Do you want to find the best Aspect Ratio X Calc alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Utilities apps that are similar to Aspect Ratio X Calc. Pick one from this list to be your new Aspect Ratio X Calc app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Aspect Ratio X Calc on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Aspect Ratio X Calc alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Aspect Ratio X Calc 2025.
This app includes an aspect ratio calculator and a timecode calculator. It has been designed to look and feel like a real world device with jog/shuttle VTR controller and security panel type number input interface. The aspect calculator was designed...
We present G L Technovations, an aggregate arrangements organization in the field of Information Technology since Year 2006. It is professionally overseen, Vibrant and Dynamic Company occupied with Marketing and servicing exercises with Sales and Service Networks at real...
We present G L Technovations, an aggregate arrangements organization in the field of Information Technology since Year 2006. It is professionally overseen, Vibrant and Dynamic Company occupied with Marketing and servicing exercises with Sales and Service Networks at real...
uCamPro HD (only for iPad) allows you to monitor multiple live video and audio feeds directly from network cameras (1000+ models of network cameras from 100+ manufacturers) and built-in/FireWire/USB webcams with top notch performance and speed. * Main Features ▶ Unlimited...
* 30% Off for A Limited Time Only! uCamPro allows you to monitor multiple live video and audio feeds directly from network cameras (1000+ models of network cameras from 100+ manufacturers) and built-in/FireWire/USB webcams with top notch performance and...
* 20% Off for A Limited Time Only! uFoscam allows you to remotely monitor multiple live audio and video feeds with an incredibly intuitive touch screen user interface for Foscam camera. It not only gives the user all options...
uLinksysCam allows the user to remotely monitor live video feeds with an incredibly intuitive touch screen user interface for Linksys network cameras. Unlike most IP camera applications; it not only gives the user professional monitoring capabilities with face and...
uPanasonicCam allows the user to remotely monitor live video and audio feeds with an incredibly intuitive touch screen user interface for Panasonic network cameras. Unlike most IP camera applications; it not only gives the user professional monitoring capabilities with...
Breezy is an award-winning cloud-print platform for enterprise. Benefits of using Breezy: - Print practically anything, from Office docs to PDFs to images, html, websites and more - Easily connect any printer - Breezy supports all models from all manufacturers - Intuitive...
Ratio Calculator lets you create your own custom ratios and then scale them. To scale a ratio select the item you want to adjust and the other items will be scaled to match. *Note: Ratios round to 4 decimal places.
Key features include: Multiple display of calculate history. The calculation results can be modified in the tap. You can copy, tap the text box in the input. if you long tap the rate change button, to display the setting screen, Rate change, rounding (rounded...
Civil Engineering Pack contains 12 Modules with 484 Calculators. • Structural Engineering -58 Calculators & Formulas. • Concrete Engineering -56 Calculators • Engineering Survey - 33 Calculators. • Beam Engineering - 34 Calculators • Column Construction - 35 Calculators • Piles and Piling Calculators...
Structural Engineering Calculator contains 58 Calculations of different Structural and Civil Engineering parameters. - Available in Imperial (USCS) and Metric Units (SI UNITS). Structural Engineering Calc. contains following 58 Calculators: 1.Shear Capacity of Flexural Members 2.Critical Ratio 3.Effective Length Factor 4.Slenderness Ratio 5.Allowable Compressive Stress of...
Structural Engineering Calculator contains 58 Calculations of different Structural and Civil Engineering parameters. - Available in Imperial (USCS) and Metric Units (SI UNITS). Lis of 58 Calculators: 1.Shear Capacity of Flexural Members 2.Critical Ratio 3.Effective Length Factor 4.Slenderness Ratio 5.Allowable Compressive Stress of Columns (Slenderness...
This tool works as an equation solver : you can choose the parameter (variable) to be computed, and fix the other parameters. It also supports multiple systems of units : American (US) and metric (SI). 1) Quarter Wave Antenna : you...
Adiabatic process is a process in which heat exchange does not take place between a thermodynamic system and its surroundings. Behavior of reversible adiabatic process is described by Poisson's equations. Adiabatic Calculator is a software that solves the Poisson's equations....
Adiabatic process is a process in which heat exchange does not take place between a thermodynamic system and its surroundings. Behavior of reversible adiabatic process is described by Poisson's equations. Adiabatic Calculator is a software that solves the Poisson's equations....
Adiabatic process is a process in which heat exchange does not take place between a thermodynamic system and its surroundings. Behavior of reversible adiabatic process is described by Poisson's equations. Adiabatic Calculator mini is a software that solves the Poisson's...
