Top 47 Lifestyle Apps Like This is a straightforward Tarot app, no fussing, going right to the point! - Best Alternatives

This is a straightforward Tarot app, no fussing, going right to the point! Alternatives

Do you want to find the best This is a straightforward Tarot app, no fussing, going right to the point! alternatives for iOS? We have listed 47 Lifestyle apps that are similar to This is a straightforward Tarot app, no fussing, going right to the point!. Pick one from this list to be your new This is a straightforward Tarot app, no fussing, going right to the point! app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to This is a straightforward Tarot app, no fussing, going right to the point! on your iOS devices.

Top 47 Apps Like This is a straightforward Tarot app, no fussing, going right to the point! - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid This is a straightforward Tarot app, no fussing, going right to the point! alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 47 similar apps like This is a straightforward Tarot app, no fussing, going right to the point! 2025.

This Is Not Clothing

This Is Not Clothing

The ‘This Is Not Clothing’ app is an augmented reality experience, unlocking interactive artwork and digital sculptures by scanning This Is Not Clothing’s labels. The app enhances This Is Not Clothing’s exploration of fashion, art and technology, adding a...

Price: Free Developer: This Is Not Clothing
SEX mood - Only an astrologer knows this!

SEX mood - Only an astrologer knows this!

Sexuality is the engine of human development and is directly related to the second, orange chakra. Temptations, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, intimacy between the loved ones, reduction of stress, passion and various martial arts - it all belongs to the ways...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: RJR SOFTWARE
who this

who this

With who this you have hundreds of ratings and reviews of public speakers directly at your hands. If you want to know whether it is worth to visit the talk of a speaker, you can look up his profile...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Hitzker
This Momma Life

This Momma Life

Whether you’re looking to access your account or training, get access to new FREE courses I release, or purchase new paid courses (via in-app purchase) you’ll find everything you need here. Download the This Momma Life app to: • Access all...

Price: Free Developer: Expanded Life LLC
Catch Santa Claus in your House this Christmas!

Catch Santa Claus in your House this Christmas!

Catch Santa Claus In Your House on Christmas! SHOW YOUR CHILDREN THAT SANTA WAS IN YOUR HOUSE! Photo Proof HE IS REAL! Imagine the joy of your child if you actually showed them a photo of Santa visiting your own...

CMH Lifestyle

CMH Lifestyle

Welcome to the CMH Lifestyle App CMH Lifestyle would like to offer you the best products in the market! Our belief in, caring for your lifestyle, caring for you, adds a personal touch to each product and our friendly, experienced team...

Price: Free Developer: Custom Apps SA
Success in Business Hypnosis

Success in Business Hypnosis

Use Hypnosis to help you on your path to success right now by allowing “You Deserve Success” Hypnosis to help you get motivated and make wise decisions. This hypnosis will tap into your subconscious mind and modify your behavior...

Price: Free Developer: Hyptalk
That Vegan Life Co

That Vegan Life Co

‘That Vegan Life Co’ is a comprehensive app covering all aspects of a vegan lifestyle helping you to become a 'confident, healthy & social' vegan. This app is for you if you are: -vegan and tired of explaining your...

Price: Free Developer: totalu Pty Ltd
NA Audio Companion Clean Time

NA Audio Companion Clean Time

Listen over 1000 hours of amazing Narcotics Anonymous 12 step audio speakers, workshops and literature. There is something truly blessed about hearing personal stories from others who are in Narcotics Anonymous. These stories are usually life-changing and can help...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: GOODBREW, LLC
It Is Written

It Is Written

With this free app, you’ll always have It Is Written at your fingertips! It’s never been easier to access It Is Written’s 30-minute Weekly television programs, short devotionals, and the latest ministry news. Features included: -Instant access to It Is Written...

Price: Free Developer: It Is Written International Television
It Is Written TV

It Is Written TV

It Is Written TV is a brand new channel, dedicated to presenting thought provoking, biblical programming that will inspire and encourage you as you learn about the Word of God. From our flagship program "It Is Written" to...

Price: Free Developer: It Is Written International Television
The world famous paintings is handed down seven roll

The world famous paintings is handed down seven roll

The world is handed down the 17 to 18 th century painting painting famous paintings The world is handed down in the 19 th century school of famous paintings The world is handed down the prehistoric paintings medieval famous...

Price: Free Developer: TLRoom
FishStar — Every fish is a super star

FishStar — Every fish is a super star

Fishstar is an innovative smart aquarium. Contains intelligent technology in both hardware & software. The hardware equipped with real time high definition camera , which is of waterproof & multi-angle rotatable. And allowing remote feeding and automatic feeding wherever,...

Price: Free Developer: 深圳市易新科技有限公司
Light is back

Light is back

The App iGuzzini Light is back makes you discover the city under a new light. iGuzzini adopts the Cenacolo Vinciano and many other artistic and cultural sites by creating new lighting solutions with innovative technical systems: Light is back! ...

