Top 29 Reference Apps Like Humour of Sufi - Laughing with Nasruddin - Best Alternatives

Humour of Sufi - Laughing with Nasruddin Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Humour of Sufi - Laughing with Nasruddin alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Reference apps that are similar to Humour of Sufi - Laughing with Nasruddin. Pick one from this list to be your new Humour of Sufi - Laughing with Nasruddin app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Humour of Sufi - Laughing with Nasruddin on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Humour of Sufi - Laughing with Nasruddin - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Humour of Sufi - Laughing with Nasruddin alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Humour of Sufi - Laughing with Nasruddin 2025.

[graphic hd] the world five thousand years or seven volumes

[graphic hd] the world five thousand years or seven volumes

Day, went to months, things change, for thousands of years, human beings through a unusual way: prosperity and decline, brilliant with sorrow, and wind and rain day, how much smoke away and how much generation may one hundred, how...

Price: Free Developer: TLRoom
Body Language Revealed

Body Language Revealed

Learn the secrets of Body Language with this collection of over 300 tuitional and informative videos. Understanding body language can give you tremendous benefits for your communication skills which could benefit you in many ways from a job interview to...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: GR8 Media
Oxford Dictionary of English

Oxford Dictionary of English

Oxford Dictionary of English is widely accepted as one of the highest authorities in the study and reference of English language globally, with more than 150 years of research behind it. Regarded as one of the flagship products in...

Price: Free Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
Legends of Trucking

Legends of Trucking

Legends of Trucking beschreibt die Geschichte des Lastwagens anhand der Fahrzeuge, die unter den Markennamen Daimler, Benz und Mercedes-Benz entstanden sind. Mit der Erfindung des motorisierten Nutzfahrzeugs 1896 entwickelte sich über die Jahrzehnte das bis heute wichtigste Transportmittel für...

Price: Free Developer: EuroTransportMedia Verlags-und Veranstaltungs-GmbH
Law Society of Ireland

Law Society of Ireland

Access Law Society of Ireland Library from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Manage your account, search the catalogue, renew and reserve books.

Price: Free Developer: Law Society of Ireland
Mary Mother Of Hope JNS

Mary Mother Of Hope JNS

The School App provides Parents & Students with a single touch point to receive and access all news, notifications and information published by the school. It is a gateway for the submission of forms, making payments and accessing...

Price: Free Developer: Mary, Mother of Hope Junior National School
Star Of The Sea Sandymount

Star Of The Sea Sandymount

The School App provides Parents & Students with a single touch point to receive and access all news, notifications and information published by the school. It is a gateway for the submission of forms, making payments and accessing...

Price: Free Developer: Star of the Sea Sandymount
PRO - Hand of Fate Version

PRO - Hand of Fate Version

The deck-building comes to life in Hand of Fate! A series of quests to replay endlessly: Earn new cards, build your deck and try to win! Draw your cards, play your hand, and discover your destiny. Beyond the thirteen doors...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Quyen Linh
World of Dinosaurs: KIDS

World of Dinosaurs: KIDS

Hey KIDS ! do you love dinosaurs? let’s journey to the amazing WORLD OF DINOSAURS!!!. World of Dinosaurs: Kids is a stunning educational app for kids. It explores all the eras in which dinosaurs existed and provides great illustrations...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: WORLD OF DINOSAURS
Superior Court of CA Imperial

Superior Court of CA Imperial

Access the Superior Court of California Imperial County Docket. Search Dockets by case number. Access Imperial County Jury Website.

Price: Free Developer: Superior Court of California County of Imperial
Atoms To Go Periodic Table of the Elements

Atoms To Go Periodic Table of the Elements

Atoms To Go is your go to source for chemical and nuclear data on the elements, much like a periodic table of the elements. In addition to the usual information found in such programs, it also contains a wealth...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Black Cat Systems
Breaking the Yoke of Marital

Breaking the Yoke of Marital

Breaking the Yoke of Marital Delay is a Program developed by Dr. D. K. Olukoya, the general overseer of the Mountain of Fire Miracles Ministries. The battle against marital delay is one that requires that you fight with all your...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Virginia
Quran Muslim audio recitations

Quran Muslim audio recitations

One of the most beautiful and complete app recitation for Quran multiples reciters and multilanguage recitations. With Al Quraan Application access to the The following Quraan reciters : - Abdul basset Abdul Ssamad - Abu Bakr Al-Shatery - Ahmad...

Price: Free Developer: Figuig NET
Dalail Al Khairat

Dalail Al Khairat

دلائل الخيرات وشوارق الأنوار في ذكر الصلاة على النبي المختار كتاب من تأليف الإمام محمد بن سليمان الجزولي المتوفى سنة 870 هـ. جمع فيه صيغ في الصلاة على النبي محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم وهو يعدّ من...

