Do you want to find the best American Idiom & Phrasal Verb alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Reference apps that are similar to American Idiom & Phrasal Verb. Pick one from this list to be your new American Idiom & Phrasal Verb app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to American Idiom & Phrasal Verb on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid American Idiom & Phrasal Verb alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like American Idiom & Phrasal Verb 2025.
It's an all-in-one desk reference with more than 150,000 words, phrases and definitions, plus approximately 184,000 synonyms and antonyms - all combined in one convenient, integrated volume. It features completely integrated dictionary and thesaurus texts, with the synonyms and...
With more than 350,000 words and phrases, hundreds of explanatory notes, and more than a thousand illustrations, this dictionary provides the most comprehensive and accurate coverage of American English available today. LATEST APP UPDАТES: • Learn in style with any...
Transform your English with Collins COBUILD Advanced American English Dictionary . Learn to use English the way native speakers do, understand words, and improve your pronunciation. Created especially for learners, this app brings together our best ever COBUILD dictionary...
American Standard Version a FREE, easy and friendly way to read the whole Bible with no need of internet connection. The American Standard Version App gives you an improved Bible experience by keeping track of your readings, having instant...
* * * * * Get 300 apps for only $9.99 via GoLearningBus Library | Limited Time Offer * * * * * WAGmob has completed 5 years and we are running a limited time offer via which you can...
A complete interactive timeline of American History since Christopher Columbus set foot on the American continent. With photographs, videos, audios and articles, this app takes you right through the birth of America, the revolutionary war, the dark days of...
A complete interactive timeline of American History since Christopher Columbus set foot on the American continent. With photographs, videos, audios and articles, this app takes you right through the birth of America, the revolutionary war, the dark days of...
The New American Bible (NAB) is a FREE and Offline Bible. Read the Bible with Audio, Many Reading Plans, Bible Quizzes, Bible Dictionary, Bible Quotes and much more. Download Now! The New American Bible (NAB) the best Application to carry...
The bundle includes the Concise Oxford American Dictionary and the Concise Oxford American Thesaurus. The Concise Oxford American Dictionary includes more than 180,000 entries and definitions, complete with pronunciations, parts of speech, syllabification, inflected forms, and derivatives.All Oxford American dictionaries...
American Civil War Daily answers two questions. What happened today in the American Civil War? Where did it happen? Show me a map! Flip through daily events leading up to and during the deadliest war in American History. Each page...
=================================== 【Updgrade Information】 1. More fast and powerful idiom search function. example, you can search idiom with string 'eye ear' which contain both the word 'eye' and the word 'ear' 2. Add “More..." button. =================================== The best Chinese Idioms Dictionary in the App...
=================================== 【Updgrade Information】 1. More fast and powerful idiom search function. example, you can search idiom with string 'eye ear' which contain both the word 'eye' and the word 'ear' 2. Add “More..." button. =================================== The best Chinese Idioms Dictionary in the App Store! ===================================...
This app provides an offline version of German Idiom Dictionary ● User-defined list - Create your own list ● Write a note - Write a note for each entry. You can review and edit it later. ● Flashcards - Flip a card...
Carefully selected the nearly 200 people often used, common idiom, set the "explanation", "traceability" and other columns. "Explanation" to explain not only idiom, also point out the source of it; "Traceability" with easy and vivid language will each idiom...
This app provides a searchable, browsable version of English Idioms and Idiomatic expressions ▸ Example sentences: - Learn how an idiom is used in context. There are 10000 sentences in total. ▸ Flashcard: - Learn with flashcard: flip a card...
Idioms and Slang Dictionary by Farlex gives you definitions and examples from top sources like McGraw-Hill and Houghton Mifflin for more than 61,000 terms, including: Idioms Slang terms Verbal phrases Abbreviations Proverbs Clichés Regionalisms Colloquialisms Expressions Sayings and more! Get clear, in-depth definitions of tens of thousands of idioms...
