Top 49 Utilities Apps Like WiFi Touchpad for Windows and Mac OSX - Best Alternatives

WiFi Touchpad for Windows and Mac OSX Alternatives

Do you want to find the best WiFi Touchpad for Windows and Mac OSX alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Utilities apps that are similar to WiFi Touchpad for Windows and Mac OSX. Pick one from this list to be your new WiFi Touchpad for Windows and Mac OSX app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to WiFi Touchpad for Windows and Mac OSX on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Apps Like WiFi Touchpad for Windows and Mac OSX - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid WiFi Touchpad for Windows and Mac OSX alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like WiFi Touchpad for Windows and Mac OSX 2025.



【我们的亮点】 亮点一:全国亿万共享热点软件内一键链接; 亮点二:安全检测,365天WiFi管家全程护航; 特点三:专属内容,个性推荐每日资讯。 【产品简介】 WiFi钥匙上线于2014年,致力于为用户提供更好的上网服务,最大限度保护用户上网安全。WiFi钥匙致力为用户提供更加安全的上网环境,接入中科院旗下资金投资,在安全防控体系,保护用户的信息方面更是国内领先,是iPhone手机用户安全连接WiFi的首选神器。 同时我们不断适配iOS系统更新,从iOS8截图扫描,iOS9系统列表扫描,iOS11全新适配,我们一直不断地技术创新,为用户提供最优的体验。 【WiFi钥匙】通过国家信息安全等级保护三级标准验收。WiFi钥匙在符合国家相关法律法规的基础上为用户提供共享WiFi安全连接服务,用户的网络安全可以得到充分保障。

Price: Free Developer: wifi tech
Movistar Smart WiFi

Movistar Smart WiFi

¡Déjate sorprender por la conectividad inteligente! Con Smart WiFi de Movistar controla tu red WiFi de una forma fácil y segura desde la comodidad de tu celular. Aunque no seas cliente de Fibra Movistar, gracias a esta versión limitada,...

Price: Free Developer: Telefónica Internacional, S.A.U.
Wifi Password: Share free wifi passwords chua key

Wifi Password: Share free wifi passwords chua key

WiFi Password is a wonderful app to recover ever lost WiFi passwords... WiFi Password Master Key is not a hacking app, not made for hacking of any network password or protocols... WiFi Master Key password recovery is the best app to...

Price: Free Developer: LY LONG
Wifi Pass Universal

Wifi Pass Universal

After its success in various mobile platforms in Portugal Now "Wifi Pass Ultimate" is available on iOS... What is "Wifi Pass Ultimate"? "Wifi Pass Ultimate" is a useful FREE tool that allows you to convert a 6-character passphrase (Type1) into a 64 bit...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Andreas Stokidis
VeryPDF WiFi Disk

VeryPDF WiFi Disk

VeryPDF WiFi Disk is a Best Wireless Portable Hard Drive or Wireless Portable Storage. Use your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch as a disk to store, view, and share files. Turn your iPhone into a wireless, mobile external hard drive!...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Lingwen Global
WEP key Generator for WiFi Passwords

WEP key Generator for WiFi Passwords

No. 1 Wep Key Generator for WiFi Password on Appstore! Support iOS 10, iOS 9, iOS 8, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Ranked No. 1 Utility Application in China. Generated over 1 million WiFi passwords since launch. Thank you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Bhushan Vaghode
WiFi Password Finder for iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus

WiFi Password Finder for iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus

Supports iOS 9, iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus An offline WEP key generator. Enjoy secure WiFi access. New fantastic iOs8 Design Clean and Faster Have you ever lost the password key from your WiFi? It happens to all of us, for different...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Bhushan Vaghode
Wifi QR Code

Wifi QR Code

Joining a wifi network has never been easier. All you do is enter the required information and this app will generate a QR code that can be displayed in your house for friends to easily and quickly join your...