Price: Free Developer: iGuzzini illuminazione spa
2Civility: The Future is Now

2Civility: The Future is Now

The Future Is Now: Legal Services conference, co-sponsored by the Illinois State Bar Association, the Chicago Bar Association, the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois, the American Bar Association Center for Innovation and the American Bar Association Standing Committee on...

Price: Free Developer: Custom Built App
kiss is not a kiss without you

kiss is not a kiss without you

New map has been added which reacting to the geomagnetism, rotates northward, with the calculator and the memo functions so far. Everyone knows that having multiple functions in one application is very convenient. The storage device is very...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: mlet co.,ltd
Ask And It Is Given Cards

Ask And It Is Given Cards

These beautiful cards capture the essence of the life-changing, best-selling book Ask and It Is Given. You will experience an enhancing of your personal power, which may, at first, seem illogical or even magical, as the Energy Stream from...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Hay House, Incorporated
Is it love? - Does he/she love me?

Is it love? - Does he/she love me?

Thanks to this app you can find out if your crush loves you or not. ,,Is it love?" asks you several questions and gives you a feedback how your chances are!

Price: Free Developer: Etienne Koch
How to Tie a Tie !

How to Tie a Tie !

The need for tying a tie may surprise you, when you will not expected it. Your phone is always with you - therefore we recomended install this application and save for the future - you will see, I'm sure...

Price: Free Developer: ExaMobile S.A.
City on a Hill Church Boston

City on a Hill Church Boston

City on a Hill Church meets weekly in Brookline. This official CoaH App connects you to a variety of resources including sermon audio & video, the blog, events, and giving.

Price: Free Developer: City On A Hill Church
Crock A Doodle

Crock A Doodle

Crock A Doodle is Canada’s own paint your own pottery franchise. We bring people together to create, laugh, share and grow. Our drop-in pottery painting studios welcome people of every age and ability to paint and play. Enjoy some...

Price: Free Developer: Crock A Doodle Inc.
You Are A CEO - Life Coaching

You Are A CEO - Life Coaching

You Are A CEO creates self-leadership & entrepreneurial products and tools that helps our community remove 4 key elements that prevent us from optimizing our success. The goal is to help everyone take charge of their life by empowering...

Price: Free Developer: You Are a CEO Inc.
Pinch A Penny - Pool Care

Pinch A Penny - Pool Care

The Pinch A Penny Mobile App makes it possible for you to have the perfect pool all year. You can easily test for Free Available Chlorine, pH, Calcium Hardness, Alkalinity and Cyanuric Acid using a test strip or liquid...

Price: Free Developer: Pinch A Penny
eezy – A.I. lifestyle planner

eezy – A.I. lifestyle planner

eezy plans your entire evening in moments using groundbreaking sentient artificial intelligence. Every recommended activity is tailored to your unique personality and current mood resulting in tailored daily itineraries that can involve restaurants, bars, movies or clubs. You can...

Price: Free Developer: eezylife Inc.
Hobify: A hobby for money

Hobify: A hobby for money

Discover new hobbies & experiences around you. Explore what´s trending in town and meet people nearby who share your passion. Do you want to be a DJ for one day? Paint a Graffiti on a wall? Or maybe practice martial...

Price: Free Developer: Jobify App, S.L.
A-List Business Class

A-List Business Class

A-LIST Business Class, Bournemouth's BIGGEST lifestyle discount card. With tons of fantastic offers and benefits. With new offers added every week, there is always something new with A-List App. If you're looking for a family day out or just something...

Price: Free Developer: Expect Best Ltd
AA 12 Steps - For A Anonymous

AA 12 Steps - For A Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous - 12 Steps, A Guide is  intended as a simple,  short and
 concise interpretation of the rules for sober living   as  compiled  by   the  earliest   members  of the organization. Great care   has  gone  into  the
preparation  of the  pamphlet. Most  of the  ideas
 and explanations   were  brought...

Price: Free Developer: Suneet Amrute
Albert Einstein - A Man of Success

Albert Einstein - A Man of Success

Welcome to explore the Albert Einstein. This application has a complete collection of Albert Einstein quotes. It features all of is best quotes which can truly inspire any human across the globe. This app has some of the best features...

Price: Free Developer: Jasmin Siddhpara
Yi Jing

Yi Jing

Ancient oracle meets modern device! Deal with life's challenges more meaningfully. Tap into your inner self. Find the translation that speaks to you. Ask questions, use the oracle, manage a journal, and browse multiple book translations. Ask questions... * Specify a...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Flat Earth Studio LLC


What would it take for you to become a Six Figure Hairdresser? The truth is, if you really want to build your income to that level and are willing to approach your career with a new focus, you too...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Sixfigure LLC Apps


The GOD’S NOT DEAD app explains the evidence for the Christian faith, as featured in the GOD’S NOT DEAD movies and in the books by Dr. Rice Broocks. It provides quick answers to the most common and challenging religious...

