Top 37 Education Apps Like Asahi JLPT-N5 (English) - Best Alternatives

Asahi JLPT-N5 (English) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Asahi JLPT-N5 (English) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Education apps that are similar to Asahi JLPT-N5 (English). Pick one from this list to be your new Asahi JLPT-N5 (English) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Asahi JLPT-N5 (English) on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like Asahi JLPT-N5 (English) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Asahi JLPT-N5 (English) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like Asahi JLPT-N5 (English) 2025.

Asahi Kanji (English)

Asahi Kanji (English)

Study tool to memorize Japanese kanji, radicals (bushu) and primitive elements. * A stack of flashcards for all Jōyō kanji (2141 kanji, 2010 official list) and the 5 levels of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N5 to N1). Choice of the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Roger Meyer
AR Periodic Table of Elements

AR Periodic Table of Elements

AR App for AR Enhanced Periodic Table Presented by Tokyo Electron Introduction Tokyo Electron’s Periodic Table of Elements (Japanese and English) with augmented reality (AR) features was published in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper on July 22, 2017, as well as on...

Price: Free Developer: 東京エレクトロン株式会社
Japanese Basic Kanji 2136

Japanese Basic Kanji 2136

If you are studying or using Japanese or Japanese kanji, this is a must-have application. It can help you to remember kanji with your finger. This application included 2,136 most commonly-used basic kanji which are Called 'Jooyoo Kanji' in...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: AOBO Co.,Ltd
Japanese Basic Kanji for iPad

Japanese Basic Kanji for iPad

If you are studying or using Japanese or Japanese kanji, this is a must-have application. It also can help you to remember kanji with your finger. It is redesigned for iPad's big screen and provide the fastest and simplest...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: AOBO Co.,Ltd


英語の学習。英単語(動詞)を学びます。 Learning English-Japanese. 日本語の単語は、名詞から派生することが多いですが、英語の単語は、動詞から派生することが多いです。 例えば、日本語で「存在する」という言葉は「存在」という名詞+「する」です。 「存在する」だけでなく「配置する」「表現する」など、名詞に「する」をつけると動詞になることが日本語には多いです。 一方、英語では「exist」という動詞があって、そこから派生して「existance」という名詞ができています。 このように、英語では動詞が重要なので、その単語がどのような動きを示すものなのかを、わかりやすくアニメーションで表現してみました。 その単語が、だいたいどんなかんじの意味の単語なのかを、感覚で覚えていきましょう。

Price: Free Developer: puripuri
Crayon Shinchan Little Helper

Crayon Shinchan Little Helper

◆More than 20 types of "help" are renewed every month! ◆You can learn how to help with Shin-chan in a funny way! ■ 'Assist' Contents creates interest in "To Assist" ■ "To Assist" is so much fun! This is an educational app (children's...

Price: Free Developer: Neos Corporation
Listening Trainer

Listening Trainer

語学学習に役立つ音声再生アプリです。 CNN(*) English Expressをはじめとする朝日出版社のリスニング教材の音声を再生できます。 《特徴》 ・自動的に次のトラックへ再生されるので、スイスイ快適! ・バックグラウンド再生ができるので、聞き流し学習にも最適! ・一部ゆっくり音声もあるので、理解を深めるのに効果的! 《使い方の例》 Step 1 CNN English Expressを購入 Step 2 本アプリをダウンロード Step 3 アプリを開き、をタップ Step 4 カメラへのアクセス許可する Step 5 カメラでQRコードを、もしくはコード番号を入力して、読み込む ※ライト版は【asahi】と入力してください Step 6 My Audioの中にコンテンツが加わる ---- *TM & (c) 2019 Cable News Network, Inc. A Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved.

Price: Free Developer: Asahipress Co., Ltd.


JLPT TOÀN THƯ - Đúng như tên gọi của ứng dụng, đây là chương trình giúp bạn có tất cả những thông tin cần thiết để chuẩn bị cho các kỳ thi JLPT. Từ kanji, ngữ pháp, từ vựng,...

Price: Free Developer: Le Thi Quynh Ny
JLPT Encyclopedia

JLPT Encyclopedia

JLPT Encyclopedia is one of the best Japanese learning applications at present for practising JLPT for all levels from N5 to N1. JLPT Encyclopedia provides Japanese lessons for levels from N5 to N1 as follows: JLPT N5 Encyclopedia: - N5 grammar -...

Price: Free Developer: Tien Ngo


JLPT is a helpful tool to learn the Japanese language and prepare for the JLPT exam by studying Japanese vocabulary,grammar,kanji. It contains a dictionary of over 200,000 words required for the exam across all 5 levels. The dictionary...

