Top 12 Reference Apps Like Resala Azkar - Best Alternatives

Resala Azkar Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Resala Azkar alternatives for iOS? We have listed 12 Reference apps that are similar to Resala Azkar. Pick one from this list to be your new Resala Azkar app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Resala Azkar on your iOS devices.

Top 12 Apps Like Resala Azkar - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Resala Azkar alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like Resala Azkar 2025.

Resala Ramadan

Resala Ramadan

This app covers the most basic principles to conduct fasting in the month of Ramadan. Available in: English, Arabic, and Indonesia! Download it for FREE! This application which is titled "The Messages of Ramadan" was created to highlight key points about its...

Price: Free Developer: Yufid
Resala Eid

Resala Eid

====Arabic, English and Indonesian===== This application is functioned as your handy encyclopedia about the 'Ids. It contains the knowledge of fiqh on the 'Ids (Festivals): 'Id ul-fitr and 'id ul-adha, fiqh of zakat ul-fitr and the rulings of sacrifice. All the...

Price: Free Developer: Yufid
Dua & Azkar

Dua & Azkar

Dua & Azkar is one of the most authentic app, All contents are based from the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The new update version contains eight Chapters • Dua after Salah • Morning Azkar • Evening Azkar • Daily Essential Dua's • 40 Dua begins with 'Rabbana' • Ruquiya...

Price: Free Developer: Ahsanul Haque
Six Azkar of Islam ستة كلمة

Six Azkar of Islam ستة كلمة

The 6 Azkar or Kalimah of Islam are the basic beliefs of Muslims all around the world. Muslims practice these beliefs and incorporate the basic principles in their lives. All the six Kalimas are verses of Quran. You can...

Price: Free Developer: Hira Akram
Azkar Oasis - واحة الذكر

Azkar Oasis - واحة الذكر

تطبيق واحة الذكر هو تطبيق مجاني يساعد المسلم على متابعة الأذكار والأدعية الصحيحة من الكتاب و السنة النبوية المطهرة، فقد تم استخراج الأحاديث من كتاب حصن المسلم للشيخ سعيد بن على بن وهف القحطاني. ◉◉ الخصائص ◉◉ ◉ واجهة التطبيق ◉ ●...

Price: Free Developer: Ramy Gamal
Islamic dua – Daily Duas ,Tasbeeh, 40 Rabbana, Azkar from Holy Quran and Hadith

Islamic dua – Daily Duas ,Tasbeeh, 40 Rabbana, Azkar from Holy Quran and Hadith

Islamic Dua – Daily Dua is an app that helps you know, learn, remember and rehearse Islamic Duas from Holy Quran. Dua is the very essence that connects us to Allah. The app will help Muslims irrespective of their...

Price: Free Developer: Noman Khan
Quran Duas - Islamic Dua, Hisnul Muslim, Azkar

Quran Duas - Islamic Dua, Hisnul Muslim, Azkar

Quran Dua is a Collection of Beatiful Duas / Supplications from the Glorious Quran known as 40 Rabbana duas. It also include dua's from the popular Hisnul Muslim which contains an additional 100+ dua's very useful in our day...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
iAzkar - آي أذكار

iAzkar - آي أذكار

iAzkar is an Arabic Islamic App that displays Muslims Daily Athkar (Islamic Reminder) in very easy to use App. iAzkar divided daily Thekr into five different sections... 1-Morning Azkar 2-Evening Azkar 3-Everyday Prayers Azkar 4-Selected Azkar 5-Zekr Benefits You can also hear the Azkar in...

Price: Free Developer: i4islam
Katakani Bang (کاتەکانی بانگ)

Katakani Bang (کاتەکانی بانگ)

ئەپی کاتەکانی بانک پێکهاتووە لە ۱-کاتەکانی بانگ بۆ شارەکانی (هەولێر ، سلێمانی ، دهۆک ، کەرکوک ، هەڵەبجە ، زاخۆ ، ئاکرێ ، کۆیە ، خانقین ، بەردەرەش کفری ، شێخان) ۲-بانگ دان لە کاتی بانگ ۳-زیکرەکانی ئێوارە و بەیانی هتد.. دیارهی كردنی قیبله‌...

Price: Free Developer: ibrahim shamal abdulkhalik
Asma ul Husna – 99 Allah Names

Asma ul Husna – 99 Allah Names

99 Holy names of Allah are most beautiful names. Whether you are being reciting, memorizing or doing dua & azkar of asma ul husna, there is reward for this. The Prophet said whoever memorize 99 asma ul husna...

Price: Free Developer: osama saeed rana
Donosti App

Donosti App

Donostian bizi bazara edo bisitan bazaude, hiriaren gune interesgarrienak deskubritzeko aukera eroso, azkar eta paregabea da Donosti App. 8 ibilbide interaktiboz osaturik dago, eta hiriaren bazter garrantzitsuen informazio zehatz, fidagarri eta trinkoa eskaintzen du. Guztira, 70 interes puntu bisitatu...

Price: Free Developer: Akting Ingeniaritza

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