Top 36 Book Apps Like Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen - Best Alternatives

Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Book apps that are similar to Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen. Pick one from this list to be your new Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen 2025.

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist This reader is equipped with various auto scroller speeds to make a more pleasurable reading experience. ‣ Color Scheme Selection in Settings ‣ Select a text color and background color for a more enjoyable reading experience Oliver Twist, or...

Price: Free Developer: Qualex Consulting Services, Inc
I Want To Be In AR

I Want To Be In AR

Head to Ipswich Art Gallery to experience the illustrations of Narelle Oliver come to life in Augmented Reality. Over the hills of Grand Snigdom to the bottom of the ocean, you’ll join Cecil from ‘I Want To Be In...

Price: Free Developer: Nextgen Creative
Weirdwood Manor

Weirdwood Manor

A mighty darkness is unleashed on the Library, a force that tests the limits of even Arthur’s great power. Oliver is lost amidst this raging storm of magic. Celia and Eugene have a plan to save him and the...

Price: Free Developer: All Play, No Work Inc.
Filin Banyosu

Filin Banyosu

Zara bir gün evde otururken bir damlama sesi duydu, şıp şıp şıp... Acaba bu ses de nereden geliyordu? Bütün evi aramaya başladı. Sonra banyoda birisiyle karşılaştı. Acaba kiminle? 20 sayfa boyunca Zara ile birlikte gezmeye, oyuncaklarıyla oynamaya, banyoyu tamir...

Price: Free Developer: Atilim Cetin
Filin Banyosu HD

Filin Banyosu HD

Zara bir gün evde otururken bir damlama sesi duydu, şıp şıp şıp... Acaba bu ses de nereden geliyordu? Bütün evi aramaya başladı. Sonra banyoda birisiyle karşılaştı. Acaba kiminle? 20 sayfa boyunca Zara ile birlikte gezmeye, oyuncaklarıyla oynamaya, banyoyu tamir...

Price: Free Developer: Atilim Cetin
MyWonderBooks Kids Audio story

MyWonderBooks Kids Audio story

We Picked 50 stories for children and kids between 4 to 10 years, adding new stories regularly list of first Free 50 stories : Alice in Wonderland Beauty and the beast Cinderella Dr Dolittle Goldilocks and the 3 Bears Hansel and Gretel Jack and the Beanstalk King...

Price: Free Developer: NMZone
101 Classic Books

101 Classic Books

The top 101 classic books that everyone should read in their lifetime A collection of some of the most famous books in American, English and international literature: novels, poetry, plays, tales, philosophy. The books were selected by analyzing polls and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: FB PUBLISHING LLC


Biography. The book about people who changed the world. Every century had eminent people who amazed the society with their talents, inventions and discoveries. They made the world we live in today. Do you know them all? Biography, interactive history book,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: MAMN84
Charles Dickens Audio Library (was MP3 Dickens)

Charles Dickens Audio Library (was MP3 Dickens)

*Get it once in the app store, and will work on both your iPad and iPhone* A complete audio collections of works of the famous English writer and social critic, Charles Dickens (1812-1870). This library includes famous works such as...

Price: Free Developer: As Written Productions
Twist - Scary Texting Stories

Twist - Scary Texting Stories

• Each chat story is told as a bite-sized text message conversation!! You can now read stories in the form of text messages !! • It's like if you were reading the text messages of other people who are...

Price: Free Developer: Baris Cincik
Food Fight! Lite - An Interactive Book by Glenn...

Food Fight! Lite - An Interactive Book by Glenn...

✭ "I truly enjoyed this original story. Food Fight! has a clever twist at the end and it was nice to read something fresh and fun." - The iPhone Mom ✭ "...the most beautiful iOS children's book yet." David Winograd,...

Price: Free Developer: Jelly Biscuits
Three Pigs Interactive Book lite

Three Pigs Interactive Book lite

The story of the three little pigs - unlike you’ve ever seen it before. The beloved story is back and with a new twist - now it’s interactive. Join the three little pigs in their classic story with a modern...

