Top 46 Reference Apps Like C-J-E Daily Talk Dictionary - Best Alternatives

C-J-E Daily Talk Dictionary Alternatives

Do you want to find the best C-J-E Daily Talk Dictionary alternatives for iOS? We have listed 46 Reference apps that are similar to C-J-E Daily Talk Dictionary. Pick one from this list to be your new C-J-E Daily Talk Dictionary app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to C-J-E Daily Talk Dictionary on your iOS devices.

Top 46 Apps Like C-J-E Daily Talk Dictionary - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid C-J-E Daily Talk Dictionary alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 46 similar apps like C-J-E Daily Talk Dictionary 2025.

Tutorial for C#

Tutorial for C#

C# is a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative led by Anders Hejlsberg. This tutorial will teach you basic C# programming and will also take you through various advanced concepts related to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Job Ma
Objective C Reference Lite

Objective C Reference Lite

*** Objective C Reference *** *** What's Hot, Featured By Apple *** This lite version of the application summarizes just a small part of the Objective C language (first 3 rows of each category) in a format suitable for quick reference....

Price: Free Developer: Lucian Boboc
API Reference for IOS Develope-object C&swift

API Reference for IOS Develope-object C&swift

Swift is a new programming language developed by Apple Inc for iOS and OS X development. Swift adopts the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility. Swift uses the same runtime as the existing Obj-C...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Job Ma
C Standard Library Lite

C Standard Library Lite

*** C Standard Library *** *** What’s Hot Featured By Apple *** This lite version of the application describes some of the C Programming Language Library Functions (first 4 rows of each letter) supported by C89 and C99 and can be...

Price: Free Developer: Lucian Boboc
C Standard Library HD

C Standard Library HD

This application describes all C Programming Language Library Functions supported by C89 and C99 and can be used as a quick reference. If you are a student learning the C Programming Language or an experienced programmer this will be...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Lucian Boboc


本应用包含以下主要内容: 1.C#程序设计,.NET Core教程。 2.ASP.Net MVC程序设计, ADO.net程序设计。 3.测试题库,提供对C#编程的知识点和技术点进行全面测试的题目。 应用程序的特色功能: 1.收藏功能,通过收藏直接切换到上次读的位置和相对应的学习资料. 2.图片查看功能,支持图片缩放. 3.左右滑动翻前后章节. 4.双指往內或往外拨动,放大或缩小字体功能,支持多种字体大小. 5.支持横屏和纵屏两种方式阅读,方便快捷,图文并茂.

Price: Free Developer: Hongbin Fan
KTdict C-D

KTdict C-D

KTdict C-D for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch provides you a comprehensive, easy to use and fast Chinese-German dictionary. The following features make it the perfect tool for your study of the Chinese language or your visit to China....

Price: Free Developer: Klaus Thul
KTdict C-E

KTdict C-E

KTdict C-E for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch provides you a comprehensive, easy to use and fast Chinese-English dictionary. The following features make it the perfect tool for your study of the Chinese language or your visit to China....

Price: Free Developer: Klaus Thul
KTdict C-F

KTdict C-F

KTdict C-F for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch provides you a comprehensive, easy to use and fast Chinese-English dictionary. The following features make it the perfect tool for your study of the Chinese language or your visit to China....

Price: Free Developer: Klaus Thul
KTdict+ C-D

KTdict+ C-D

KTdict+ C-D for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch provides you a comprehensive, easy to use and fast Chinese-German dictionary. The following features make it the perfect tool for your study of the Chinese language or your visit to China....

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Klaus Thul


Het Classificatiesysteem Aard Problematiek - Jeugd (CAP-J) beschrijft opgroei- en opvoedproblemen. CAP-J is een aanvulling op onder andere het psychiatrisch handboek 'Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' (DSM), waarin alleen psychische stoornissen staan. Hulpverleners en onderzoekers kunnen CAP-J...

Price: Free Developer: Nederlands Jeugdinstituut
HolyBible K.J.V. Pro

HolyBible K.J.V. Pro

This is the profession version of HolyBible K.J.V. As a lot of people used the free version of HolyBible and Send me really good feedback of this. I tried to modify this application and add some useful functions in the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: ThoughtFul
HolyBible K.J.V.

HolyBible K.J.V.

Holy Bible K.J.V. Easily navigate through the Word of God by Book,Chapter and Verse! Order of the Testaments- -For faster reference we have put the New Testament First then the Old Testament NEW TESTAMENT: -The Gospel According to St Matthew -The Gospel According to...

