Top 33 Book Apps Like Metafísica 4 en 1 - Conny Méndez - Best Alternatives

Metafísica 4 en 1 - Conny Méndez Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Metafísica 4 en 1 - Conny Méndez alternatives for iOS? We have listed 33 Book apps that are similar to Metafísica 4 en 1 - Conny Méndez. Pick one from this list to be your new Metafísica 4 en 1 - Conny Méndez app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Metafísica 4 en 1 - Conny Méndez on your iOS devices.

Top 33 Apps Like Metafísica 4 en 1 - Conny Méndez - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Metafísica 4 en 1 - Conny Méndez alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 33 similar apps like Metafísica 4 en 1 - Conny Méndez 2025.

Bible Comic Book App – 4 Action Bible Books

Bible Comic Book App – 4 Action Bible Books

The Bible Comic Book App is the perfect app for comic book lovers. • The app contains 4 action Bible Books from the Old and New Testaments: o From Adam to Jacob ...

Price: Free Developer: Children’s Bibles
English for Primary 4 English Version

English for Primary 4 English Version

The book "English for Primary 4 English Version” includes 44 pages which are compiled according to the purpose "Learning by playing" and in the future we will integrate sound a long with illustrations (for example about illustrating a...

Price: Free Developer: Hoa Do
iStorie - Stories, activities and quality games for 4 to 11 years old kids

iStorie - Stories, activities and quality games for 4 to 11 years old kids

iStorie is the brand new app for tablets that offers the best books and most entertaining games for children aged 4 to 11. With iStorie, children and parents will be able to read and listen to wonderful stories in...

Price: Free Developer: De Agostini Editore S.P.A.
Ponniyin Selvan 4 Audio Ofline

Ponniyin Selvan 4 Audio Ofline

Ponniyin Selvan Audio Book offline version, directed by Bombay Kannan. You can download this app for offline usage. Use it later without need of internet connection. This App consists of Ponniyin Selvan - Volume 3 - Manimagudam (Duration : 11 hours...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: VarNaA Studio
Snappy Loses - Vol. 4

Snappy Loses - Vol. 4

The Snappy Squirrel e-book series teaches kids and families in a fun, collaborative way about personal finance, saving, investing, banking, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, day trading, and more! Take control of your finance from an early age as you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ladeez First Media
Pan Book 4: Capitol Rising

Pan Book 4: Capitol Rising

#1 Best Seller in App Store Kids and Books in 42+ countries Featured “Best New Apps" & “Essentials Apps for Kids” by Apple Nominated “Best eBook” in Kidscreen’s iKids About Hullabalu’s “The Adventures of Pan” The first-ever original story series made exclusively for...

Price: Free Developer: Hullabalu
Lost Bible Books (part-4)

Lost Bible Books (part-4)

Part-4 of the Lost Bible Books series; contents shown in TOC image (Protevangelion, Martyrdom Ignatius, Martyrdom Polycarp, Book Marcion, Didache, and Story Ahikar). The stories are outlined along with internal and external conflicts identified. Contains chapter summaries...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: John Gregorek


2017最新版新概念英语隆重上线,欢迎下载体验。 新概念英语经典教材通过完整的英语学习体系,帮助学生掌握英语的4项基本技能——听、说、读、写,使学生能在学习中最大限度地发挥自己的潜能。 新版除保留原版的精华外,又增加了以下重要特色: ● 专为中国的英语学习人士而改编,根据中国读者的需要增添了词汇表、课文注释、练习讲解和课文的参考译文; ● 剔除了所有过时的内容,其中过时的课文由新课文取代,并配以全新的练习和插图; ● 对原有教学法进行调整,更利于学生加强交际能力; ● 内容更简洁精练,取消过去单独出版的繁琐补充材料,将其精华纳入主要教材; ● 版面加大,方便翻阅;每课书相对独立,以得课堂教学。

Price: Free Developer: wang yulong
Cuidado del Bebe de 4 a 8 Meses - AudioEbook

Cuidado del Bebe de 4 a 8 Meses - AudioEbook

La mas completa guía para el cuidado del bebe desde los 4 a los 8 meses de edad, recomendaciones, sugerencias, tips y consejos que te ayudaran a conocer sobre las necesidades y atención que se deben prestar al bebe...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Libro Movil
English for Primary 4 (小学校英語)

English for Primary 4 (小学校英語)

