Top 10 Social Networking Apps Like Shaheed ki Beti - Best Alternatives

Shaheed ki Beti Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Shaheed ki Beti alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Social Networking apps that are similar to Shaheed ki Beti. Pick one from this list to be your new Shaheed ki Beti app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Shaheed ki Beti on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like Shaheed ki Beti - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Shaheed ki Beti alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like Shaheed ki Beti 2025.

Rampy - Arkadaşlık ve sohbet

Rampy - Arkadaşlık ve sohbet

Keşfet, tanış, buluş! Türkiye’nin en akıllı arkadaşlık uygulaması Rampy’nin farklı özellikleri ile yeni nesil bir sosyal ağ deneyimi seni bekliyor! Bir arkadaşlık sohbet uygulamasından fazlası olan Rampy’nin, kişilik analizi sayesinde uygulama içerisinde sana benzer özelliklerde ki insanlarla tanışabilir, yeni...

BK Traffic Control

BK Traffic Control

Traffic Control Brahmakumari's is the set of Meditation Songs to be run at a particular time daily. These songs are in Hindi. The Schedule starts from Brahma Muhurta i.e. 3.30 AM and ends at 09.30PM. You may start/stop the schedule...

Price: Free Developer: NARESH G
Jindagi Jhand Hai

Jindagi Jhand Hai

Jindagi Jhand Hai fir bhi Ghamand Hai! Had an interesting or embarrassing incident involving your Kaminey Dost, Boss, Saas or peers etc. which you want to share with all. Jhand is an app designed to cater people from India to...

Prank Messages for Popular Social Chats

Prank Messages for Popular Social Chats

Prank Messages application is designed for popular social chats to create the best fake but realistic and professional message screen in the world. You can make fake conversations with your friends! You can make jokes to your friends and also...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Emre Gidis
WhatsTroll - Prank Chat Messages

WhatsTroll - Prank Chat Messages

WhatsTroll application is designed for popular social chats (WApp) to create the best fake but realistic and professional message screen in the world. You can make fake conversations with your friends! You can make jokes to your friends and also...

Price: Free Developer: Emre Gidis
Frontline Ebek és Macskák

Frontline Ebek és Macskák

Mutasd ki érzelmeidet és szórakoztasd barátaidat vicces kutyás/macskás emojikkal.

Price: Free Developer: Balint Takacs


Tíz éve, hogy gyáva, rasszista gyilkosok agyonlőtték az ötéves Csorba Robikát és édesapját, Csorba Róbertet. Bőrük volt a bűnük. A 2008-ban kezdődött cigányok elleni támadássorozat összesen hat halálos áldozatot követelt.A tetteseket azóta elkapták és jogerősen elítélték. Február 23-án gyertyagyújtással...

Price: Free Developer: Erno Kadet
Voice of Students

Voice of Students

Günümüzde çoğu öğrenci akla gelmeyecek sorunlarla baş ediyor. Peki nasıl? Tabii ki dertleşerek. Günümüzdeki teknolojinin amaçlarından birisi haberleşmeyi geliştirmek ve Voice of Students günümüz öğrencilerinin sıkıntılarıyla başa çıkmaları için en ideal platformu sizlere sunuyor! Platformumuzun amacı, öğrencilerin; akıllarındaki sorulara,...

Price: Free Developer: Kagan Ergovan

- cung cấp cho người sử dụng nền tảng xuất bản - mạng xã hội các chủ đề giải trí, công nghệ, đời sống, tiêu dùng, du lịch… trên hệ thống - cung...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Tuan Anh

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