Top 45 Book Apps Like Church Finder: Find & Locate Nearby Churches - Best Alternatives

Church Finder: Find & Locate Nearby Churches Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Church Finder: Find & Locate Nearby Churches alternatives for iOS? We have listed 45 Book apps that are similar to Church Finder: Find & Locate Nearby Churches. Pick one from this list to be your new Church Finder: Find & Locate Nearby Churches app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Church Finder: Find & Locate Nearby Churches on your iOS devices.

Top 45 Apps Like Church Finder: Find & Locate Nearby Churches - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Church Finder: Find & Locate Nearby Churches alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 45 similar apps like Church Finder: Find & Locate Nearby Churches 2025.

Church on the Rock

Church on the Rock

Welcome to the official Church on the Rock’s Mobile App! COTR app features teachings from Pastor Blunt, our Senior Pastor who leads Church on the Rock in St. Louis, Missouri. Church on the Rock believes in biblical Truth. Through the relevant,...

Price: Free Developer: Church On The Rock World Outreach Center
Storyside Church

Storyside Church

The official app of Storyside Church in Bellville, Ohio. With the Storyside Church app you will be able to stay up to date with the latest events, news and announcements. Key Highlights: * Experience more of Storyside Church, our ministries...

Price: Free Developer: Storyside Church


Have everyday PORTICO Church experience conveniently carried in your pocket “Our new church app is full of amazing features.” – Pastor Doug Rhind - PORTICO App connects the PORTICO community to your everyday life – before, during and after Sunday worship -...

Price: Free Developer: PORTICO Community Church
St. Joseph Church - Herndon VA

St. Joseph Church - Herndon VA

The St. Joseph Catholic Church in Herndon, VA mobile app is packed with features to help you pray, learn, and interact with the church community. App Features Include: Events, Prayer Wall, Photo Submissions, Prayer Journal, Contact Information, GPS Directions, Ministries, Bible, Photo Gallery, Social Media integration, and Push Notifications Even More Features...

Price: Free Developer: St. Joseph Catholic Church (Herndon)
Living Truth Family Church

Living Truth Family Church

Welcome to the Living Truth Family Church App. Join our live broadcasts or visit our library of achieve messages. We hope that you receive guidance from the Lord through these messages and fulfill the ministry that God has prepared...

Price: Free Developer: Living Truth Family Church
Christ Life Church, Chicago

Christ Life Church, Chicago

The Official Mobile App for Christ Life Church, Chicago. This app gives you the opportunity to stay connected to the ministry at anytime. Listen to sermons. Read devotional View weekly updates and events. Watch live events. Read Pastor's Blog and many more. Christ Life Church Chicago (Christ...

Price: Free Developer: Emmanuel Adesanya
Kingdom City Church App

Kingdom City Church App

The official app of Prophet Brian Carn and Kingdom City Church — Know God. Activate People. Change Cities. A modern Book of Acts church ready to occupy and takeover the world, the kingdom way! In this app you’ll be able...

Price: Free Developer: Ben Calhoun
Global Church - Iglesia Global

Global Church - Iglesia Global

Welcome to the official Global Church Mobile App! This app serves as a tool to connect to and stay engaged with our church. With the Global App, you will be able to: • Catch up on sermons • View and...

Price: Free Developer: Clark Online Network, LLC
New Beginnings Church

New Beginnings Church

This is the Official New Beginnings Church / Ministry application. When you download this FREE application, you are one tap away from NBM Church. With this exciting bilingual application, you can read and study the Bible: copy, paste and share your...