Price: Free Developer: Kasey Schlaudt


WIFI PASSWORD WPA WEP is a security tool for your phone that will help you to increase your wireless router security in few simple steps generating for you a long alphanumeric random wifi password. This free app is to simple...

Price: Free Developer: Ferran Espuna Prat


WiFi TV客户端是配合WiFi TV机顶盒一起使用,可以支持看现场视频,电视节目,支持对视频进行截图、录像、保存。 WiFi TV App可以控制机顶盒进行选台、音量控制、菜单等常规操作。 WiFi TV App必须配合WiFi TV机顶盒才能使用。

Price: Free Developer: PortSIP Solutions, Inc.
Smart TV Remote for Sony TV

Smart TV Remote for Sony TV

Smart TV Remote is designed specifically to control Sony Bravia Smart TVs. The remote control app offers a wide range of buttons that are available on a physical remote control, an easy to use touchpad for navigation through the...

Price: Free Developer: Kraftwerk 9 Inc
Remote Mouse Pro

Remote Mouse Pro

Remote Mouse™ turns your iPhone or iPad into a user-friendly remote control for your computer. It simulates the function of wireless mouse, keyboard and touchpad, also provides a variety of specialty control panels, such as Media Remote, Application Switcher...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Yao Ruan


Connect is a WiFi-based system for implementing interaction between mobile devices (small-sized screen) and PC (large-sized screen). FEATURES: 1) Remote operation of PPT courseware: With a mobile device, you can open a PPT file on PC and play the PPT...

Price: Free Developer: Guangzhou Shirui Electronics Co., Ltd.
Remote Buddy Display - screen sharing meets remote control

Remote Buddy Display - screen sharing meets remote control

See, hear and control your Mac through Apple TV – using Siri Remote as trackpad, remote & keyboard – and beaming your Mac's screen contents to Apple TV using Remote Buddy Display's novel, high-speed screen sharing technology. Lean back, connect...

Price: Free Developer: IOSPIRIT GmbH
Smart TV Remote Control

Smart TV Remote Control

Getting lazy looking for the remote control hiding somewhere in the house. We have the solution Remote TV Controller allows you to remotely control your TV set using your iPhone/iPad or simply using your brand new Apple Watch. The app...

Price: Free Developer: Quanticapps Ltd
Remotie: remote for Samsung TV

Remotie: remote for Samsung TV

Remotie is an elegant and functional remote control with keyboard and touchpad for your Samsung Smart TV. Easily interact with your TV using your phone or tablet. Navigate the Smart Hub and applications' content, search in the Browser, control...

Price: Free Developer: KRAFTWERK 9 LLC
Roku TV Remote Control: RoByte

Roku TV Remote Control: RoByte

RoByte is a simple and easy to use Roku remote control that works with your Roku Player or Roku TV. Features: • No setup is required. RoByte automatically scans your network to find your Roku. • Easily change channels with one tap •...

Price: Free Developer: TinyByte Apps
Smart Remote Roku

Smart Remote Roku

Turn your phone into the best remote control for your Roku media player or Roku enabled Smart TVs, and get a fast, lightweight app with a gorgeous, simplistic design. Control multiple devices over WiFi and stop searching for the...

Price: Free Developer: Color Tiger
mbDesktop Free

mbDesktop Free

mbDesktop - Remote desktop (RDP) client for iPad mbDesktop is a Remote Desktop Client for Windows Terminal Services (Remote Desktop Services), that allows you to view and control your Windows Desktop with your iPad. Features - Tap controls for mouse drag &...

Price: Free Developer: Haw-Yuan Yang
Works Viewer for iOS

Works Viewer for iOS

Need to view a Microsoft Works for Windows (.WPS) document on your iPhone or iPad? There's an app for that! Works Viewer converts Windows .WPS documents to a format that your iOS device can read. You can search, bookmark, and...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: LawBox LLC
PartyGO for Philips Hue Lights

PartyGO for Philips Hue Lights

"Start the party." Just say this and let the sound and lights flow into your home. *Featured By Philips on "Apps We Like" Best Entertainment Category on Philips Hue App!* With Party GO you can control your lights using only your...

