Top 26 Education Apps Like Elmo Loves ABCs - Best Alternatives

Elmo Loves ABCs Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Elmo Loves ABCs alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Education apps that are similar to Elmo Loves ABCs. Pick one from this list to be your new Elmo Loves ABCs app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Elmo Loves ABCs on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like Elmo Loves ABCs - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Elmo Loves ABCs alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like Elmo Loves ABCs 2025.

Elmo Calls

Elmo Calls

This is an app full of fun phone calls from Elmo, which will help teach your child about healthy habits, self-confidence, and letters. Pick up the phone, Elmo’s calling! Receive video calls, audio calls, and voice mail from Sesame Street’s...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Sesame Street
Potty Time with Elmo

Potty Time with Elmo

Elmo reads this animated storybook in an app filled with games, songs, stickers and a potty progress chart that all help ease your child through toilet training. *** Reached No. 1 in Education in the App Store! *** When it’s...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sesame Street
Elmo Loves 123s Lite

Elmo Loves 123s Lite

This is an app full of games, activities, and videos, which will help teach your child about numbers and counting. Explore the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in this FREE PREVIEW of Elmo Loves 123s. Download the FULL version of Elmo...

Price: Free Developer: Sesame Street
Elmo Loves ABCs Lite

Elmo Loves ABCs Lite

Explore the letters A, B, and C in this free preview of Elmo Loves ABCs. Download the full version for more letter fun - games, videos coloring pages, and more! FULL VERSION Elmo loves this app! It has songs...

Price: Free Developer: Sesame Street
Elmo Loves 123s

Elmo Loves 123s

This is an app full of games, activities, and videos, which will help teach your child about numbers and counting. ** iKids Awards - Best Learning App: Tablet (preschool) ** Elmo loves exploring numbers! This app has songs and videos about...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Sesame Street
ELMO xSync Classroom

ELMO xSync Classroom

「xSync Classroom for iOS」は電子黒板(大型提示装置)と複数の児童・生徒用iPadと教材の配信、書き込み、回答提出を行うことができる協働学習支援アプリです。 ※電子黒板(大型提示装置)との連携には、授業支援ソフト「xSync Classroom」 がインストールされた指導者用端末が必要になります。 「xSync Classroom for iOS」でできること ・ カメラ撮影機能 ・ WEB閲覧機能(管理者による許可が必要) ・ PDF閲覧機能 ・ 電子黒板(大型提示装置)に画面提示されているイメージデータを受信 ・ フォトアルバムデータ、ライブラリデータを電子黒板へ送信 ・ 各データ、ホワイトボード上でのペン描画、消しゴム機能 前提条件(オフライン時を除く) ・ 指導者用端末が授業支援ソフト「xSync Classroom」を起動していること ・ 指導者用端末がネットワーク接続されていること ・ iPadが無線LANアクセスポイント(指導者用端末と同一ネットワーク)に接続されていること 動作環境 ・iOS 11以降、iPadOS ・推奨機種: iPad Pro、iPad(6th)以降 ・対応機種: iPad Air以降 対応システム ・ 授業支援ソフト「xSync Classroom Ver.1.01以降」

Price: Free Developer: ELMO COMPANY, LIMITED
St Elmo CUSD #202, IL

St Elmo CUSD #202, IL

The official app for SCHOOL_NAME allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the district. Users may...

Elmo's World And You

Elmo's World And You

Based on Sesame Street’s most popular mini-series of all time, this is a collection of interactive Sesame Street “appisodes,” which will help teach your child about the world around them through creativity and play. *** 2016 Parents' Choice Gold Award...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Sesame Street
Elmo's Animals: A Sesame Street S'More App

Elmo's Animals: A Sesame Street S'More App

This is a school-readiness activity app, which will help teach your child about pets, farm animals, and zoo animals. *** 2016 Kidscreen Awards: Winner Best Learning App (Tablet) *** More than TEN activities in one fun animal-themed collection will help...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Sesame Street
Pepe Loves Books

Pepe Loves Books

Pepe Loves Books is a family app is designed to encourage bilingualism in children from birth with engaging fun stories and enchanting characters. The Pepe Loves Books series are early childhood education bilingual books available through ...

Price: Free Developer: Pepe Loves Books Inc
God Loves Deaf Kids

God Loves Deaf Kids

Deaf kids are amazing, cool, and fun! We know that, and GOD knows that! God LOVES Deaf kids! But most Deaf kids dont know much about Him because Christian resources for kids in ASL are really hard to find....

