Top 38 Education Apps Like I ja odvajam - Sv. Ivan Žabno - Best Alternatives

I ja odvajam - Sv. Ivan Žabno Alternatives

Do you want to find the best I ja odvajam - Sv. Ivan Žabno alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Education apps that are similar to I ja odvajam - Sv. Ivan Žabno. Pick one from this list to be your new I ja odvajam - Sv. Ivan Žabno app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to I ja odvajam - Sv. Ivan Žabno on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like I ja odvajam - Sv. Ivan Žabno - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid I ja odvajam - Sv. Ivan Žabno alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like I ja odvajam - Sv. Ivan Žabno 2025.

i-Ready for Students

i-Ready for Students

i-Ready® for Students is a free app for students who use i-Ready at school. Students can use this app to access i-Ready and Ready Classroom Mathematics. COMPATIBILITY Students must use iPads that are compatible with iOS 11 or above. iPad minis...

Price: Free Developer: Curriculum Associates, LLC
i-Ready Learning Games

i-Ready Learning Games

i-Ready® Learning Games is an engaging math game suite for Kindergarten – 4th grade i-Ready students, to be used with the i-Ready® for Students app. COMPATIBILITY Students must use iPads that are compatible with iOS 10 or above. iPad...

Price: Free Developer: Curriculum Associates, LLC
Spellyfish Phonics I

Spellyfish Phonics I

Have your child join Spellyfish the jellyfish on his fun underwater phonics adventure covering words containing the short /i/ sound! Spellyfish teaches your child the sounds and letter names of the alphabet along with how to blend these sounds...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Pyxwise Software Inc.
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

La Universitat Rovira i Virgili te ofrece esta aplicación para facilitar el acceso a información de interés para la comunidad universitaria. La aplicación permite acceder a los siguientes servicios: -Acceso a información básica y localización de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili. -Acceso...

Price: Free Developer: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
i Get... Christmas Social Skills Stories

i Get... Christmas Social Skills Stories

i Get .. Christmas is an application providing a photo social skill story for individuals that need support in understanding the process of Christmas. Thirty pages with real picture images are used to illustrate the sequence of events. Each...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: I Get It, LLC
i Get... Cooking Vocabulary and Create Recipe Photo Sequence Books -  Social Skills Stories

i Get... Cooking Vocabulary and Create Recipe Photo Sequence Books - Social Skills Stories

i Get… Cooking Vocabulary and Create Recipe Photo Sequence Books is an application providing photo books for individuals that need support in understanding things relative to the kitchen, including cooking and making recipes. The vocabulary photo books included are; "Cooking...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: I Get It, LLC
i Get... Going to the Beach Vocabulary Photo Books and Social Skills Stories

i Get... Going to the Beach Vocabulary Photo Books and Social Skills Stories

i Get… Going to the Beach is an application providing a photo social skills story for individuals that need support in understanding going to the beach. Eighteen icons with real picture images are used to illustrate the sequence of...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: I Get It, LLC
i Get... Going to the Playground Vocabulary Photo Books and Social Skills Stories

i Get... Going to the Playground Vocabulary Photo Books and Social Skills Stories

i Get… Going to the Playground is an application providing a photo vocabulary books and social skills story for individuals that need support in understanding things at a playground. Text statements can be individualized for each picture allowing...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: I Get It, LLC


i-Lexicon รวมดิกชันนารี ญี่ปุ่น-ไทย-อังกฤษ 20 เล่ม ไว้ในมือถือ โดยทีมงานอาจารย์สอนภาษาญี่ปุ่น สอนภาษาไทยให้คนญี่ปุ่น และล่ามภาษาญี่ปุ่น ที่มีประสบการณ์กว่า 30 ปี ใช้งานในโหมด ออฟไลน์ (Offline ไม่ต้องพึ่ง Internet) ได้สำหรับเวอร์ชันที่ซื้อแล้ว ค้นหาคำศัพท์ได้ง่ายๆโดยไม่ต้องเลือกภาษา ง่ายกว่า เบากว่า เร็วกว่า คุ้มกว่ามั้ย เพียงแค่มาใช้ i-Lexicon - เรารวมคำศัพท์ ญี่ปุ่น-ไทย-อังกฤษ ที่ครบถ้วนทุกด้าน มาไว้ที่ปลายนิ้วของคุณ - อัดแน่นด้วยคำศัพท์เฉพาะทาง มากกว่า 15,000 คำ เช่น สำนักงาน, บัญชี, โรงงาน, วิศวกรรม, การแพทย์, ท่องเที่ยว, เกษตร,...

