Top 18 Reference Apps Like [steel shapes] - Best Alternatives

[steel shapes] Alternatives

Do you want to find the best [steel shapes] alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Reference apps that are similar to [steel shapes]. Pick one from this list to be your new [steel shapes] app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to [steel shapes] on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like [steel shapes] - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid [steel shapes] alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like [steel shapes] 2025.

SAISC Steel Awards

SAISC Steel Awards

The SAISC Steel Awards is a national event that acknowledges excellence in the use of structural steel and is the premier event on the steel construction industry calendar. Flock Platform is helping leading brands create meaningful connections at their events. This...

[steel shapes] hd

[steel shapes] hd

The best mobile structural steel reference for iPad! hd contains all libraries from (AISC 14.1, 14.1-SI, 14 & 14-SI, 13.2, 13.2-SI, 13.1.1, 13.1.1 SI, 13, LRFD 1 through 3, ASD 5 through 9 and historic...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: David Homes
Pipeline Basics - Mechanical & Petroleum Engineers

Pipeline Basics - Mechanical & Petroleum Engineers

Pipeline Basics contains a large selection of Pipeline equations, tables and reference material. Includes Pipeline Sizing equations and tables as well as tables and reference material for valves, corrosion and flanges. Table of Contents: - Ball Valves - Boiling Fluids - Bolt Stretching -...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: FPC Ltd.
Welding Academy

Welding Academy

Learn many welding techniques with this highly informative set of 218 welding tutorial video lessons. Tutorials include: Teach Yourself MIG Welding Part 1 of 4 Basics Machine Setup Teach Yourself MIG Welding Part 2 of 4 Flat Horizontal Welding Vertical MIG...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: GR8 Media
Mechanics Basics - Mechanical & Civil Engineers

Mechanics Basics - Mechanical & Civil Engineers

Mechanics Basics contains a large selection of Mechanics laws, equations, tables and reference material. Table of Contents: - American Standard Beams - American Wide Flange Beams - Metric Units - American Wide Flange Beams - Imperial Units - Area Moment of Inertia - Belts -...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: FPC Ltd.
Heat Treater's Guide Companion

Heat Treater's Guide Companion

The Heat Treater’s Guide Companion, created by ASM International and the ASM Heat Treating Society, provides ready reference data on more than 430 steel, aluminum, and magnesium alloys. Content includes chemical composition, similar U.S. and foreign alloys, characteristics, and...

Price: Free Developer: PFI Knowledge Solutions
ArtBook - Wagner Nándor

ArtBook - Wagner Nándor

Wagner Nándor (1922–1997) Magyarország szobrászművésze. ワグナー・ナンドール (1922–1997) ハンガリー出身の彫刻家。 Nándor Wagner (1922–1997) a sculptor from Hungary. ********************************************************************************** Az 1956-os forradalomban kulturális képviselőnek választották, és el kellett hagynia Magyarországot. Svédországban, Lundban folytatta művészi tevékenységét. Kiemelkedő újítása az Angyalok szobra megalkotásakor a rozsdamentes szobrok öntési technológiájának kidolgozása...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: ABM Mérnöki Iroda
Gian Tech

Gian Tech

Metal injection molding (MIM) is a typical product of cross-disciplinary, integrating two different processing technologies (plastic injection mold and powder metallurgy). It makes designer get rid of tradition and gets low-cost and heterogenic stainless steel, nickel, iron, copper, titanium...

Price: Free Developer: Jianfeng Shi


Founded more than 20 years ago, IN-EKO TEAM s.r.o. is located in Central Europe, where its manufacturing facility is also located. Since its inception, the company has been focusing on the production of stainless steel water management systems for...

Price: Free Developer: TRIPON DIGITAL s.r.o.
Easy To Use! For Microsoft Powerpoint 2016

Easy To Use! For Microsoft Powerpoint 2016

Microsoft PowerPoint is a slide show presentation program. PowerPoint is useful for helping develop the slide-based presentation format and is currently one of the most commonly used slide-based presentation programs available. Microsoft has also released the PowerPoint mobile applications. Learn...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Anthony Walsh


Validate your lifting lugs design to AISC 13th Edition and ASME BTH-1 standards, or enter the load you want to lift and the App will design the proper lifting lug for you. This App also helps you select the Proper...

Price: Free Developer: BadakPro
Money Origami Gifts Made Easy

Money Origami Gifts Made Easy

The instructions don't work with US dollar bills, but with Euro bills, Canadian dollar bills, Pound sterling banknotes or just use a 2:1 ratio rectangle. For dollar bills see my other App "Dollar Bill Origami". Money Origami teaches you to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Andreas Bauer
Wolfram Fractals Reference App

Wolfram Fractals Reference App

Like fractals? Want to know more about them? The Wolfram Fractals Reference App is a handy reference you can take with you wherever you go. It's great whether you're covering fractals in your math course or just want to...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Wolfram Group LLC
SourceView Bible

SourceView Bible

Discover more about the Bible. The SourceView Bible app is not just a digital version of a printed Bible. It is a fresh, innovative way to take a deeper look at God’s story: what’s been written, who said what,...

Price: Free Developer: SourceView Publishing LLC
Pocket Guide UK Butterflies

Pocket Guide UK Butterflies

Pocket Guide UK Butterflies is a guide to the Butterflies of the United Kingdom, Scotland and Wales, many will also apply to Ireland and Northern Europe too. Contains over 100 separate Butterfly Records making the UK Butterflies guide ideal for...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Senet Mobile UK
Pocket Guide UK Seashore

Pocket Guide UK Seashore

Pocket Guide UK Seashore is a great reference guide for Beach Combers, Foragers, Ramblers, Walkers or just when enjoying Rock Pooling with your children on a day out at the beach. Contains nearly 500 entries of commonly found Species, Plants,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Senet Mobile UK
Simplified! Adobe Photoshop Edition

Simplified! Adobe Photoshop Edition

Adobe Photoshop is the industry standard graphics software used by designers and computer users around the World. Photoshop is used by millions to enhance images, design everything from flyers to posters and so much more. The software has literally...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Tony Walsh

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