The most comprehensive and trusted english dictionary, with accurate definitions, thesaurus, idioms and much more to build up your vocabulary. Track down what you searched in the past and bookmark your favourites for much faster lookup. Optimized for...
A vital reference tool for teachers and higher-level learners Over 600 short entries on common problems in English Free sample entries available: see below. Entries cover: spoken and written grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation, formal and informal language, British-American differences Clear simple explanations;...
The only Dictionary and Thesaurus with every word you search for. Plus Word of the Day, free offline dictionary access, and millions of definitions and synonyms from top sources, including: Webster's Dictionary Roget's Thesaurus The American Heritage Dictionary Plus FREE access...
According to The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, a phrasal verb is a "verbal idiomatic word that consists of a verb and an adverb (for example, break down), or a verb and a preposition (for example, see to)". Starting...
This app provides the most comprehensive and advanced version of the dictionary of phrasal verbs. This app covers around 6,000 phrasal verbs current in English. Clear explanations and guidance help learners master this difficult yet essential aspect of the English...
Phrasal Dictionary is collection of English-Khmer phrasal verb over 5000 words.
RATED #1 app in the App Store Vietnam in the TOP FREE APP and REFERENCE category. The English-Vietnamese Dictionary & Phrasebook provides you a comprehensive and fastest offline dictionary combined with millions of bilingual example sentences. REVIEWS: "Almost perfect app for people...
English idioms and phrases is a very helpful app. With idiom you can learn Idioms , Phrases ,slang and Proverbs in English very easily and effectively. It has lots of idioms and phrases. Offline English idioms and phrases can...
I Grandi Dizionari Garzanti sono da sempre i più completi e aggiornati e ora anche i più universali, innovativi e convenienti. Puoi acquistare la licenza completa per utilizzare la app del dizionario in un'unica soluzione, attivarla con il codice fornito...
La fortunata collana dei Dizionari Medi torna in una nuova edizione digitale aggiornata sotto l’aspetto grafico, di contenuto e di funzionalità, mantenendo l’autorevolezza che caratterizza da sempre i dizionari Garzanti Linguistica. Puoi acquistare in un’unica soluzione la licenza completa per...
The best dictionary available for English language learners, from Merriam-Webster. Master written and spoken English with this app designed especially for learners and teachers of the language. Improve your understanding of English words and phrases with full, clear definitions...
The best dictionary available for English language learners, from Merriam-Webster. Master written and spoken English with this app designed especially for learners and teachers of the language. Improve your understanding with full, clear definitions and numerous usage examples. The...
Recent user reviews: ***** “The very BEST of the best. Indispensable, and worth every penny.” ***** “ I highly recommend this app to all Arabic students!” ***** “Perfect App for arabic language study.” ***** “A very power tool in learning different verb forms....Great...
This app is designed to help you learn Verb Preposition Combinations English prepositions are often used together with verbs to form a combination. For example The verb listen generally takes the preposition to, as in “I like to listen to...
For the price of a couple of falafels, you get an app that will help you improve your Hebrew and save you a lot of time. All the money goes into improving the application. Features: – The dictionary is powered by...
Ever wish you had a handy reference for conjugating Hebrew verbs with you at all times? I think we both know the answer to that question! It's “yes” in case you were wondering. Fret no more! Hebrew Verb Tables...
+ Full English Dictionary - Offline + Features: - More than 172000 words. - More than 180,000 senses and 49,000 sample sentences. - Includes the "Hang On, man" Game - Include a flash card system to facilitate learning new words and several articles about...
+ English Dictionary - Offline (Premium Version) + Features: - More than 172000 words. - More than 180,000 senses and 49,000 sample sentences. - Includes the "Hang On, man" Game - Include a flash card system to facilitate learning new words and several articles...
*** 25% off: everything you need for language classes cheaper in a bundle *** The PONS School Library contains dictionaries, verb tables and learning aids for English, French, German, Latin and Spanish. Everything you need for your foreign-language classes from the...
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