Price: Free Developer: ThoughtFul
E.J.C Science&Tech Dictionary

E.J.C Science&Tech Dictionary

If your job involves Japanese/Chinese words in the field of Science & Technology, maybe this application can help you to finish your work quickly and correctly, because it is an application running on iPhone/iPod Touch, not a heavy...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: AOBO Co.,Ltd
C-J-E Travel Talk Dictionary

C-J-E Travel Talk Dictionary

Frequently used daily conversations and expressions are carefully selected with human readout in 3 languages, Chinese, English and Japanese. The 3-in-1 dictionary is a handy helper in travelling, overseas studying, business trip and self-study on everyday conversations. A must-have...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Otek International Inc.


"Thai-Japanese Dict Application highly popular of the year 2015 One of the most admitted dict application.." Features - Find vocabulary Thai - Japan - Thai Rōmaji - Japan. Japan - Rōmaji - Can be used to search and display for Thai -...

Price: Free Developer: Nutthapong Boonporn
J-K-E Daily Talk Dictionary

J-K-E Daily Talk Dictionary

Frequently used daily conversations and expressions are carefully selected with human readout in 3 languages, Japanese, Korean and English. The 3-in-1 dictionary is a handy helper in travelling, overseas studying, business trip and self-study on everyday conversations. Buy one...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Otek International Inc.
J-K-E Travel Talk Dictionary

J-K-E Travel Talk Dictionary

Frequently used daily conversations and expressions are carefully selected with human readout in 3 languages, Japanese, Korean and English. The 3-in-1 dictionary is a handy helper in travelling, overseas studying, business trip and self-study on everyday conversations. Buy one...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Otek International Inc.
Luminous E<>J Dictionary

Luminous E<>J Dictionary

ルミナス英和・和英辞典 (InApp購入版) This app is not free! For new users, an InApp purchase is required to activate the dictionary. Japanese language ability required. 英和・和英それぞれ約10万の豊富な収録語句に加え、アプリ独自に単語の英米音声ファイルを収録。もちろんiPhone・iPad両対応。大学入試からTOEIC®受験まで、全ての英語学習者にお薦めする学習用英和・和英辞典の「最強ツール」です。 【全体】 総収録語数は英和・和英各10万,用例は各 5 万以上。豊富な語彙だけでなく、文法や語法、ライティングのための解説も充実させた、英語学習辞典の定番。大学受験生から社会人まで全ての英語学習者・使用者にお勧めの最強ツール。 【英和】 日常用語はもちろん、時事用語、科学用語を豊富に収録し、成句や句動詞も充実。語彙だけでなく、詳細な文法・語法解説に加え、ライティングにも使える「コロケーション」や「言い換え」、語彙増強のための「単語の記憶」や「語源」など、学習・実用に役立つ情報が満載。英和辞典として初めてTOEIC®頻出2千語句を表示。 【和英】 「振り込め詐欺」「ニート」「認知症」から「源義経」「額紫陽花」「丑の時参り」まで広範な分野の語彙・慣用句・成句を採録。日本固有の風物・文化・固有名などには簡潔な英語の説明も施した。日本語的発想を自然な英語にするために不可欠な「発想指示」や学習者の間違えやすい点を分かりやすく解説した「語法」「日英比較」も充実。 ■ アプリケーションの特徴: * ロングマン辞書に収録された約4,000点の英米音声ファイルを収録 * 単語タップで表示される、便利なアクションメニュー * インクリメンタル検索(逐次検索)機能 * スペリングのサジェスト機能 * ワイルドカード検索機能 * 収録画像の拡大・縮小機能 * メモ付きブックマーク機能 *...

Price: Free Developer: English Channel, Inc.
e-Sword HD: Bible Study to Go

e-Sword HD: Bible Study to Go

e-Sword® — the world's most popular PC Bible study software is now available on the world's most advanced mobile operating system! e-Sword HD is feature rich and user friendly. As your Biblical library grows you will appreciate the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Rick Meyers
e-Sword LT: Bible Study to Go

e-Sword LT: Bible Study to Go

e-Sword® — the world's most popular PC Bible study software is now available on the world's most advanced mobile operating system! e-Sword LT is the little brother of e-Sword HD for the iPad, but has many of the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Rick Meyers
Dizionario Sinonimi e Contrari

Dizionario Sinonimi e Contrari

La fortunata collana dei Dizionari Medi torna in una nuova edizione digitale aggiornata sotto l’aspetto grafico, di contenuto e di funzionalità, mantenendo l’autorevolezza che caratterizza da sempre i dizionari Garzanti. Puoi acquistare in un’unica soluzione la licenza completa per utilizzare...

Price: Free Developer: De Agostini Scuola S.p.A.