Price: Free Developer: RIBAR SL
Book+Main Bites

Book+Main Bites

What is a Bite? Excerpts, deleted and bonus scenes, post-epilogues, short stories—and more—are called 'Bites.' They could be a small taste of what's to come from an upcoming or already released book by your favorite author or a follow-up on...

Price: Free Developer: Book+Main, Inc
Coloring Book for Adults: Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday

Coloring Book for Adults: Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday

Coloring Book for Adults: Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday by Studios Start Fat Tuesday with a fun and festive coloring book. Relax and distress while you color the town pretty with decorative masks and Mardi Gras messages celebrating the...

Price: Free Developer:
Grandma's Great Gourd

Grandma's Great Gourd

"A vibrantly drawn, highly interactive app ... It should be a winner with young children."—School Library Journal Discover a storybook app—rich in opportunities for family game and story time—that puts a twist on the Little Red Riding Hood tale! Starring...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Literary Safari Inc.
Little Magic Books

Little Magic Books

Little Magic Books is a new twist on the Classic Children’s picture book. Little Magic Books combine the physicality of printed books with the interactivity of smartphone apps. Just strap your smartphone into the the back of physical book while...

Price: Free Developer: Little Magic Books
Jouw Feestje

Jouw Feestje

De 1ste écht gepersonaliseerde app. Kies je eigen naam, deze wordt dan gebruikt in tekst én uitgesproken door de vertel-stem! Het Kleine Beestje voelt zich alleen. Hij besluit een feestje te geven en schrijft een heleboel brieven. Die geeft hij...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Luumen

Alle klanten van kunnen heel simpel en eenvoudig de gekochte luisterboeken downloaden, beluisteren en beheren. Geen gedoe meer met zip- of mp3-bestanden, maar alleen nog maar inloggen met het email-adres en wachtwoord dat u gebruikt! De app werkt...

Price: Free Developer: Luisterrijk BV
Per Ongelukt!

Per Ongelukt!

Deze App is 'Het Geheime Hoofdstuk' dat voorafgaat aan het boek 'Per Ongelukt!' van Simon van der Geest. Dit is het verhaal van Ro, zijn moeder en het museum, en hoe het allemaal misliep. 'Het Geheime Hoofdstuk' is alleen...

Price: Free Developer: Bram de Goeij


Ben je al klant van Dan kan je nu heel simpel en eenvoudig je luisterboeken downloaden, beluisteren en beheren. Geen gedoe meer met zip- of mp3-bestanden, maar alleen nog maar inloggen met het email-adres dat je gebruikt op...

Price: Free Developer: Luisterrijk BV
Agent 327 (17)

Agent 327 (17)

Agent 327 is het Nederlandse antwoord op James Bond. Samen met zijn kompaan Olga Lawina bestrijdt Hendrik IJzerbroot het kwaad in en buiten de Lage Landen. Het lot voert hen deze keer naar Rotterdam, waar in het kantoor van...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Uitgeverij Divo
Bibliotheek Wise

Bibliotheek Wise

Regel met de Bibliotheek Wise app (gratis) uw bibliotheekzaken wanneer u maar wilt! De app is te gebruiken door leden van de openbare bibliotheken in Nederland. De deelnemende bibliotheken vindt u op Of start de app en zoek...

Price: Free Developer:


Je betaalt alleen voor wat je leent, snel en simpel! Hoe werkt het? 1. Download de BiebApp 2. Maak een account aan 3. Zoek de boeken, cd’s, tijdschriften of films die je wilt lenen en ga naar de selfservicebalie. 4. Druk op...

Price: Free Developer: ProBiblio
BoekWijzer - dé literaire app

BoekWijzer - dé literaire app

Boeken, boeken en nog meer boeken. De BoekWijzer app is dé app met alle in Nederland leverbare titels in zakformaat. BoekWijzer brengt rijke literaire informatie, samen met de mogelijkheid tot het direct bestellen van boeken, binnen het bereik van...