Price: Free Developer: Suriyan Suntong


i-observe is a classroom observation iPad app that provides a series of lenses through which to observe learning and teaching. i-observe helps monitor teaching; supporting leaders analyse strengths, areas for development or the impact of professional development over time...

Price: Free Developer: Richard Griffiths
JA Build Your Future™

JA Build Your Future™

JA Build Your Future™ allows teens to explore more than 100 careers; see what levels of education are required , from no education to a doctorate; learn about potential income; and then calculate the cost of education, including factoring...

Price: Free Developer: Junior Achievement USA
JA Build Your Future™ for iPad

JA Build Your Future™ for iPad

JA Build Your Future™ allows teens to explore more than 100 careers; see what levels of education are required , from no education to a doctorate; learn about potential income; and then calculate the cost of education, including factoring...

Price: Free Developer: Junior Achievement USA
JA Success Park™

JA Success Park™

You can be Employee of the Month at JA Success Park™ while learning important job skills to help you succeed in your career. Learn how to communicate and collaborate effectively with other JA Success Park workers so that the...

Price: Free Developer: Junior Achievement USA
JA History

JA History

Welcome to Junior Achievement USA’s History App. The app features augmented reality and interactivity to educate viewers on the history timeline of Junior Achievement USA. Download the JA History app on your mobile device to experience the history of...

Price: Free Developer: Impact Communications
I ja odvajam Križevci

I ja odvajam Križevci

‘I ja odvajam - KŽ’ je edukacijsko-informativna aplikacija namijenjena educiranju stanovnika grada Križevaca o pravilnom odvajanju i razvrstavanju otpada. Aplikacija omogućuje korisnicima pregled rasporeda odvoza otpada, naručivanje glomaznog otpada, pregled interaktivne karte s lokacijama spremnika za skladištenje otpada. Korisnicima...

Price: Free Developer: Speck d.o.o.
JA Ignites

JA Ignites

JA Ignites is an augmented reality application created by Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana. It is intended to inspire the next generation of employees. Download the JA Ignites app to learn more about jobs in Northern Indiana.

Price: Free Developer: Aptera Software, Inc.
Ja-Pineapple Japanese Lesson

Ja-Pineapple Japanese Lesson

Ja-Pineapple is for Japanese lessons for free. Let's learn Japanease by Idol Movies for Free ! Japanese Idols and cute Japnease girls will teach you basic Japanese! Free 3 movie Lessons Everyday! Translations by English, Chinese, Hindi, French...

Price: Free Developer: Entap,Inc.
UCC Ja Mobile

UCC Ja Mobile

The University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC) is Jamaica’s largest private tertiary institution and a premier education facility affording individuals with the ability to follow their academic dreams through flexible study options and hassle-free payment options. Current and prospective students,...

Price: Free Developer: Keven Jones
Moji Kello

Moji Kello

Moji kello on opetuspeli lapsille jotka opettelevat kellonaikoja. Helppo ja tehokas pedagogiikka opettavat kellon käyttöä apunaan innostavat grafiikat ja äänet. Applikaation on yksinkertainen ja tarjoaa useita eri vaihtoehtoja ja vaikeustasoja. Lapsi voi: kuulla kellonajat ääneenluettuna opetella kellonkäyttöä vetämällä viisarit oikeaan aikaan...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Extransit
Moji Klockis sv. teckenspråk

Moji Klockis sv. teckenspråk

Moji Klockis svenskt teckenspråk Öva klockan på svenskt teckenspråk! Moji Klockis svenskt teckenspråk ger äntligen barn som använder svenskt teckenspråk möjligheten att träna klockan på sitt eget språk. Appen använder en animerad figur som ger uppgifter, återkoppling och säger aktuell...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Extransit


Språktidningen skriver om allt som har med alla språk att göra. Vi gör det högt och lågt, kort och långt, roligt och provocerande. I en och samma tidning ryms både avancerad populärvetenskap och lättsamma reportage. Här finns kontroverser, kuriosa...

Price: Free Developer: Vetenskapsmedia i Sverige AB
Minilobes - 123 (Sv)

Minilobes - 123 (Sv)

Minilobes behöver hjälp med att lära sig siffror! Hjälp Minilobes att samla kunskapsklot för att siffrorna ska bli gyllene. Tryck på rätt bild när en fråga dyker upp och öva på siffrorna mellan 1-12. En berättarröst guidar på ett lekfullt sätt...

Price: Free Developer: Whale on the Moon
Minilobes - ABC (Sv)

Minilobes - ABC (Sv)

Minilobes behöver hjälp med att lära sig bokstäverna i alfabetet! Hjälp Minilobes att samla kunskapsklot för att göra bokstäverna gyllene. Tryck på rätt bild när en fråga dyker upp för att öva på alla bokstäverna i alfabetet. En berättarröst guidar...

