Top 29 Book Apps Like Uno chef per Gaia - Best Alternatives

Uno chef per Gaia Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Uno chef per Gaia alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Book apps that are similar to Uno chef per Gaia. Pick one from this list to be your new Uno chef per Gaia app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Uno chef per Gaia on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Uno chef per Gaia - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Uno chef per Gaia alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Uno chef per Gaia 2025.

EMRK - UNO-Pakt 1 + 2

EMRK - UNO-Pakt 1 + 2

Es handelt sich hierbei um die aktuellsten Versionen der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention und des UNO - Pakt 1 + 2 welche als Applikation in E-Book Form veröffentlicht wurden. Die Applikation kann zu einem äusserst konkurrenzfähigen Preis angeboten werden, da sie...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: jerome fricker
Día de campo y Horror PATHBOOK

Día de campo y Horror PATHBOOK

Libro interactivo de Aventura y horror con múltiples finales. Atrévete a convertirte en el personaje principal de esta historia. -Tu decides lo que pasará en la historia -Fantastica música en cada escena -Imagenes maravillosas -Una historia intensa. “DIA DE CAMPO Y HORROR”...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Living a Book Inc.
Jugando con el Tiempo PATHBOOK

Jugando con el Tiempo PATHBOOK

Libro interactivo de Aventura y ciencia ficcion con múltiples finales. Atrévete a convertirte en el personaje principal de esta historia. -Tu decides lo que pasará en la historia -Fantastica música en cada escena -Imagenes maravillosas -Una historia intensa. “JUGANDO CON EL TIEMPO”...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.


*** NOVITA': Limes entra nell’Edicola di Apple e ti offre il PRIMO MESE GRATIS acquistando l’abbonamento che preferisci. *** Scopri il piacere di sfogliare LIMES, rivista italiana di geopolitica, direttamente sul tuo iPad. Limes, diretta da Lucio Caracciolo, è stata fondata...

Price: Free Developer: Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso
Biblioteca Sync

Biblioteca Sync

La aplicación se limita a actualizar los ficheros de los "Recursos para la oración y predicación", servicio gratuito de Esos recursos están reunidos en una Biblioteca, que aporta enlaces entre documentos considerados útiles para la oración y la predicación...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Pio B. Santiago Amar
Biografía de Salvador Allende - AudioEbook

Biografía de Salvador Allende - AudioEbook

Conoce a través de esta fantástica aplicación la vida de uno de los que quizá fue uno de los personajes más controvertidos de la historia de Chile. Las circunstancias de su muerte lo convirtieron en un símbolo para la...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Libro Movil
Comentario Bíblico con Biblia

Comentario Bíblico con Biblia

Comentario de la Biblia y la Biblia Reina Valera No necesita conexión a Internet para su funcionamiento También te recomiendo "Concordancia Bíblica" - se encuentran en mis aplicaciones. Uno de los Comentarios Bíblicos más completos que se haya escrito en toda la...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich


Cuvify è una nuova app che ti consente di leggere e pubblicare gratuitamente ebook da cellulare, tablet o desktop. Sei un appassionato di Lettura? • Cerca un'opera o uno scrittore e leggi gratuitamente tutto il catalogo. • Crea e condividi...

Price: Free Developer: Cuvify S.R.L.
Esercizi CBT

Esercizi CBT

La CBT (Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy in inglese) è una psicoterapia sviluppata negli anni '60 ed è attualmente considerata a livello internazionale uno dei modelli più efficaci per la comprensione ed il trattamento di gran parte dei problemi psicologici e psichiatrici. Tale...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Valgy
Betsy the Witch Chef

Betsy the Witch Chef

Not all recipes are the same. There are delicious recipes, but there are also recipes horribly, disgustingly, terribly… delicious! And if you are a witch-chef and you expect to maintain your "bad" reputation among your magician friends, you should...

Price: Free Developer: Kuakomekiki
Feed-’Em Fred (The Chef of Dread) interactive storybook (for iPad)

Feed-’Em Fred (The Chef of Dread) interactive storybook (for iPad)

Digital Storytime (4.75 stars) Apps Playground ‘One of our favourite children’s books apps’ Padgadget (4 stars rating) Persian Cat Press (8 out of 10 rating) This charming, rhyming story is a delight-a-minute classic for young readers (aged 3 and up). It’s...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Leaf
Guide for World Chef

Guide for World Chef

World Chef is one of the most exciting games for iOS Apps out there these days. This is an unofficial reference guide that features extensive and comprehensive information about every single thing from the game with stats and pictures. This...

Price: Free Developer: Waranthorn Chaikhamruang
Monto and the Forest Pirates

Monto and the Forest Pirates

When the Forest Pirates attack The Knome Village, the Food Knome Monto must use his knowledge about the plants and fruits in the forest for something else than cooking… Monto and the Forest Pirates is an interactive illustrated storybook with...

Price: Free Developer: Character Publishing
Sleeping Beauty Fairy Tale

Sleeping Beauty Fairy Tale

Love conquers all. The pure of heart will be rewarded. These are the lessons that fairy tales teach us over and over again. But they also teach us to be wary of those whose intentions are less than pure....