Price: Free Developer: Bright Side of Life Computer Consultancy B.V.


Met BUKU heb je altijd en overal toegang tot een groeiend aantal studieboeken. Gebruik niet alleen de boeken die op jouw boekenlijst staan, maar ieder boek dat jou helpt bij je studie, onderzoek of vakgebied. De informatie die jij nodig hebt...

Price: Free Developer: Buku
Alice in Wonderland Book

Alice in Wonderland Book

--> A Marvelous Fantasy + Engaging Animations + Stunning interactions --> HD graphics and sounds | FREE educational PUZZLE activities inside! Follow Alice as she falls down the rabbit’s hole into a fantasy world. Discover a magical world,...

Price: Free Developer: TabTale LTD
Drabble - Find Joy In Writing

Drabble - Find Joy In Writing

Drabble is a community of writers wherein writer can write their own story or jump into someone else’s with a limit of 100 words only. To make it more interesting, the writers can also have co-writers contribute to its...

Price: Free Developer: INFINX SERVICES PVT LTD
New In Chess Books

New In Chess Books

New In Chess is a prize-winning publisher of chess books, the Yearbook and its flagship periodical: New In Chess magazine. The book publishing program focuses on chess improvement, training manuals, opening theory, chess history and chess entertainment. Bestselling authors...

Price: Free Developer: New In Chess
Catholic Bible in Malayalam

Catholic Bible in Malayalam

† This is a complete reference of Catholic Bible in Malayalam.† Customise your reading experience. Access everything offline. The app lets you explore the word of God and share it with your friends & family. † FEATURES † • Navigate with ease. •...

Price: Free Developer: Reeba Sebastian
Geeta in Audio & Text

Geeta in Audio & Text

Now with offline Audio. Play anywhere without internet connection. Play Audio for following language: 1.Hindi 2.English 3.Spanish 4.French 5.Chienese 6.Germany Also available meaning for every sloka in every languages. The Bhagavad Gita, also more simply known as Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of...

Price: Free Developer: Sudhirbhai Ubhada
Hanuman chalisa in audio

Hanuman chalisa in audio

Hanuman Chalisa and Hanuman Chants with HD Audio: Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional song based on Lord Hanuman as the model devotee. The word "chālisā" is derived from "chālis" in Hindi, which means 40, as the Hanuman Chalisa has 40...

Price: Free Developer: Sudhirbhai Ubhada
In rep en roer

In rep en roer

In rep en roer is een Leren lezen zoekboek voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar. In dit boek kan je kind speuren naar woorden en deze zelf lezen. Is het boek uit? Start dan de app en je kind kan in...

Price: Free Developer: Uitgeverij Zwijsen BV
Nuclear power in Japan / Tetsu Kayama

Nuclear power in Japan / Tetsu Kayama

Added the new volume "Nuclear power with imagination". >Nuclear power in Japan For most people in Japan now,the nuclear plant is facilities that exist like seem being natural since time when it born and grew up. And it is managed by...

Price: Free Developer: Blue in the face
Orthodox Christian Library in Chinese

Orthodox Christian Library in Chinese

This is a library of Orthodox Christian literature for people speaking Chinese. We offer a large variety of books in Chinese (Simplified and Traditional characters), English, and Russian languages.

Price: Free Developer: Orthodox Church in Hong Kong 香港聖彼得聖保羅東正教堂
Dracula, Jacht op de vampier

Dracula, Jacht op de vampier

Jonathan Harker reist naar Transsylvanië om zaken te doen met graaf Dracula. Al snel na zijn aankomst in het kasteel ontdekt Jonathan iets vreemds. De graaf eet en drinkt nooit en lijkt te slapen wanneer anderen wakker zijn. Als...

Price: Free Developer: Uitgeverij Zwijsen BV

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