Price: Free Developer: Whale on the Moon
Podnikání a svět práce

Podnikání a svět práce

Elektronická učebnice pro střední školy Autoři: Ing. Daniel Balogh, Ing. Miloslav Sedláček Střední škola stavebních řemesel Brno-Bosonohy 1. vydání -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Námi vytvořené elektronické učebnice slouží jako moderní nástroj, který obsahuje multimediální a interaktivní prvky, např. zvětšování a prolínání fotografií, ilustrace, animace a videa....

Price: Free Developer: TEMEX, spol. s r.o.
iDorm SV

iDorm SV

- Đăng ký thuê phòng trực tuyến - Nhận thông báo từ Trung tâm QL KTX - Gởi yêu cầu tương tác (yêu cầu sửa chữa,..) - Quản lý thông tin thuê phòng - Yêu cầm tạm ngưng - Yêu cầu gia hạn - Yêu...

Price: Free Developer: Ngoc Vy Pham
Beskriv Ordet - Matematik Svår

Beskriv Ordet - Matematik Svår

Träna på matematiska begrepp genom att beskriva dem med andra ord. Denna app är framtagen i samarbete med matematik-lärare för att göra det roligare att träna på matematiska begrepp. Innehåller något svårare matematiska begrepp Högstadienivå, vissa ord är lite svårare. För...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Emil Zeilon
First Baptist Church SV

First Baptist Church SV

This app is packed with content and resources to help you grow and stay connected. With this app you can: - Follow along with our app Bible - Sign up for events - Stay up to date with push notifications - Download messages...

Price: Free Developer: First Baptist Church of Sierra Vista Arizona
Fonemixo (förbättrad Fonemo)

Fonemixo (förbättrad Fonemo)

Talövningarna blir roliga med Fonemixo Pro. "Appen är en mycket bra och rolig variant av mer traditionell talträning, då appen är både interaktiv och stimulerar flera sinnen." Johanna Kristensson, logoped, betyg 5 av 5 på Om du vill ha...

Price: Free Developer: Asa Raab
Colegio Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Colegio Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Aplicación escolar del Colegio Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, para recibir información como mensajes de pagos, tareas, circulares , seguimientos académicos , calificaciones graficadas y más.

Price: Free Developer: Airefon Movil S. DE R.L. DE C.V.
Ivan Teller

Ivan Teller

Stay In touch with Ivan Teller's extraterrestrial channeling's. Receive updates of the current schedule and stay current with videos being uploaded weekly.

Price: Free Developer: Metropolis Entertainment Services, Inc
Medical Rep Simulator

Medical Rep Simulator

This training simulation is for students enrolled in the Medicines Australia Continuing Education Program. The game puts you in the role of a Medical Representative visiting a GP clinic, and will test your ability to apply the Medicines Australia...

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Bindoff

*display user current location on the map and location of the nearest minefields *sound and visual alerts if you approach the minefield *SOS call that sends your correct location to the competent service if you fall into minefield *education - a list...

Price: Free Developer: Ivan M
Ajvazovskij's Art

Ajvazovskij's Art

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (29 July 1817 – 2 May 1900) was a Russian Romantic painter. He is considered one of the greatest marine artists in history. Baptized as Hovhannes Aivazian, Aivazovsky was born into an Armenian family in the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Salvatore Petrazzuolo


Belgrade through nature and time - BeoGuide Learn more about some of thousands of Belgrade plants and animals and habitats they live in, or meet the records of geological changes in evolution of Earth. Find numerous rock fossil sites from...

Price: Free Developer: Rajko Vukovic
Gitabase Reader

Gitabase Reader

This app is designed to provide an easy way to read on the go the following texts translated and commented for us by ISKCON founder His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: 1. Bhagavad Gita As It Is (current...

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Sharov
Pokrývač 2. ročník

Pokrývač 2. ročník

Elektronická učebnice pro střední školy Kolektiv autorů: Rudolf Prus, Ing. Milan Holec, Ing. Ivan Zindulka, Ing. arch. Martina Horkelová, Ing. Štěpán Lašek, Ing. Vítězslav Joura, Ing. František Tesař, Ing. Petr Nešpor Střední škola stavebních řemesel Brno-Bosonohy 1. vydání -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Námi vytvořené elektronické učebnice...

Price: Free Developer: TEMEX, spol. s r.o.
claVo quiz

claVo quiz

Knowledge base is created by company. Also the lessons and quizzes can be obtained from partners that also use claVo. To detect the knowledge map of people (employees, candidates) the app creates small quizzes. Users pass quizzes (like online human-vs-human game,...

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Gudak

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