Top 19 Entertainment Apps Like TECH CAFE - Best Alternatives

TECH CAFE Alternatives

Do you want to find the best TECH CAFE alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Entertainment apps that are similar to TECH CAFE. Pick one from this list to be your new TECH CAFE app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to TECH CAFE on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like TECH CAFE - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid TECH CAFE alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like TECH CAFE 2025.

Nex-Tech TV Now

Nex-Tech TV Now

Nex-Tech TV Now is an awesome streaming TV service available exclusively to Nex-Tech Internet subscribers. Watch TV how you want, anytime you want. No set-top boxes required! Enjoy all your favorite local channels, news, sports, movies, music, weather and...

Price: Free Developer: MobiTV
Tech Lab

Tech Lab

「Tech Lab」は、AR(拡張現実)アプリケーションです。 専用ARマーカーにiPhoneのカメラをかざしARコンテンツを楽しむ事ができます。 ■主な機能■ 1)ARコンテンツ iPhoneのカメラを利用して、AR(拡張現実)コンテンツを体験することができます。 現在公開中のARコンテンツ 「Tech Lab」 ミニチュアサイズの研究者がフォルクスワーゲンの先進技術をコミカルに、わかりやすく解説するAR会話劇。 2)ARカメラ AR(拡張現実)コンテンツを撮影するカメラ機能。 3)ARマーカー ARマーカーは東京モーターショーのフォルクスワーゲンブースで入手可能です。 ■推奨機種: iOS9.0以降がインストールされているiPhone5s以上の端末推奨です。 ■注意事項: ・運転者による走行中の操作は大変危険です。必ず安全な場所に停車してから操作を行って下さい。 ・このアプリはパケット通信を利用します。 ■補足 「Tech Lab」アプリは、フォルクスワーゲン・グループ・ジャパンが提供するアプリケーションです。 ・画像認識する環境や鮮明度、内容によって認識できない場合があります。 ・アプリケーションの動作が不安定(動作が遅くなるなど)になる場合は、アプリケーションを完全に終了して、起動し直してください。 “Tech Lab” is an AR(Augmented Reality) app. You can enjoy the AR contents by holding your iPhone camera to the dedicated AR marker. ■Major functions■ 1. AR contents AR contents can be experienced using the iPhone camera. AR contents that are...

Price: Free Developer: Volkswagen Japan
Tech or Treat

Tech or Treat

Experience live augmented reality through Tech or Treat's powerful mobile app! Interact with captivating AR animations, and easily share pictures and videos of the experiences with friends and family via text and social media! Actively moving around the surreal...

Price: Free Developer: Swaponz, Inc.
Texas Tech CR

Texas Tech CR

The Texas Tech Costa Rica App was created as a tool to provide information of the degrees offered at the host country Costa Rica, and interact with local and international prospective students. Learn about the Texas Tech University Costa...

Price: Free Developer:
Tech Recon: Advanced Battle Systems

Tech Recon: Advanced Battle Systems

For a truly unique game experience with your TECH RECON blasters, download the free “Live Action Online Gaming” app for your iPod or iPhone. Simply connect your device to the blaster to bring video game styled-play to life through...

Price: Free Developer: Current Studios Inc.
Tech Zone Paul Amadeus Lane

Tech Zone Paul Amadeus Lane

Never miss another episode of Tech Zone With Paul Amadeus Lane thanks to its official app! We'll be covering all your favorite topics with the occasional help of amazing guests. And don't forget to favorite the episodes you like...

Price: Free Developer: Banning Radio LLC
AH Tech

AH Tech

Welkom in de AH Tech app. Hier kan iedereen zijn eigen Techie programmeren. Met behulp van de speciale Techie AR-plaatjes kun je Techie de meest coole moves laten doen.   In totaal kun je twintig verschillende Techie AR-plaatjes sparen, verspreid over...

Price: Free Developer: Albert Heijn
Daily Tech News Show App

Daily Tech News Show App

Get your daily dose of tech news on your Apple TV. Join Tom Merrit and guests every day of the week as they bring you the daily tech news.

Price: Free Developer: ScriptProjects
Le Mag Jeux High-Tech

Le Mag Jeux High-Tech

Site d'actualités dédié aux jeux vidéo, produits High-Tech, figurines, mangas (DBZ, Saint Seiya, etc.), comics (Marvel, DC Comics). Découvrez nos tests de jeux vidéo, smartphones, drones, tablettes, accessoires et autres produits high-tech. Suivez également nos reportages sur les salons de...

Price: Free Developer: Barthet Julien
Fantasy Patrol: Cafe

Fantasy Patrol: Cafe

Go on new adventures with the beloved characters of Fantasy Patrol! The magical girls need your help to keep things organized in the Wonderville café! Run a truly magical café! Upgrade it and keep it neat and cozy. Unlock new...

Price: Free Developer: Interactive Moolt DTv
Hello Kitty Cafe!

Hello Kitty Cafe!

Join Hello Kitty as she ventures into the cafe business in Hello Kitty Cafe. Hire your favorite Sanrio characters to help you and Hello Kitty run the day-to-day cafe operations. Turn your cafe into the cutest, coziest and happiest place...

Price: Free Developer: Sanrio Digital Europe
Green Market Cafe

Green Market Cafe

The official Green Market Cafe app allows you to use your phone to order ahead, pay & and earn points at Green Market Cafe locations. With this app you can add money to your Green Market Cafe account, set...

Price: Free Developer: Spoonity inc
Mandolin Cafe

Mandolin Cafe

The Mandolin Cafe iPhone app includes a chord finder, the ability to play the Mandolin Cafe MP3 of the day, as well as RSS feeds to many of the Mandolin Cafe hotspots. Mandolin Cafe is all about mandolins, including a...

Price: Free Developer: Tollway Solutions
Cafe Europa

Cafe Europa

Die Cafe Europa Homepage gibt es jetzt auch als App für dein Smartphone: Wir versorgen euch mit allen Information zu Partyterminen, den aktuellen Fotos und Videos, Musik und allem rund um das Cafe Europa. Als besonderes Highlight könnt ihr...

Price: Free Developer: C&S concepts & solutions GmbH
Cafe Mocha Radio

Cafe Mocha Radio

Never be without your favorite radio station. Café Mocha Show 'radio from a woman's perspective'. Café Mocha Show is proud to present our OFFICIAL FREE radio app. Known as ‘radio from a woman’s perspective’ that airs around the country and...

Price: Free Developer: AirKast, Inc.
My Cafe Shop - Restaurant Chef

My Cafe Shop - Restaurant Chef

My Cafe Shop - Restaurant Chef a new highly addictive cooking game, This Game provides an interactive interface where you can learn the process of making each recipe. Take the Order from customer and prepare delicious food like a...

Price: Free Developer: payal patel
Cafe Caliente Noticias

Cafe Caliente Noticias

Café Caliente inició en 1995 como una sección noticiosa picante, creada por el periodista Leonel Arbeláez Castaño, en aquel entonces, Director de Colmundo Noticias, en Pereira-Risaralda. Desde su origen, se ha caracterizado por generar reflexión, denuncia, crítica, entre otras,...

Price: Free Developer: Edin Adolfo Melchor Taba
Cafe Cody Radio

Cafe Cody Radio

The sensuous Balearic Island sounds of Café Cody provide a rich listening experience that will move you, like waves, beyond the ordinary. Perfect as either background or foreground and commercial free, just music, Café Cody is a true ‘soundtrack...

Price: Free Developer: Robin Johnson

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