Top 20 Education Apps Like SKS 2019 - Best Alternatives

SKS 2019 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best SKS 2019 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to SKS 2019. Pick one from this list to be your new SKS 2019 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to SKS 2019 on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like SKS 2019 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid SKS 2019 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like SKS 2019 2025.

SKS Sportküstenschifferschein

SKS Sportküstenschifferschein

Dieses Programm bietet Dir die Möglichkeit, für den theoretischen Teil des Sportküstenschifferscheins (SKS) zu üben. Mit „SKS Sportküstenschifferschein“ kannst du überall auf deinem iPhone, iPad oder iPod Touch für die Prüfung lernen. Es ist für Unterwegs die interaktive Ergänzung...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Jan Philipp Dahms
SKS Trainer

SKS Trainer

Der SKS Trainer basiert auf dem aktuellen und offiziellen Fragenkatalog für den Sportküstenschifferschein. Quelle: Hinweise zum SKS Trainer: 1. Die Fragenkataloge sind aufgeteilt nach „Alle Fragen“, „Navigation“, "Schifffahrtsrecht", "Wetterkunde", "Seemannschaft I", "Seemannschaft II" und alle Prüfungsbögen (Antriebsmaschine und unter Segel). 2. Alle...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Thomas Hauck
SKS .Sportküstenschifferschein

SKS .Sportküstenschifferschein

Erfolgreich zum SKS durch intelligente Lernsysteme (Karteikarten nach Leitner, Lernmodus "Unsichere Fragen" :-) detaillierte, graphische Statistik :-) Streichen nicht geprüfter Fragen :-) kostenlose App 'Sportboot Test' zum checken ... Diese App enthält den aktuellen, offiziellen Fragenkatalog für den Sportküstenschifferschein vom...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Ralf Goritz
SKS Public School Raniganj

SKS Public School Raniganj

SKS Public School in association with Edunext Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ( launched India's first ever iOS app for schools. This app is very helpful app for parents,students,teachers & management to get or upload information about student. Once the app...

Price: Free Developer: Edunext Technologies Private Limited


Aplikacja mobilna dla nauczycieli prowadzących zajęcia w ramach programu Szkolny Klub Sportowy umożliwiająca zarządzanie kalendarzem zajęć oraz przeprowadzanie testów sprawnościowych dla grup ćwiczebnych. Dzięki aplikacji nauczyciel ma możliwość zgłaszania nieprzewidzianych zdarzeń bezpośrednio do rodzica uczestnika.

Price: Free Developer: Adam Wlodarczyk
SKS 2016

SKS 2016

Odborný program XXI. kongresu Slovenskej kardiologickej spoločnosti v Bratislave. Program je štruktúrovaný podľa časového priebehu, jednotlivých sál a prednášajúcich / predsedajúcich, ktoré možno vyhľadať. S pomocou záložky "Obľúbené" si možno vytvoriť vlastný program. Táto aplikácia je určená len pre lekárov!

Price: Free Developer: TARGET - MD s.r.o.
SKS 2017

SKS 2017

Odborný program XXII. kongresu Slovenskej kardiologickej spoločnosti v Bratislave. Program je štruktúrovaný podľa časového priebehu, jednotlivých sál a prednášajucich / predsedajúcich, ktoré je možno vyhľadať. S pomocou záložky "Obľubené" je možno si vytvoriť vlastný program. Táto aplikácia je určená...

Price: Free Developer: TARGET - MD s.r.o.
SKS 2018

SKS 2018

Odborná program XXIII. kongresu Slovenskej kardiologickej spoločnosti v Bratislave. Program je štruktúrovaný podľa časového priebehu, jednotlivých sál a prednášajucich / predsedajúcich, ktoré je možno vyhľadať. S pomocou záložky "Obľubené" je možno si vytvoriť vlastný program. Táto aplikácia je určená len...

Price: Free Developer: TARGET - MD s.r.o.