¡Envía presupuestos al instante y aumentá tus ventas! La App fue diseñada con el fin de facilitar el trabajo del instalador, que pueda realizar presupuestos en formato digital y enviarlos al instante. Si sos Agente Instalador X-28 vas a poder...
Descarga la única App para estilistas profesionales donde encontraras las mejores herramientas de corte junto con el mejor soporte educativo Conoce la mejor colección de herramientas de alto rendimiento con las que realizaras todos tus diseños como profesional Se parte...
La App fue diseñada con el fin de brindar toda la información actualizada sobre los productos y servicios de Cámaras X-28. Si usted es Agente Instalador podrá loguearse y acceder a múltiples funciones comerciales-técnicas para facilitar su trabajo y hacerlo...
Without trying to educate the user, this App simply provides the answer to his or her "percentage problem"! Use this App to find out the missing X in the following kind of situations: 7% of X is 250 ...
Scanning and translating tool for iPhone/iPad/Apple Watch via BLE connection *** Use this app with WorldPenScan X will maximize text input and translation performance. ◆Support Apple Watch◆ - Scan and translate instantly - Multilingual translation ◆Wireless Data Transmission◆ - With Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE), the scanned...
X-Ring was designed as a portable countdown to X-Ring day. This simple application counts down to the X-Ring ceremony at 2:00pm on December 3rd each year. Customize the countdown by setting your X-Ring ceremony date and countdown to your...
X-PUB is an open sourced Bitcoin watch only wallet that allows you to scan or upload an xpub and then programmatically create an infinite amount of invoices. The code can be found here X-PUB is designed to work...
X Schedule is an iOS app that fetches the bell schedule for St. Xavier High School from the St. X website. It shows an in-app view of the schedule and has a Notification Center widget. Features: • In-app view of daily...
X商云是为汽车经销商提供的全链智能营销云。X商云基于自有的互动社区、全网精准媒体投放、AI智能助力以及多元化移动社交工具,帮助经销商拓展更多营销渠道,实现更为智能的从集客到保客的一体化服务。X商云APP是为经销商店内的销售人员量身打造的移动办公工具,销售人员可随时跟进客户,轻松办公,商机尽在掌握。 1、客户信息建档,智能化管理更为高效; 2、构建客户标签,大数据画像及商机锦囊助力精准营销及转化成交; 3、智能聊天助手小卡,帮助销售人员随时网罗商机; 4、多元营销传播,销售人员可随时转发电子名片并查看自己的相关业绩;
"Decibel X" is one of very few noise meter apps on the market that has highly reliable, pre-calibrated measurements and supports dBA, dBC. It turns your iOS device into a professional sound level meter, precisely measures the sound pressure...
Perpenso® Calc 4 offers five calculators in one upgradable lite app: scientific, statistics, business, hex and bill/tip. Scientific mode is included and the other modes are optional. Perpenso Calc is a related fully paid app that includes all modes...
Your iPhone has *multiple apps* for focused solutions. CALC 1 has *multiple calculators* for focused solutions. Each calculator is focused on a task so they have more functions and are easier to use than calculator apps that try to cram everything...
With over half a million users Calc 2M is the best calculator on the App Store! Calc 2M combines in a simple and beautiful design all the standard and pro features of a calculator! We put particular attention on user experience...
Apple Watch version of the most sophisticated calculator ever put on a watch. FlickKey Calculator uses the FlickKey input method to give you fast and accurate input on any touch screen device. Just press and flick in the direction...
Arpac Calc: Packaging Cost, Material Usage and Capital Equipment ROI Calculator. Arpac Calc is used to calculate the amount of packaging material required to package a product and to compare secondary packaging design solutions. This calculator accomodates different packaging methods...
Paper Calc Office Lite - Use this free App. to evaluate the complete version of Paper Calc Office. Check out the large easy-to-use keys, AirPrint support, paper tape, email, resizable keyboard, line annotation, custom keyboard and more This is a fully...