Price: Free Developer: Phan Tai
JLPT Kanjis - JLPT Study, Kanji Quiz, Kanji List, Japanese Study

JLPT Kanjis - JLPT Study, Kanji Quiz, Kanji List, Japanese Study

#### Do you want to learn Japanese Kanji just in single week? #### +++++ New method to memorize Japanese Kanjis +++++ ----- More than an ordinary flashcard App ----- ********* Memorize 'em all ********* @@@@ Thank you for downloading more than 100.000 @@@@ JLPT...

Price: Free Developer: ugur yilmaz
JLPT test N2,N3,N4,N5 - Mytest

JLPT test N2,N3,N4,N5 - Mytest

Mytest helps users to minimize the time it takes to prepare for the JLPT test N5, N4, N3, and N2. Mytest's data includes 40 JLPT tests and more than 20,000 exercises (from N5 - N2) with full answers and...

Price: Free Developer: Linh Nguyen
JLPT Samurai

JLPT Samurai

"JLPT Samurai" is an application for preparing Japanese Language Proficiency Test. You can learn and practice vocabulary, kanji, grammar and listening for all JLPT levels. ■ JLPT N5 Level ・Vocabulary ・Kanji ・Grammar ・Listening ・Quiz ■ JLPT N4 Level ・Vocabulary ・Kanji ・Grammar ・Listening ・Quiz ■ JLPT N3 Level ・Vocabulary ・Kanji ・Grammar ・Listening ・Quiz ■ JLPT N2 Level ・Vocabulary ・Kanji ・Grammar ・Listening ・Quiz ■ JLPT N1...

Price: Free Developer: ArgeWorld
JLPT Grammar (N1,N2,N3,N4,N5)

JLPT Grammar (N1,N2,N3,N4,N5)

Ứng dụng tra cứu và học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật theo chương trình JLPT dành cho tất cả các trình độ N5, N4, N3, N2, N1. Các chức năng chính + Tra hơn 1000 mẫu ngữ pháp từ cơ bản...

Price: Free Developer: Tin Dang
Learn Japanese JLPT N4

Learn Japanese JLPT N4

Learn absolutely anywhere you can use your mobile phone or device! You can even Learn whilst walking! This is the second in the series, following JLPT N5 Beginner App. Imagine using your time sitting on the bus or train learning a...

Price: Free Developer: Martin Ogg
Learn Japanese JLPT N4 Pro

Learn Japanese JLPT N4 Pro

Learn absolutely anywhere you can use your mobile phone or device! You can even Learn whilst walking! This is the second in the series, following JLPT N5 Beginner App. Imagine using your time sitting on the bus or train learning a...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Martin Ogg
JLPT Test Pro ( Grammar, Vocabulary, Kanji )

JLPT Test Pro ( Grammar, Vocabulary, Kanji )

JLPT Test pro version contents variety of test question about Grammar, Vocabulary, Kanji to help people level up their skills for Japanese. - Test level N1 - N5 each level include KanJi,Vocabulary,Grammar + Each category include 10...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Tin Dang
JLPT N5 Vocabulary with Voice

JLPT N5 Vocabulary with Voice

Are you preparing for the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test? Well, it starts from this app. The JLPT has five levels: N1, N2, N3, N4 and N5. The easiest level is N5 and the most difficult level is N1. Corresponding to this,the APP...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Shi Zechun
Học Tiếng Nhật N5

Học Tiếng Nhật N5

Chức năng nổi bật : - Liệt kê các mẫu ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật N5 - Từ vựng, ngữ pháp, kanji minna - Giải thích chi tiết từng mẫu ngữ pháp, ví dụ mẫu câu tiếng Nhật, tiếng Việt, phiên âm Romaji -...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Tien Thanh
Japanese JLPT N5

Japanese JLPT N5

*** JLPT N5 APPLICATION*** App for who is trying to pass N5 Japanese language proficiency test (JLPT). In this app we focused into Kanji and vocabulary. In order to pass N5, you have to memory about 100 Kanji, 800 new words and...

Price: Free Developer: Dong Nguyen
JLPT N4-N5 日本語能力試験4級・5級検定

JLPT N4-N5 日本語能力試験4級・5級検定

本アプリは日本語能力試験N4・N5レベル形式の問題集を、PART 1からPART 4まで各25問のアプリです。 日本語能力試験三級JLPT N4・N5を目指す方々が文字・語彙・文法の分野をバランスよく学習することで、日本語能力がアップできます。 隙間時間や電車で移動・通勤・通学時間中でも学習しやすいアプリです。 「問題」 ・択一問題、4つ選択があります。 ・回答もつけております。 ・制限時間は一問20秒で設定しております。 This application is a Japanese Language Proficiency Test N4 and N5 format questions application from PART 1 ~ PART 4 25 questions each. 「Questions」 ・4 selections answer ・ Correct answer ・Time limit for each question is 20 second 此应用是日语能力考试N4和N5级格式的练习题,从第1部至第4部各25个问题。 「练习题」 ・选择题目 ・答案 ・每题解答限制时间是20秒

Price: Free Developer: 株式会社Tohomart
jlpt kanji book study (N1-N5)

jlpt kanji book study (N1-N5)

This application will help you study the Kanji for the Japanese Language Proficiency Tests (JLPT), level N5, N4, N3, N2 and N1 (N5 being the easiest and N1 the hardest). The split of old N2 into N3 (and new...

