Top 25 Games Apps Like I Hear Ewe - Best Alternatives

I Hear Ewe Alternatives

Do you want to find the best I Hear Ewe alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Games apps that are similar to I Hear Ewe. Pick one from this list to be your new I Hear Ewe app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to I Hear Ewe on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Games Like I Hear Ewe - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid I Hear Ewe alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar games like I Hear Ewe 2025.

I Am President!

I Am President!

== I Am President == Decide the fate of your people by swiping with your Almighty (and Totally Not Small) Fingers to make Super Important Decisions! "You are the commander-in-chief of the world's greatest country, and your people need you to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: FredBear Games LTD
iトレ2 - バーチャル株取引ゲーム

iトレ2 - バーチャル株取引ゲーム

前作40万ダウンロードを記録したiトレが大幅にバージョンアップ!! 本格的なバーチャルトレードが体験出来るゲームアプリです。 100万円を元手に様々な種類の株を売買し、大富豪を目指して下さい。 チャット、クラン機能搭載で全国のユーザーと駆け引きや協力しながら楽しむ事が出来ます。 【iトレシリーズ最新作】 現実のFXレートを使用したバーチャルトレードアプリ「iトレFX」をリリースしました。 【チュートリアル】 ・現実の1週間=ゲーム内の1年間となります。 ・株は24時間365日リアルタイムで動き続けます。 ・取引手数料は、購入・売却時に2.16%かかります。 ・取得平均は手数料込の金額が表示されます。 ・アプリ内に動画によるチュートリアルも用意しております。 【メディア掲載】 2016/3/3(木)の 日本経済新聞に「株式投資を学ぶうえで役立つアプリ」として紹介されました。 幻冬舎 GINGER 2016年1月号「AmebaGG×GINGERコラボ連載 月間30際流行白書」に掲載されました。 【お客様からの評価】 まやまや様 難しそうな株取引を楽しみながら体験できるこのアプリはなかなかいいです。 Dixzvkor様 投資の練習に最適かと思います。 ゲームとは思えないほどの精度なので、一見してみるのも良いかと。 流エアリアル様 シビアで勉強になるし株の厳しさもわかる。 【機能】 ・リアルタイムなチャート機能 ・IPO(新規上場株)機能 ・チャット機能で全国のユーザーと情報交換が出来ます 【取引メニュー】 ・現物株 ・信用株 ・投資信託(購入はもちろんファンドマネージャーになって運用することもできます。) ・バイナリーオプション 【 前作との違い】 ・10秒に1回以上株価が変動し、よりリアルになりました。 ・チャット機能搭載!他のユーザーと情報交換しながら勝利をつかもう! ・チャートを見ながら注文が可能になりました。 ・バイナリーオプションが実装されました。 ・受給バランスに応じて株価が変動します。 【ご注意】 ・このゲームは常にサーバーとの通信を行います。電波状況のよい場所でお楽しみ下さい。 ・約定通知のためPush通知を行います。 ・このアプリはあくまでゲームです。現実の株とはかけ離れた値動きをしますので、現実の投資への判断材料等に利用しないようお願いします。 ・バーチャルトレードですので現実のお金は増減しません。 ・利用料金は無料ですが、一部有料のアイテムがございます。

Price: Free Developer: LinkagePlus Inc
Never Have I Ever: Dirty

Never Have I Ever: Dirty

Never Have I Ever is a fun drinking game for adults that can be used in all alcohol fueled gathering. The party starting formula goes like this: More people = More fun Rules are simple: 1. Sit in a circle (or stand, or...

Price: Free Developer: Boris Mikic


The rules are simple. Swipe the bars as instructed to make gaps and complete the letters. ■ Time Attack We compete for the time to answer 10 questions correctly. The score will be posted on the ranking when you register. When...

Price: Free Developer: Hiroyasu Hirai
What am I? Riddles and Answers

What am I? Riddles and Answers

WHAT AM I? RIDDLES WITH ANSWERS YOUR BRAIN EMPLOY AND BRING ALONG LOTS OF JOY. Get guess the word game, solve clever riddles for kids and adults and enjoy! ◊ RIDDLE GAMES = MENTAL WORKOUT ◊ Riddle me this: "I can...

Price: Free Developer: Peaksel
I Am Circle - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Circle - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Circle and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
I Am Hexagon - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Hexagon - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Hexagon and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
I Am Pentagon - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Pentagon - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Pentagon and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
I Am Rectangle - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Rectangle - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Rectangle and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
I Am Square - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Square - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Square and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
Paint Melody - Draw Music & Hear Colors

Paint Melody - Draw Music & Hear Colors

A must-have drawing / musical experience !!! *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Enter into a one of a kind drawing experience. All ages using this magnificent way of expression will come up with unique works of...