政府の法令データ提供システム(e-Gov)のデータ(2017年9月14日現在、2017年3月1日までの官報に掲載された8,307法令)及び裁判所のウェブサイトのデータを元に、常に最新の「法令」及び「裁判所規則」を表示する六法全書のアプリです。 【e六法の特色】 1. 全法令+裁判所の規則に対応 2. 目次、参照条文(逆リンク)による高速なアクセス 3. 法令内のキーワード検索が可能 4. iCould対応の「my六法」でオリジナルの六法を作成 【特徴1】e-Govの全法令データ+裁判所の規則に対応 e-Govに収録されている全データに対応しています。 また、e-Govには収録されていない裁判所の規則にも対応しています。対応済みの規則は一部のみですが、順次拡大していきます(2017年9月14日現在、44規則)。大日本帝国憲法も表示できます(国立国会図書館のデータ)。 一度閲覧した法令等は、二度目以降は、オフラインでも閲覧できます。 【特徴2】目次、参照条文による高速なアクセス e-Govのデータを分析し、法令の目次、参照条文を実装しました。 延々とスクロールをせずに目的の条文にアクセスできます。 また、e-Gov の条文に設定されたハイパーリンクを分析し、参照条文として実装しました。参照条文をたどって関連する法令にアクセスできます。 参照条文として「逆リンク」を実装しています。逆リンクとは、e-Govの条文に設定されたリンクが張られた「先」の条文において、リンク「元」の条文を参照条文とするものです。 例)e-Gov:破産法53条3項の「民法642条1項」との記載に民法へのハイパーリンクが設定されているが、民法642条1項には破産法へのハイパーリンクは設定されていない。 e六法:民法642条1項において、破産法53条3項を「参照条文」として参照できる。 【特徴3】法令内のキーワード検索が可能 キーワードを入力し、法令内で上方向・下方向に検索することができます。 また、条文番号での検索もできます。 【特徴4】iCould対応の「my六法」でオリジナルの六法を作成 「my六法」(いわゆる「お気に入り」)機能で、法令のグループを作成できます。my六法、履歴、Quickボタンは、iCouldで自動的に同期されます。 【FAQ】 Q:法令検索で、スペースでAND検索したい。 A:対応しました。(v1.46) Q:スクロール・バーか、条文番号でのジャンプの機能が欲しい。 A:条文番号でのジャンプに対応しました。(v1.45) Q:目次から直接条文番号を入力してジャンプしたい。 A:対応しました。(v1.50) Q:ショートカットを増やして欲しい。 A:「my六法」の機能を実装しました(v2.00)。 Q:動かなくなった場合の対処法は? A:(1)ホームボタン(□)ダブルクリック (2)e六法のアイコン長押し (3)「-」タップで、終了させて下さい。 Q:URLスキームで起動するには? A:「jp.kageshima.e-roppou:」です。

Price: Free Developer: Kageshima


Gyronimo Performance Pad Pro MD500D/E The ultimate flight computer for the MD500D and MD500 E with C20B or C20R2 engines. For iPad 2, iPad3 (Retina) and iPad Mini. - All Graphics optimized for Retina Screens. This is the standard version, please...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Gyronimo, LLC
Sinonimi e contrari Zanichelli

Sinonimi e contrari Zanichelli

Affianca il vocabolario di italiano mettendo a disposizione del lettore tutta la ricchezza della nostra lingua • 46.000 voci • 80.000 accezioni • 330.000 sinonimi • 140.000 analoghi e contrari • 1700 sinonimi regionali • 15.000 collocatori •...

Price: Free Developer: Zanichelli Editore Spa
Dizionario Medicina e Biologia

Dizionario Medicina e Biologia

The third edition of the dictionary contains more than 60,000 encyclopedic entries from more than 70 specialist biological and medicinal fields, including cutting-edge disciplines in rapid evolution such as molecular medicine, molecular genetics, molecular genetics, molecular, cell and systems...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Zanichelli Editore Spa


Imam Nawawi's Forty Hadith and Forty Hadith Qudsi are widely regarded as the most popular anthology and the best introduction to the study of the Prophet's Sayings in the English language. This app contains this collection of Hadiths in...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: WIN Solutions
I Sinonimi e contrari Treccani

I Sinonimi e contrari Treccani

L’applicazione contiene il testo integrale del Dizionario dei Sinonimi e contrari Treccani. Caratteristiche dell’opera: • circa 60.000 lemmi • suddivisione delle voci in accezioni • articolazione...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Hadithet e Buhariut

Hadithet e Buhariut

Hadithet e Buhariut eshte aplikacion mobil per leximin e haditheve nga koleksioni i hadithit Sahih el-Buhari te perkthyera ne Gjuhen Shqipe nga AIITC. - Hadithet e ndara ne kaptina - Mundesi per kerkim ne titujt e kaptinave - Mundesi per kerkim te...

Price: Free Developer: Hasan Cana
Psalm Daily Quotes ASV

Psalm Daily Quotes ASV

Psalm Daily Quotes - Taken from the American Standard Version Inspiring verses from the Psalms are displayed and matched with beautiful images from nature. For devotional use or a quick spiritual lift during a busy day, this app will...