<RW CIE Calc>Proは、演色性100相当の色ズレのない<LED65S>モードにより<完全等色判定>が実現する。 RW Z-4使用LED65Sランプ(Sharp社製 GB5BTC65K00/Ra85)専用の<D65S>モードを従来機能に追加。色判定装置 <RW Z-4>によれば、従来の標準色票ではわずか2000色に限定されていた完全等色が視感750万、最大1677万色に拡大して極めて厳密なる色測定と色検証が可能になる。使い方は、D65モードで使用する標準色票のHV/C値を入力して等色した後に、CMYモードに切り替えて測色。詳しくはRWHPご参照。 ・計測対象:光色、物体色、色覚にいたる全色分野で750万色超の視感厳密色数値化と検証が可能。 ・計測 検証方法: iPad 9.7 に Apple App<RW CIE Calc>pro を用いて発色させた<デジタル色標準>を判定基準とし透過色(T)は白色部でそのまま、反射色(R)は LED65S 光源の無段階調光により近似標準色票と等色して較正したのち、同条件で試料色と等色させ測色値を得る。視感判定もできるが iP カメラ で客観判定し画像を記録保存。 ・色検証機能:視感750万色以上最大1,677万色。 ・入力モード:HV/C、xyY、L*a*b*、CMY、RGB。 ・光源モード:A,B,C,D50,D65,F8+D65S(各 T&R 可)、各モード間の変換自在。 ・検出可能値:CIE XYZ、xyY、L*a*b*、λ,ρ、HV/C、 CMY、RGB 値。 ・判定精度:pro の D65S モードでは全色系列に対してほぼ<完全等色>し、各色票色票間の精度の高い数値化と RGB256レベルの色差検証が可能になる。等色の程 度も画像で判定保存可能。カメラ判定との視感差から色覚の自己判定可能。 従来版の説明(機能はPro版も搭載) <RW CIE Calc> ia/io アプリは、色の三原色シアン(青緑)、マゼンタM(赤紫)、イエローY(黄)とND(無彩色)の各種濃度の24 の数値ボタン、更に透過/反射、光源切換えボタンの自由な組み合わせによってほぼ無数、1670 万色超のCIE 色計算をおこなうともに、その色計算近似色を世界初の<デジタル色標準>としてモニタに発色させ、視感等色またカメラ等色によってあらゆる物体色のCMY 濃度、CIE XYZ、xy、主波長λ、刺激純度p、L*a*b*、HV/C、デジタルRGB...
<RW CIE Calc>Proは、演色性100相当の色ズレのない<LED65S>モードにより<完全等色判定>が実現する。 1. RW Z-4使用LED65Sランプ(Sharp社製 GB5BTC65K00/Ra85)専用の<D65S>モードを従来機能に追加。色判定装置 <RW Z-4>によれば、従来の標準色票ではわずか2000色に限定されていた完全等色が視感750万、最大1677万色に拡大して極めて厳密なる色測定と色検証が可能になる。使い方は、D65モードで使用する標準色票のHV/C値を入力して等色した後に、CMYモードに切り替えて測色。 2. 測色はiPhone6,7を使用し、白色部を1クリックすると発色部の周辺が黒くなりプリズム使用時の周辺からの乱入光が防止される。 3. 再度クリックすると発色部が左隅に移動する。詳しくはRWHPご参照。 ・計測対象:光色、物体色、色覚にいたる全色分野で750万色超の視感厳密色数値化と検証が可能。 ・計測 検証方法:iPhone (6または7) または iPad 9.7 に Apple App<RW CIE Calc>pro を用いて発色させた<デジタル色標準>を判定基準とし透過色(T)は白色部でそのまま、反射色(R)は LED65S 光源の無段階調光により近似標準色票と等色して較正したのち、同条件で試料色と等色させ測色値を得る。視感判定もできるが iP カメラ で客観判定し画像を記録保存。 ・色検証機能:視感750万色以上最大1,677万色。 ・入力モード:HV/C、xyY、L*a*b*、CMY、RGB。 ・光源モード:A,B,C,D50,D65,F8+D65S(各 T&R 可)、各モード間の変換自在。 ・検出可能値:CIE XYZ、xyY、L*a*b*、λ,ρ、HV/C、 CMY、RGB 値。 ・判定精度:pro の D65S モードでは全色系列に対してほぼ<完全等色>し、各色票色票間の精度の高い数値化と RGB256レベルの色差検証が可能になる。等色の程 度も画像で判定保存可能。カメラ判定との視感差から色覚の自己判定可能。 従来版の説明(機能はPro版も搭載) <RW CIE Calc> ia/io アプリは、色の三原色シアン(青緑)、マゼンタM(赤紫)、イエローY(黄)とND(無彩色)の各種濃度の24 の数値ボタン、更に透過/反射、光源切換えボタンの自由な組み合わせによってほぼ無数、1670 万色超のCIE 色計算をおこなうともに、その色計算近似色を世界初の<デジタル色標準>としてモニタに発色させ、視感等色またカメラ等色によってあらゆる物体色のCMY...
Poke Calc is a safe, accurate, and easy to use IV calculator for Pokemon GO. This is a tool for every Pokemon GO player. Before you waste your stardust and candies, see how good your Pokemon really is. Features - Individual...
Paper Calc for Coders is a decimal, hex, octal & binary conversion calculator that includes 25 trigonometric functions. Other features include a full screen view of the paper tape, two color schemes, 250 lines of EMAILable paper tape...
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