初めに 「English for Primary 4 Japanese Version – 小学校英語」 は45 ページを含んで、スマートフォン手に入るとき、「いつでもかどこでも英語を習う」という標準により編纂される。編纂するのうちに、予想外のエラーに影響されやすいので、この本に対応した内容に仕上げるように読者から貴重寄付を受領される望みます。誠に有難うございます、良く効果勉強をお祈り! 5本の編纂される「小学校英語」という本シリーズ です。本の内容は次の通りに部分がある:見て、言う; 見て、聞いて、繰り返す; 歌いましょう! 新しい単語。科学研究に基づく、英語は第二言語だという言われることです。子供たちから英語を勉強したら、灰白質が増えて、脳の発展を刺激します。それで、幼い頃から英語を学ぶのは子供に対する必要がある。 我々のスマート・ブック-イ・ブック(SmartBook)を使用するとき、以下ように役に立ちます:髪本値段(伝統な本)よりこの本値段のほが安い;我々の本を買うとき、読者は一回お金を支払うだけで、失ったり、裂けの心配ない永遠本を使用する及び追加支払わなくて新本更新するとき、すべての権利を享有される;この本は音(オーディオ)を添付して統合されて、読むとき、各句記号をつける。分からないどこか再聞きたいとき、その句に手を触ったら、あなたははっきり再聴きます; 以外に、イ・ブック(SmartBook)は特集音声録音(読み方を練習したあなたの音声)の機能もある。あなたは、アイコン・ヘッドホン(聞いて、書きます)に押すとき、あなたはキーボードか手で聞いた句の再聞いて、書かれるように機能を添付するスクリーンを出頭します。これは、あなたに本を読んで言語を学習することを便利するようにデジタル技術時代での我々の突破一つです。

Price: Free Developer: Hoa Do
Santa Biblia en idioma Español

Santa Biblia en idioma Español

Español Santa Biblia - Reina Valera Versión Esta aplicación te da la posibilidad de leer todos los libros del Antiguo Testamento y el Nuevo Testamento en su Iphone / Ipad / Ipod Touch. = > Contenido : - Todos los capítulos en...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Naim Abdel
Biblia Católica en Español

Biblia Católica en Español

La Biblia Católica La biblia católica es la biblia usada por los católicos. Contiene los libros deuterocanónicos y notas explicativas (comentarios, explicaciones e indicaciones), mientras que la biblia empleada por los protestantes carece de los deuterocanónicos y de las notas. Canon...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Biblia Católica para la Mujer en Español con Audio

Biblia Católica para la Mujer en Español con Audio

Biblia Católica para la Mujer La biblia católica es la biblia usada por los católicos. Contiene los libros deuterocanónicos y notas explicativas (comentarios, explicaciones e indicaciones), mientras que la biblia empleada por los protestantes carece de los deuterocanónicos y de...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Biblia Cronológica. La Biblia en un año. Reina Valera Versión.

Biblia Cronológica. La Biblia en un año. Reina Valera Versión.

Biblia Chronologica - Reina Valera. La Biblia en un año

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Citations en image - Belles phrases sur la vie & leçons de sagesse

Citations en image - Belles phrases sur la vie & leçons de sagesse

Citations en image: Les plus belles phrases sur la vie et leçons de sagesse Citations inspirantes, positives, motivantes pour être plus heureux! • Tous les sujets: la vertu, l'amour, le bonheur, la vie ... • Publier et partager sur Facebook. Instagram ... •...

Price: Free Developer: Joachim Bruns
Efe En Güzel Hayvanı Buluyor - Çocuk Kitabı

Efe En Güzel Hayvanı Buluyor - Çocuk Kitabı

Efe resim çizmeyi çok seven, çok hayal kuran bir çocuk. Kalemini hiç yanından ayırmıyor. Çocuklar için "Değerler Eğitimi"nin ilk hikayesi olan bu kitap, Efe'nin hayvanlarla olan eğlenceli yolculuğunu anlatıyor. Öğretmeni Efe’den en güzel hayvanı bulmasını istiyor. Bu yolculukta sen...

Price: Free Developer: MoraLabs


### Le livre de Georgik - "Loups, petites filles et transparences" est nécessaire pour l'utilisation de cette application ### Attention, le livre que vous tenez entre les mains est un objet particulier. Grâce à un smartphone ou une tablette, vous accédez...

Price: Free Developer:
Gouelokkies en die drie beertjies kinderstorie

Gouelokkies en die drie beertjies kinderstorie

Gouelokkies en die drie beertjies kinderstorie in afrikaans met kleurvolle groot illustrasies, eenvoudige teks is dit die perfekte sprokiereeks vir kleuters. Prikkel die kleinspan se verbeeldings deur die storietjie hardop vir hulle voor te lees. Die storie kan ook...

Hansie en Grietjie Kinderstorie in Afrikaans

Hansie en Grietjie Kinderstorie in Afrikaans

Hansie en Grietjie kinderstorie in afrikaans met kleurvolle groot illustrasies, eenvoudige teks is dit die perfekte sprokiereeks vir kleuters. Prikkel die kleinspan se verbeeldings deur die storietjie hardop vir hulle voor te lees. Die storie kan ook vir jou...

