Top 31 Education Apps Like CTUMP - Hệ quản lý tích hợp - Best Alternatives

CTUMP - Hệ quản lý tích hợp Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CTUMP - Hệ quản lý tích hợp alternatives for iOS? We have listed 31 Education apps that are similar to CTUMP - Hệ quản lý tích hợp. Pick one from this list to be your new CTUMP - Hệ quản lý tích hợp app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CTUMP - Hệ quản lý tích hợp on your iOS devices.

Top 31 Apps Like CTUMP - Hệ quản lý tích hợp - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CTUMP - Hệ quản lý tích hợp alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like CTUMP - Hệ quản lý tích hợp 2025.

Swift County MN 4-H

Swift County MN 4-H

In this app you can find: Contact Us, Facebook, MN 4-H Online, Swift County FairEntry, Events, Swift County 4-H Premium Book, Livestock Show Books, County Fair Forms, Swift County Fair, YQCA - LQA&E, 4-H Agronomy, Summer Adventures, Swift County...

Price: Free Developer: Swift County 4-H Federation
H.O.P.E.'S House

H.O.P.E.'S House

Welcome to H.O.P.E.’s House Mobile App. We are a dynamic and growing ministry in the San Fernando Valley that offers spirit-led worship and an encouraging, life changing Word from God in a family-friendly environment. Under the leadership of Pastor...

Price: Free Developer: H.O.P.E.'s House Christian Ministries, Inc
H&S QM-Service

H&S QM-Service

Die H&S App informiert Sie rund um die Themen moderner Managementsysteme wie Datenschutz, Arbeitsschutz, Energiemanagement und Qualitätsmanagement. Sie erhalten dazu News und Angebote über Beratung, Coaching, Training und Fortbildungen für Ihre Qualitätssicherung. Durch personalzertifizierte Weiterbildungen und Seminare erhalten Sie...

Price: Free Developer: H&S QM-Support UG
H-FARM Fullbloom

H-FARM Fullbloom

Welcome in Fullbloom, the official app of H-FARM Campus. You will be able to: - Receive push notifications from the school offices - Organize your presence at the next event and read the latest news - See the informations of the students...

Price: Free Developer: H-FARM SpA
New York 4-H

New York 4-H

The official app of New York 4-H, featuring: - Event Schedules - Year-Round Calendars - Projects - FAQs - Ways to Get Connected - Fun Games - Including Scavenger Hunts - Photo Filters

Price: Free Developer: New York State 4-H Foundation
Oklahoma 4-H

Oklahoma 4-H

The official app of Oklahoma 4-H with year-round updates, calendars, and much more. Check out daily schedules for Roundup, plus information on: - Workshops - Contests - Live Polls and Much More!

Price: Free Developer: The Oklahoma 4-H Foundation
William H. Sadlier

William H. Sadlier

Creemos App es un componente adicional para Creemos Identidad Catolica, K-6. Esta aplicación ofrece una forma rápida de obtener recursos de apoyo, en ingles y en español, para catequistas y padres. Creemos App is a companion to Creemos Identidad...

Price: Free Developer: William H Sadlier Inc
Baker County 4-H

Baker County 4-H

The University of Florida Baker County 4-H intends to educate, inform and provide updated information on Baker County 4-H activities and to support and promote 4-H objectives for these activities through its social media site. All Baker County 4-H...

Price: Free Developer: Infinite Monkeys LLC
Nebraska 4-H State Fair

Nebraska 4-H State Fair

All New for 2019! There's no place like the Nebraska State Fair! it's the premier showcase for 4-H'ers to share what they've learned and worked on in 4-H throughout the year. At the Fair, we celebrate the successes of thousands...

Price: Free Developer: University of Nebraska - Lincoln


"iPPL(H)" è un applicazione che consente di esercitarsi su tutti gli oltre 1.500 quiz a risposta multipla per la preparazione dell'esame teorico per il conseguimento della licenza di pilota privato di elicottero: - Regolamentazione (192 quiz); - Nozioni generali (154 quiz); -...

Price: Free Developer: Angelico
Bac ES, S, L 2020

Bac ES, S, L 2020

Notre app Bac 2020, réalisée avec des professeurs certifiés est conforme à la réforme du lycée (on prépare activement le Bac 2021 !). Dès la seconde, prépare ton examen du baccalauréat avec nos cours du programme officiel, classés par chapitres...

Price: Free Developer: digiSchool
L-Lingo Premium

L-Lingo Premium

As your fellow language learners we remember what it’s like to frustrate native speakers by forgetting what to say, by failing to understand – and then finding that even the words we thought we knew, we’d been saying wrong! L-Lingo's...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Language Apps Limited
L-Wort: Немецкий язык

L-Wort: Немецкий язык

L-Wort - новый аудиотренер немецкого языка Совершенствуйте свои знания немецкого языка, учитесь правильно произносить слова, пополняйте лексический запас, подготовьтесь к экзаменам, путешествуйте и работайте с учителем в вашем кармане - приложением L-Wort! - Более 15 000 немецких слов с...