Price: Free Developer: Al Khulasah
Birds of South Florida

Birds of South Florida

Another app in our Florida Wildlife series... *** Now featuring bird songs (high-quality MP3 files) for each bird described*** This app shows the 104 most common bird species found in southern Florida, including the Everglades National Park. For each bird there...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: I.M.D. Publicacion C.A.
Florida Seashore Wildlife

Florida Seashore Wildlife

Another app in our Florida Wildlife series... This app shows the 133 most common species found on Florida seashores. For each species there are two or three high-resolution pictures, a brief description, and a link to view the corresponding Wikipedia...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: I.M.D. Publicacion C.A.
1000 Japanese Onomatopoeia

1000 Japanese Onomatopoeia

Develop a feel for "real" Japanese through onomatopoeia. To any student of Japanese, the staggering number of onomatopoeia seems daunting. What on earth, for instance, is the difference between からから, かりかり and くりくり? They may sound similar, but each...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: sazanami software
Sex Box!

Sex Box!

Sex Box! Hundreds of funny sex jokes at one low price! Do you like Really Dirty Jokes? Do you like Sex Jokes? Do You like Laughing? Do you like funny stuff? Then this is the app for you! Sex Box...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: BrennanMoyMedia
Working with Wildlife

Working with Wildlife

Working with Wildlife is a practical application for those working in construction and the built environment to easily access guidance on how to approach working with protected species and meeting legislative requirements whilst on site. This app provides guidance to...

Price: Free Developer: Today Creative
Thompson's Study Bible with KJV Reference Verses

Thompson's Study Bible with KJV Reference Verses

Thompson's study Bible 1908 containing 3,648 entries with KJV verses. Public domain version of the Thompson Chain Reference Bible. The heart of the Thompson Chain-Reference system is Thompson's "chain topics" with bible verses. The system incorporates over 4,000 such chains. You...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
iPlant with Brigitte Mars

iPlant with Brigitte Mars

iPlant with Brigitte Mars is a wild plant medicinal reference that delivers accurate, dependable information on North American edible, medicinal, and poisonous plants. Author, professor, and plant expert Brigitte Mars shares detailed information on plant etymology, physiological effects,...

Price: Free Developer: Lundgren Consulting LLC
Amharic Arabic Dictionary with Translator

Amharic Arabic Dictionary with Translator

Amharic Arabic Dictionary with Amharic Arabic Translator and Amharic Keyboard This is an Amharic Arabic dictionary with Amharic to Arabic Translator. You can easily search the dictionary, and also look for Arabic to Amharic translation. It is a...

Price: Free Developer: Mohammed Dawued Mohammed
Bible Study with Charts

Bible Study with Charts

Bible Version: World English Bible Description The most complete Bible app on mobile. Powerful Free Bible study tools linked to every verse in an easy-to-use. Comes with the full World English Bible,The Holy Bible or Bible app is the number one book...

Price: Free Developer: chuncheng jin
Amharic English Dictionary With Amharic Keyboard

Amharic English Dictionary With Amharic Keyboard

Amharic English Dictionary With Amharic Keyboard and Translator This is a very well crafted Amharic English dictionary with Amharic Keyboard and translator. It is a quick reference IOS dictionary app. It is easy to use with a practical approach. ...

Price: Free Developer: Mohammed Dawued Mohammed
Amharic German Dictionary with Translator

Amharic German Dictionary with Translator

Amharic German Dictionary This is an essential Amharic German dictionary with German to Amharic Translator. It is a quick reference IOS dictionary app. It is easy to use with a practical approach. The app can be used as Amharic German...

Price: Free Developer: Mohammed Dawued Mohammed
English Dictionary and Thesaurus with Verbs

English Dictionary and Thesaurus with Verbs

Redesigned and updated for iOS 8 Top-selling dictionary app since 2008 • Every translation you need PLUS verb conjugations in all tenses • No internet connection required! Reviews: "For serious language students and translators who are looking for more precision." - The New York...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Learn Java Programming Pro Course With Exercises

Learn Java Programming Pro Course With Exercises

Learn JAVA Programming If you think you are a master in JAVA, and want to test you potential, then this app is for you. This app has an attractive learning exercise that can help you in testing your caliber. And...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: rana hamad khan
Offline English Chinese Dictionary with Voice

Offline English Chinese Dictionary with Voice

Offline English Chinese Dictionary. Over 170.000 words and expressions! With pronunciation! 英漢字典 * More than 170.000 entries * Works offline! No Internet connection needed, the perfect translator for your trips, your studies, or when no data connection is available. * Listen to the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Maxime Carrere

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