Do you want to find the best Norstedts stora spanska ordbok alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Reference apps that are similar to Norstedts stora spanska ordbok. Pick one from this list to be your new Norstedts stora spanska ordbok app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Norstedts stora spanska ordbok on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Norstedts stora spanska ordbok alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Norstedts stora spanska ordbok 2025.
Norstedts English Dictionary Pro 2.0 is the ultimate choice! It is the biggest English-Swedish, Swedish-English dictionary on the market. This is the revised version with a new user interface and design, and improved search features. The dictionary contains 280,000...
Norstedts Comprehensive Swedish Dictionary - if you want the biggest and best dictionary in Swedish. The dictionary is a particularly useful aid for everyone who in their private or professional lives or in their studies needs an up-to-date and extensive...
Norstedts Pocket French Dictionary is perfect when you need a basic vocabulary with easy-to-find translations. The dictionary contains modern general language, words and phrases, with special emphasis on the needs of travellers. It contains 32,000 headwords and phrases. If...
Norstedts Pocket Italian Dictionary is perfect when you need a basic vocabulary with easy-to-find translations. The dictionary contains modern general language, words and phrases, with special emphasis on the needs of travellers. It contains 32,000 headwords and phrases. If...
Norstedts Pocket Russian Dictionary is perfect when you need a basic vocabulary with easy-to-find translations. The dictionary contains modern general language, words and phrases, with special emphasis on the needs of travellers. It contains 34,000 headwords and phrases. If...
Norstedts Pocket Spanish Dictionary is perfect when you need a basic vocabulary with easy-to-find translations. The dictionary contains modern general language, words and phrases, with special emphasis on the needs of travellers. It contains 32,000 headwords and phrases. If you...
Norstedts Comprehensive French Dictionary is the ultimate choice! It is the biggest French-Swedish, Swedish-French dictionary on the market. The dictionary contains 142,000 headwords and phrases. It covers modern general language, words and phrases, as well as subject-specific vocabularies. Norstedts...
Norstedts Comprehensive Italian Dictionary is the ultimate choice! It is the biggest Italian-Swedish, Swedish-Italian dictionary on the market. The dictionary contains 111,000 headwords and phrases. It covers modern general language, words and phrases, as well as subject-specific vocabularies. Norstedts...
Norstedts Comprehensive Russian Dictionary is the ultimate choice! It is the biggest Russian-Swedish, Swedish-Russian dictionary on the market. The dictionary contains 144,000 headwords and phrases. It covers modern general language, words and phrases, as well as subject-specific vocabularies. Norstedts...
Mill Master is your information bank, when working at Heinola Fluting Mill.Safety instructions, maps, phone numbers, waste sorting, canteen information and much more.
Norstedts Comprehensive German Dictionary is the ultimate choice! It is the biggest German-Swedish, Swedish-German dictionary on the market. The dictionary contains 140,000 headwords and phrases. It covers modern general language, words and phrases, as well as subject-specific vocabularies. Norstedts...
Identifiera fåglar i Sverige med hjälp av deras läten! Detta är världens enda app som automatiskt känner igen läten från fåglar. Den känner igen de vanligaste lätena och sångerna. För att upptäcka en fågel krävs inte en internetanslutning eftersom att...
NE:s ordboksapp innehåller NE:s engelska, spanska, franska, tyska och arabiska ordböcker. Ordböckerna vänder sig till alla som i sina studier, i sitt arbete eller privat behöver en modern och omfattande ordbok i något eller några av språken. De innehåller moderna,...
Den lulesamiska ordboken Olavi Korhonen är professor emeritus i samiska vid Umeå universitet och tog på 70-talet fram en lulesamisk ordbok, som är grunden till den reviderade ordbok som nu tagits fram. En arbetsversion av ordboken togs fram under åren 2004-2006...
Gratis norsk ordbok og synonym pluss en offline norsk ordbok. Spille av lyd uttale av ord, lagre ubegrenset bokmerker, og bruke avanserte søk. * 19,000+ norske definisjoner. * 17,000+ av ord som er tilgjengelige i den frie offline norsk ordbok. Ingen...
Engelsk-Norsk Ordbok offline. Over 29.000 words and expressions! * Works offline! No Internet connection needed, the perfect translator for your trips, your studies, or when no data connection is available. * Bookmark your favorite translations for fast reference * Bilingual glossary with...
Engelsk Svensk Ordbok offline. Over 34.900 words and expressions! * Works offline! No Internet connection needed, the perfect translator for your trips, your studies, or when no data connection is available. * Bilingual glossary with more than 34.900 entries * Bookmark your...
Ordboksappen speglar innehållet i Svensk ordbok utgiven av Svenska Akademien som kom ut i tryckt format år 2009. Ordboken utgör en ingående beskrivning av det allmänna ordförrådet i modern svenska. Tyngdpunkten ligger på ordens betydelse och användning i kombination...
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