Do you want to find the best Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Medical apps that are similar to Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry. Pick one from this list to be your new Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry 2025.
Download this app to purchase the content from of Oxford Handbook of Cardiology, Second Edition from Oxford University Press, and developed by MedHand Mobile Libraries. Improve your performance with relevant, valid material which is accessed quickly and with minimal...
By downloading this “frame” app you will be given the opportunity to PURCHASE the latest version of Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy. The current version is Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy, Second Edition. This Oxford Handbook source of information...
By downloading this “shell” app you have the opportunity to review a sample chapter and will then have the opportunity to subscribe to the latest version of the Oxford Handbook of Urology. The current version is the 3rd...
By downloading this “frame” app you will be given the opportunity to PURCHASE the latest version of Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties. The current version is Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties, Tenth Edition. This Oxford University Press app-book is...
By downloading this “frame” app you will be given the opportunity to PURCHASE the latest version of Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The current version is Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Third Edition. This Oxford University Press...
Indextra is your mobile medical library - a catalogue of all the medical books, drug guides, and clinical guidelines you need, when you need them. Clinical decision support at your fingertips - whether you’re a doctor, or working hard...
Written by leading American practitioners, the Oxford American Handbooks offers an overview of the entire specialty, featuring instant access to guidance on the conditions that are most likely to be encountered. Precise and prescriptive, the handbooks offer up-to-date advice...
This Oxford University Press source of information is developed by MedHand Mobile Libraries. Improve your performance with relevant, valid material which is accessed quickly and with minimal effort in the palm of your hand. The second edition of this...
* High yield, multi step questions in clinical medicine * * Interactive animations and learning games * * Diagrams to summarise the most relevant parts of UK and international guidelines from the point of view of a junior doctor on call...
The newly updated Third Edition of the popular Handbook of Veterinary Drugs is now available for mobile, providing instant access to information on drug therapies for dogs, cats, horses, ruminant species, pigs, birds, rodents, rabbits, ferrets, and reptiles. Download the...
Use Gahart's #1 IV drug handbook to safely administer more than 400 intravenous drugs! Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic...
2018 Oncology Nursing Drug Handbook. Written especially for nurses caring for patients with cancer. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic...
Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will launch the in-app purchase screen). ABOUT: Handbook of Clinical Anesthesia Step-by-step procedures to administer...
Handbook on Injectable Drugs is the most comprehensive reference on injectable drug data, trusted by pharmacists and other health care professionals globally. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the...
Handbook of Veterinary Anesthesia is a convenient, complete and practical resource for administering safe and effective anesthesia to small and large animals, including exotic pets. Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the content is viewable...
Jones & Bartlett Learning 2018 Nurse’s Drug Handbook is the most up-to-date, practical, and easy-to-use nursing drug reference. Updated annually, it provides accurate and timely facts on hundreds of drugs from A-Z. Written in a no-nonsense style that speaks...
The Toxicology Handbook is an easily accessible reference of common toxicological emergencies. It is authored primarily by toxicologists from a wide range of academic programs and backgrounds, who focused on the clinical aspects of common ingestions, with a special...
More than 1,000 generic and 4,000 trade name drugs. Features Black Box Alerts and comprehensive coverage of IV drug administration, nursing considerations, and fixed combinations. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable...
@Point of Care™ Clinician Suite provides a streamlined clinical decision support tool for clinicians to obtain content when it is needed, keep track of their patients—enabling better decisions, better outcomes, and better care. Featuring @sk | With Watson, clinicians use...
ABC of Dermatology: A practical guide to identification, recognition, treatment and management of common dermatological conditions encountered within primary care, walk-in centres, and the emergency room and within patients admitted to hospital with medical/surgical conditions. Download the FREE app and...
Hematology/Oncology @Point of Care™ is a clinical decision-making mobile platform. It provides a streamlined clinical decision support tool for clinicians to obtain content when it is needed, keep track of their patients—enabling better decisions, better outcomes, and better care. Featuring...
@Point of Care™ Pulmonology is a clinical decision-making mobile platform. @Point of Care™ Pulmonology provides a streamlined clinical decision support tool for clinicians to obtain pulmonology content when it is needed, keep track of their patients—enabling better decisions, better...
@Point of Care™ With Watson is a clinical decision-making mobile platform. Diabetes @Point of Care™ provides a streamlined clinical decision support tool for clinicians to obtain content when it is needed—enabling better decisions, better outcomes, and better care. ...
@Point of Care™ With Watson is a clinical decision-making mobile platform. Heart Failure @Point of Care™ provides a streamlined clinical decision support tool for clinicians to obtain content when it is needed—enabling better decisions, better outcomes, and better care....
From the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine comes the Fifth Edition of this outstanding resource. Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in...
Neurology @Point of Care™ is a clinical decision-making mobile platform. Neurology @Point of Care provides a streamlined clinical decision support tool for clinicians to obtain neurology content when it is needed, keep track of their patients—enabling better decisions, better...
A clinical decision-making mobile platform, Breast Cancer @Point of Care™ provides a streamlined reference tool for clinicians to obtain content when it is needed—enabling better decisions, better outcomes, and better care. Features: • Continually updated breast cancer content from expert...
Bakerman's ABC's of Interpretive Laboratory Data covers hundreds of common and uncommon laboratory tests, including topics such as specimen, reference range and interpretation. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in...
Sixty high-yield psychiatry cases helps students sharpen their diagnostic and problem-solving skills The Case Files series is an award-winning learning system proven to improve shelf-exam scores and clerkship performance. Unlike other study materials on the market, this series helps students...
The app offers 10 or more free multiple-choice questions with explanations for 8 different Psychiatry Board review topics. Each specialty offers additional questions which are available as an in app purchase. The following specialties...
With USMLE LANGE Q&A for Psychiatry, you have the power to lighten your load. With questions and detailed answers covering topics included in the USMLE Step 2 and Psychiatry boards, this premium study tool is a great place to...
Are you a primary care provider, medical student, or part of a family health team and are looking to: • improve your access to mental health assessment tools, • provide customized patient care, • have a powerful teaching and simulation tool on-hand, •...
With this application, you can download animation titles on various psychiatric diseases and disorders that explain the types and pathophysiology of the condition, its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, risks and treatment - therapies, procedures or techniques, including life style changes...
A simple way to perform complex Pubmed® queries in a single click. How does it work? Biblioclick builds and submits highly complex queries to Pubmed based on selected topics. Results are returned as a list of articles with the possibility to refine...
Developed by the American Psychiatric Association for medical students, residents, nurses and other healthcare professionals. Psych Cards is a pocket reference useful for students in their psychiatry clerkship. Specific topics include: • ...
American Psychiatric Association Publishing app provides access to APA Publishing eBooks. Sign into the app using the same account information used to purchase the eBook. American Psychiatric Association Publishing is the world’s premier publisher of books, journals, and multimedia on...
This neurology board review app covers HIGH YIELD topics for the American Boards of Neurology and Psychiatry, as well as the neurology residency in-service-examination (RITE). This is the Lite version. The full version has over 560 questions...
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