Top 25 Education Apps Like Loughborough Wave Lab - Best Alternatives

Loughborough Wave Lab Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Loughborough Wave Lab alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Education apps that are similar to Loughborough Wave Lab. Pick one from this list to be your new Loughborough Wave Lab app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Loughborough Wave Lab on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like Loughborough Wave Lab - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Loughborough Wave Lab alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like Loughborough Wave Lab 2025.

Loughborough University VOLUME

Loughborough University VOLUME

Volume is Loughborough University’s new digital magazine. Mixing beautiful layouts with engaging content, this publication is making sure that everything that happens at Loughborough is heard on a global stage. The digital format allows you to really experience all...

Price: Free Developer: Loughborough University
Fundraising in African HE

Fundraising in African HE

Fundraising in African HE was developed by Loughborough University in partnership with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. It contains over four hours of podcasts and videos from advancement professionals across Africa sharing their experiences of working...

Price: Free Developer: Loughborough University


myLboro is the official app for Loughborough University and provides students, staff and visitors with a wealth of content about the University and its services. The app features: Timetabling, digital registers, campus map, news and events listing, key contacts,...

Price: Free Developer: Loughborough University
A-level mathscard

A-level mathscard

The handy way to access AS and A-level maths formulae. Developed by Loughborough University, the free mathscard app contains hundreds of examples of pure maths formulae and graphs/diagrams. Designed specifically for AS and A-Level maths, the mathscard app is based...

Price: Free Developer: Loughborough University


Makes Qualitative Coding easy to learn. Based on world leading teaching practice developed at Loughborough University, this resource gives step by step instructions and worked examples of transcripts and thematic maps in an easy to understand video tutorial form.

Price: Free Developer: Loughborough University
WAVE Parallel Bible

WAVE Parallel Bible

WAVE Parallel Bible is simple and quick. Swipe to switch between English translations and the original languages. Tap a Greek word to display its meaning, parsing, and how to draw each of its letters. WAVE is all about making...

Price: Free Developer: Wave Study Bible, Inc.
Gurukul Wave

Gurukul Wave

The apps developed by Gurukul Wave for efficient communication between parents and teachers.

Price: Free Developer: Applus Wave
Gurukul Wave East

Gurukul Wave East

The apps developed by Gurukul Wave for efficient communication between parents and teachers.

Price: Free Developer: Applus Wave
Quantum Wave in a Box

Quantum Wave in a Box

Schrödinger equation solver 1D. User defined potential V(x). Diagonalization of hamiltonian matrix. Animation showing evolution in time of a gaussian wave-packet. In Quantum Mechanics the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation is a fundamental academic though exciting subject of study for both students...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Michel Ramillon
Wave machine simulator

Wave machine simulator

Wave machine By means of this app, you can simulate everything that can be studied with a one-dimensional wave machine: - Introduce a disturbance into a string and let your disturbance be reflected at a fixed or
 free end. - Put...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Detlef Hoche
Wave Workshop

Wave Workshop

Have you ever wondered how a camera lens, a radar or a radio telescope work? This app will show you! Explore the wave nature of light in this real-time electromagnetics simulation. Wave Workshop is a real-time simulation of the propagation...

Price: Free Developer: Algorizk
Wave Whiz

Wave Whiz

Wave Whiz (Wavelet Wizard) is an efficient, versatile, and fully interactive iOS App that can robustly compute the maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) of one-dimensional (1D) signals utilizing 25 different wavelet and scaling filters (for example, Haar, Daubechies...

Price: Free Developer: Saiftron Inc.


