP 2019 is a FREE app that brings to you all for the paper abstracts presented at the “Brazilian Conference on Natural Products”, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on November 10th to 13th, 2019. ...

Price: Free Developer: Embra Embra Servicos em Tecnologia Ltda - ME
Børnenes U-landskalender 2019

Børnenes U-landskalender 2019

Børnenes U-landskalender 2019 inviterer i denne app danske skoleelever med på en spændende rejse til Bangladesh. Og de kan lave flotte fotohistorier om alt det, de oplever undervejs. I app’en kommer eleverne på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta,...

Price: Free Developer: Danida


CIFARP 2019 is a FREE app that brings to you all for the paper abstracts presented at the "12th International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences", which will take place in Ribeirão Preto-SP on November 6th to 9th, 2019. With this...

Price: Free Developer: Embra Embra Servicos em Tecnologia Ltda - ME
CORA Congress 2019

CORA Congress 2019

The 5th edition of International Congress on Controversies in Rheumatology and Autoimmunity (CORA) is one of the most popular events in the field of rheumatology and autoimmunity. CORA 2019 will feature long and short debate sessions, scientific lectures, abstract...

Price: Free Developer: Hila Nadato
DeNA TechCon 2019

DeNA TechCon 2019

渋谷ヒカリエホール A/B にて2019年2月6日(水)に開催する DeNA TechCon 2019 の公式アプリです。登壇セッションのタイムテーブル、各登壇セッションの詳細、会場内のフロアマップなどをご覧いただけます。当日はこちらをご利用いただき、見たいセッションをご確認ください!

Price: Free Developer: DeNA Co., Ltd.
EBSA 2019

EBSA 2019

The offial APP for the Joint 12th EBSA, 10th ICBP-IUPAP BIOPHYSICS CONGRESS. EBSA 2019 MADRID, SPAIN The 12th EBSA and 10th ICBP-IUPAP Biophysic Congress (EBSA 2019) will be held in Madrid, Spain, on 20th-24th July 2019. The Congress will...

Price: Free Developer: EBSA 2019
EHOC Summit 2019

EHOC Summit 2019

Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce that VI. International Eurasian Hematology-Oncology Congress will be held between 13-14 April 2019 in İstanbul. We believe deep in our hearts that with its special concept, the International Eurasian Hematology-Oncology Congress will fill in...

Price: Free Developer: Pleksus Bilişim Teknolojileri Danışmanlık Temsilcilik A.Ş.
EUCAS 2019

EUCAS 2019

Use the official EUCAS 2019 app to plan your programme, find out what's happening and where, contact other delegates, and learn about the sponsors and exhibitors.

Price: Free Developer: EUCAS 2019 LIMITED
ICIAM 2019

ICIAM 2019

The offial APP for the International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. ICIAM 2019 VALENCIA, SPAIN The 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2019) will be held in Valencia, Spain, on 15th-19th July 2019. The Congress will take...

Price: Free Developer: ICIAM 2019
ISD 2019

ISD 2019

O aplicativo ISD 2019 é gratuito e permite o acesso a todos os resumos/trabalhos do “Encontro Internacional do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo”, que acontecerá em Porto Alegre de 02 a 05 de julho de 2019. Você ainda pode favoritar e montar sua...

Price: Free Developer: Embra Embra Servicos em Tecnologia Ltda - ME
2019年の時事問題 2020年度の受験や面接に

