Top 20 Education Apps Like Palazzo Te - Best Alternatives

Palazzo Te Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Palazzo Te alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Palazzo Te. Pick one from this list to be your new Palazzo Te app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Palazzo Te on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Palazzo Te - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Palazzo Te alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Palazzo Te 2025.

Palazzo Grassi

Palazzo Grassi

Welcome! This app presents the Pinault Collection in Venice. In addition to contemporary art exhibitions at Palazzo Grassi since 2006 and Punta della Dogana since 2009, the Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi offers a rich and varied cultural program since 2013.

Price: Free Developer: Palazzo Grassi SPA
Palazzo Coronini Cronberg

Palazzo Coronini Cronberg

App ufficiale e gratuita di Palazzo Coronini. Questa app ti darà la possibilità di percorrere le sale di Palazzo Coronini con l’ausilio di commenti audio e schede di approfondimento delle opere più...

Price: Free Developer: Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Universita' degli Studi di Udine
Palazzo Leoni Montanari - ENG

Palazzo Leoni Montanari - ENG

Palazzo Leoni Montanari Created in collaboration with Intesa San Paolo for Palazzo Leoni Montanari, this application will accompany you on your discovery of one of the most important museums of Vicenza: PALAZZO LEONI MONTANARI. The app proposes: - a tour of the Palazzo...

Price: Free Developer: D'Uva Workshop s.r.l.
Palazzo Marino Kids

Palazzo Marino Kids

Palazzo Marino KIDS is an interactive tour in the Palace now hosting the Milanese City Council. The app can be used as a book and discloses all the Palace secrets: when was it built? By whom? What are the most...

Price: Free Developer: Comune di Milano
Palazzo Vecchio Visitor Guide

Palazzo Vecchio Visitor Guide

Visitors guide for travellers looking to discover and visit Florence and its Palazzo Vecchio. Mobile guide 100% offline developed for all those travellers willing to discover this great place. Containing: - Introduction - History - Entrance - L'esterno - First Courtyard - Second Courtyard - Salone dei Cinquecento -...

Price: Free Developer: eTips LTD
Damien Hirst - Treasures from the Wreck

Damien Hirst - Treasures from the Wreck

‘Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable’ costituisce la prima grande personale dedicata a Damien Hirst in Italia, dopo la retrospettiva presso il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli del 2004 (“The Agony and the Ecstasy”), ed è curata da...

Price: Free Developer: Palazzo Grassi SPA
Palazzo Pitti Visitor Guide

Palazzo Pitti Visitor Guide

| Thousands of travelers rely on eTips Tour Guides, because they’re the best of the best! Here is your 100% offline mobile guide developed for all those tourists who...

Price: Free Developer: eTips LTD
Madamuse - Italy's exhibits

Madamuse - Italy's exhibits

Madamuse is the ideal app for finding and visiting Italy's most amazing exhibits. Looking for the best exhibits near you? Organizing a trip and want to see something different from the usual tourist traps? Hoping to try something different this...

Price: Free Developer: Aurelio Merenda
Museo dei Ferri Taglienti

Museo dei Ferri Taglienti

“Dal patrimonio immateriale alla realtà aumentata” L’applicazione supporta la visita al complesso museale del Palazzo dei Vicari di Scarperia e San Piero (FI). È stata pensata e voluta dal Centro Ricerca e documentazione dei Ferri Taglienti di Scarperia e fa...

Price: Free Developer: Nicola Torpei
Hetekia Te Kani Te Ua

Hetekia Te Kani Te Ua

Te Kōrero Pūrākau a Hetekia Te Kani Te Ua rāua ko Matariki Nā te rōpū kapa haka ō Waihirere Ko te poi a Matariki, e pīkau nei i ngā kōrero mō te kaumātua rongonui rā o te Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki,...

Price: Free Developer: Ministry of Education New Zealand
Ngā Atua Māori - Book 3: Te Pakanga i Te Paerangi/The Battle at Te Paerangi

Ngā Atua Māori - Book 3: Te Pakanga i Te Paerangi/The Battle at Te Paerangi

Ngā Atua Māori, Puka Tuatoru – Te Pakanga i Te Paerangi The Māori Gods, Book Three – The Battle at Te Paerangi Te Pakanga i Te Paerangi tells the story of the battle between Tūmatauenga and Whiro; sons of Ranginui...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Ngā Atua Māori - Book 4: Tāne me Ngā Kete O Te Wānanga/Tāne and the Baskets of Knowledge

Ngā Atua Māori - Book 4: Tāne me Ngā Kete O Te Wānanga/Tāne and the Baskets of Knowledge

Ngā Atua Māori, Puka Tuawhā – Tāne me ngā Kete o Te Wānanga The Māori Gods, Book Four – Tāne and the Baskets of Knowledge Tāne me ngā Kete o Te Wānanga tells the story of Tāne’ and his journey...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Te Whanake

Te Whanake

The Te Whanake app is a rich collection of resources for Māori language learners and teachers. It encompasses all of the Te Whanake resources in a structured programme that uses all parts of the resources at the appropriate time...

Price: Free Developer: AUT University
Ngā Atua Māori - Book 1:  Te Orokotīmatanga o te Ao/The Beginning of The Universe

Ngā Atua Māori - Book 1: Te Orokotīmatanga o te Ao/The Beginning of The Universe

Te Orokotīmatanga o te Ao is the story of the creation of the universe according to Māori. It begins with Io, the Supreme Being and the infinite state of nothingness before you are transported through aeons to the time...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Ngā Atua Māori - Book 2: Te Wehenga o Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku/The Separation of Ranginui & Papatūānuku

Ngā Atua Māori - Book 2: Te Wehenga o Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku/The Separation of Ranginui & Papatūānuku

Ngā Atua Māori: Puka Tuarua – Te Wehenga o Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku The Māori Gods: Book Two - The Separation of Rangunui and Papatūānuku Te Wehenga o Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku tells the story of the separation of Sky Father...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Leer om tyd te lees in afrikaans

Leer om tyd te lees in afrikaans

Hierdie app: “Hoe Laat is dit? Leer jou kind met interaktiewe spelletjies hoe om tyd te leer lees en verstaan. Die oefeninge en aktiwiteite in hierdie app help kinders om maklik en met pret te leer sê hoe...

Kia Haere Tāua ki te Hokohoko / Let's Go Shopping!

Kia Haere Tāua ki te Hokohoko / Let's Go Shopping!

The game is part of a series of mobile apps designed to introduce te Reo Māori words and phrases to pre-schoolers in a fun and playful way. The rest of the series will include puzzles about roads, pets...

Price: Free Developer: Kiwa Digital Limited
Spelletjes om kleuters te leren lezen

Spelletjes om kleuters te leren lezen

U wilt uw kleuter ook met een voorsprong de grote school laten beginnen? Download dan snel de “Spelletje om kleuters te leren lezen” app Dit educatieve spel zal uw kind helpen beter voorbereid te zijn voor deze grote stap...

Price: Free Developer:
Te Taupānga

Te Taupānga

At Toi Ohimai Institute of Technology we truly believe that our students’ success is key to the success of our whole region. That’s why we’re here - to help make their dreams a reality. Te Taupānga is an educational...

Price: Free Developer: Toi Ohomai

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