Price: Free Developer: Saturn Animation Studios Inc.
ACF Palm Beach Chapter

ACF Palm Beach Chapter

This app is for the American Culinary Federation, INC. Chapter in Palm Beach County. The American Culinary Federation, Inc. (ACF) was founded in 1929 in New York City by three chefs’ organizations: the Société Culinaire Philanthropique, the Vatel...

Price: Free Developer: Nationwide Payment Systems Inc.
Ecouter le Coran en Français. Holy Quran in French

Ecouter le Coran en Français. Holy Quran in French

Coran en Français (Quran in French) Le Coran (arabe : القرآن ; al Qur'ān, « la récitation ») est le livre sacré de l'islam pour les Musulmans qu'ils considèrent reprendre verbatim la parole divine de Allah. La tradition religieuse musulmane...

Price: Free Developer: Tatsiana Shukalovich
Lire en VO avec Yesbook

Lire en VO avec Yesbook

Vous avez toujours rêvé de lire en VO facilement ? Yesbook est fait pour vous. Comment fonctionne Yesbook ? Yesbook vous propose une sélection de 32 livres en anglais, espagnol, allemand et italien. Lorsqu'une phrase vous pose problème, il vous suffit de cliquer...

Price: Free Developer: invent
ReNoSmart - Online-Bibliothek

ReNoSmart - Online-Bibliothek

Die erste Online-Bibliothek für ReNos ist da! Regelungen, Vorgehensweisen, Fristen … In kaum einem anderen Beruf ist es so wichtig, immer auf dem Laufenden zu sein, wie in dem der Rechtsanwalts- und Notarfachangestellten. Wie gehen Sie und Ihre Kanzlei mit dieser...

Price: Free Developer: Deutscher Anwaltverlag & Institut der Anwaltschaft GmbH
5cm per Second Film Book Ⅲ

5cm per Second Film Book Ⅲ

5 Centimeters per Second Film Art Book brings you the beautiful art of the acclaimed film “5 Centimeters per Second.” This series of three short animations directed by Makoto Shinkai in 2007 has been capturing people’s heart worldwide with its...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: UNBALANCE Corporation
5cm per Second Film Book I

5cm per Second Film Book I

5 Centimeters per Second Film Art Book brings you the beautiful art of the acclaimed film “5 Centimeters per Second.” This series of three short animations directed by Makoto Shinkai in 2007 has been capturing people’s heart worldwide with its...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: UNBALANCE Corporation
5cm per Second Film Book Ⅱ

5cm per Second Film Book Ⅱ

5 Centimeters per Second Film Art Book brings you the beautiful art of the acclaimed film “5 Centimeters per Second.” This series of three short animations directed by Makoto Shinkai in 2007 has been capturing people’s heart worldwide with its...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: UNBALANCE Corporation
Pages Per Day

Pages Per Day

Got books you need to read for a course by a specific date? Pages per day can help you! Simply: - Enter the total number of pages you need to read - Tap on the date you need to finish them by The number...

Price: Free Developer: Hashbang Pty Ltd
Una mosca avida.I bambini racconto per M. Bulatova

Una mosca avida.I bambini racconto per M. Bulatova

Divertente racconto di volo. Le domande per i figli di genitori di oggi. Il formato interattivo della nostra applicazione include un'animazione che viene eseguita quando si tocca lo schermo di un (chiave candidata) punto particolare, ci sono anche eventi...

Price: Free Developer: Mikhail Bulatov
Holy Quran (16 Lines per page)

Holy Quran (16 Lines per page)

This special edition has a specific standard format of sixteen lines per page. 16 Line Holy Quran is specially designed for Hafiz-e-Quran, Muslims who completely memorize Quran in madrasa, school or other religious institution. Enhance your recitation and spiritual...

Price: Free Developer: FanzeTech
Fiabe per bambini gratis

Fiabe per bambini gratis

2500 fiabe gratuite per i tuoi bimbi direttamente dal progetto "Ti racconto una fiaba". I classici della tradizione, le fiabe dei nostri autori, le video-fiabe e le audio-fiabe più coinvolgenti per bambini e anche per tutti gli amanti di...

Price: Free Developer: Manuel Ronzoni
Audiofiabe per bambini

Audiofiabe per bambini

Raccolta di Audio Fiabe classiche e inedite raccontate senza musica o effetti particolari da un’unica voce narrante. La scelta di questa modalità di lettura è legata al fatto che la filosofia che sottende la narrazione è quella dei vecchi...

Price: Free Developer: Pixxelfactory
Merisana – n liber per mutons

Merisana – n liber per mutons

Lascëdeve ncanté dal mond de marueia dla montes! Merisana, la bela regina dl’Aguanes, ulëssa che duta la criatures dl mond fossa cuntëntes l di de si noza. Cie fajerà pa la regina cun si gran cuer che chësc garate? Chësc...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: LARIXPRESS GmbH
Greek gods & goddesses: names & mythology

Greek gods & goddesses: names & mythology

Ancient Greek, as one of the four ancient civilizations, has exerted an extensive influence on European culture, is the foundation of Western civilization as whole. Ancient Greek mythology was originally a large collection of narratives, created between 1200 and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer:

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