Price: Free Developer: Stephane Chauvette
Finder eBook For iPhone

Finder eBook For iPhone

◆◆◆◆◆ 三步驟輕鬆製作電子書、電子型錄、e-catalog! ◆◆◆◆◆ 雲端操作web、app即時同步,電腦、平板等多平台可同步觀看! ◆◆◆◆◆ app內上百本實績電子刊物,免加入會員免付費完整展示! ◆◆◆◆◆ 多媒體功能提升吸睛力!主動式效益分析找出潛在客群偏好! ◆◆◆◆◆ 電子刊物內建購物車,直接導購提升業績! ◆◆◆◆◆ 網站、部落格、粉絲團眾多網路平台可同步宣傳! ◆◆◆◆◆ 企業行銷推廣、機關團體數位典藏的不二選擇! ◆◆◆◆◆ 創造百萬點閱率,您也可以! 【Finder eBook】 電子刊物擁有強大傳播力與低成本的優點,要e化行銷、拓展線上購物市場、找出潛在客群偏好,用Finder,就對了! Finder電子刊物加值平台為100%國人自行研發電子刊物製作、傳播之線上平台!能輕鬆轉置電子型錄(eCatalog)、互動電子書等,只要做一次工,電腦、平版等多平台就可同步觀看!不但保有實體印刷品的優點,更能藉由網路資訊的便捷將電子刊物分享及行銷!不論是產業界企業型錄、產品說明、校園的典藏與學習應用、教育訓練文件、研究報告、機關出版品…等,都是使用Finder電子刊物加值平台的好時機! 【實績殊榮】 *入圍第十二屆金手指網路獎(2011) *榮獲第十一屆金網獎金質獎(2011) *已獲企業、教育單位、政府機構、公益團體、公工協會等上千家客戶熱愛使用! *已有近百家企業、機關、學校透過Finder 擁有自己的數位出版平台、雲端書櫃! *愛護地球!Finder與客戶共拯救2000多顆樹,並持續增加中,歡迎您也加入! 【提供方案】 *具影音、多媒體功能,可製作互動設計~多媒體版方案 *內建購物車,可直接消費的線上型錄~商務版方案 *自動轉置PDF,文字可搜尋放大不失真~數位典藏版方案 【功能特色】(不限方案均有以下功能) *支援 Twitter、Facebook、Google+等300多種分享工具,傳播超快速 *主動式閱讀統計,除了分析效益更可找出潛在客群偏好 *行動裝置可下載離線閱讀 *支援網路平台同步曝光,網站、部落格、粉絲團…等皆適用 *輕鬆製作,電腦、平版等多平台即可同步觀看 【使用說明】 *點選使用介面上的『i』按鈕,即可觀看操作說明 *若在閱讀中因為記憶體不足因素跳出App,請先強制關閉其它App後再執行“Finder eBook”App (iPad 1較易發生) 更多資訊請造訪Finder官網: 我們一直致力於改進軟體的穩定性及提供更好的服務使用者,若使用上遇到任何問題,歡迎上Finder電子刊物加值平台(與客服人員聯絡,我們會盡快解決您的問題! 【與我們聯絡】 E-mail:[email protected] Tel:+886-2-8512-1068

Price: Free Developer: 堂朝數位整合
Kids' Book Finder

Kids' Book Finder

Kids’ Book Finder is an application that helps parents and teachers find critically reviewed books for children and young adults.

Price: Free Developer: BYU Creative Works
Lawsuit The Unique Case Finder for

Lawsuit The Unique Case Finder for "iPhone"

"Lawsuit - The Unique Case Finder" is the Indian Case Law Research System developed by "Levons Technologies Pvt. Ltd." Using this application user can browse latest Judgments of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India since 1950 & All High Courts...

Price: Free Developer: Levons Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
GST Rate Finder-Tax Rate of Goods & Umang Services

GST Rate Finder-Tax Rate of Goods & Umang Services

Goods and Services Tax is a destination-based consumption tax on supply of goods and services, set to be implemented in India. Content updated with GST Act as passed by both houses of Parliament and GST rules and GST Rates with...

Price: Free Developer: Shera Majid
eBook Search Pro - Book Finder

eBook Search Pro - Book Finder

It’s Google meets a top secret, modern card catalogue for eBooks! The best part? You don't even need a library card to access. 2 MILLION+ FREE BOOKS AND COUNTING Classics. Thrillers. Mysteries. Fantasies. Science Fiction. And more. You name it,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Inkstone Software, Inc.
I Nasoni di Roma - Water Finder in Rome

I Nasoni di Roma - Water Finder in Rome

Are you walking near the Roman Forum or the Colosseo or somewhere in the World? You need water? Just locate you in the map and look around to find a free drinking fountain. But if your are in Rome and the...