Price: Free Developer: Lucas Yamashita
Calculator for iPad!

Calculator for iPad!

Calculator for iPad is an easy to use, beautifully packaged calculator for your iPad or iPhone that includes both a standard and scientific calculator. Our versatile calculator app allows you to: • Customize the look of the application by...

Price: Free Developer: 7th Gear
Calculator HD for iPad

Calculator HD for iPad

*** Featured by Engadget in "iPAD APPS: UTILITIES YOU NEED" *** Calculator HD for iPad facilitates quick calculations everywhere you need them. These are four different types of calculator in one beautifully designed and easy-to-use package. Simple and fast Basic...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: CrowdCafé
D3 Helper for Diablo III

D3 Helper for Diablo III

One-Step Studio Presents The best assistant for Diablo 3 ever, integrated with useful utilities that help you to fight against the evils from the burning hell. - Fancy UI design, user-friendly operation mode. - Fully compatible with Retina HD display and iPad...

Price: Free Developer: NAILIANG ZHOU
kHold'em for Tournament

kHold'em for Tournament

kHold'em is a client for kHold'em Card Room Management System that can be downloaded from After you have installed kHold'em Card Room Management System you can manage your tournaments using kHold'em App. About kHold'em Card Room Management kHold'em is the only...

Price: Free Developer: e-Shark S.r.l.
mazec for Business

mazec for Business

iPad / iPhoneで日本語手書き入力ができる! キーボードに不慣れな方にもストレスのない日本語手書き入力環境を提供します。 ソフトウェアキーボードによる使いにくさを解決して、iPad/iPhoneの企業導入および定着を 推進します。 なお、本ソフトウェアはiOS8以降でご利用いただけます。また、 本ソフトウェアは、企業利用を前提としており個人でご利用になるソフトウェアではありません。 年間利用料3000円でIn-App Purchassesあるいはライセンスコードにてご利用いただけます。 iOS8キーボードエクステンション対応 iOSの標準キーボードから切り替えて、手書き入力「mazec」をご利用いただくことができます。 企業にて開発した業務システムのiOSネイティブアプリやSafari上のWebアプリでも動作します。 また、iOS標準で搭載しているメールなどのアプリや他社のアプリなど様々なアプリにて 「mazec」をお使いいただけます。 バージョン2 追加機能 ・初心者UIモード  店頭での各種申込書ペーパーレス化システムなどでの利用シーンにおいて、初めてmazecに触れるお客様でも  操作方法の説明なしで使えるユーザーインターフェースを新しく追加いたしました。  合わせて、手書き文字の誤認識を極力低減させるUIを実現しています。 法人向け機能 企業の業務システムなどへのデータ入力の課題を解決するために様々な機能を用意しています。 ・イージーモードUIの搭載  初めてご利用いただく方にも迷わず操作できるようにアイコンではなく、日本語文字表記の  操作ボタンのユーザーインターフェースを用意しています。 ・テンキー(数字キー)キーボードの搭載  金額や電話番号など数字を入力するシーンにおいて、電卓配列のテンキーを用意しています。 ・アプリケーションインターフェースの搭載  手書き入力 / テンキーの切替や文字認識フィルターの設定などをお客様のアプリから制御することができます。  これにより、店頭でのお申し込みアプリなどお客様が操作に迷うことなく入力をガイドすることができます。 ・法人向け辞書の搭載  姓名の異体字(川崎/川?など)をサポートしています。お客様の氏名をいただくようなアプリにて  正しい漢字での入力が簡単にできます。その他法人向けに語句を精査して搭載しています。 ・単語一括登録  ユーザー語句を一括してiOSデバイス上へ登録することができます。お客様の製品名称などを  効率よく入力することができるようになります。 ・設定ロック 「設定」操作に対してパスコードを設定することができます。 ・入力表示高さの設定および表示お文字サイズの設定  mazecの入力領域の高さを「標準」「高い」の2種類選択できます。また、  mazecの変換候補文字のフォントサイズを「小」「中」「大」の3種類選択できます。 mazec for Business...