Leyendo en Red

Leyendo en Red

Una novedosa forma de acercarse a la lectura y al proyecto Leyendo en Red

Price: Free Developer: Maria Paz Garafulic
EM 385-1-1

EM 385-1-1

by Phelipe Silva This manual prescribes the safety and health requirements for all Corps of Engineers activities and operations. EM 385-1-1 Sept 2008 Edition. Features. Advanced Word Search in the Index, Acronyms, and Definitions Search each Section in Table of Contents Search for...

Price: Free Developer: NerdsMobile
n+1 Magazine Reader

n+1 Magazine Reader

n+1 is a print and digital magazine of literature, culture, and politics published three times a year.

Price: Free Developer: n+1 Foundation Inc
Supersaurs 1

Supersaurs 1

Welcome to the World of Supersaurs. A world where dinosaurs survived and evolved over the last 66 million years. Todays descendants, now just called saurs, live alongside humans and all other animals. Book 1: Raptors of Paradise, is the first adventure in...

Price: Free Developer: Supersaurs Limited
Des Dreams AR Book v.1

Des Dreams AR Book v.1

To Dream of Dancing: Desdemona’s Dreams, Volume 1 is a 60 page fully-illustrated and augmented reality book telling the tale of Desdemona, an eleven-year-old girl growing up in a small town, raised by her guardian teddy bear and...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Artist Life Vision VR LLC
Full Metal Jacket Diary: Chapter 1

Full Metal Jacket Diary: Chapter 1

*** NEW *** FULL METAL JACKET DIARY: CHAPTER 1 App! Matthew Modine is now offering a FREE download of the COMPLETE FIRST CHAPTER of his award-winning "appumentary!" This preview immerses you in Matthew's private life as he first learns...

Price: Free Developer: Matthew Modine
Pan Book 1: The Fearless Beribolt

Pan Book 1: The Fearless Beribolt

#1 Best Seller in App Store Kids and Books in 38+ countries Featured “Best New Apps" & “Essentials Apps for Kids” by Apple Nominated “Best eBook” in Kidscreen’s iKids The first-ever original story series made exclusively for iPhone and iPad – it’s...

Price: Free Developer: Hullabalu
Spy Sam Reading Book 1 - The big adventure with little words for kids to learn to read

Spy Sam Reading Book 1 - The big adventure with little words for kids to learn to read

**To celebrate becoming universal apps, all 3 books are FREE for a limited time ** Created by a doctor for children learning to read, this exciting adventure story is packed full with gadgets, robots, spies, twists and turns. "These books are...

Price: Free Developer: Matthew Cordingly
Vietnamese First Grade - Book 1

Vietnamese First Grade - Book 1

This is the Leaning Vietnamese Student Book - First Grade, part 1 wit audio, making it easy to teach your children learning Vietnamese, or even to learn by yourself. • Official book for first grade. • Speaking standard Vietnamese. • Virtual buttons...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: NGUYEN TAM
Agartha Film Art Book Part 1

Agartha Film Art Book Part 1

Children Who Chase Lost Voices Film Art Book: Part 1 The animated feature, Children Who Chase Lost Voices by acclaimed director Makoto Shinkai is now a digital film artbook! Featuring 170 high-definition scenes from the film and 2 completely original...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: UNBALANCE Corporation
Alice in Wonderland Part 1- Book iBigToy

Alice in Wonderland Part 1- Book iBigToy

The best reading experience - Children's classic story "Alice in Wonderland Part 1" now available on your iPad. This is totally new reading experience: illustrated audio books with interactive animation on each page. Classic story in new multimedia form:...

Price: Free Developer: iBigToy inc.
Te Regalo lo que se te Antoje - Conny Méndez

Te Regalo lo que se te Antoje - Conny Méndez

Audiolibro en español del bestseller “Te regalo lo que se te antoje” de la afamada escritora Conny Méndez. Para comprender las enseñanzas de la Nueva Era y obtener plenamente los beneficios que ella encierra, se recomienda leer “Te regalo...

Price: USD 10.99 Developer: Libro Movil
Libros Metafisica

Libros Metafisica

Enseñanza Espiritual Metafísica. Venta de Material Didáctico en Español: Libros de autores como Rubén Cedeño, Conny Méndez, Emmet Fox, Maestros Ascendidos y varios más. Video Conferencias, Video Documentales. Audio Libros, Canciones, Contemplaciones, Decretos, Mantrams, Meditación, Llaves Tonales. Precios en dólares. Envíos...

Price: Free Developer: Wasif Qayyum

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