Price: Free Developer: SkaiS, LLC
L Sprachkurs von Langenscheidt

L Sprachkurs von Langenscheidt

Lerne Englisch und Spanisch mit dem Wörterbuchverlag Nr. 1* und starte jetzt mit den ersten kostenlosen Lektionen! L Sprachkurs ist dein Begleiter in der Welt der Sprachen. Wir von Langenscheidt helfen dir Sprachkenntnisse für einfache Situationen des Alltags, Reisen...

Price: Free Developer: Langenscheidt GmbH & Co. KG
Cenecoop R.L.

Cenecoop R.L.

El Centro de Estudios y Capacitación Cooperativa R.L., dispone de esta nueva forma de hacer educación, con mas flexibilidad y rapidez, donde el ritmo de aprendizaje se facilita a cada persona. Nuestro objetivo primordial, satisfacer las necesidades de aprendizaje...

Price: Free Developer: Mobimento Mobile S.L.
Colegio Independencia Sn J. L

Colegio Independencia Sn J. L

Aplicación escolar del Colegio Independencia Sn J. L, para recibir información como mensajes de pagos, tareas, circulares , seguimientos académicos , calificaciones graficadas y más.

Price: Free Developer: Airefon Movil S. DE R.L. DE C.V.
Primaria O.L.M

Primaria O.L.M

Aplicación escolar del Primaria O.L.M, para recibir información como mensajes de pagos, tareas, circulares , seguimientos académicos , calificaciones graficadas y más.

Price: Free Developer: Airefon Movil S. DE R.L. DE C.V.
Articulate L

Articulate L

Articulate L was created by an ASHA certified and licensed speech-language pathologist. It is an essential tool for anyone who needs practice using the /l/ phoneme, including English language learners. Articulate L is suitable for those who...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: BeeMoo, LLC
Entrons dans l’écrit

Entrons dans l’écrit

« Entrons dans l’écrit » est une méthode universelle pour préparer l’apprentissage de la lecture de TOUS les enfants. Elle s'adresse d'abord aux élèves de grande section de maternelle en leur proposant l'ensemble des pré-requis de l'apprentissage de la...

Price: USD 22.99 Developer: Tom Pousse Interactive
Apprendre l' alphabet, lire et ecrire

Apprendre l' alphabet, lire et ecrire

Connaissez-vous la dernière méthode pour enseigner les enfants à à lire et écrire? Une méthode qui a prouvé son efficacité même pour les enfants avec des troubles d'apprentissage ...                 ........ ce jeu en est le résultat! Cette application pédagogique aidera à...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer:
TCH Attendance

TCH Attendance

Th is app is for use of the staff and teachers of The Children's House Hawaii. Mahalo!

Price: Free Developer: William Keanu
TCH Security

TCH Security

Security Application for The Childrens House Hawaii

Price: Free Developer: William Keanu
Catch the Finch

Catch the Finch

- learn the "tch" rule and unlock the 'code' to spelling hundreds of "ch" and "tch" words - multiple mastery levels - unlock and collect cool new characters - cool sound effects and retro arcade graphics - infinite replayability - catch the finch to...

Price: Free Developer: Golden Platypus Apps, LLC
SpellNow Level 3

SpellNow Level 3

SpellNow Level 3 spells F-U-N! Make spelling child’s play with SpellNow! This app transforms the way grade 3 students develop their spelling skills by making it fun. Children are transported to the Stone Ages, full of fun and...

Price: Free Developer: Education Curb Pty Ltd
SpellNow Level 4

SpellNow Level 4

SpellNow Level 4 spells F-U-N! Make spelling child’s play with SpellNow! This app transforms the way grade 4 students develop their spelling skills by making it fun. Children are transported to the fiery depths of Lava Land, full...

Price: Free Developer: Education Curb Pty Ltd
Assimil Tchèque

Assimil Tchèque

*** First 7 lessons for free ! *** Now you can use Europe's top language-learning method for beginners or false beginners on your mobile devices. The e-course includes all of the lessons in the printed version as well as the...

Price: Free Developer: Mantano
Cantonese Words & Writing !

Cantonese Words & Writing !


Price: USD 1.99 Developer: JUN JIANG
Hakka - Chinese Dialect

Hakka - Chinese Dialect


Price: USD 1.99 Developer: JUN JIANG
Phonics Ninja

Phonics Ninja

"Thank you for listening to our feedback and finally launching a phonics ninja app with blends and digraphs!" - Sonja, SLP and mom of four lovely kids. I have a confession to make. My son's favorite game was Fruit...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Innovative Investments Limited
Phonics Station for Guided Reading & Articulation

Phonics Station for Guided Reading & Articulation

"OMG Thank You! These guided reading books are perfect for my struggling readers." - Kelsey Starr - Kinder teacher and mom Phonics Station is a comprehensive collection of sound spelling cards to use while learning phonics, reading, and spelling. ...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Innovative Investments Limited

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