2019年の時事問題 2020年度の受験や面接に

【時間のないあなたへ】 時事問題の勉強は、「ニュースを見たり、新聞を読めばいい。」とよく聞きますね。 でも、ニュースや新聞を読んでも、どの時事問題が出るのかわからないなんてことはありませんか? 毎日流れてくるニュースを全部を覚えることはできないし、 受験勉強の時間を時事問題の勉強に使いたくない!などと感じたことはありませんか? 【時事問題は何がでるの?】 最近の新聞やテレビのニュース 延々と繰り返される、一つのトピック それは時事問題としてテストに出るのでしょうか? 何がテストに出るのかわからない。 だから、もう全部覚えるしかないなんて思っていませんか? でも、受験生や就活生には全部覚える時間なんてないですよね。 スキマ時間に時事問題をサクッと勉強できたらどんなにいいでしょう! 【3つのステップで時事問題を攻略しよう!】 1. スキマ時間に最新の時事問題解説を読む 2. 関連学習・キーワードについて知る 3. テスト前に、クイズで確認する この3つができる時事問題アプリだから、時事問題が通学や休み時間などのスキマ時間で身につきます。 【時事問題解説】(無料) よく出る時事問題を予測して掲載! このページでは、時事問題の簡単な解説を掲載しています。 毎月15件程度の時事問題を掲載します。早めの更新を心がけていますので、テスト前などに確認してみてください。 時事問題は、問題の範囲が広いので出来事と地理や歴史などを関連付けて覚えるのが効果的です。 このアプリでは、関連した学習ができるように「関連学習 キーワード解説」という項目を設けていますので参考にしてください。 【Quiz Free】(無料) 時事問題解説に掲載されている話題の○×クイズです。直近の4ヶ月分のクイズを掲載しています。 毎月初旬に前月のクイズを掲載します。学習の確認にお使いください。 【時事用語クイズ100】(有料) 2019年の時事用語クイズを100問掲載しています。 テスト前の確認などのご利用ください 【Plus】(有料) Plusは、下記の5つのクイズが入っているお得なセットです。 <月別クイズ2019> 「時事問題解説」に掲載されている話題の○×クイズです。 1月から現在までのクイズ(各10問)に挑戦できます。中間・期末テストなど試験前の確認にはもちろん、入試や就職の試験前の確認にも使えます。 <テーマ別クイズ2019> 時事問題解説と関連学習に掲載されている話題の3択クイズです。 現在掲載しているクイズは下記のとおりです。 国際の時事問題1 国際の時事問題2 国内の時事問題1 国内の時事問題2 選挙の時事問題 世界遺産の時事問題1 世界遺産の時事問題2 スポーツ・文化 日本国憲法1 日本国憲法2 自然災害 周年問題 <時事略語クイズ> 時事問題で出題されやすい略語のクイズです。3択問題と入力問題に分かれています。 <月別クイズ2018> 「時事問題解説」に掲載されている話題の○×クイズです。 2018年1月から2018年12月までのクイズ(各10問)に挑戦できます。 <テーマ別クイズ2018> テーマ別クイズは時事問題解説と関連学習に掲載されている話題の3択クイズです。 2018年は「世界情勢」「国内情勢」「日本国憲法」「自然災害」「世界遺産」「スポーツ」「その他」の問題を掲載しています。 ※それぞれのクイズは単独で購入も可能です。詳しくはナビゲーションの追加機能をご確認ください。 【時事問題のノート】(有料) <時事問題のノート2019> 2019年の時事問題で出題が予想される15のテーマについての詳しい解説を記載しています。 1)新しい元号が令和に 2)天皇陛下の退位までの経緯と象徴天皇 3)天皇退位・天皇即位に関する儀式と休日 4)198通常国会で成立した法案のまとめ 5)2019年の選挙・統一地方選挙と参議院選挙 6)世界遺産:百舌鳥・古市古墳群 -古代日本の墳墓群 7)日本の世界遺産と海外の世界遺産 8)イギリスのEU離脱(BREXIT)1 9)イギリスのEU離脱(BREXIT)2(2020年1月以降に掲載) 10)日本国憲法と時事問題1 11)日本国憲法と時事問題2 12)国際に関する時事問題(11月以降に掲載) 13)消費税に関する時事問題(11月以降に掲載) 14)周年問題(11月以降に掲載) 15)スポーツ・文化に関する時事問題 <時事問題のノート2018> 2019年の時事問題で出題が予想されるテーマについての詳しい解説を記載しています。 【広告の非表示】(有料) ポップアップ広告の表示を外す機能です。「時事問題解説」内の広告は引き続き表示されますのでご了承ください。 ーこんな方におすすめですー 中間・期末テストのために時事問題を学習したい方 2020年の中学・高校入試のために時事問題を勉強したい方 2020年の受験の面接のために時事問題を勉強したい方 2020年の就活の面接対策をしたい方 時事ネタを探している方 ニュースがわりに

Price: Free Developer: Tomoko Hashiguchi
Révision Bac 2020

Révision Bac 2020

Réviser ton BAC 2020 gratuitement et en t’amusant c’est possible !! Découvrir plus de 7500 quizz et corrections détaillées conçus par des spécialistes des matières de ton choix ! Study Quizz t’accompagne pour apprendre et réussir le BAC 2020 sur...

Price: Free Developer: Study Quizz
2020 Driving Theory Test

2020 Driving Theory Test

2020 Driving Theory Test app includes all the latest revision questions and answers for 2020, licensed by DVSA. Contains everything you need to get ready and make sure you’ll pass your test on the first try. Revise all the materials...

Price: Free Developer: Sky Unlimited
Bac ES, S, L 2020

Bac ES, S, L 2020

Notre app Bac 2020, réalisée avec des professeurs certifiés est conforme à la réforme du lycée (on prépare activement le Bac 2021 !). Dès la seconde, prépare ton examen du baccalauréat avec nos cours du programme officiel, classés par chapitres...