Price: Free Developer: MetaMoJi Corporation
ASAP for drivers

ASAP for drivers

ASAP is a system that will change how businesses and individuals order transportation. ASAP makes it easy for you to be a carrier and allows you to earn your own money. With ASAP, you will be notified when orders...

Price: Free Developer: MAVI APP AS
BuganvillaClientes for Ipad

BuganvillaClientes for Ipad

Users can access our app from anywhere, get our latest product information, anyone can sign up for our account, but we will review each user, users who pass the review can use our app.

Price: Free Developer: BuyGo
CuteWago for iPhone

CuteWago for iPhone

This is utility application for controlling home automation through Wago device. It can controls lights, dimmer, LED/RGB, blinds.

Price: Free Developer: Marek Florianczyk
vmcMote HD Lite (for iPad) - Remote Control your Windows Media Center

vmcMote HD Lite (for iPad) - Remote Control your Windows Media Center

Wirelessly remote your Windows Media Center now! Browse your music library (with covers), enqueue music, create playlists ... all without your TV running. This is a free lite version of vmcMote HD for iPad. vmcMote HD allows you to wirelessly access...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Mangel
vmcMote Lite - Remote Control your Windows Media Center

vmcMote Lite - Remote Control your Windows Media Center

Wirelessly remote your Windows Media Center now! Browse your music library (with covers), enqueue music, create playlists ... all without your TV running. This is a free lite version of vmcMote. vmcMote allows you to wirelessly access and control the music...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Mangel
GPS to Windows Sensor

GPS to Windows Sensor

This app shares your iDevice location with my Windows 7/Windows 8 Sensor Driver (available, along with directions, so Windows can have GPS information shared from the iDevice to any app that can use the Sensor Platform.

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Michael Chourdakis
Omega Windows

Omega Windows

This is a useful utility program for any Omega customer. If the user found a defect in Omega products then using this application he has the opportunity to write a report and attach photos of this problem. This program...

Price: Free Developer: NZ Marketing Group Limited
iWritingPad Keyboard Mouse

iWritingPad Keyboard Mouse

iWritingPad is able to deliver the same iPad user experience to users on computer PC including Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. The iPad's touch screen gestures as remote mouse and handwriting recognition keyboard operate computer PC / Home...

Price: Free Developer: 2ConnectMe Limited
Wi Display

Wi Display

***** SUPPORT EXTENDED DISPLAY MODE FOR WINDOWS PC ***** Wi Display turns your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad into a wireless extended display for your Windows or Mac OSX computer. Wi Display not only supports streaming high quality video...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Vietnam Mobile Software Co., Ltd
iRemote Suite

iRemote Suite

!!! Mac OS X is now supported !!! Shell access is now onboard !!! Screen zooming is introduced !!! In this release of iRemote – FREE professional solution for manipulating your desktop! iRemote Suite allows you to manipulate your desktop...

Price: Free Developer: Yahor Pushkin
iWritingPen Control Pointer

iWritingPen Control Pointer

iWritingPen helps you manage Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. With iWritingPen, you are guaranteed a smooth and efficient presentation. Functions and features: - Full set of control buttons for progressing PointPoint slides. Just through a simple touch on the control buttons, you can...

Price: Free Developer: 2ConnectMe Limited
Cellica Database Internet Sync

Cellica Database Internet Sync

Read and write to your MS Access, Excel, My SQL, SQL Server databases without any programming changes. Quickest and easiest way to go paperless. Cellica Database for iPhone allows to synchronize any MS Access, Excel, My SQL, SQL Server...