Das geniale Lernsystem von www.Büffeln.Net Mit dieser App können folgende Fragenkataloge gelernt werden: - Bodenseeschifferpatent - Fachkundenachweis Sprengstoffrecht DMYV - Fachkundenachweis Sprengstoffrecht DSV - Funkschein LRC - Funkschein SRC - Funkschein UBI - Sportbootführerschein-Binnen - Sportbootführerschein-See - Sportküstenschifferschein (SKS) So bereiten wir dich einfach und effizient auf deine Prüfung vor: •...

Price: Free Developer: IRIS Solutions GmbH
BCNP 2019

BCNP 2019

BCNP 2019 is a FREE app that brings to you all for the paper abstracts presented at the “Brazilian Conference on Natural Products”, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on November 10th to 13th, 2019. ...

Price: Free Developer: Embra Embra Servicos em Tecnologia Ltda - ME
Børnenes U-landskalender 2019

Børnenes U-landskalender 2019

Børnenes U-landskalender 2019 inviterer i denne app danske skoleelever med på en spændende rejse til Bangladesh. Og de kan lave flotte fotohistorier om alt det, de oplever undervejs. I app’en kommer eleverne på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta,...

Price: Free Developer: Danida


CIFARP 2019 is a FREE app that brings to you all for the paper abstracts presented at the "12th International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences", which will take place in Ribeirão Preto-SP on November 6th to 9th, 2019. With this...

Price: Free Developer: Embra Embra Servicos em Tecnologia Ltda - ME
CORA Congress 2019

CORA Congress 2019

The 5th edition of International Congress on Controversies in Rheumatology and Autoimmunity (CORA) is one of the most popular events in the field of rheumatology and autoimmunity. CORA 2019 will feature long and short debate sessions, scientific lectures, abstract...

Price: Free Developer: Hila Nadato
DeNA TechCon 2019

DeNA TechCon 2019

渋谷ヒカリエホール A/B にて2019年2月6日(水)に開催する DeNA TechCon 2019 の公式アプリです。登壇セッションのタイムテーブル、各登壇セッションの詳細、会場内のフロアマップなどをご覧いただけます。当日はこちらをご利用いただき、見たいセッションをご確認ください!

Price: Free Developer: DeNA Co., Ltd.
EBSA 2019

EBSA 2019

The offial APP for the Joint 12th EBSA, 10th ICBP-IUPAP BIOPHYSICS CONGRESS. EBSA 2019 MADRID, SPAIN The 12th EBSA and 10th ICBP-IUPAP Biophysic Congress (EBSA 2019) will be held in Madrid, Spain, on 20th-24th July 2019. The Congress will...

Price: Free Developer: EBSA 2019
EHOC Summit 2019

EHOC Summit 2019

Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce that VI. International Eurasian Hematology-Oncology Congress will be held between 13-14 April 2019 in İstanbul. We believe deep in our hearts that with its special concept, the International Eurasian Hematology-Oncology Congress will fill in...

Price: Free Developer: Pleksus Bilişim Teknolojileri Danışmanlık Temsilcilik A.Ş.
EUCAS 2019

EUCAS 2019

Use the official EUCAS 2019 app to plan your programme, find out what's happening and where, contact other delegates, and learn about the sponsors and exhibitors.

Price: Free Developer: EUCAS 2019 LIMITED
ICIAM 2019

ICIAM 2019

The offial APP for the International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. ICIAM 2019 VALENCIA, SPAIN The 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2019) will be held in Valencia, Spain, on 15th-19th July 2019. The Congress will take...

Price: Free Developer: ICIAM 2019
ISD 2019

ISD 2019

O aplicativo ISD 2019 é gratuito e permite o acesso a todos os resumos/trabalhos do “Encontro Internacional do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo”, que acontecerá em Porto Alegre de 02 a 05 de julho de 2019. Você ainda pode favoritar e montar sua...

Price: Free Developer: Embra Embra Servicos em Tecnologia Ltda - ME

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