Price: Free Developer: digiSchool
TEAS Exam Prep 2020

TEAS Exam Prep 2020

New 2020 questions, full exams and vocabulary flashcards ACE the TEAS Exam The features of this app include 1. Practice TEAS Exams- 2. Vocabulary Flashcards In the information age of today education, learning and teaching is changing fast. The technology that is...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Feraco media Inc.
Code de la route 2020

Code de la route 2020

- Plus de 7 000 questions officielles - Plus de 250 cours GRATUIT rédigés par des professionnels - Des vidéos de cours avec notre monitrice - Des séries regroupées par thématiques (circulation routière, premiers secours, environnement …) - Une réservation en ligne...

Price: Free Developer: digiSchool
Экзамен и ПДД Казахстан 2020

Экзамен и ПДД Казахстан 2020

Всё необходимое для автолюбителя: - Самый удобный в использовании тест Правил Дорожного Движения Республики Казахстан, Знаки и дорожная разметка - Экзамен на права - пройдите тестирование для проверки ваших знаний и тренировки перед сдачей в УДП, используя актуальные билеты. - Пройдя тесты,...

Price: Free Developer: Crystal Spring LLP
UK 2020 Driving Theory Test FV

UK 2020 Driving Theory Test FV

Pass your UK Driving Theory Test with this app. The app contains the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) question bank practise questions. The questions are fully up to date for UK Car Theory Tests in 2020. The app includes...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Sureware Ltd.
US Citizenship Test 2020 Audio

US Citizenship Test 2020 Audio

If you are considering applying for your US Citizenship, then an important part of the procedure will be the Citizenship Test administered during your interview. You'll be asked up to 10 questions from a preset list of 100 questions...

Price: Free Developer: Creator Factory LLC
US Citizenship Test App 2020

US Citizenship Test App 2020

If you are considering applying for your US Citizenship, then an important part of the procedure will be the Citizenship Test administered during your interview. You'll be asked up to 10 questions from a preset list of 100 questions...

Price: Free Developer: Creator Factory LLC
Rubric Scorer

Rubric Scorer

Designed by a teacher, for teachers. FEATURES • Import student rosters directly from Google Classroom • Support up to a 20 row x 10 column rubric • Sync scores...

Price: Free Developer: Glen Botha
Teat End Scorer

Teat End Scorer

This app will assist the user in tabulating teat end and teat dip coverage scores of dairy cows. The Teat End Scorer App was developed at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. The app uses a graphical interface...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: University of Wisconsin - Madison School of Veterinary Medicine
Body Condition Scorer

Body Condition Scorer

The Bovine Body Condition Scoring App was developed at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. This app assists the user in tallying body condition scores of cattle. The app provides the user with a graphical interface to body...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: University of Wisconsin - Madison School of Veterinary Medicine
Calf Health Scorer

Calf Health Scorer

The Calf Health Scorer App was developed at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. The app uses a graphical interface to evaluate calf health based on scoring selected clinical parameters developed and employed by Dr. Sheila McGuirk. The...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: University of Wisconsin - Madison School of Veterinary Medicine
FLL Animal Allies 2016 Scorer

FLL Animal Allies 2016 Scorer

Use this app to quickly and effortlessly calculate scores while interacting with your animal allies in this 2016 FIRST LEGO League robot challenge! (Please frequently check the official FLL challenge updates for the latest rules. Updates to this app...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Raymond Pang
FLL City Shaper 2019 Scorer

FLL City Shaper 2019 Scorer

Use this app to quickly and effortlessly calculate scores while solving the FIRST LEGO League City Shaper mission challenges. (Regularly check official FLL challenge updates for the latest rules. This app was developed independently of FIRST.) Features: * 2-1/2 min countdown timer...

Price: Free Developer: Raymond Pang
FLL Hydro Dynamics 2017 Scorer

FLL Hydro Dynamics 2017 Scorer

Use this app to quickly and effortlessly calculate scores while wading through the FIRST LEGO League Hydro Dynamics mission challenges. (Regularly check the official FLL challenge updates for the latest rules. This app was developed independently of FIRST and The...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Raymond Pang
FLL Into Orbit 2018 Scorer

FLL Into Orbit 2018 Scorer

Use this app to quickly and effortlessly calculate scores while launching through the FIRST LEGO League Into Orbit mission challenges. (Regularly check official FLL challenge updates for the latest rules. This app was developed independently of FIRST.) Features: * 2-1/2 min countdown...

Price: Free Developer: Raymond Pang
FLL Scorer, Bearded Pineapples

FLL Scorer, Bearded Pineapples

The Bearded Pineapples (FTC Team #11104) and Weasel Eggs (FLL Team #58) are happy to share a scoring app for the 2018 FLL Into Orbit season! We hope that other teams find it useful. This app implements our current interpretation...

Price: Free Developer: Leif KORNSTAEDT

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