Animal Touch - Baby Touch and Hear

Animal Touch - Baby Touch and Hear

Fuel your child's imagination and show your child what sound animal makes, how to say its name and how to write the name. With more than 20 animals, also you can create your own characters with your faces or...

Price: Free Developer: Impulsit Solutions
Can you hear me Brazilian?

Can you hear me Brazilian?

Here in japan. Fall to the hole that leads to the other side of the Earth. Let's avoid the attack of piranha and fall to the Brazil ! ”Can you hear me, brazilian?” Does they could it be heard? Let's avoid the attack of...

Price: Free Developer: kon sugimoto
Horse Sounds for Girls: Hear and learn the animal sound of pony and horses!

Horse Sounds for Girls: Hear and learn the animal sound of pony and horses!

* Perfect for babies and small children * Learn sounds of horses in a playful way * Mix different horse sounds to your unique music With this fun game for babies, small children and children, you can learn the voices of the...

Price: Free Developer: Escaleto UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)
Cars Games For Learning 1 2 3

Cars Games For Learning 1 2 3

Vehicles are everywhere you look, and if you want to know about all the different cars, trucks, boats, and planes then it’s time for some vehicle fun with the Car Games for Learning 123 App! This educational and...

Price: Free Developer: Nancy Mossman
Celebrity Ear Doctor

Celebrity Ear Doctor

"What? Excuse Me! Pardon! Can you speak again?" "I cannot hear clearly! I feel uncomfortable. My Ears feel tickly!" Top stars have top problems. They cannot hear cheer of fans! That's a big problem. This problem has infected so many...

Price: Free Developer: Bear Hug Media
Blindfold Runner

Blindfold Runner

Blindfold Games are entertainment apps provided as a service to the visually impaired community by Objective Ed. Your in-app upgrades pay for the development and support of these games.  Runner is a fully accessible endless runner game inspired by...

Price: Free Developer: marty schultz
Blindfold Sudoku

Blindfold Sudoku

Blindfold Sudoku is a fully accessible Sudoku game for both sighted and visually impaired people, designed for rapid audio play. Blindfold Sudoku comes with 5 Sudoku 9-by-9 puzzles - easy, medium and difficult - and is controlled through...

Price: Free Developer: marty schultz
Blindfold Sudoku Mini

Blindfold Sudoku Mini

Blindfold Sudoku Mini is a fully accessible Sudoku game for both sighted and visually impaired people, designed for rapid audio play. It's a starter game for Sudoku - a 4-by-4 puzzle game that's great for kids and adults...

Price: Free Developer: marty schultz
Farm Story Maker Activity Game for Kids and Toddlers Free

Farm Story Maker Activity Game for Kids and Toddlers Free

Lily's farm is full of crazy ANIMATED critters from chickens to cows to airplanes and pizza! Pick from 9 locations like the PIG PEN or FRESH VEGGIES garden and build any scene you can imagine with 100 funny, cuddly...

Price: Free Developer: Eggroll Games LLC
Farm Story Maker Activity Game for Kids and Toddlers Premium

Farm Story Maker Activity Game for Kids and Toddlers Premium

Lily's farm is full of crazy ANIMATED critters from chickens to cows to airplanes and pizza! Pick from 9 locations like the PIG PEN or FRESH VEGGIES garden and build any scene you can imagine with 100 funny, cuddly...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Eggroll Games LLC
Light Medley

Light Medley

Light Medley (Previously known as Glowing Dots) is a simple and addictive memory game that can blow up your mind like you never had. Easy to play, hard to master. Each bulb will light up randomly to form a sequence,...

Price: Free Developer: Tek Min Ewe
One Baazillion Sheep

One Baazillion Sheep

One sheep, two baazillion?! Go from one sheep to one baazillion in this adorable app! ■Story Help the little sheep find its friends! It was enjoying the fresh grass so much, its friends moved on without it! ■What You Can Do 1) Produce Sheep! Tap the...

Price: Free Developer: 2DFantasista LLC
Shiba's Adventure

Shiba's Adventure

If you are a dog lovers, you must not miss this epic RPG roguelike game that you've never seen. In this turn-based roguelike RPG game, you have to pick your cute favorite dog and dive into the perilous dungeons....

Price: Free Developer: Tek Min Ewe

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