Top 20 Education Apps Like US Cop - Best Alternatives

US Cop Alternatives

Do you want to find the best US Cop alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to US Cop. Pick one from this list to be your new US Cop app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to US Cop on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like US Cop - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid US Cop alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like US Cop 2025.

Educating Eddie HD - add & subtract exercises for primary school children

Educating Eddie HD - add & subtract exercises for primary school children

"Best educational one I've found. 5 year old son managing to add and subtract with my help. Makes learning fun!!!! Highly recommended." "My little girls love unlocking the new accessories to dress eddie and don't want to stop playing! Their...

Price: Free Developer: Pty Ltd
Maths with Springbird (legacy)

Maths with Springbird (legacy)

** This is a legacy version made for existing users. We recommend you search the App Store for 'Maths with Springbird HD', which is a universal app that works on both iPhone and iPad for free! ** " isn’t...

Price: Free Developer: Pty Ltd
Maths with Springbird (Schools Edition)

Maths with Springbird (Schools Edition)

** This version is customised for use in classrooms and schools (no social media integrations, no in-app purchases, one purchase for all features) ** If you're looking for the normal version, search the App Store for "Maths with Springbird...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Pty Ltd
Add & Subtract with Springbird HD - Basic math game for kids

Add & Subtract with Springbird HD - Basic math game for kids

"My son age eight is dyslexic as am I, this program has allowed him to practice his basic mathematical skills at his own pace and in a fun way that keep him trying to get the bird to the...

Price: Free Developer: Pty Ltd
Maths with Springbird HD - Mathematics

Maths with Springbird HD - Mathematics

" isn’t very confident when it comes to maths so often doesn’t try. Until now. I have been looking for something to get him to do maths without it being a chore as so often the work books...

Price: Free Developer: Pty Ltd
Citizen US

Citizen US

United States of America Citizenship Test includes USCIS naturalization test questions Make sure you pass the first time. Prepare for the US Citizenship USCIS efficiently and where ever you are. There are 100 civics questions on the naturalization test. You will...

Price: Free Developer: Swift Management AG
Money Matrix (US Currency)

Money Matrix (US Currency)

US Money Coins and Bills - This program introduces American coins and bills to the student.This teaching program aimed at autistic, learning disabled, and young mainstream children. Here, all four coins (penny, nickel, dime, and quarter) and six bills ($1,...

Price: Free Developer: Blooming Kids Software LLC
MyKids Kids&Us

MyKids Kids&Us

My Kids, a mobile app that allows two-way communication between schools and parents. From now on, parents can quickly access full academic information about their children from just one place. They decide how they want to receive the information, what...

Price: Free Developer: Kids&Us
Newton (Schools Edition)

Newton (Schools Edition)

A fun, simple, but challenging game for everyone to practice their multiplication skills.
 Newton learns what questions you answer incorrectly, and intelligently helps you get better at them.
 As you play, game features are unlocked to help you get better and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Pty Ltd
Newton - Add & Subtract

Newton - Add & Subtract

A fun, simple, but challenging game for everyone to practice their addition and subtraction skills.
 Newton learns what questions you answer incorrectly, and intelligently helps you get better at them. 
 As you play, game features are unlocked to help you...

Price: Free Developer: Pty Ltd
Ohio Cop

Ohio Cop

This version has 1,611 pages of content! (162 pages more than the previous version) Resources any street officer could use... * ORC cheat sheet for traffic offenses; OVI; drug possession; drug trafficking; drug manufacturing; prescription drugs; tobacco; liquor laws; CCW permit...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: App Holdings
Marbel Police Station

Marbel Police Station

Are your fascinated with police cars and police activities? If so, this app is for you! Marbel Police Station. Marbel Police Station Have different experiences of being different kinds of police officers, including criminal police, patrolmen, special police, traffic police...

Piping Centre Bookstore

Piping Centre Bookstore

Welcome to the CoP Bookstore app. This is an official app produced for The College of Piping and by downloading it, you will be able to access the online Piping Times and online Tutor books. It’s really easy to use,...

Price: Free Developer: The National Piping Centre
Simulador Actic

Simulador Actic

Aquesta App instal·la al teu dispositiu un Simulador de format lliure d'un basat en continguts informàtics actuals i el temari vigent de l'Actic (disponibles Nivell Bàsic i Mitjà) El Simulador és una bona eina per a comprovar si el teu...

Price: Free Developer: PERCUTOR MEDIA S.L.


Apparella’t és una aplicació gratuïta per trobar parella lingüística que ha estat elaborada per la Plataforma per la Llengua, una organització no governamental que treballa per promoure la llengua catalana arreu dels territoris de parla catalana. L’aplicació mòbil, amb un...

Price: Free Developer: Plataforma per la Llengua
Arcàngel Sant Rafel

Arcàngel Sant Rafel

Descarrega't l'aplicació del col·legi Arcàngel Sant Rafel per estar al dia de les novetats de l'escola i del curs del teu fill/a! L'aplicació s'encarregarà d'avisar-te cada cop que hi hagi novetats!

Price: Free Developer: Isaac Serra Sanso


Fomentar i desenvolupar l'educació lliure i accessible per tothom i conscienciar a la gent de què és el bullying, els tipus que n'hi han i com podem prevenir-nos d'ell. Tenir educació, és un dret. L'aplicació mitjançant un joc interactiu...

Price: Free Developer: Institut Caparrella
COP25 - Voluntariado

COP25 - Voluntariado

Aplicación para el control de fechas de capacitación para voluntariado de la COP 25 Toma de asistencia Muestra de QR

Price: Free Developer: Vidorf


APP oficial del Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de la Comunitat Valenciana COPCV Funcionalidades destacables: - Información general: telefonos,direcciones,horarios,departamentos... - Visualicación de Noticias,ofertas de empleo (para colegiados) y actividades formativas. - Multi-idioma: Valencià - castellano. - Búsqueda de psicologos en Google Maps. - Acceso para colegiados. -...

Price: Free Developer: Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de la Comunitat Valenciana

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