Top 20 Music Apps Like BC Radio - Best Alternatives

BC Radio Alternatives

Do you want to find the best BC Radio alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Music apps that are similar to BC Radio. Pick one from this list to be your new BC Radio app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to BC Radio on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like BC Radio - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid BC Radio alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like BC Radio 2025.

BC Jukebox : Music At The Venue

BC Jukebox : Music At The Venue

It's about time people control the music. BC Jukebox allows you to select the songs you want while at a restaurant, bar, pub, lounge, etc. where BCJukebox is playing music and setting the vibe. The app allows the user...

Price: Free Developer: Saurabh Agrawal
Progressions Magazine

Progressions Magazine

The official journal of the British Columbia Music Teachers’ Association is published three times a year. Its purpose is to inform BC music teachers about the Association’s activities, provide a forum for discussion and supply information of topical interest....

Price: Free Developer: Dina Pollock


NOBLE 반주기는 휴대폰으로 설치하여 간편하게 사용 가능합니다. 다른 어떤 어플과도 비교할 수 없는 NOBLE 반주기의 7가지 장점을 소개합니다! 1) 쉬운 재생: 클릭 2번이면 악보와 함께 MR을 재생할 수 있습니다. 2) 쉬운 연습: 멜로디가 있는 AR도 제공을 해, 연습할 때 활용할...

Price: Free Developer: Jongwon Lee
Chinese Instruments (English Version)

Chinese Instruments (English Version)

Chinese musical instruments are very interesting and have a very long history. This app try to present these Chinese instruments to non-Chinese player. There is a Chinese Version for the Chinese people. Chinese Music has been made since the dawn...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Hon Fai Yiu
Teach Yourself To Play Banjo

Teach Yourself To Play Banjo

Teach yourself the play the banjo with this collection of 334 tuitional video lessons. Learn different styles and techniques and have loads of fun along the way. Lessons include: Banjo Lesson Beginning Lesson 1 Banjo Lesson - Blues Run for Fun...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Roden Entertainment
Tuner (チューナー) - 高精度チューニングアプリ

Tuner (チューナー) - 高精度チューニングアプリ

高精度なクロマチックチューナーアプリです。 基準音 A4 を 400Hz 〜 480Hz で 1Hz 単位で設定できます。 C0 〜 B8 の広い音程でサイン波のテスト音を鳴らすことができます。 【注意】 耳を痛めないように、音量を上げないでテスト音を鳴らしてください。 特に B2 以下の低い音は聞こえなくても、物理的に音としては出ているので音量を上げて耳を痛めないように気をつけてください。 C6 以上の高い音も、同様です(高い音は気づくと思いますが)。

Price: Free Developer: feb19
Contact Festival

Contact Festival

Make sure you download the official Contact Festival app! Immerse yourself and personalize your festival experience at Western Canada's biggest indoor festival with official line-up and schedule info, site map, a direct line to all our social media channels...

Price: Free Developer: This Is Blueprint
Chinese Instruments

Chinese Instruments

Chinese musical instruments are very interesting and have a very long history. This app try to present these Chinese instruments to non-Chinese player. There is a Chinese Version for the Chinese people. Chinese Music has been made since the dawn...

