Do you want to find the best Ah Chute alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Education apps that are similar to Ah Chute. Pick one from this list to be your new Ah Chute app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ah Chute on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Ah Chute alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like Ah Chute 2025.
You can visiting a Somali speaking country like Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia or learning Somali? Translate any English or indeed any other language word to Somali or translate any Somali word to English. Translate any of your chats to Somali and...
An Official US Navy mobile application, produced by the Navy PMW 240 Program The Navy's Domestic Violence Prevention – All Hands (DVP-AH) app, revised for 2018, is a mobile training and resource tool that provides easy access to information and...
Baro Xirfad Dhaqan Dal ah Baro Adigo Gurigaga iyo Goobtaada Shaqo joogo. Websiteka iyo applicationka waxkabaro waa aalad casri ah oo kuu fududeyneso in aad qaab online ah ku barato wax walbo aad jeceshahay. Adiga iyo Caruurtada isku si ayaad wax...
User will be satisfied with this Somali - English dictionary because: - It has the largest vocabulary - Detail description for each word and a lot of samples - Simple UI & high performance make you feel easy when using * Full...
"Perles Divines" est un recueil de prières et d'invocations (Arabe/Translittération/Français) pour les musulmans Chiites (Ja'ffari). C'est une adaptation française de la très populaire application « Divine Pearls » (en Anglais) de Al Hajj Ejaz Hussein Z. Ajani. Ce projet est...
- Winner Editor's Choice Award, Children's Technology Review - 15 Great Apps for Kids, - Parenting Magazine “Best App for Kids” - Parents Choice Approved Millions of kids have learned to read with the Bob Books beginning reader series. Kids can watch...
Millions of kids have learned to read with Bob Books. Now Bob Books is available for the iPhone and iPad with Bob Books Reading Magic! Start your child reading with this phonics-based interactive game. Even very young children love the...
Bob Books, America’s #1 learn to read program, is proud to present Bob Books Reading Magic - Sight Words, the latest addition to our popular series of apps for 3-5 year olds. ***Winner of the Academics' Choice Smart Media Award*** ***Rated...
Bob Books, America’s #1 learn to read program, is proud to present Bob Books Reading Magic - Sight Words, the newest addition to our popular series of apps for 3-5 year olds. Simple and fun games help kids build...
L’animation chute libre permet de voir comment évolue la vitesse, la position, l’accélération au cours du temps d’une balle en chute libre sans vitesse initiale. Elle permet aussi de voir l’évolution des énergies cinétique, potentielle et mécanique au cours du...
Este é o Pacote de treinos de futebol MOTI™ 3D para jogadores juvenis e novos treinadores Este é um aplicativo de 85 MB e irá demorar alguns minutos para baixar. Após ser baixado, funcionará sem a necessidade de conexão à internet,...
A STEM arithmetic game where children learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with the help of Little Miss Inventor. Little Miss Inventor is the exciting new character from the brand that has brought us over thirty years of multigenerational...
Olá, bacharel, Esse simulado digital foi feito especialmente para você. Você fará 80 questões assim como na prova do exame da Ordem de Advogados do Brasil (OAB). As questões ficarão mais fáceis ou mais difíceis à medida que você errar ou acertar. Desse...
Facilitate learning math anywhere with Facility Rush! Facility Rush presents arithmetic problems for grades K-5 through 4 distinct mini-games, challenging players to solve various math equations. In Kart Kuro, players have to drag two numbers that when summed, make the value on...
Mémorable, l’application pour stimuler votre mémoire de façon ludique et intelligente. En 10 minutes par jour approfondissez vos connaissances et votre culture générale grâce à des questions courtes, des extraits d’articles du Monde, des vidéos ou des infographies. Chaque leçon se...
Une chute de météorites dans Paris ? Grâce à une chasse virtuelle aux météorites dans le Jardin des Plantes et à plus grande échelle dans tout Paris, ce jeu met en avant le contenu de l’exposition "Météorites, entre ciel...
**Smart Cycle® hardware is required for game play - because the more kids pedal, the more they can learn !** A Jellyfish bloom has drifted into Bikini Bottom and now everything is covered in jelly! Play as SpongeBob, Sandy,...
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