Top 18 Reference Apps Like Theatre Words GE - Best Alternatives

Theatre Words GE Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Theatre Words GE alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Reference apps that are similar to Theatre Words GE. Pick one from this list to be your new Theatre Words GE app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Theatre Words GE on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like Theatre Words GE - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Theatre Words GE alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like Theatre Words GE 2025.

Theatre Words LE

Theatre Words LE

Theatre Words Light Edition (LE) in English, French and German. ************************************ Have you ever wondered what things are called in a Theatre? Here is the ultimate answer, in the palm of your hand. The official Theatre Words Apps are simply the best way...

Price: USD 27.99 Developer: Helitera AB
Theatre Words CE

Theatre Words CE

Theatre Words Central Europe edition (CE) in Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Slovak. ************************************ Have you ever wondered what things are called in a Theatre? Here is the ultimate answer, in the palm of your hand. The...

Price: USD 31.99 Developer: Helitera AB
Theatre Words NE

Theatre Words NE

Theatre Words Northern Europe edition (NE) in Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Russian and Swedish. ************************************ Have you ever wondered what things are called in a Theatre? Here is the ultimate answer, in the palm of your...

Price: USD 31.99 Developer: Helitera AB
Theatre Words WE

Theatre Words WE

Theatre Words World Edition (WE) in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish. ************************************ Have you ever wondered what things are called in a Theatre? Here is the ultimate answer, in the palm of your hand. The official Theatre Words Apps...

Price: USD 31.99 Developer: Helitera AB


Explore the David Attenborough building at Cambridge University with this interactive Augmented Reality experience. No trigger image required, just scan a surface and load the 3D model. About the project: This project involved the major refurbishment of the David Attenborough...

Price: Free Developer: BuroHappold
Fórum do Futuro

Fórum do Futuro

The Forum of the Future is an annual international festival dedicated to thought-provoking debates and performances, held in Porto, whose main objective is to invite guests from different disciplines to discuss key issues facing contemporary societies. Founded and organised...

Price: Free Developer: bondlayer
Wolfram Words Reference App

Wolfram Words Reference App

The Wolfram Words Reference App is more than just a dictionary! From synonyms and acronyms to information about words through history and tools for solving word puzzles, it includes easy access to everything you've ever wanted to know about...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Wolfram Group LLC
Foreign Words and Phrases Dictionary

Foreign Words and Phrases Dictionary

This app provides an offline version of Foreign Words and Phrases Dictionary If foreign words and phrases are your "bete noire," here is a superb reference that covers more than 2200 foreign words and phrases commonly used in English, drawn...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Trung Nguyen
Ais Recite Words

Ais Recite Words

Ais Recite Words, To be the word master, which is skilled in listening, Spoken & Written. ● Word learning: a simple and detailed explanation, Chinese and English bilingual interpretation, complete sentence samples, similar vocabulary, strengthen the word memory, one by...

Islamic Dictionary - Islamic Words & Meaning

Islamic Dictionary - Islamic Words & Meaning

Islamic Dictionary HD is the free dictionary for collection of a large number of Islamic terms and their meanings. Islam is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by theQur'an, a book considered by its adherents to be the verbatim...

Price: Free Developer: Shaikh Mohammad
Sight Words -有声故事学高频词

Sight Words -有声故事学高频词

英语阅读的拐杖-Sight Words,除了自然拼读法,Sight Words是英语阅读的重要“拐杖”。 本应用以生动有趣的绘本故事练习Sight Words。应用包含25个故事,配合音频练习最常用的100个Sight Words并加强韵律节奏训练。每个故事练习4个Sight Words,包括一个阅读故事和一个练习Chant。 Phonics与Sight Words是少儿英语学习的两大基石 ■强化100个频率很高的Sight Words,可配合其他Phonics教材或读物使用;
■每个故事练习4个Sight Words,包括一个阅读故事和一个练习Chant;
■几乎每个句子都会穿插主题关键词,通过重复的情节和对话达到高度而密集的输送,活跃孩子对这些Sight Words的短期记忆;
■每个绘本故事后,都有一个Sight Word Review,复习本小节的关键词,可以对照着小表格反复大声朗读,加深印象;
■每个故事第1页提示关键字,当故事中出现这些关键字的时候都有加粗处理,提高对常见词的印象处理。 英语文章中Sight Words有“a, and, I, me”等220个词汇,占据了阅读量的50%左右,攻下它们,阅读一下子就会轻松许多。 Sight Words顾名思义,就是一入视觉就立即能反应的词汇。这些词汇占据阅读词汇量的50%! 有了这220个词,阅读的文章中,就意味着50%的单词都认识,然后再配合相应的阅读难度的书进行阅读练习,就会极大地提高阅读速度以及阅读流利性,进而会有助于对文章内容的理解。 课程目录: 01 Can We Get a Pet? 02 Come to the Zany Zoo 03 A House for Mouse 04 Look at That Cat! 05 My Dragon and I 06...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Zhulin Zhou


This GE-mini APP is designed to exhibit gene expression profiling of a given gene over many tissue types including tumors. The underlying data are based on RNA Sequencing results from both TCGA and GTEx after they are normalized...

Price: Free Developer: ZeFang Tang
BR IK-Hofmann

BR IK-Hofmann

Die APP wurde für die Beschäftigten der I.K. Hofmann GmbH entwickelt und bringt Betriebsrats-Informationen direkt auf die mobilen Geräte der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Sie dient der Information der Belegschaft und bietet Möglichkeiten zur Kommunikation des Arbeiterbetriebsrates und der Belegschaft....

Price: Free Developer: OEGBVERLAG


Nuclides++ is powered by an embedded database derived from the NNDC NuDat 2.6 compilation for the display of atomic and nuclear data + emissions data + synthesized emissions spectra Multiple Chart Formats: ● Karlsruhe and KAPL (GE) chart formats that display...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: WALTER HENSLEY


Du har med denna app alltid med dig Tidegärden i din iPhone, iPad och iPod Touch. När som helst, i säkerhetskön på flygplatsen, i bilen (såvida inte det är du som kör), på lunchrasten eller i tandläkarens väntrum kan...

Price: Free Developer: Fjellander Media
Uğur Kurumsal

Uğur Kurumsal

Uğur Soğutma, 18 Nisan 1954 yılında Aydın Nazilli’de dondurma makineleri imalatıyla başladığı serüvende bugün, 220.000 m² faal kapalı alana sahip ana fabrikası,91.000 m² kapalı alana sahip Nazilli Organize Sanayi fabrikası, toplam 2000’den fazla çalışanı, 850’nin üzerinde satış noktası,240′a yakın...

Price: Free Developer: UGUR SIRKETLER GRUBU
Svensk ordbok

Svensk ordbok

Ordboksappen speglar innehållet i Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien som kom ut i tryckt format år 2009. Ordboken utgör en ingående beskrivning av det allmänna ordförrådet i modern svenska. Tyngdpunkten ligger på ordens betydelse och användning i kombination...

Price: Free Developer: Svenska Akademien

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