Do you want to find the best Kid Drawings alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Kid Drawings. Pick one from this list to be your new Kid Drawings app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Kid Drawings on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Kid Drawings alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Kid Drawings 2025.
5/5 STARS and BEST of the BEST "Kid Awesome Kindergarten is an outstanding app. Developers have incorporated features that not only make it easy for young children to use, but that also will really motivate them to come back...
BEST of the BEST and 5/5 STARS "Kid Awesome Kindergarten is an outstanding app. Developers have incorporated features that not only make it easy for young children to use, but that also will really motivate them to come back...
BEST of the BEST and 5/5 STARS "Kid Awesome Kindergarten is an outstanding app. Developers have incorporated features that not only make it easy for young children to use, but that also will really motivate them to come back...
5/5 STARS! The iPhone Mom: "My first grader is in love with these apps and I feel that it is a perfect way to help him play while practicing math and reading skills that he has been taught in...
Kid Castle - ABC VR 是款少見的動作類VR教育遊戲。在Kid Castle - ABC VR及VR眼鏡共同使用下,幼兒不需翻山越嶺就可以來到學習英文的雲端山城中。在限制時間內,聽字母發音並直覺看向字母方向即可選取正確字母並獲得積分。透過Kid Castle - ABC VR幼兒可以清楚地同時學習字母發音及字母形狀。Kid Castle - ABC VR絕對是提升幼兒英文聽力及專注力最佳遊戲。 Kid Castle - ABC VR is a delightful interactive educational app designed to play with a virtual reality headset. Let’s learn ABCs...
Have fun learning the ABC's and spelling with Smart Kid ABC. Featuring HD graphics, the app has been designed for little fingers and to facilitate learning at an early age. With this lite version you get full functionality for...
Educational games have always been an efficient way to teach little children. ABC Toddle And Puzzle Game for kid is really free jigsaw game to learn children while having fun! This educational and fun App helps young children learn the...
Kid Builders is an easy way to help your child grow in six areas: his or her mind, words, body, relationships, safety and health. All of these areas are important for your child to be healthy and ready to...
透過黑白相間線條圖,幼兒可自行創作配色,進而透過著色培養幼兒的手眼協調感、專注力、色彩應用及藝術感知。著色完成後將影像透過Kid Castle - Color ABC 即時轉換成3D AR圖。幼兒可以透過轉換的3D影像學習多個單字的正確的發音。Kid Castle - Color ABC所呈現的3D AR圖不單只是將單字圖立體呈現,同時透過3D圖旋轉及放大縮小等功能,幼兒更能進一部觀察各個單字圖所代表的動物及物件。
This is the simple game to help your kid know how to do math. This is simple to choose the answer from game. With the funny music and harder after each math, you kid will get more and more coins....
Paint with a magic brush drawings of princesses Coloring book of princesses from your favorite fairy tales. Drawings of princesses like elsa, anna or sofia for you to paint your favorite characters. If you love princess tales and stories for...
This app is a collection of electrical layout drawings for various types of floor plans for both residential and commercial dwellings. It also comes with electrical layout guidelines and designer tools. This app provides step-by-step instructions for designing residential electrical layouts...
Glossy Drawings app is simple kids drawings pad app. Kids can learn drawings easily. ##### Features ##### - Glossy colors - Save drawings to Gallery - Undo/Redo - Erase - Change Backgrounds Enjoy learning...
Sophie's Drawings Free is a step-by-step drawing application for kids aged 2 to 7. Follow Sophie’s magic pencil and learn to draw! You may start with basic shapes and then move to more difficult drawings. Sophie will be there to...
Coloring book of kittens to paint or draw. Paint drawings of beautiful cats or kittens like the puss in boots, sylvester, tom or other kitty that the kids like. Your children will be taking care of their pets and...
Paint cute kittens. Coloring book of kittens to paint or draw. Paint drawings of beautiful cats or kittens like the puss in boots, sylvester, tom or other kitty that the kids like. Your children will be taking care of their...
Color and paint beautiful unicorns. Book for coloring, painting or drawing unicorns. Paints pictures of beautiful unicorns, and also precious ponies. Small riders, children walking and jumping with a Unicorn or horse riding. It’s perfect for boys and girls...
Paint the fantastic and fun world of the circus! Color clowns, acrobats, jugglers, animals and much more. Paint cute animal draws. Perfect for boys and girls who love the circus. The princesses of the house will also be amazed....
Children who like to paint animals and canine animals patrol or have fun painting this game of animals for painting, they can make drawings of dogs can paint or draw pictures of dogs to care. They are coloring pages...
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