Price: Free Developer: fdm


Welcome to Finder Bookshelf - the book reader app for Finder Publications books. We are debuting the app with the language-learning “I Can't Speak” series with more books in the pipeline. The app is both a store for Finder Publications books...

Price: Free Developer: Arramex
AA Big Book (Unofficial)

AA Big Book (Unofficial)

Take the Big Book wherever you go! Whether you're new to AA, or you're a seasoned veteran, this is the easiest and most useful app to aid in your recovery. The free version features the full text of the Big...

Price: Free Developer: Sobriety Soft LLC
AA Big Book Pro (Unofficial)

AA Big Book Pro (Unofficial)

Sobriety help, in your pocket. Whether you're new to AA, or you're a veteran in the program, this is the most useful and fully featured app to aid in your recovery! Features: Speaker Tapes - Listen to speaker tapes from meetings around the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Big Book Apps, LLC find books find books

Free delivery on all items, no minimum spend required, compare book prices. 17 million books, find bargain deals and best selling books. My wishlist will help you to track book prices, create your own favorite book list. Useful book...

Price: Free Developer: Piccomedia SIA
Crayola: Find That Dragon!

Crayola: Find That Dragon!

Follow the boy knight Carl and young princess Sara as they team up to find a dragon on the loose! Perfect for younger readers, "Find That Dragon" features a create-your-own coloring adventure where the objects that you select and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ruckus Media Group
Find Me In The Story

Find Me In The Story

Find Me If You Can brings a new one-of-a-kind experience where your child is the star! Personalized with your child’s name and photo throughout the book, Find Me If You Can provides a fresh take on the hide and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Sourcebooks, Inc.
Drabble - Find Joy In Writing

Drabble - Find Joy In Writing

Drabble is a community of writers wherein writer can write their own story or jump into someone else’s with a limit of 100 words only. To make it more interesting, the writers can also have co-writers contribute to its...

Price: Free Developer: INFINX SERVICES PVT LTD
Classic Mazes - Find the Exit

Classic Mazes - Find the Exit

Color or paint with your finger around the maze to find the exit. It’s perfect to perform your motor skills while finger painting on our fun maze. It is a fun brain game with logic and strategy. You will...

Price: Free Developer: Alejandro Melero Zaballos
Look & Find Bible - New Testament

Look & Find Bible - New Testament

Look, find, and learn with search-and-find illustrations from five adventure-filled New Testament stories. While searching for hidden items, kids can explore the day Jesus was baptized, His first miracle, the day He healed a lame man who was lowered...

Price: Free Developer: LifeWay Christian Resources
Look & Find Bible - Old Testament

Look & Find Bible - Old Testament

ook, find, and learn with search-and-find illustrations from five adventure-filled Old Testament stories. While searching for hidden items, kids can explore Noah's amazing ark, the Israelites escaping across the sea, the walls of Jericho, David's battle with Goliath, and...

Price: Free Developer: LifeWay Christian Resources
Spot and find the difference

Spot and find the difference

Train your mind and develop your skills of observation and color the funny pictures of animals and children. Find differences or spot the difference between pictures, also with drawings to paint and color. Choose between two menu options: • Spot five differences...

Price: Free Developer: Gema Martinez
Pookie and Tushka Find a Little Piano - Educational Children's Storybook HD - FREE

Pookie and Tushka Find a Little Piano - Educational Children's Storybook HD - FREE

Meet Pookie and Tushka, winner of "BEST NEW CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE YEAR" and a "TOP TEN BOOK" at iTunes in this beautiful read aloud book! A frozen little piano arrives to the shores of the Icelands, bringing Pookie...

Price: Free Developer: Pers
Book Crawler

Book Crawler

Forgot which books you have read? - Tired of buying books you already own? - Is the book available at your local library? - Want to tell others about what you are reading and share thoughts? There’s a...

Price: Free Developer: Jaime Stokes
Booke Reading Companion

Booke Reading Companion

Booke - a reading companion for printed books, annotations, citations, bibliography, referencing in printed books. Have you ever read a book and couldn’t recall a thing about it after a while? Now the most precious moments of every book will...