Price: Free Developer: Cellica Corporation
VDrive - your external HDD, USB and more

VDrive - your external HDD, USB and more

VDrive can work as your external HDD, USB, and more functions than you expect. Just like other wifi station app, VDrive can work as a mini server for uploading your files and browse those files through your favourite browser, etc....

Price: Free Developer: vDelegate
geomagnetic device and url net

geomagnetic device and url net

With a "back" button that allows you to return to the previous page you viewed while you are browsing, or a map with GPS function with a sensor that responds to geomagnetism and by pushing the button,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: mlet co.,ltd
Prosetup for Brother HL, DCP and MFC Printers

Prosetup for Brother HL, DCP and MFC Printers

Get connected with the Brother MFC, DCP and MFC advanced series of printers. Models: - MFCL2740DW, HL-3280, MFCL2720DW Series - HL-L2305W,HL-L2340DW,HL-L2360DN,HL-L2360DW,HL-L2361DN, HL-L2365DW, HL-L2366DW Series - MFC-8510DN,MFC-8710DW,MFC-8810DW,MFC-8910DW Series - DCP-L2520DW, DCP-L540DW,MFC-L2680W,MFC-L2700DW,MFC-2705DW,MFC-L2707DW Series - HL-3140CW,HL-3150CDN,HL-3170CDW Series - MFC-9130CW, MFC-9330CDW, MFC-9340CDW - MFC-J6920DW - MFC-J6520DW, MFC-J6720DW - MFC-J450DW, MFC-J470DW, MFC-J475DW

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Flatiron Mobile
QR code and Barcode scanner Pro

QR code and Barcode scanner Pro

Supported QR codes (2D): - VCard - website - email - phone number - and more... Other 2D codes: - Aztec codes - DataMatrix codes Barcodes (1D): - UPC-E - Code 39 - Code 39 mod 43 - EAN-13 - UPC-A - EAN-8 - Code 93 - Code 128 - PDF417 - Interleaved 2 of 5 - ITF14

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Kinetic Stars
QR Master - QR & Barcode Reader and Generator

QR Master - QR & Barcode Reader and Generator

This app helps you for: - Generating Bar/QR codes - Scanning Bar/QR codes using Camera - Scanning Bar/QR codes images in your device photos - Sharing Bar/QR codes with-in the app You can decode Text, URL's, Location on maps, Contact Details in...

Price: Free Developer: Frimus
And words

And words

You are missing some words? You know only some letters? Get words for your letters. Special feature is - that you can add and remove your own words from the list.

Price: Free Developer: Janko Enke
Corrígeme Lite- Spanish Spelling and Grammar check

Corrígeme Lite- Spanish Spelling and Grammar check

Have you ever been afraid that your professional messages have a grammar mistake and will look really unprofessional because of a typo or because you are not native Spanish? If you do, here is a solution for you! With this...

Price: Free Developer: MK App Solutions Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag
Corrígeme Pro - Spanish Spelling and Grammar check

Corrígeme Pro - Spanish Spelling and Grammar check

Have you ever been afraid that your professional messages have a grammar mistake and will look really unprofessional because of a typo or because you are not native Spanish? If you do, here is a solution for you! With this...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: MK App Solutions Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag
FOKKER-50 Weight and Balance

FOKKER-50 Weight and Balance

FOKKER 50 Weight and Balance is an app created with educational purposes. Was created with the intent of cross check with the manual load sheet in a very easy way. Should not be use in a professional way. Requires...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Amdre Ferreira
Magnetic Field Detector. Magnetometer and Teslameter

Magnetic Field Detector. Magnetometer and Teslameter

Magnetometer is a simple application that can detect and dynamically display nearby magnetic fields. You can measure the strength of magnetic field (magnitude) or use this app as a basic metal detector. Note: This application uses compass as magnetic...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ramesh Babu

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