Price: Free Developer: Systems of Merritt, Inc.
Spurgeon Daily Quotes

Spurgeon Daily Quotes

Charles H. Spurgeon Daily Quotes - Taken from his Morning & Evening Daily Readings Inspiring quotes from Charles Spurgeon are displayed and matched with beautiful images from nature. For devotional use or a quick spiritual lift during a busy day,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Systems of Merritt, Inc.
Daily Llama for Fortnite

Daily Llama for Fortnite

Chapter 2 of Fortnite means lots of changes! Stay up to date with all the changes as the new season arrives. Daily Llama for Fortnite is the #1 unofficial Fortnite companion app that has everything you need! Features: - Daily...

Price: Free Developer: Chris Houston
Daily Strength Bible Verses

Daily Strength Bible Verses

Daily Strength Bible Verses will give you one mental strength giving Holy Bible Verses. You will get the real strength for your day to day activities through these Bible Quotes. You can also download Bible Quotes, Jesus Wallpapers and...

Price: Free Developer: Sooppi Moossa Kutty
Our Daily Bible Inspirations Verse : A Daily Bread

Our Daily Bible Inspirations Verse : A Daily Bread

People are reading, listening to, and sharing this beautiful app for free. It is a quick, offline and free bible app. it provides inspirational verses, prayer and daily devotional on iPhone and iPad, or Apple TV. What's incredible about...

Price: Free Developer: Amir Chabi
Daily Bible Verses & Devotions

Daily Bible Verses & Devotions

Wake up everyday with a Personalized Daily Bible Verses and Devotions. Encouraging Bible Verses and Devotions to get away from distractions, negativity and problems in your life and find a path to peace, healing and success. Daily Bible Verses & Devotions...

Price: Free Developer: Interclick Media Pte Ltd
Sagittarius Horoscope - Daily Zodiac Sign & Love

Sagittarius Horoscope - Daily Zodiac Sign & Love

Sagittarius Horoscope is the best daily horoscope prediction for your daily life, love, work, etc based on your Sagittarius zodiac sign with reliable and accurate astrology data! Features: - Daily prediction for your Sagittarius horoscope! - Reliable and accurate astrology readings updated...

Price: Free Developer: Jian Yih Lee
Daily Bible Verse Devotionals

Daily Bible Verse Devotionals

Reading daily bible verses and devotions help you grow in grace and keep inspiration. It wakes you up from the distraction of daily life and moves you towards peace and wisdom. Learn and explore new verses every day. Experience everyday...

Price: Free Developer: Twisted Society AB
Daily Bible Inspirations Verse

Daily Bible Inspirations Verse

***Uplifting Daily Bible Verse with high-quality backgrounds and relaxing music*** + Easy to share verses with your family and friends + Save your favorite verses + Handy & beautiful design + No Internet connection required + Daily reminder, get your daily bible any time...

Price: Free Developer: Novix Technology Inc.
Daily Bible Verse by Kupina

Daily Bible Verse by Kupina

-------------------------------------- What is ‘Daily Bible Verse’? -------------------------------------- Every day the same old excuse: "I´m too tired at the end of the day and have no strength to open the Bible and it makes me feel horrible". This problem is no longer valid. As...

Price: Free Developer: Nicolas Aguirre
Talk & Translate

Talk & Translate

Talk & Translate is an essential real-time voice and text translator. Simply put, it's your must-have app if you’re travelling abroad or want to learn a new language faster. The streamlined user interface supports 33 languages, including regional dialects. You...

Price: Free Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
Text to Voice-Talk

Text to Voice-Talk

Text To Voice With this app, you can easily convert text to speech (TTS). Just enter the text and the app speaks it for you. Features: - Text to Speech Synthesize with different settings and languages you can change the speech...

Price: Free Developer: Aman Kumar
Practical English Usage

Practical English Usage

A vital reference tool for teachers and higher-level learners Over 600 short entries on common problems in English Free sample entries available: see below. Entries cover: spoken and written grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation, formal and informal language, British-American differences Clear simple explanations;...

Price: Free Developer: Oxford University Press
Scrum Gathering South Africa

Scrum Gathering South Africa

Regional Scrum Gathering South Africa is an annual conference where software professionals and Agile enthusiasts meet to uncover better ways of working and developing software. You will get the chance to hear leading international and local speakers and more importantly,...

Price: Free Developer: nReality
Body Language Revealed

Body Language Revealed

Learn the secrets of Body Language with this collection of over 300 tuitional and informative videos. Understanding body language can give you tremendous benefits for your communication skills which could benefit you in many ways from a job interview to...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: GR8 Media


‘Kulila!’ (Pitjantjatjara) means ‘listen up!’ We are a group of people in Central Australia who want to bring emotions, feelings, and issues out in the open and get people talking about mental health. This is to help our families...

Price: Free Developer: Pollen

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