Price: Free Developer: Dong Nguyen
JLPT Kanji N1~N5

JLPT Kanji N1~N5

Ứng dụng JLPT Kanji N1 ~ N5 là ứng dụng trợ giúp việc học kanji của các bạn. Với các chức năng mới, lạ hy vọng sẽ làm hài lòng tất cả các bạn. Các chức năng chính của ứng...

Price: Free Developer: Linh Trong
Ngữ Pháp N1~N5 Game

Ngữ Pháp N1~N5 Game

Tra cứu, học ngữ pháp N1, N2, N4, N4, N5 qua game. Tổng hợp hơn 600 mẫu ngữ pháp trong tiếng Nhật.  ● Học ngữ pháp theo từng cấp độ JLPT  ● Luyện tập các mẫu ngữ pháp qua game  ● Chọn phạm...

Price: Free Developer: Dien Tran
JLPT Monster N5

JLPT Monster N5

The JLPT Monster is a comprehensive vocabulary learning tool that helps you to memorize words needed to pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N5. Developed by Japanese language linguists, the JLPT Monster follows a well established, card box based...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Tobias Wiedow
JLPT Test N5 Kanji

JLPT Test N5 Kanji

This is the app for to practice Japanese Language Proficiency Test(JPLT TEST) N5 Kanji これは日本語能力試験N5の漢字を練習するのためのアプリです。 これは にほんご のうりょくしけんの N5の かんじを れんしゅうする あぷりです。

Price: Free Developer: hiromu izuwa
Business English App by Business English Pod

Business English App by Business English Pod

Learn business English with your favorite business English lessons from Business English Pod! • Learn with 300+ business English lessons • New English lessons added every week • All the business English you need for success The Business English App is a...

Price: Free Developer: Business English Pod
ABA English - Learn English

ABA English - Learn English

Join more than 25 million students at ABA English! We teach English based on the principles of the natural method - just like learning English in real life! Improve your understanding by watching our ABA films or practice through...

Price: Free Developer: ABA English
Quiz your English

Quiz your English

Quiz your English is a fun new way to practise, improve, and test your English by competing against learners from all around the world. Practise with friends, building vital language skills in the process, and test yourself in a...

Price: Free Developer: Cambridge English
Puzzle English

Puzzle English

Develop your listening skills and improve your vocabulary with free Puzzle English app! It is an excellent tool to learn English without tutors for those who have basic knowledge of the language. Tasks: VideoPuzzles and AudioPuzzles — exercises for developing...

All Ears English Listening

All Ears English Listening

Do you want to learn English with real American people? Are you looking for a new and fun way to learn? Are you tired of learning alone with your textbook? Come hang out with Lindsay, Michelle, and Jessica from...

Price: Free Developer: All Ears English, LLC
ICU English

ICU English

ICU English began in 2010 as research in the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) as part of a Postgraduate Programme. After gaining the rights from Pearson Education, the company was formally established in 2011. We currently...

Price: Free Developer: ICU English LTD
Learn English with Songs HD LIte

Learn English with Songs HD LIte

Get ready to learn and improve your English through our cool animated songs! Enjoy, learn and practice 15 different themes & topics to help you improve your English in a unique, rocking, song-based way. We’ve created hours of unique...

Price: Free Developer: Cambridge English Online Ltd.
Learn English with Songs Lite

Learn English with Songs Lite

Get ready to learn and improve your English through our cool animated songs! Enjoy, learn and practice 15 different themes & topics to help you improve your English in a unique, rocking, song-based way. We’ve created hours of unique...

Price: Free Developer: Cambridge English Online Ltd.
English for Meetings by Business English Pod

English for Meetings by Business English Pod

Business English Pod brings you English for Meetings – an eCourse app packed with quality business English lessons to help you get your English language skills in shape for your next meeting. Learn English for Meetings: > Listen and learn business...

Price: Free Developer: Business English Pod
English for Presentations by Business English Pod

English for Presentations by Business English Pod

Business English Pod brings you English for Presentations – an eCourse app packed with great business English lessons to help you get your English language skills in shape for your next presentation. In this Business English Pod eCourse App, you'll...

Price: Free Developer: Business English Pod

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