Price: Free Developer: The A Group
How to Get Your Ex Back Fast

How to Get Your Ex Back Fast

How to Get Your Ex Back Fast is the most practical way to get your ex back with an easy to follow plan. INSIDE YOU GET: *Straight to the point advice on how to get your ex back *ULTRA detailed strategies on...

Price: Free Developer: Payam Pakmanesh
Emoji Art HD

Emoji Art HD

Do you want to impress your friends? Now you can enhance your text messages with expressive emoji art using this app. Main Features: - Easily decorate your text messages and emails. - 500+ Emoji Art - Directly send to WhatsApp - Copy and...

Price: Free Developer: FunPokes Inc.
Hello - Talk, Chat & Meet

Hello - Talk, Chat & Meet

*Already 500.000.000 Calls and 250.000.000 Matches and new connections* on Hello - Talk, Chat & Meet Hello - Talk, Chat & Meet is a mobile app that connects people in a two-minute voice conversation which can lead to a lot...

Price: Free Developer: Hello Entertainment
Magical Birthday Cards

Magical Birthday Cards

Send a birthday card to your friends, family or anybody who needs it! Use this App to create a very personal message. Surprise them by sending the card by e-mail, share it on Facebook or print it. It is...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Martin Rehder
Sex&Roll Sex Positions of Kamasutra Guide and Game Premium

Sex&Roll Sex Positions of Kamasutra Guide and Game Premium

● The one and only app with position animation! ● One of the first position app on iTunes ● 5 years and millions of downloads ● Best illustrations available on AppStore ● Try it! ------------------------------------------------ ● BUILD your own position...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: CEM Inc.
Tarot & Numerology

Tarot & Numerology

The ultimate professional Tarot App! Customizable to all needs and tastes with multiple cartomancy systems in addition to Numerology Calculators. Daily Forecasts combining Tarot card for the day and numerology. 27 Decks to choose from, 1 Tarot deck installed by default...

Price: Free Developer: Phuture Me Ltd
Tarot Universe - Card Reading

Tarot Universe - Card Reading

Tarot are the ancient and mystical door of knowledge that you may have wanted to open many times. Are you going to accept the challenge to peep into tomorrow's day? To find out more about yourself, about the people...

Price: Free Developer: Mobio eood
Tarot Card Reading Moon Witch

Tarot Card Reading Moon Witch

Unsure about your future? The Moon Witch Tarot Card Reading App uses Tarot as a story-telling tool to give you accurate details about your past, present & future while connecting you to your own magical intuition. Based on the...

Price: Free Developer: Treemo Labs
Angel Tarot Love

Angel Tarot Love

For the first time - Love Angel Tarot - specially developed for your smartphone! Benefit from the centuries-old wisdom that Angel Tarot cards carry within, and find out more about your love life from the angels. Is this really the...

Price: Free Developer: Mobio eood
Lenormand Tarot

Lenormand Tarot

BIG GAME BY MLLE LENORMAND. This astro-mythological Tarot was created at the beginning of the XIXth century by Marie-Anne Lenormand. Born in Alençon in France in 1772, big scholar, her creates this Tarot from a classic game of 54 cards,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ghislain Pellegrin
Angel Tarot Card Reading

Angel Tarot Card Reading

Benefit from the centuries-old wisdom that angels carry within, and find out more about yourself. Their messages can give you the faith you need to make your dreams come true. Evidence of the angels’ presence among us has existed for...

Price: Free Developer: Mobio eood
Tarot Cards Reading Pro

Tarot Cards Reading Pro

Tarot, Daily and Love Tarot, yes-no tarot, 3 cards tarot, tarot for 2018. Best tarot application for your phone or tablet. Features: Tarot predictions, 4 tarot decks - Universal tarot, Modern medieval tarot, Osho zen tarot, gilded tarot The tarot card...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Vladimir Duranic
Tarot Cards Reading.

Tarot Cards Reading.

Tarot, Free Daily and Love Tarot, yes-no tarot, 3 cards tarot, tarot for 2017. Best tarot application for your phone or tablet. Features: Tarot predictions, 4 tarot decks - Universal tarot, Modern medieval tarot, Osho zen tarot, gilded tarot The tarot...

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Duranic
Tarot readings online - Daily tarot reader PRO

Tarot readings online - Daily tarot reader PRO

Get your daily Tarot readings for all the things that really matter in life! The most detailed tarot cards forecast - now you can make your choices with the luck from the stars energies. Main features: Daily Tarot readings. Daily flirt...

Price: Free Developer: Gil Fibi shtra
Astro Tarot - Daily Tarot Card

Astro Tarot - Daily Tarot Card

• Discover your future with this free tarot card reading application. • This is the most complete tarot online, including love Tarot, Tarot yes no, card of the day, etc. Totally free tarot reading online. If you like fortune telling, you've...

Price: Free Developer: Trinh Kien

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