Top 38 Entertainment Apps Like 30 jaar Dana Winner - Best Alternatives

30 jaar Dana Winner Alternatives

Do you want to find the best 30 jaar Dana Winner alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Entertainment apps that are similar to 30 jaar Dana Winner. Pick one from this list to be your new 30 jaar Dana Winner app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 30 jaar Dana Winner on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like 30 jaar Dana Winner - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 30 jaar Dana Winner alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like 30 jaar Dana Winner 2025.

Sex Facts - Top 30 Weird Facts You May Not Know

Sex Facts - Top 30 Weird Facts You May Not Know

Sex Facts - Top 30 Weird and Interesting Sex Facts You May Not Know Our bodies can be strange and fascinating all at the same time, more so when it comes to having sex. As such, magazines and journalists...

Price: Free Developer: Tuan Kieu Duc


The Official app for kisakiemi! Everything you want to know about kisakiemi is available on your hands. 【Features included in this app】 ▼ News Receive all the latest news updates. ▼ Alarm Go to sleep and get up with alarm. ▼ Let’s Talk Chat with the artist...

Price: Free Developer: High Speed Boyz Inc.
FNAIM + 30

FNAIM + 30

Vous êtes client FNAIM, nous vous en remercions ! Téléchargez l'application FNAIM+30 et bénéficiez d'avantages exclusifs mis en place par les partenaires de la Chambre FNAIM 30-48. Retrouvez également les offres immobilières des plus de 80 agences du réseau, des conseils...

Price: Free Developer:
General Knowledge Quiz-Trivia

General Knowledge Quiz-Trivia

Entertainment, Humanities, Sport, Science, Geography, History and Art, Technology. Tons of questions are waiting for you. But you will have only 30 seconds to answer correctly.

Price: Free Developer: Tarik Danismend
Bauchreden - In nur 30 Tagen zum Bauchredner

Bauchreden - In nur 30 Tagen zum Bauchredner

Werde zum Star auf der Party, überrasche deine Freunde oder mache Kindern eine schöne Freude. Lerne jetzt die Kunst des Bauchredens in nur 30 Tagen! Features: - motivierende und fordernde Übungen - perfekte Vorbereitung für spätere Vorführungen - keine nervigen In-App-Käufe für Zusatzinhalte - Auswahl...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Franz Abstreiter
IA 15-30

IA 15-30

Complementa l'experència de veure el curt IA 15-30 amb aquesta app!

Price: Free Developer: Marc Coll
Maruchan 30 años

Maruchan 30 años

¡Con la app de Maruchan 30 años podrás revivir las décadas de los 80's, 90's y 2000's tal y como se vivieron en México! Cada década durará 3 semanas y podrás participar en nuestras trivias para ganar premios representativos...

Price: Free Developer: Priva
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen

Découvrez l’application dédiée à l’exposition Sienne, aux origines de la Renaissance, première rétrospective française sur l’art siennois depuis 1983. Commentaires inédits des conservateurs, nombreuses anecdotes sur les œuvres et images haute définition vous permettront d’appréhender la visite sous un...

Price: Free Developer: Sycomore
Play 30

Play 30

Play 30 is a game in which you have to press as many buttons you can in only thirty seconds. Beat your best score and try to be the best player in the world. Concentrate, be fast and... Good...

Price: Free Developer: Jose Cruz Perez Pi
Ventriloquism - Become a ventriloquist in 30 days!

Ventriloquism - Become a ventriloquist in 30 days!

Become the star of the party, surprise your friends or making children a beautiful joy. Start to learn the art of ventriloquism in just 30 days! Features: - Motivating and challenging exercises - Perfect preparation for amazing presentations - No annoying in-app purchases for...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Franz Abstreiter


De D:DREAM status is niet iets wat elk studentenproject zomaar krijgt. Maar wat is nou precies een DreamTeam en waar staat D:DREAM eigenlijk voor? D:DREAM staat voor 'Delft: Dream Realization of Extremely Advanced Machines'. Die machines kunnen van alles...

Price: Free Developer: AR Development BV
Johan Vlemmix Koningsdag 2017

Johan Vlemmix Koningsdag 2017

Koningsdag, elk jaar weer een groot feest, in dit jaar in het bijzonder. Koning Willem-Alexander 50 jaar. De Johan Vlemmix Koningsdag Gids zorgt ervoor dat jij precies weet waar je moet zijn dit jaar. Uitgebreide informatie over het bezoek...