Price: Free Developer: Silent Blessings Deaf Ministries
Chevady Loves Children’s Day

Chevady Loves Children’s Day

特别为幼儿及少儿所研发的节庆英文学习教育益智游戏。 以儿童节为设计主轴,设计多元化的任务式导向型游戏,以激起孩子高昂的学习兴趣,进而高效验收所学课程;是兼具英文学习及休闲娱乐的游戏教育方式。 赛车争霸战游戏 (Car Racing) 比赛就要开始了,请握紧你的方向盘,一起陪着Chevady拿下高分吧! 小朋友需要利用装置上的水平仪,摇摆操控在跑道上的赛车,看看谁能用最快的速度搜集到最多的单字图卡与金币吧! 玩家须发挥专注力及高度的手眼协调来操控赛车,触碰到单字图卡后就会听到儿童节相关的单字语音,增强对目标单字的熟悉度,真正发挥在玩乐中学习的目的。 方块消消乐游戏 (Matching Cubes) 缤纷的小方块是不是让你眼花撩乱的呢? 小朋友,快来发挥你的洞察力与专注力,找出可移动的方块,三个以上的相同方块排成一排即可消除,消除越多,分数越高喔! 看看最后谁能在最短的时间内获得最高分。每当消除到单字图卡后就会听到儿童节相关的单字语音,借以增强对目标单字的熟悉度,透过具有挑战性与多元化的游戏,强化对节庆的认识。

Price: Free Developer: Kid Castle Educational Software Co., Ltd Shanghai
Puzzle Games for Kids Toddlers

Puzzle Games for Kids Toddlers

Assemble these cute forest animals out of colorful parts and watch them come to life right under your fingers! Puzzle Game for Kids is a unique assembling game with animation as an added bonus! Forest creatures can't wait to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Bini Bambini Academy
Baby Sign and Learn

Baby Sign and Learn

Inspire your baby to sign! Recommended by speech therapists, the adorable Baby Sign and Learn animated characters make signing so much fun! One of the most fundamental human desires is to be understood - help your baby communicate by...

Price: Free Developer: Baby Sign and Learn
Baby Sign and Learn ASL Pro

Baby Sign and Learn ASL Pro

Inspire your baby to sign! Recommended by speech therapists, the adorable Baby Sign and Learn animated characters make this app so much fun! One of the most fundamental human desires is to be understood. Help your baby communicate by teaching...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Baby Sign and Learn
123s & ABCs

123s & ABCs

The educational app “123s & ABCs” is a fun, easy, and interactive way to introduce the numbers from 1 to 20 and the letters of the alphabet to children at an early age. Swipe through pages showing numbers or letters...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: ZurApps Research Inc.
Dora ABCs Vol 3: Reading

Dora ABCs Vol 3: Reading

The third learning adventure in the Nickelodeon Literacy Suite, Dora ABCs Vol 3: Ready to Read! focuses on your child's early reading and phonics skills. After reviewing letter sounds in Dora ABCs Vol 1: Letter & Letter Sounds, and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Nickelodeon
Dora ABCs Vol 3: Reading HD

Dora ABCs Vol 3: Reading HD

The third learning adventure in the Nickelodeon Literacy Suite, Dora ABCs Vol 3: Ready to Read! focuses on your child's early reading and phonics skills. After reviewing letter sounds in Dora ABCs Vol 1: Letter & Letter Sounds, and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Nickelodeon
Dora ABCs Vol 1: Letters

Dora ABCs Vol 1: Letters

The first in the Nickelodeon Literacy Suite, Dora ABCs Vol 1: Letters & Letter Sounds focuses on your child’s emerging literacy skills. In this application, your child will learn the Alphabetic Principle: to recognize letters, write letters and associate...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Nickelodeon
ABC: The Art of the ABCs

ABC: The Art of the ABCs

Dive into the wonders of the alphabet and the world around us in the Art of the ABCs. Presented in beautiful cut-paper illustrations, the Art of the ABCs is an engaging object identification and language development app that...

Price: Free Developer: Bird Run Media, Inc.
ABCs Toys Baby: Surprise Eggs

ABCs Toys Baby: Surprise Eggs

Time to get cracking on the ABCs Surprise Eggs! FULL A to Z SPELL ALL THE ALPHABET EGGS IN ONE ABC BASKET TO OPEN TOYS ABCs Toys Baby Alphabet Phonics Letters lets toddlers and preschoolers spell and learn the ABCs...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Candybots Company Limited
Dora ABCs Vol 2:  Rhyming

Dora ABCs Vol 2: Rhyming

The second in the Nickelodeon Literacy Suite, Dora ABCs Vol 2: Rhyming focuses on your child’s emerging literacy skills. By matching rhyming words and more with Dora and Boots in this educational application, your child will become aware of...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Nickelodeon
Dora ABCs Vol 2:  Rhyming HD

Dora ABCs Vol 2: Rhyming HD

The second in the Nickelodeon Literacy Suite, Dora ABCs Vol 2: Rhyming focuses on your child’s emerging literacy skills. By matching rhyming words and more with Dora and Boots in this educational application, your child will become aware of...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Nickelodeon


“Top 20 Best Apps of the Week” - The Guardian UK “The perfect blend of nostalgia and learning opportunities” - “Fun, mess free way for learning”-Yahoo Voices “Well-thought out, educationally beneficial, colorful”- The Learning Treehouse “Completely transforms the way kids interact with...

Price: Free Developer: PlayDate Digital
Animal ABCs Alphabet & Phonics

Animal ABCs Alphabet & Phonics

Animal baby ABCs is a whimsical and lighthearted way to teach your baby or toddler their ABCs and phonics. Colorful, happy animals dance across the screen and let out cute heart shaped roars when your baby or toddler touches...

Price: Free Developer: Peakdigital

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