Top 19 Education Apps Like Colégio E.Péry & Tia Min - Best Alternatives

Colégio E.Péry & Tia Min Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Colégio E.Péry & Tia Min alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Colégio E.Péry & Tia Min. Pick one from this list to be your new Colégio E.Péry & Tia Min app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Colégio E.Péry & Tia Min on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Colégio E.Péry & Tia Min - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Colégio E.Péry & Tia Min alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Colégio E.Péry & Tia Min 2025.

TIA Digitalization

TIA Digitalization

Totally Integrated Automation in Digital Enterprise Digitalisation is changing our world - and the way modern manufacturing companies produce in order to remain competitive in the long run. Customer requirements are becoming more and more individual. In order to be...

Price: Free Developer: Siemens AG
TIA - تيا

TIA - تيا

Better Reality…Social Education… Knowledge Enrichment واقع معزز ... تعلم اجتماعي ... إثراء معرفي TIA: Educational Concept TIA is designed to bring the whole world into the classroom and to make education a simple world of fun. Hence, the platform develops the...

Price: Free Developer: NS4IT
Club TIA Urban Health

Club TIA Urban Health

The Club Teens in Action (TIA) application is focused around youth development. The application promotes positive attitudes, behaviors, promotes self-sufficiency, and education. The Club TIA program is funded by the New York State Department of Health and aims to...

Price: Free Developer: DrupalConnect
SPS-Programmierung mit SCL im TIA-Portal

SPS-Programmierung mit SCL im TIA-Portal

Mit der Hochsprache SCL für "Structured Control Language" ist es leichter möglich, übersichtliche, leicht zu wartende Programme zu schreiben. SCL basiert auf der Sprache ST (Strukturierter Text) der Norm IEC 61131-3. SCL enthält neben Elementen der Hochsprache auch typische...

Price: Free Developer: Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG
TIA Learn

TIA Learn

With The Infinite Actuary's official Learn app, you can watch all your lesson videos right on your iPhone or iPad. Some of the features include: - Stream videos over WiFi or cellular data - Track your progress as you watch lesson...

Price: Free Developer: The Infinite Actuary


Aplicativo oficial do Mackenzie para acesso às informações acadêmicas.

Price: Free Developer: Mackenzie
TIA Practice

TIA Practice

With The Infinite Actuary's official Practice app, you can work through all your exam practice problems right on your iPhone or iPad. Some of the features include: - Offline access, so you can work problems whenever is convenient for you -...

Price: Free Developer: The Infinite Actuary
TIA Review

TIA Review

With The Infinite Actuary's official Review App, you will no longer need to print out hard copies or use photo versions of our flashcards! Our Review App will help you study more efficiently and be with you at...

Price: Free Developer: The Infinite Actuary
EMS Flashcards - Medical Signs and Symptoms

EMS Flashcards - Medical Signs and Symptoms

The EMS Flashcards Medical Signs & Symptoms app is a must-have study tool and reference guide, built by an emergency medical responder, with over 100 flashcards for Paramedics, EMS professionals, Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, instructors, and students. If you want...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Porter Street LLC
Min Valgdagbok

Min Valgdagbok

Om prosjektet: I dette prosjektet ser vi årets valgkamp fra velgernes ståsted. Det finnes mange undersøkelser som tar for seg hvordan valgkamp foregår, men få som lar velgerne selv komme til orde. I dette Valgdagbokprosjektet vil vi få fram velgernes opplevelser. I...

Price: Free Developer: Universitetet i Oslo
Hej Min stad

Hej Min stad

Träna snabbt och enkelt upp ett basordförråd i Hej Svenskas kapitel "Min stad". Träna samtidigt upp en grundläggande läs- och skrivförmåga. Appen ger snabb återkoppling och det finns alltid möjlighet att se det rätta svaret via en hjälpfunktion. Appen...

Price: Free Developer: Do-Fi
Hej Min stad för iPad

Hej Min stad för iPad

Träna snabbt och enkelt upp ett basordförråd i Hej Svenskas kapitel om staden. Träna samtidigt upp en grundläggande läs- och skrivförmåga. Appen ger snabb återkoppling och det finns alltid möjlighet att se det rätta svaret via en hjälpfunktion. Appen...

Price: Free Developer: Do-Fi
Kingdom Life Leadership Min.

Kingdom Life Leadership Min.

Welcome to Kingdom Life Leadership App. Thank you for connecting to this community of disciples. We are a Christ-Centered Leadership Church committed to discipleship and disciple-making. The Kingdom Life Leadership Min. App was created with the Subsplash App Platform.

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
Min Första Matte

Min Första Matte

I Min Första Matte kan du öva på dem första matte sätten genom att dra siffror till rätt plats. Du kan även testa att snurra på siffrorna genom att klicka på dem för att se talet på ett enklare sätt. I...

Price: Free Developer: Henrik Jangefelt
Min Skole - ansatt

Min Skole - ansatt

Bruk av appen forutsetter at kommunen har kjøpt og aktivert tjenesten, samt gyldig pålogging gjennom ID-Porten. Med Min Skole Ansatt kan du, som lærer eller ansatt på skolen, kommunisere med foresatte. På denne måten slipper du å benytte sms...

Price: Free Developer: Visma
Min skole app

Min skole app

Min skole app forbinder dig til din skole og giver dig mulighed for at holde dig opdateret på din skema, karakterer, lektier, mm. Du kan også melde dig syg med en besked, så dine underviserer kan se hvorfor du er...

Price: Free Developer: inLogic A/S
Sommentrainer plus en min

Sommentrainer plus en min

Sommentrainer optellen en aftrekken is een leuke app voor kinderen tussen de 5 en 8 jaar, die bezig zijn met het leren rekenen. Met deze app kunnen de kinderen op een leuke manier oefenen met optellen en aftrekken. Telkens...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: BaSe-IT
WordWise Min

WordWise Min

Choose your challenge - 3 or 4 letter words. Touch letters to swap them. Want more? Solve a word then click on that word and get the definition! + Solve a word, earn a hint! + Solve all words in the...

Price: Free Developer: David Lovison

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