Price: Free Developer: Conceptos
Museum Inspecteurs

Museum Inspecteurs

Wat is er te doen in de meest kidsproof musea bij jou in de buurt? De app Museuminspecteurs maakt je museumbezoek nog leuker! Bezoek een museum, vul in de app de vragenlijst in, fototjes erbij en klaar! Zo kies...

Price: Free Developer: Nederlandse Museumvereniging
Naate Raaf

Naate Raaf

De traditie van de Naate Raaf bestaat sinds 1865: het dopen van een raaf op een stok. De stok wordt vervolgens 11 dagen lang door Venlo gedragen om aan te kondigen dat er weer een joeksige vastelaovend aan staat...

Price: Free Developer: Skindustries B.V.
NPO Start

NPO Start

Met de NPO Start app kijk je live naar NPO 1, NPO 2, NPO 3 en je kijkt de programma’s makkelijk terug als je de televisie-uitzending hebt gemist. Of start een live programma vanaf het begin als je het...

Price: Free Developer: Stichting Nederlandse Publieke Omroep
TV Gids Pro

TV Gids Pro

Deze versie heeft geen banners. Je kunt ook eerst onze gratis versie proberen. Download nu dit is dé tv-gids-app van Nederland. Elke dag is onze app hét startpunt voor meer dan 1 miljoen Nederlanders om te zien wat er...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: MobilePioneers Pro Pro

Deze versie heeft geen banners. Je kunt ook eerst onze gratis versie proberen. is dé tv-gids-app van Nederland. Elke dag is onze app hét startpunt voor meer dan 1 miljoen Nederlanders om te zien wat er op tv komt. +...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: MobilePioneers
BAM! Festival

BAM! Festival

De officiele app voor het BAM! Festival 2019. In de app vind je de nieuws berichten, de plattegrond en de timetable overzichtelijk weergegeven. BAM! is een veelzijdig festival voor jong en oud. Van rock- tot popmuziek, van blues tot house, er...

Price: Free Developer: Kasper Veenvliet
Jip en Janneke, Winkeltje Spelen

Jip en Janneke, Winkeltje Spelen

Jip en Janneke spelen winkeltje. Spelen jullie met ze mee? In een kleurrijke wereld gaan de twee bekendste kleuters van Nederland met de bolderkar op pad om spullen te zoeken voor hun eigen winkel. En voor de eerste keer...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Fiep Amsterdam BV
Tales Of Dana Erik

Tales Of Dana Erik

Hello! My name is Dana Erik. I was born and grew up in the southern part of the wonderful country of Kazakhstan in a city called Shymkent! Here I absorbed warmth, kindness and the beauty of relationships that I was...

Price: Free Developer: Dana Bektayeva


(EN) EON enables you to watch live all of your favorite TV channels on on wide range of devices including Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops (PC, MAC) and Smart TVs. Includes features: Live TV program 7 days Catchup TV Video on Demand catalogue: movies,...

Price: Free Developer: United Group B.V.
Trivia for The X-Files - Horror Drama SF TV Series

Trivia for The X-Files - Horror Drama SF TV Series

Trivia for The X-Files, an American Science Fiction ( SF ), Horror, Drama, Mystery, Thriller Television (TV) Series that revolves around FBI special agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, who investigate The X-Files, a bunch of unsolved cases involving...

Price: Free Developer: Bogdan Stanescu


Zabavite se uz kviz znanja, u naredne 4 sedmice i ostvarite mogucnost dobitka Huawei Smartphone-a. Sakupljajte bodove, odgovarajte u sto kracem vremenskom roku i osvojite vrijedne nagrade. ---- Pravo na učešće u nagradnoj igri imaju: Svi korisnici aplikacije, punoljetna fizička...

Price: Free Developer: Foto Art


Putem Klik TV aplikacije uživo gledajte omiljene emisije. Besplatno uživo gledajte kanale Arena Sport, Zadruga 1, Zadruga 2 i Zadruga 3 kanal, kao i najnovije holivudske blokbastere i jos preko 100 televizijskih kanala prvih 7 dana potpuno besplatno! KlikTV...