Price: Free Developer: Hon Fai Yiu
Music Love みゅーじっく人気おんがくアプリ

Music Love みゅーじっく人気おんがくアプリ

音楽を無料で聴くなら、人気おんがく無料の最強音楽アプリ、ミュージックLoveが人気です。 Music Loveに絶対欲しい機能、当然あります *バックグラウンド再生 *完全課金なし(無料,タダ,0円です) *通信量を超節約 *動画再生or音楽のみ再生 が選べる *登録、ログインなし 音楽アプリにあると便利なこんな機能も。 *10秒巻戻し&早送り  音楽のイントロをカット。  さらにもう1回聞きたい曲や音楽を簡単にリピートできます *アルバムも同じ音楽の曲順で聞けます  人気のアルバムも課金なしで、完全無料でアルバム通りの順番の音楽で聞けます。 *MixList(プレイリスト)ランキング  聞きたい曲が特にないけど、なんとかなくイイ感じの音楽を聞きたいという時にピッタリ。  あなた好みの曲がプレイリストになっているので、ワンタップで自由に音楽を楽しめます。 *操作性がダントツで良い!  使い勝手の悪い音楽アプリにサヨナラ。  ダントツに使いやすいMusicラブの操作性をお楽しみください。 *他のアプリを使っていても音楽(おんがく)が聞ける!  音楽を聞きながら他のアプリ、当然つかえます。 こんな音楽(ミュージック)アプリを使っている方にオススメ。 Spotify(スポティファイ,すぽてぃふぁい)/Music Box FM(みゅーじっく ぼっくす えふえむ)/AWA 音楽ストリーミングサービス/最新の音楽聞き放題!Music Tubee(みゅーじっく ちゅーびー)/Shazam(シャザム)/無料音楽-音楽プレーヤー/音楽聞き放題MP3(えむぴーすりー)/音楽聴き放題アプリ-musicbox(ミュージックボックス)/LINE MUSIC(らいん みゅーじっく)/MUSIC LIVE(ミュージックライブ)/AbemaTV(あべま てぃーびー)/youtube(ゆーちゅーぶ,ようつべ)/SoundHound/おんがく無料だうんろーど/FM Music/音楽おふらいん/おんがく無料 人気/ アイドルのミュージックビデオやプロモーションビデオはもちろん、ビジュアル系、J-pop(じぇーぽっぷ)、邦楽、洋楽、BillboardHits(ビルボードヒッツ)、k-pop(けーぽっぷ)、R&B(あーるあんどびー)、ヒップホップ、ダンス、アニメ、ジャズ、クラシック、ブルース、サウンドトラック、エレクトロニック、ワークアウト&フィットネス、カウントリー、レゲー、演歌、歌謡曲、60円代、70年代、80年代、90年代、1990年代、パラパラ、サイケ、キッズ、ワールドの音楽ジャンルにも幅広く対応した無料の音楽アプリです。 音楽、動画、PV、プロモ、MusicVideo、アルバム、CD、シングル、カラオケの練習などなど色々な用途に使いやすいMusicBox(みゅーじっく ぼっくす)! 音楽を無料で聴き放題!聞き放題!お楽しみください。完全無料です!

Price: Free Developer: Yuma Okamura - radio and podcast - radio and podcast

Get all radio stations and podcasts in a single app – completely free of charge. Listen to KCRW Music, Magic Radio or Hot 108 Jamz – whenever and wherever you want – and never miss an episode of the...

Price: Free Developer: GmbH
Exclusive Radio App

Exclusive Radio App

Exclusive Radio celebrating the worlds greatest music artists. Each radio station exclusively dedicated to a single artist. ALL THE ARTIST - ALL THE TIME Exclusive Radio launching a new radio station every week - forever!

Price: Free Developer: Positivity Radio PRIME PRIME PRIME – radio and podcasts without video or banner ads. Do you love the app, but don’t want to see video or banner ads? Then you’re in the right place! Because PRIME is the perfect alternative for anyone...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: GmbH
Radio Garden Live

Radio Garden Live

Radio Garden allows you to listen to thousands of live radio stations world wide by rotating the globe. Every green dot represents a city or town. Tap on it to tune into the radio stations broadcasting from that city. By adding...

Price: Free Developer: Radio Garden B.V.
BFBS Radio

BFBS Radio

BFBS Radio broadcasts to UK Armed Forces around the world - and now on your mobile device! Our handy app allows you to: * Listen live to your favourite shows on BFBS Radio, BFBS Radio 2 and BFBS Gurkha Radio *...

Price: Free Developer: BFBS Radio
Radio 10

Radio 10

Met de Radio 10-app luister je altijd en overal naar je favoriete radiozender. In de vernieuwde Radio 10-app, die samen met jou is ontwikkeld, heb je je favoriete radiozender altijd en overal bij je. Luister live naar Radio 10...

Price: Free Developer: Talpa Radio Holding B.V.
Calm Radio - Music to Relax

Calm Radio - Music to Relax

The New York Times calls Eckhart Tolle “the most popular spiritual author in the US.” We call him one of our most loyal listeners. “I very much enjoy listening to Calm Radio. It’s my favourite station,” says the best-selling author of...

Price: Free Developer: Calm Radio
RADIO.COM: Free Radio Stations

RADIO.COM: Free Radio Stations

RADIO.COM brings you unlimited free radio! Stream sports, music, news, talk and comedy radio stations and podcasts, anytime, anywhere, free. Choose from hundreds of stations on the radio! WHAT’S NEW? Now, with RADIO.COM Rewind, you can go back in time up to...

Price: Free Developer: Entercom Communications Corp.
myTuner Radio - Live Stations

myTuner Radio - Live Stations

*** LIVE RADIO BROADCAST *** More than 50,000 radio stations of 200 countries and territories available in this app. From sports to news and music. With more than 200 countries and territories available, there are many kinds of stations for...

Price: Free Developer: Appgeneration Software
Radio Javan

Radio Javan

The best Persian music and entertainment from Radio Javan on your iOS device! With Radio Javan, you can listen to the number one music streaming app for Persian music. All the newest released songs with exclusive Artists that are...

Price: Free Developer: RADIO JAVAN INC.

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