Price: Free Developer: Booke
Booklover - comic/ebook reader

Booklover - comic/ebook reader

Booklover - DRM-free ebook reader (CBZ/ZIP, CBR/RAR, PDF) Booklover is a highly responsive ebook reader with rich user interface. The metadata-driven library management makes it easy to enjoy large number of books. With its powerful iCloud Drive integration, you can download and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Plastic Software, Inc.
Mythical Happy City book: The Pursuit of Happiness

Mythical Happy City book: The Pursuit of Happiness

This is an interactive book with multiple endings. "Living a Book" is a new approach of interactive books where the reader’s decisions change and trigger new situations and a different ending. Adventure Drama Interactive Pathbook. "The Mythical Happy City” This...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.
BookBuddy Pro: Library Manager

BookBuddy Pro: Library Manager

BookBuddy is a powerful book management app that gives you access to your entire book catalog, anywhere. Using BookBuddy is fun and easy, allowing you to quickly find any book in your library, share your favorite books, and keep...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Kimico, Ltd.
BookBuddy: Library Manager

BookBuddy: Library Manager

BookBuddy is a powerful book management app that gives you access to your entire book catalog, anywhere. Using BookBuddy is fun and easy, allowing you to quickly find any book in your library, share your favorite books, and keep...

Price: Free Developer: Kimico, Ltd.
Summary Book of Mormon (part I)

Summary Book of Mormon (part I)

If you are looking to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover, there are free versions of the text online. This book provides a summary of the document, along with summaries of each chapter. To avoid...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: John Gregorek
Summary Book of Mormon (part II)

Summary Book of Mormon (part II)

If you are looking to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover, there are free versions of the text online. This book provides a summary of the document, along with summaries of each chapter. To avoid...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: John Gregorek
Summary Book of Mormon (part III)

Summary Book of Mormon (part III)

If you are looking to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover, there are free versions of the text online. This book provides a summary of the document, along with summaries of each chapter. To avoid...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: John Gregorek
Swappy Books

Swappy Books

Swap paper books with people nearby. - Simple & Free. - No registration required. All you need is a book to exchange. Scan: Scan the ISBN code at the back of the book you want to exchange and hit "Publish". Browse: See books other people...

Price: Free Developer: Pablo Paciello
Noisy Book

Noisy Book

This is Noisy Book - A truly magical way to enjoy reading Books. Just read a Story, and Noisy Book brings it to life with automatic sound effects, a beautiful transcription, and a whole host of other amazing tricks. Perfect for...

Price: Free Developer: Lumen Digital


Together, WE are building the next stage of the human experience, where connectivity meets productivity. Buy or sell your books with others locally or globally, stay connected and make every interaction count. Price compare and purchase at a fair...

Price: Free Developer: MyBeeble
Mulle Meck builds a boat — a children’s book

Mulle Meck builds a boat — a children’s book

Parental advisory: reading this book will make your child want to build their own boat and try it out in the bathtub or a nearby body of water. Be ready. :) This is the long-awaited second entry in a series...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Piu-Piu
Textbooks 101

Textbooks 101

Textbooks 101 is the only textbook app you will ever need! Sell textbooks, buy textbooks and reserve new ones. Sell textbooks Add a book to sell on Textbooks 101 and you can compare buy back prices across the highest paying textbook...

Price: Free Developer: Friday Software Group Inc.
Exploring Austin with Kids

Exploring Austin with Kids

Exploring Austin with Kids makes it easy to experience Austin, Texas, with children. Visitors and newcomers will find the top tourist destinations, kid-friendly restaurants, and quirky places that make Austin so unique. Seasoned locals looking for adventure will uncover...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Daniel Lucksinger


Welcome to Bookshelp (bʊkʃelp)! Bookshelp lets you scan any book’s barcode and immediately access reviews and other useful information about the book. Scan - Scan the barcode of the books that interest you - If you don't have the...

Price: Free Developer: David Sim
AIA Guide to Boston

AIA Guide to Boston

Published in three prior paper editions, the AIA Guide to Boston been called "the best of its kind on the continent." This digital version updates the 3rd edition and adds more than 500 new sites along with...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Yonward, Inc.

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