Price: Free Developer: Pink International Company
Vip MagicVoice

Vip MagicVoice

Promeni glas na zanimljiv i zabavan nаčin, sa Vip MagicVoice aplikacijom! Izaberi jedan od mnogo zabavnih glasova i ambijenata i zbuni svoje prijatelje! Ova trendi aplikacija ti dozvoljava da menjaš svoj glas u neki od dostupnih! Na primer, možeš biti kralj,...

Price: Free Developer: Vip mobile d.o.o.
CHARADES - Play With Friends!

CHARADES - Play With Friends!

"hahaha... the sight of my girlfriend trying to act out RAGING BULL was priceless" - mattyb "this is gr8 to get ppl laughing at parties" - Poppy "I LOVE playing charades. Thanks for making this app!!!!" - Dana

Price: Free Developer: Indigo Penguin Limited
Comics Salopia

Comics Salopia

Comics Salopia is a huge international, free entry festival taking over the entire town of Shrewsbury, celebrating the medium of comic art in all of it’s forms with some of the biggest names in comic art attending… speaking and...

Price: Free Developer: Yarrington
Derya Abla Kahve Falı

Derya Abla Kahve Falı

-----2011 YILINDAN BERİ HİZMETİNİZDE OLAN , EN ÇOK SEVİLEN , İLKLERİN UYGULAMASI DERYA ABLA TÜM 20.000.000+ ÜYEMİZE TEŞEKKÜR EDER.----- Fenomen Derya Abla uygulaması siz bayanların vazgeçilmezi olmuştur. Her zaman dediğimiz gibi "Dikkat! Bağımlılık Yapar" Kahvenizi içtiniz ama falınıza bakacak kimse...

Price: Free Developer: MEVLUT BAKICI
Winner Is Dinner Battle Royale

Winner Is Dinner Battle Royale

Not sure what to have for dinner? Let the dinner choices fight it out. Select a location and tap away. Winner, winner, who ever is left is dinner!

Price: Free Developer: Kelly Johnson
Winner or Loser?

Winner or Loser?

* Almost 100,000 people have already downloaded this app. Get it now too!!!* There's a slight difference between "being wrong" and "being your fault". The key for success usually depends on the attitude you strike towards life. Maybe you didn't...

Price: Free Developer: Zed Worldwide
TRUMP-IT - Soundboard & Argument Winner

TRUMP-IT - Soundboard & Argument Winner

Single-handedly debate your friends and enemies alike. Build a wall of conversation and understanding! Loads of Trump sounds to play from your device or share through messaging apps! Continually updated features and added TRUMP-IT quotes to help you keep winning....

Price: Free Developer: Benjamin Yip
Random Giveaway Picker™ Raffle

Random Giveaway Picker™ Raffle

Spin the giveaway entries and let this app pick a random giveaway winner for you! Conduct as many competitions as you want and let others follow you closely as you pick new winners by using this app daily. With...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Eli Bitton
Race Day Scratch Play

Race Day Scratch Play

Race Day Scratch Play (RDSP) is a electronic scratch off auto racing game that anyone can play with no knowledge of racing necessary! It was designed, by a race fan, to facilitate amusement pools among fans in the stands,...

Price: Free Developer: Race Day Scratch Play, LLC
BAFTA Cymru: Your Moment

BAFTA Cymru: Your Moment

This is your chance to hold a British Academy Cymru Award and share the moment with #CymruAwards to win two tickets to the award ceremony. The competition is run on behalf of and by British Academy of Film and...

Price: Free Developer: Sugar Creative Studio
Ranneh | رنة

Ranneh | رنة

Ranneh lets you to express yourself by customizing your ringback tones and entertaining your callers. Set your status to inform callers when you're busy, driving, or at work. - Driving Mode lets your callers know when you're driving automatically...

Price: Free Developer: Jordan Mobile Telephone Services
10x10 Sports Squares

10x10 Sports Squares

• 10x10 is the easiest way to play football squares with friends during football and basketball seasons, and for both professional and for college games! With the app, you can host or join a pool right on your phone....

Price: Free Developer: Technetron Unlimited, Inc.
Oregon Lottery

Oregon Lottery

Welcome to the Oregon Lottery Mobile App! It’s all about convenience, utility and Lottery fun at your fingertips anywhere you go. Keep an eye on your app and check back often as we continue to develop the Oregon Lottery app...

Price: Free Developer: Oregon State Lottery

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