Top 11 Education Apps Like Tagme3D Book1 - Best Alternatives

Tagme3D Book1 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Tagme3D Book1 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 11 Education apps that are similar to Tagme3D Book1. Pick one from this list to be your new Tagme3D Book1 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Tagme3D Book1 on your iOS devices.

Top 11 Apps Like Tagme3D Book1 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Tagme3D Book1 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 11 similar apps like Tagme3D Book1 2025.

Tagme3D Book2

Tagme3D Book2

"Tagme3D" is an innovative educational app that makes learning English both simple and exciting. This application uses emergent 3D and Augmented Reality technology to combine spelling, phonics, and visual representations to help build your vocabulary. Children can have fun...

Price: Free Developer: Victoria Productions Inc
Tagme3D Book3

Tagme3D Book3

"Tagme3D" is an innovative educational app that makes learning English both simple and exciting. This application uses emergent 3D and Augmented Reality technology to combine spelling, phonics, and visual representations to help build your vocabulary. Children can have fun...

Price: Free Developer: Victoria Productions Inc
Tagme3D Book4

Tagme3D Book4

"Tagme3D" is an innovative educational app that makes learning English both simple and exciting. This application uses emergent 3D and Augmented Reality technology to combine spelling, phonics, and visual representations to help build your vocabulary. Children can have fun...

Price: Free Developer: Victoria Productions Inc


"AR未来峰" is an innovative educational app that makes learning English both simple and exciting. This application uses emergent 3D and Augmented Reality technology to combine spelling, phonics, and visual representations to help build your vocabulary. Children can have fun...

Price: Free Developer: Victoria Productions Inc
FLTRP - English E-textbook (Modules1-2 of Book1 Grade1, Primary School)

FLTRP - English E-textbook (Modules1-2 of Book1 Grade1, Primary School)

FLTRP’s English e-textbooks are based on FLTRP’s New Standard English, the first complete set of English textbooks based on the new curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education. The e-textbooks include quite a number of multimedia resources, provide learning...

Price: Free Developer: FLTRP
Direct Method Book1

Direct Method Book1

Direct method is the most fast and natural method of training. No translation, everything is in English only. Digestion of material becomes four times faster. Application may be a full-function replacement for studies with a language native speaker. It...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Евгений Лисин
Book 1 - BSL Idiomas

Book 1 - BSL Idiomas

Esse livro é o primeiro passo para nosso aluno aprender inglês de forma célere e eficiente. Nesse livro o aprendizado do inglês acontece através da rotina de uma família brasileira que se muda para os Estados Unidos e uma...

Price: Free Developer: Wellington Moscon
Study Mandarin Chinese Book 1

Study Mandarin Chinese Book 1

HeChinese Study and Practice Book 1 《和码中文》第一册 HeChinese Series: 1. HeCharacter (On AppStore); 2. HeInput (On AppStore); 3. HeBook1 (This Application); 4. HeBook2 (On AppStore). The best way to learn Chinese characters and words. Requirement: HeBook1 is the third application in HeChinese series, you need to study...

Price: Free Developer: Guilin Ouyang
Learning World TOMORROW

Learning World TOMORROW

Learning World for Tomorrow テキスト完全準拠CDをアプリ化! テキスト左ページの音声が収録されており、宿題用に生徒1人1人に持たせます。生徒達と年齢の近い”ネイティブの音声”で収録。 生徒に身近なチャンツ、自然や世界に目を向ける内容の音声が収録されています(CDのトラックナンバーはテキストに掲載されています) <対象> ・Learning World Book1 修了の小学校低学年、英語を初めて習う8~9歳向け <概要> ■ 中本幹子 監修 ・CDディスク1枚 ・収録時間:78分05秒 ・トラック数:全97

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: 株式会社アプリコット出版
READY for Learning World

READY for Learning World

READY for Learning World テキスト完全準拠CDをアプリ化! 小学校低学年、 英語を初めて習う8-9歳向けテキスト。 READYはLearning World 1,2,3と異なり、場面シラバス。学校生活場面を設定し、その場面絵の中からダイアログ、語彙を学び、チャンツで定着、自己表現活動へと繋げます。基本語彙が覚えられる初心者向けボキャブラリーソング(色、数、7曜日、12か月・・・)が人気。 <対象> ・Learning World Book1 修了の小学校低学年、英語を初めて習う8~9歳向け <概要> ■ 中本幹子 監修 ・CDディスク1枚分 ・収録時間:46分58秒 ・トラック数:全72 ・音声の内容:ボキャブラリーソング/ダイアログ/ チャンツ/ Words欄の語彙/ フォニックス

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: 株式会社アプリコット出版

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