Wave中国語【游】について… 【製品紹介】 Wave中国語【游】は、中国語学習のかなめとなる声調学習を基礎に、効果的・効率的中国語音声教育の推進を目的に開発された学習教材です。 模範音声とともに、学習者の発音の高低、 緩急、強弱を瞬時に曲線グラフ化した視覚情報、3段階の目安による評価を提供して、自律的な声調の習得を促します。 学習者は、「基礎発音」と学習項目、学習進度によって練習する単語と文章を選択する「表現の学習」を選択できます (練習用教材は2018年3月現在、「基礎発音」778個、「表現の学習」355個)。 ・高低・緩急・強弱を表示する声調学習ソフト 中国語の声調は「高低+強弱」アクセントで作られます。本ソフトは、高低だけでなく、 色の濃淡により強弱変化を表示し、声調の形態的変化を明確に視覚化する画期的な機能を提供できます。 特に、母語の使用音域が狭く、ともすれば起伏が乏しく平板になりがちな日本人学習者の声調習得にとりわけ高い補助効果を実現できます。 【学術的な評価】 声調波形表示機能の学習効果は、本アプリケーションの母体である中国語総合学習システム“游” (の開発、 運用において、従来より高い学術的評価を得ています。 日本e-Learning学会2007年度秋季学術講演会審査委員特別賞受賞(「中国語e-Learningシステム“游”(Yóu):構想と開発について」)、 2008年度秋季学術講演会最優秀賞受賞(「中国語Web教材の複合利用による授業効果」)、 2015年度PCカンファレンス大会優秀論文賞(「初修中国語教育における反転授業の試み:ICT活用型教育“游”の実践事例」など、 学術賞を連続受賞しています。 【特徴】 ・「発音の学習」は、日本人学習者の特徴に基く声調・基本発音の攻略的な学習教材。 日本語の影響に対応した学習ポイント(解説)と練習教材を提供します(2018年3月)。 ・「表現の学習」は、全20の学習課題ごとに、単語(5単語以上)、文例(4文以上)を配置。 発音力を着実に高めながら、基礎初級段階の表現を一通り学習できます(2016年12月)。

Price: Free Developer: Soryu-sha Co., Ltd Software
Career Wave 2017

Career Wave 2017

The official app for Tulane University Career Wave

Price: Free Developer:
Lab-Aids Portals

Lab-Aids Portals

The Lab-Aids Portals app allows students and teachers to access their online curriculum. Your school or district must already have purchased online curriculum and obtained login credentials before you can access your curriculum via this app.

Price: Free Developer: Lab-Aids, Inc.
Atomsmith Molecule Lab

Atomsmith Molecule Lab

ATOMSMITH® MOLECULE LAB Atomsmith Molecule Lab is an app that will improve your understanding of chemistry. Learning (and teaching) chemistry presents a unique challenge: it depends on the ability to "see" 3D shapes and interactions of molecules we can't...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Bitwixt Software Systems LLC
Atomsmith Molecule Lab Middle School

Atomsmith Molecule Lab Middle School

ATOMSMITH® MOLECULE LAB - MIDDLE SCHOOL EDITION Atomsmith Molecule Lab - Middle School Edition is a tool that will improve your understanding of physical science and introductory chemistry. Learning (and teaching) chemistry presents a unique challenge: it depends on...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Bitwixt Software Systems LLC
My Tutor Lab

My Tutor Lab

Tutoring Made Simple! Connect with qualified and verified tutors for in-person tutoring sessions. Book a tutor anytime with the My Tutor Lab app. Currently tutoring in the states of Florida and California. Visit for more information. Take advantage...

Price: Free Developer: My Tutor Lab
Phonological Awareness Lab

Phonological Awareness Lab

Phonological Awareness Lab (PAL) is a fun, multi-level game specifically designed to improve phonological awareness in children. Designed by a certified speech-language pathologist, PAL incorporates a fun science lab theme to encourage children to demonstrate their phonological awareness. Created...

Price: USD 21.99 Developer: Smarty Ears
Toca Robot Lab

Toca Robot Lab

Build your own robot with Toca Robot Lab! With all the tools and materials you need, Toca Robot Lab let kids get creative. Make your dream robot by mixing odd pieces found around the house, scrap metal and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Toca Boca AB
VO Lab

VO Lab

VO Lab A great app to learn the basics of VoiceOver and get you on your way to using your iOS Device. VO Lab is an educational iPad game designed for people who are blind or have low vision to...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Phia Damsma
AACC Learning Lab Brief

AACC Learning Lab Brief

AACC Learning Lab for Laboratory Medicine on NEJM Knowledge+ is an adaptive learning platform that combines gold standard content with the most efficient, engaging, and effective way to help laboratory medicine professionals increase proficiency, expand knowledge, and enhance careers. This...

Price: Free Developer: AACC


Virtual lab이란 도서로 출간되던 실험서가 아닌, 온라인에서 구동되는 동영상을 기반으로 한 온라인 콘텐츠입니다. 현재 국제적인 출판 트렌드는 오프라인에서 온라인으로 넘어가고 있습니다. 이러한 동향에 맞추어, Virtual lab은 차세대의 교육 방식을 선도하는 새로운 패러다임의 교재가 될 것입니다. 기존의 실험서들은 오프라인에서 출판되었기...

Price: Free Developer: SANGYEON PARK


WE-LAB (link to buy the hardware part is the modular and portable analysis laboratory designed for students of all levels, science enthusiasts and makers to approach the world of science with innovative and technological methods and tools. The handbook...

Price: Free Developer: DNAPHONE SRL

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